Supreme Demon

Chapter 2531: Sorry to bother!

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Xianshan, Xian Cave, Xianfu! This

It is a special resource of Xiangu Xinghai. It is called the triple heaven, and Xianshan belongs to the first heaven.

mountain. this

It belongs to the vast objects, which is more fascinating than the caves. However, the ancient sea of ​​stars does not mean that there are endless resources when the objects are vast. The real resources are only at the top of the mountain, they need people to look for them, and the number is rare.

The fairy cave is different. This

It is the "topography" that people have created. It has many treasures and resources, and it can be listed as a double heaven.

What about Xianfu? more

different. This

It is the progressive civilization of man, the "power" that people really create, and only the unfathomable characters can cast the "fu", which requires massive resources and terrible strength. It is not that every character can create a "sin" "The government" and other "powers." this

Come. Ling

The wind feels that Xianfu is the top civilization of the Xiangu Xinghai, and the appearance of the stars and bronzes makes Lingfeng feel this way. When he gets some news from the "resources" of these characters, he can't help but sigh.

Xianfu is not the top, there are more extraordinary resources on it.

Temple of the Immortals. This

The miracle can only be created by the best people in the immortal period, and it requires extraordinary strength and powerful resources. Fairy

It is the immortal gold embedded in the house, and it is very likely that the temple is embedded with bronze. What kind of treasures are there in this hall? when

Of course.

The Temple of Immortals is also only a speculation of the Mozu characters, but the speculative characters are different, and the weight is naturally different. magic

Fairy! This

It’s so shocking that a character is a person who has taken a half step to the fairy in the ages, and its weight is naturally different, even if it is only speculation.

In fact.

This magic fairy once wanted to go to the fairyland, and there are too few such examples in history. Only the fairy **** can be traced back. Therefore, this magic fairy has explored Xiangu and found that some civilizations disappeared in Xiangu. The fires disappeared into the universe, and the great men built a temple in them.

History is called the temple! Want

It is a Tianzun in the district. This credibility is low, but how can one not be shocked when a half-step magic fairy tells?


The "prophecy" of the magic fairy has been fulfilled. In the immortal period, there was indeed the disappearance of civilization. At this moment, it reappears in the world and carries a huge amount of resources, just like a fire. Is there a fairy temple in the sea of ​​this fairy? that

Is it the last fire of Xiangu?

Ling Feng meditated, the whole fairy scented through the fog, making people unpredictable, not as simple as the surface to see. and


What makes him frown is how the horrible fairy civilization disappeared?

What power can there be in this world to force the ancient civilization of the world to pervade and annihilate?

Is this the root of the annihilation of the ages?

Is this the end of the world that people are worried about? star

The ancient road disappeared. At present, only one hundred stars have been found, and the last eight stars have been lost in the universe. Is it in the Xiangu Xinghai?

The truth is confusing. can

. Fairy

The appearance of the ancient star sea pushed the power of the whole universe to the top, detonating the universe, and the age of genius came, and the threshold of asking was loose, not as difficult as before. its

real. This

It’s not the feeling of Lingfeng, but the feelings of the great forces and the heavenly people. The heavens that have been born in these years are really too much, and pushing forward for thousands of years, I’m afraid that there will be no heavens born in these decades. There are many people, not that they are too genius, but the pressure on the stars is weakening. Genus

The golden age of the universe is coming step by step. on

Historically, the golden world is like a return to the sky, not too long, and then the end.

The temperament of the entire universe is exhausted by the golden world, the temperament is weak, the power is bleak, and the pressure is multiplied, and the doctrines of the major figures are dying, and every step forward must be bloody.

These signs are disturbing. "

I am afraid that I will find some of the truth if I want to find the temple. Ling Feng said thoughtfully.

of course.

At present, Ling Feng still does not touch that level, even Tian Zun is far behind, not to mention him, but he wants to be strong as soon as possible before the end of the world, so that he is qualified to face the end of the world, rather than waiting for the end of the world to come. By the air, you will pass.

He is worthy of his own life.

"The temple is hard to find, but should the fairy house be more than one or two?"

Ling Feng’s face was full of smiles. Fairy

The government is full of powerful resources, and this is the important treasure that he tears open the talent and asks the Tao. He is going to take this step, and he wants to know how the Taoist stepped into the sky. he

There is no underworld. more

There are no ancient books of great power.

thus. This

Xiangu Xinghai is his support.

A few days later.

He became calm, but he was not in a hurry to find other resources such as Xianfu and Xianshan.

after all.

Xiangu Xinghai not only has endless resources, but also a terrible restricted area. It is that Tianzun may be lost, not to mention him. and


Now that you have the resources of your hand, you may not be able to bring out the Xiangu Xinghai. In the end, the Xiangu Xinghai will definitely break out of the world. Some people are destined to die. Some people will cast the emperor and blindly search for resources. It is too greedy. It will only become the fish of others.

