Supreme Demon

Chapter 2530: When borrowing!

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The fairy pool is rotten. Such as

The same treasure is in full bloom, quite beautiful. top

All the resources are evacuated, leaving only the small pool, but because the whole fairy is soaked in it, the top resources have already given the soul of Xiaochi.

Vaguely. also

It is possible to sense the light and rain drifting over the small pool, which is not obvious. If you don't pay attention, it is easy to ignore the past. can


It is because Ling Feng is very careful to find out the difference in Xiaochi. It seems that there is a head Xiangrui to fly out, revealing a fierce breath, which makes people feel scared, and let Ling Feng feel that the bowl of Qingquan is different, and there is a "sinfulness". To the treasure, of course, more terrible. this

engraved. Ling

The wind stood in front of the small pool, full of light and rain behind it, full of auspicious. he

Like Xian Guxian respects the world.

This is a great man who comes from the light!

The four emperors know that this is not the case. Lingfeng is not a fairy-tale figure, and it will not emit such a fairy light, but who dares to take advantage of Lingfeng? Of course


Before they responded, they were detained by terrible forces and suppressed in the sky, and the body of Lingfeng was raised a little bit in their hearts until they needed them.

emperor! only

What kind of characters can these people be able to suppress them, and who can simultaneously suppress their four emperors?

Just look.

Just the gas field!

They are not seen by such characters, but they are the Lord of the Lord.

How many devils can there be in the world? he

They are stunned, and the eyes of Ling Feng are full of tremors. Only the emperor in this world can make them feel so trembled. "

No, this breath is not like..."

The head of the devil's face suddenly sinks, feeling the difference of Lingfeng's atmosphere, Xianjin's breath is very light, not like borrowing Xiangu material and Tiangong asked.

To know. Fairy

Gu Tiangong is different from the Tiangong of the world. As long as it is used more or less with the "taste" of Xiangu, they have not found it in Lingfeng. What does this mean? "

How can this be? "four

After the Emperor saw the problem, he directly scared the hair, and the atmosphere and the gas field on Ling Feng were no problem. that

There is only one possibility!

Tearing talent! Ling

The wind did not borrow the resources of Xiangu. He relied on his own strength to break the cage. Under the restraint and suppression of the later world stars, he made an incredible transformation.

How magnificent is this?

Looking at Xiangu, how many characters can you do this step? In the past, they only knew one person. that

It is the Lord!

However, Ling Feng also did the same.

“Why is it impossible?” Ling

The wind is coming, the face is filled with indifferent smiles, but it falls into the eyes of the emperor but it is very embarrassing and crazy. "What can the magic master do, why can't I do it? Or in your heart, Am I not as good as the Lord?"

"Just by you, how to compare with my Lord?" A magician screamed coldly. Finish

I didn’t put Ling Feng in my eyes, and I didn’t put it on the same level as the Lord.

"I can already do it, the king is on the starry sky, overlooking the sir!"

The cold wind smiled and sneered. "He is the devil, but I am the devil, the demon has only one demon, and the magical power has only one demon!"

Hehe, the emperor of the district, just want to be with me! ”

The head of the demon scorned and said, "My lord asked the emperor three hundred years ago. Is it that you just asked the successful person to be side by side?"

"One hundred and fifty years ago, I was just getting started, and he is already an emperor. I am late for him for a whole millennium!"

Yes, now I ask the emperor, only three hundred years late. ”

"So what about the future?" Ling

The wind didn't care. Now he doesn't want to go to the Lord of the Devil. It was the emperor's guy three hundred years ago.

However, different from the emperor, the Taoist needs the air transport, resources, and tyrannical mentality. magic

The family does have a huge amount of resources, and the devil can set foot in the realm of the emperor in a short time, but in terms of mentality, the perseverance will only be stronger than the devil. magic

The Lord "has no food and clothing", and he is from the bottom. each

One step is the transformation of power, the baptism of the soul! because


Ling Feng is more resilient. when

Of course, there is a more important point, that is, Lingfeng experienced sixfold Nirvana, talents and other qualitative changes, in the face of life and death test, Ling Feng is more calm.

The Lord is in front. can

He is catching up step by step, he has to prove to the Mozu that the start is late, not necessarily weak. fruit

Of course.

When the voice of Lingfeng fell, the faces of the four demons suddenly changed. When they seriously pondered, they found a terrible fact. The devil asked the emperor to use it for seven hundred years, and Lingfeng?

It is only a hundred and fifty years old. This

What is the concept?

If Lingfeng maintains this momentum, how long does it take for the Emperor? Ask the demon statue? he

Has it really been suppressed by the Lord? Want

Is Lingfeng achieving overtaking?

shudder! four

The Emperor was scared. When people shouted out that the Lord had enemies, they still didn't think so. Where can the world find people who can rival the Lord?

