Supreme Demon

Chapter 2534: Misty!

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The plain is wide.

The scattered stones spread out from under the feet until the end of the plain. It is not like a white dwarf. It is not only lush vegetation, but also full of charm, and the weight is not as strong as before.

Don't say that the Yuan Emperor is not affected here, that is, the influence of the gods is reduced to a minimum.

People came to the end of the plains and couldn't help but take a breath.

In the light rain, a transparent gate is slowly spread out, covering a space of five hundred miles, and in that space is a huge ancient mine.

This ancient mine is surrounded by pebbles, colorful, like a special raft here, the entire ancient mine is very magnificent, and below it is a huge fairy gold, although the color is grayer, Not pure.


That is indeed Xianjin.

A large piece of fairy gold in the face is buried in the earth. Although it is not as good as the pure gold of the palm of the hand after refining, it cannot hold the mass of this ancient mine. In the middle of many cobblestones, there are a few pieces of fairy gold, although not enough. How many immortals can there be in such an ancient mine?

What people value is not the texture of Xianjin, but the amount of Xianjin.

And this is where the fairy cave is more outstanding than Xianfu.

A fairy cave without an ancient mine is of little value, but as long as the Xianjin ancient mine is opened up, the value of this fairy cave is immeasurable. God knows how many gold is buried in it?

If these sacred golds are mined, I am afraid that a small force can fly to the branches and become a phoenix.

How not to make people crazy?

"There are nine heavy seals inside!" One Tianzun spoke, from Xianting.

"This ancient mine only reveals a corner. The real mine is below. Such a huge ancient mine, which is very likely to breed star iron, even copper."


These characters know more, and Ling Feng knows that it is bronze, but it cannot be properly called.

Bronze should be called copper!

That is the copper from the void, the most primitive, it has been rumored by the chaotic ancient gas, so it is extraordinary, there are rumors, the virtual copper is the fall of a star, its star nucleus cracked and evolved.

No matter what kind of rumor, the copper is more mysterious, and there is a lot of ancient charm, but all martial arts will be shocked.


Even such a huge ancient mine, the birth of a piece of virtual copper is a shocking world, even the gods must pull the sword to kill, its preciousness can be seen in general.

"Go down and find the kingdom figures as soon as possible. They should have gone to the virtual copper!"

A Tianzun spoke and looked more directly. He was able to let the Emperor’s characters abandon the fairy gold. I was afraid that there would be only stars and copper, and I was afraid that the virtual space would have discovered more valuable materials.


The spirit emperors and emperors did not hesitate, and immediately after the three heavens opened the ancient mine gate, they immediately rushed to the bottom.

The ancient mine is mysterious, filled with fog and smashed.


It is not straight through the heart, but twisted and twisted, extending in all directions. I don’t know where to go. The passage is not just one, but many, some of which are primitive and ancient, from Xiangu, and a few. Newer, it should have been opened not long ago.

The gods of the Royal College are not idiots.

This fairy cave is really shocking. As long as it is found to be a big trouble, they can catch up with other characters, but they can't guarantee that they can always lead, so they have to make some layout in advance.

at least.

They can get through some channels in advance, so they can get rid of them, so that the characters of the Tianzun class can't find them for a while, and they are even scattered. As long as they can dig out the stars and copper in a quick step, they can escape.

By then.

It is not so easy for Tianzun and Emperor-level characters to find them.

They calculated well, but did not expect someone to discover earlier than other people, and released the news early, so that the three heavens forced them to come over.

"The fog here is very different, and it can cover me and wait for God. I can't find them!"

The three heavenly gods frown, and every fairy tales in the ancient sea of ​​Xianxian are not so easy to dig. They are filled with the power they do not understand, and they can deceive the gods. The royal character is just looking at this point and dare to set it up. The situation.

"When I am not waiting for me, I will break in as soon as possible. Even if we are looking for one by one, we must first step at the Royal College!"

The three gods are stunned, separated from each other, and rushed into the passage with their influencers.

The characters of the emperor need to get through one channel, and they don't need it. The speed is not a level at all. Is it faster than just one step?


Is the ancient cave of Xian Cave really as they imagined?

After all the people disappeared into the passage, a ghostly figure appeared in the ancient mine.

As he madly smashed the gold, he said with tears. "Fo, I am poor!"

If it was before.

He really dared to break into the channel. He first turned over several characters, picked up some Xiangu resources, and then worked hard in the channel. Maybe you could get the star iron and the virtual copper one step at a time, but it is different now.

