Supreme Demon

Chapter 2533: Lingbi Caves!

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Fairy cave!

This is the mysterious area after Xianfu. Although it is not as rich as Xianfu resources, it is not as calm as Xianfu, but it has a lot of resources and is more primitive.

In the top resources, the fairy cave is not comparable to the immortal, such as the stars, bronzes and so on.


In the middle-level resources, the fairy cave is not comparable to Xianfu. The original resources are all from the fairy caves, Xianshan, etc., and the fairy caves and Xianshan are not developed by the immortal figures, but naturally come out, in the fairy charm, It is even more important than the artificially carved gods of Xianfu.

This is especially true for Xianjin.

The fairy gold of the fairy cave has not been polished, more primitive, and each piece of immortal gold is less than the immortal gold, but in terms of quantity, the fairy cave and the fairy mountain are a mine.

It can be said that the immortal gold in Xianfu is "dead", while the fairy gold in Xiancao and Xianshan is "living", just because no one can be sure how rich the fairy gold is.

It may be a small piece of abandoned gold ore mine, or it may be the Xianjin ancient mine that breaks through the sky.

People pay attention to Xianfu is the star iron, bronze, and even the bowl of clear spring, while Xianshan, Xian Cave is the immortal gold deposit and the oldest charm of the immortal period.

Although the ancient sea of ​​Xianxian is vast, the stars are endless, and the whole sky is covered. Some stars are big into the cloak, while others are small and dusty. This is the picture that people see in their eyes. It is completely intuitive in the distance, but in Xiangu. In the Xinghai, don't say that the areas of Xianfu and Xianju are extremely difficult to find.

A fairy mountain on a star can also be called a fairy star, and a star can be born in a fairy house. The star field around this star can be called a fairy field.


There are not many "top resources" in Xianhaixinghai. In the Bohai Sea, the shape of the sea is the same as that of the sea. It is said that Xianfu and Xian Cave are the advent of Xianshan, and they can all start a **** storm.

until now.

There are only 12 fairy tales found in the sea of ​​Xianguxing, and there are only six fairy tales, and there are only three ancestral temples. As for the fairy temple, it is just an absurd dream.


These "resources" fall into the hands of the five major colleges. They are still more gluttonous, and their preciousness can be seen. Other forces can only play the autumn wind in the fairy sea. After knowing the value of Xiangu resources, their desire for Xiangu resources. I can imagine it.

Xianshan, Xian Cave, Xianfu.

If you have any one, you can cast a force. This is not empty talk.

Needless to say.

When the seventh fairy cave was born, people were like sharks smelling blood and smelling completely crazy.

Even if this fairy cave was discovered by the Emperor's College, the first emperor's spiritual space, and the entire Emperor of the Royal Academy, the Emperor, the Emperor, and so on, can still suppress the "enthusia" of people, when the news spread At that time, the major forces and the college rushed to the cave.

Lingbi Caves!

Located in the Lingxiaoxing area, it is located on a white dwarf star. The whole star is gray and stunned. Even if a martial **** appears on this star, I am afraid that it will be crushed by its powerful and powerful. .

However, this white dwarf star is not too large, equivalent to the area of ​​the **** Wuxing, in the stars of the Xiangu Xinghai, it is not eye-catching.

Moreover, this white dwarf star is bare and can't see greenery, like a deserted star.

In fact.

This is a situation caused by terrible weight, and no creature can live under this huge weight.

The surface of the white dwarf star is covered with potholes, like the metal is corroded and broken, and the whole star is more like a huge gold.

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Genus, far stronger than the metal on other stars, equivalent to God Jin, how can it not be surprising?


This is of no value to the Emperor Wudi. Shenjin is no longer the material they need, and Xianjin is the focus.


Almost all of this star has been ignored by them. Who will waste time on Shenjin?

There are a few demon emperors who don't give up, want to cut open this white dwarf star to see if there is any other material, so they found the vast gate, and found the coffin cave in Qimen.

Although, they tried their best to contain the news, and let the same door come in time to prevent the cave from falling into the hands of others.


The news still went away and spread.

In just a few days of hard work, this white dwarf star was filled with virtual light, and a character came to the air and looked forward to it. Among them, Tianzun was the most eye-catching, and came to the whole three. This is in Xiangu. Xinghai is rare.

To know.

There is an unpredictable force in the sea of ​​Xiangu Xing, which can make the characters of Tianzun class lost. The strength is strong, but the strong power here can make their sense of consciousness fail, and then form a fantasy, and seal themselves in the illusion. .

It is extremely rare to be able to come from a fantasy.

of course.