Ling Feng does not want to be someone else's fish, he wants to make himself stronger. in

In a hidden cave. Ling

The wind hits a strange door, seals the hole in the town, and presses it in one place, so that it does not scatter. and

He sat in it and sacrificed the resources from Xianfu, especially the stars, bronzes and bowls of clear springs. These are more extraordinary materials than Xianjin, which breed more power of Xianu. Once it's sprayed out, it will take Lingfeng to the next level.

More importantly, Ling Feng found that the fairy charm in the star iron is better than the fairy gold, and the bronze is more pure than the fairy charm in the star iron.

As for the bowl of clear spring, Ling Feng did not see any doorway. only

I am afraid that I need to take it before I can really feel the difference. Of course


For this kind of material Ling Feng is not clear about its origin, how dare to take it?

He wants to wait and see. If you can understand the truth from other forces, or the Mozu, you can use it with confidence. Otherwise, it is a tragedy to get a poisonous death.

"Come on by the stars!"

Ling Feng is anxious to wait. The Xiangu Xinghai is different all the time. People are searching crazy, and some people are making rapid progress.

He wants to keep the pace, only one step faster than other characters. call

! when

The empty road is full of glory, and the strange road leads to the star iron.

Initial time. star

The iron is dull, there is no change, but when Xianli flies out, the star iron makes a tremor, directly ablate, and there is a shimmer from it. The faintness is like the color of the starry sky, like a fog, flocking Ling Feng's body. can

. when

When this temperament falls in Lingfeng, Ling Feng feels different. that

Like a piece of iron stuck into his body, tearing flesh and blood, quickly moving forward, terrible to unimaginable. and


The pace is getting faster and faster.嗡


A stream of rhythm dive into the body of Ling Feng, while the flesh and blood are tingling and also making a dull and exciting sound, like a roaring, the power is more variable, so that Ling Feng has a feeling of filling. only

Only a piece of star iron.

Its massive temperament is not comparable to Xianjin, at least it is also comparable to hundreds of sacred gold.


The charm of the Star Iron is more ancient and more solid, like the dual artistic conception of the fairy tales, and the sublimation of the celestial temperament is completely not a level, so Ling Feng gets more. Want

It is the emperor next to it, I am afraid that it will be crazy because of this power, and progress is not a star and a half. Of course


Lingfeng's way is different, the star is like a bottle of wine, and the magic road is like a thousand glasses of drunken wine god, a few sounds will disappear. This

The situation made Ling Feng a little surprised and helpless.

The sky road and the counter-empty road are very different. It requires a huge amount of power to fill up. The emperor next to it will be crazy because of this massive force, and the power will change qualitatively. However, in Lingfeng, it is only a little wave of waves.

of course.

Ling Feng will be amazed by the accumulation of this amount, but the same amount of such a thing will be a headache for him.

If it weren’t for Xianfu, if it’s not in this ancient sea of ​​stars, he would like to go further and don’t know how much resources it will cost and how much time it will take. One

The block is not enough. that

Just ten. Ling

The wind is now a local tyrant. There are many immortals and stars, and there are many pieces of bronze. Naturally, they don’t care about these consumptions.

He successively sacrificed ten pieces of star iron to make the power full, exudes the ancient aura, and the emperor's momentum has become more vigorous, insisting on flying out and making people feel astonished. can

To say.

Until now, his emperor finally took a step. Boom

! suddenly

Of course.

The Qimen in front of the cave suddenly trembled. A dagger pricked in from the cave and directly broke Qimen.

"Oh, this is even so dare to blatantly fall in front of the cave, can you really stop your home Buddha?" A hearty sound sounded, extremely disdainful to the strange door in the cave, overlooking in a condescending posture With. And

. in

After the Qimenwa solution, he strode into the cave and banned himself from entering the cave.

however. under

For a moment, his footsteps were a meal. I saw that in the cave, a character smiled and sat on the ground, looking at him with a strange face.


The breath on that person has not been exhausted. this

Time. that

People's gas field is proud of the sky.

The "Fo's Lord" with his head in his head was in the same place, and he was a little worried. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to open it. He said that he was wrong? Will he believe it?

Just a moment. that

On the bald head of "Fo Ge", there was a cold sweat, no previous arrogance, and even a feeling of trepidation. "

Something? Ling Feng smiled and asked.

"Sorry, bother!"

The "Fo Ge" was directly smashed, and then hurriedly retired, and hit a strange door to seal the cave. This is a good habit of "Fo Ge" who thinks he is smart and "actively closes."

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