His Xiangu resources were looted, and now only the pockets are poor.

In fact.

At first, he was really ransacked to this step, even the clothes were lighted, so he hated the **** emperor, just let him ask the emperor, he will find this place back.


Buddha is not only as simple as poverty, he is just a spiritual emperor, no emperor, how to compete with other characters?

Although there are not many immortals in the ancient mines, they belong to the scraps. They are also top resources for the Buddha. They should not be missed. As for the massive resources such as the stars and the copper, they can be slowly illustrated.

People are floating in the rivers and lakes, and life is very important.

This is the embarrassment of Buddha and his wife.

Of course, this is before the encounter with Ling Feng.

Since the encounter with Ling Feng, his tragedy has begun.

"Don't let Foye meet you, otherwise Foye will teach you how to behave!"


Lord Foye took a deep sadness and walked into a deeper passage.

"Resentment is still quite big."

Ling Feng followed, looking at the sad figure, his face filled with a faint smile, the Buddha said the cause, it seems that he and this Buddha is very close.

He did not follow the direction of the Buddha, but went to the direction of several demons.

The passage is faint, like the mouth of the demon, and you have to swallow all the things in the world.

Lingfeng step by step, can feel the difference of the terrain here, the weight of each step will become deeper, even if he has to push forward with pressure, but in the process of going forward, surrounded by the wall The potholes on it will increase.


It is indeed an ancient mine, bred with a large number of immortal gold, and most of them are currently in the hands of the emperor.

The fog is heavy.

Ling Feng can feel the fog here is different from the previous one. The pale color is filled with the power of trepidation. The gods are disappearing little by little, the flesh and blood become numb, until finally nothing can be felt, in vain Go forward.

"Lost in power!"

Ling Feng Mou suddenly became cold, thinking of the terrible power that can make Tian Zun lost.

That power restrains the rules and rules of space, blinds the soul of the soul, and makes people in the illusion.

That flesh and blood is illusory.

The psychedelic Weili is infiltrating the devil, thereby confusing his mind, letting him lose his direction and lose himself.


Ling Feng was very cold, Xianli suddenly flew out, horrible Tianwei, on the spot let the psychedelic fog disappear, the psychedelic power can restrain the space rules, that is, the sky road and the anti-airway are affected, but this Will not affect Xianli.

Only because of the fact that Xianli is able to make everything.

"In this way, it is not just Tianzun that these fogs can be lost!"

Ling Feng said dullly. "Power is strong, it is easier to get lost. This fog can be a bit awkward!"

of course.

This is not to say that without Xianli, it will be lost. It is only the will of the people that confuses the power to disintegrate. As long as the will is determined, it will not be affected and can come out of it.


Is there only a little bit of glory in the illusion?

Ling Feng first sensed it, and then directly annihilated it, without realizing the true power of the illusion.

In fact.

What people see is vast resources, such as immortal gold, star iron, and virtual copper, which are in front of them, and that is true at your fingertips.

That is the boundless future of Bohai!

How many people can stay awake at this moment?

When their will collapses in front of massive resources, the psychedelic power will really go deep into the flesh and bones, and then they will never come out again.

Only when the will is strong enough to be free from confusion can we go further.

This is also a test for the people of Xiangu Xinghai.

"If the three gods are lost, then it will become very interesting." Ling Feng smiled.

He stepped forward.

The passage is twisted and twisted, and it is forbidden to the center of the earth. There is no magma here. There is only a solid stone mine. The metal of various colors hangs around, the fairy gold is in the column, and the more downward, the color and purity of the fairy gold are corrected. In this way, I am afraid that it is really possible to breed star iron and copper.

Not much time.

Ling Feng discovered several devils, being enveloped by the fog, his madness, his hands fluttering in the air, seemingly to catch something, but he did not grasp anything.

They are lost in the quarry.


This is not the total number of those emperors. Some of them have gone to the center of the earth and their minds are extremely determined.


Ling Feng forward, will suppress several demons on the spot, the magic soul directly into their soul sea, get some information from it, have more understanding of Xiangu Xinghai.

"The devil is really coming!"

Ling Feng's demeanor suddenly glimpses, that person is not only his rival, but also the enemy of the entire starry sky, there will be a confrontation in the future.

Asked the emperor's characters thousands of years ago, just think about it and let people fry.


When the world is different, the suppression is not strong before, the Xiangu Xinghai is also coming out at this moment, more resources are coming to him, and he can let him catch up in a short time. Who will dare to predict in the future?

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