Xiangu Xinghai is too vast, and the power that is lost in it is not everywhere, some people will encounter it, and some people will encounter it for life.

Either these three characters are terrible celestial sorrows who have survived the illusion. They have never encountered lost power.


Because they appear, the situation becomes tricky, and any character who wants to get the resources of the fairy cave must go on in the hands of these three gods.

Not much time.

People found the fairy cave, where the momentum is not strong enough, the light rain is shallow, but people still find the difference.

The Royal College prevented other forces from discovering this fairy cave, and laid a strange door here to cover up the truth. But this strange atmosphere is easier to find than the fairy cave, and it can be broken if found.


Just the tea martial arts, the vast singularity of the door was disintegrated in the destruction of the three heavenly lords. In an instant, a huge amount of celestial atmosphere rushed out, making people's eyes red.

Needless to say, here is the fairy cave.


The three gods did not hesitate and directly broke into the cave. After them, the Yuan emperor, the emperor, the emperor, etc. followed closely, not too much, otherwise they could not even think of the scrap.

However, these three heavenly representatives represent three different forces, and other characters are vigilant.

"The situation seems to be not as good as expected."

In the distance, Ling Feng is looking at this scene. He thought that this is a hunting game. There are not many people coming from various forces. After all, the ancient stars are too far apart, and it is not realistic to want to come to the same door in a short time.

Things are moving in the direction he wants.


The appearance of the three celestial sects broke his vision, and it would be too much trouble for such characters to deal with them.

The fairy cave is different from Xianfu.

It is very round, but it is natural. Many ice-cone-like rocks stand upside down, extending in all directions. There are many caves inside, which lead to the distance. They seem to have different directions. In fact, they all lead to the center.

In each hole, there is a medicinal fragrance, and the old medicine is emitting the last essence disappearing into the world.

Also ancient

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The fairy gold is buried between the rocks and stones, and when the light rain falls in, it releases a faint aura.

In the moment of indulgence, the three heavenly lords went in three directions to avoid conflicts of interest, while other Wudi were excited. They were worried that they would collide with the three lords and separate them would be more beneficial to them.


They chose caves that were completely different from those of the three gods.

For a time.

The cave that was still crowded with people became empty, and other characters disappeared.

"Grandma's, finally arrived!"

A voice sounded from far and near, and appeared in the cave in a short time. Looking at the fairy cave, he was full of sadness and excitement.

"Since ancient times, only the grandfather of Buddha has robbed others, when did he fall into being robbed by others?"

The big bald head appeared, and the body was rich. It was the Buddha who was attacked by Lingfeng. After many days of sorrow, he also heard the news and hurriedly rushed to fill his own small warehouse.


The resources that were robbed could no longer be returned, and Foye was very angry and wrong.

"Don't let Foye find him, otherwise..."

After that, Foye rushed to the cave, and the voice disappeared, and it was blown away by the wind.

The whole world is quiet, and the characters within tens of thousands of miles should fly. Other characters either did not fly in time or did not hear the news.

Half awkward.

Ling Feng only came out from the hidden space and looked at the front, especially the cave where the Buddha disappeared.

When the Buddha arrived, he knew.

He did not stop, but did not appear, and the Buddha's coming will only benefit him.

next moment.

Ling Feng also broke into the cave, and the Buddha is not a cave, only because of his cave, belongs to the Mozu.

Because of the Mozu, Ling Feng came over.

The Mozu knows the most about Xiangu Xinghai. If Lingfeng wants to know more, it is necessary to work hard again.

The cave is bare and the light is very dark. There are some immortal gold embedded in the mountain wall. At this moment, it has been deducted by the Mozu, and the pits are ironclad.

Ling Feng did not care.

He couldn't mind picking the fairy gold, and these hard work was naturally handed over to the former Mozu.

In fact.

The Mozu did not get much, and most of the real resources have fallen into the hands of the Yaozu, and they are coming to the Yaozu.

This is a game!

Everyone thinks that they are the people of the layout.


They walked out of the cave and walked down. The terrain was tilted to the center of the earth, and the burning scent was blowing in. It seemed that the magma had to be sprayed out from below.

As Ling Feng speculated, many caves, in fact, only one direction, no matter how well-connected, in the end will only be one direction.


Soon after coming out of the cave, there was a vast passage at the end of many caves. It was not so much a passage, but rather a plain.

The vegetation is beautiful and dense.

There is no sunshine, but there is a fairy charm that ignites life.

At the end of the plain is a colorful light rain, where there seems to be a lot of material, like cobblestones, but it is in the center of the earth, far from seeing it.

"That is a rare fairy gold mine!"

A character exclaimed.

(End of this chapter) (

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