Now, they really think that the Lord should pay attention to it. "

Hey, for a long time, no one has come over, you are really disappointing! ”

Ling Feng looked at the four emperors with a sly look, and the smile on his face was more prosperous.

The four emperors were cold and cold, and the emotional winds and their nonsense were so much that they were waiting for more demons to come over. As long as they were not the devil, they were afraid that there were not a few characters in the devil. Ling Feng?

What makes them tremble is that they are completely detained and unable to move. It is impossible to tell the other magical emperors.

Fortunately, there is no magic emperor at this time, otherwise the sacrifice will be even greater.

"A good light and rain gate, it was so blasted by you, it is really irritating." Ling

The wind wanted to use the light rain to catch a few big fish. As a result, he ran a few small fish, and the light rain gate was completely abolished, and it was basically impossible to build another one.

"Dead!" Ling

The wind is too lazy to take care of these four emperors, they have not much interest in them, directly collapsed, and then the resources in the space ring of the four demons are searched out.

Not to mention. This

The four emperors are quite "rich", especially the devil who is headed, there are dozens of immortals, some of which are brought out of the demon, and more are in the sea of ​​Xian Gu Xing. owned. "

This Xinghai is simply a medicine garden. ”

Ling Feng sighed, Xiangu Xinghai should only be a corner of Xiangu civilization, it has been "rich" to this extent, it is conceivable, how brilliant the ancient civilization.

I have to say that at this moment, Lingfeng has some fascination with the ancient civilization. sheet

After the engraving.

He erased the breath of the four emperors and used Xianli to make it difficult for others to discover the clues. Not to mention the terrible battles that have taken place here. which is

There is no light rain gate, this is still a very good bait.

of course.

Ling Feng’s intention is not just to fish, but he also wants to move this fairy house away. complete


This Xianfu comes from the Xiangu civilization. The value of the resources does not need to be said. But the empty Xianfu may not have any value. It can be preserved from Xiangu to the present, and it is not simple. only


There is a terrible prohibition in this fairy house, which can actually let the spirit beads eat, and really surprised Ling Feng.

"There are still strange doors!"

Lingfeng Mou almost burned up, even the light rain Qimen did not have such suppression power, but this prohibition has, what does this mean?

Under the Xianfu, the town may have sealed the unfortunate treasure.

and. Fairy

The government itself is a treasure to the world.

Two days later. Fairy

The emperors of the court and the virtual palace appeared. Among them were the two emperors who had left, and they went to Xianfu together. They were the same as the four previous emperors. Lingfeng appeared in front of them and shocked the eye. boom

Long! This

The second Lingfeng did not give them time to struggle. On the spot, several Wudi were suppressed and thrown into the spirited beads. This

It is a chip that can be traded in the future!

Next, Xianfu calmed down, but Ling Feng always felt that there was a feeling of wind and rain to fill the building, so he took the time to grab the entire Xianfu before the appearance of the big guys.

Boom! he

Sacrifice the magic road forbidden soil and forbidden power, and press it to Xianfu. Of course

However, Xianfu was only a tremor, and it was not picked up.

then. Ling

The wind used the power of Xianli and the Burning Path, and played a fire, and the sky and the earth collapsed. The entire Xianfu seems to be cut open. In the end, the burning blade did not open the fairy, but the spirited beads remained. I was bounced back by that force and couldn’t move.

He really wanted to use the ban. complete

actually. that

The ban is the top force of his system. The problem is that the ban has only just recovered in the past few years. If he uses it in advance, how can he save his life?


Not at the moment of life and death, the prohibition cannot be easily born.

"Xianfu is extraordinary, not that I can break it at the moment." Ling Feng frowned, deeply aware that there should be a big secret hidden under the fairy house.

But the great treasures of Xiangu want to seal the treasures and secrets. Is it that Lingfeng can break open?

"Let's borrow!"

Ling Feng magic eyes shine, he can not break, does not mean that other characters can not break.

"It's time to leave!"

Ling Feng finally looked at Xianfu and laid down his own brand to prevent this fairy from being "lost" in the stars.

He is not eager to go to the distance, but to find a hidden cave, to hide in seclusion, to sort out the "resources" of several major powers, and to get more accurate news, especially the demon Lord and Tianzun, Mozun, etc. . when

Of course. also

There is such a very important sky-breaking flag. Although there are only four sides, it can be pushed horizontally. If you find eight sides on that day, it will be no less than an ancient Wuta. How can Lingfeng not like it?


He also found a lot of things in the "resources" of the four emperors. Among them, there are some questions about this ancient sea of ​​stars, which is quite beneficial to him.

"Xianfu is not the top resource of this Xiangu Xinghai?" Ling Feng was surprised to say something to himself.

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