Supreme Demon

Chapter 2535: He didn't...

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The fog is more heavy.

This is a refinement of the mind. Only a truly powerful person can pass, and then he is qualified to ask the emperor, even the Tao emperor. Those who do not have such a mind are destined to die.

Ling Feng is in it and is not affected.

Xianli is the top force that disintegrates all things. Even if it is the Tianwei of Xianhai Xinghai, he must bow down in front of Xianli.

Lingfeng step by step, speed is not fast, not slow, especially when the major forces are in the psychedelic smog, his unaffected characters naturally faster.

Psychedelic thirty miles!

In the winding passage, these thirty miles can be called the death of the earth, even if the gods are not spared, and the more unpredictable the power, the more psychedelic attacks are even more terrible, otherwise the magic ancestors will not be until now Haven't returned to the stars yet.

at the same time.

The channel extends to the center of the earth, and there are more and more immortals around it. The amount is more than that of Xianfu. Lingfeng naturally does not miss the truth. Although the color and purity are not enough, as long as it is sacrificed, it is still people. Crazy massive resources.

His path is different.

The need for massive resources will make it even more difficult in the later stages.


He is now an emperor, only one step away from Tao Di, but this is the step, God knows how much resources are needed to fill up?

not to mention.

Since the Taoist priest asked for the demon, it needed more resources. The consumption was quite terrible. Lingfeng had to pick up more.

When Ling Feng excavated the gold in the 30-mile period, the amount also made Ling Feng happy, there were more than 80 pieces, even if the purity is not enough, but it is not weaker than the more than 80 pieces of the Death Academy. Gold, and this is the channel. I really want to turn over the entire ancient mine. How many pieces will there be?

After all, this passage is just the tip of the iceberg of the ancient mine.


When Ling Feng walked out of the psychedelic smog range, he couldn't help but look at the magic. In the distance not far away, a demon emperor was standing cold, and the demon eyes shone with fierceness, like staring at prey.

"Oh, the Mozu really is a jealous race."

The demon emperor gave a sneer, and stared at Ling Feng. "There were four people who could walk through this psychedelic sea of ​​fog. I want to ask the emperor, but unfortunately..."

"What a pity?"

Ling Feng is not screaming, not even panic, the demon emperor is indeed not weak, even if the coffin is right, he is afraid to suffer big losses.

However, he is not a coffin, not the previous emperors.

"Unfortunately, you are going to die!"

The demon emperor took a step forward, and the momentum of his body spurred out, and the monarch was empty and suppressed.

He is calling out to the whole world!

He is proof to the star ancient sea!

He is the emperor!

When the gas field was released, it was the wind that could not help but frown. The emperor was more tyrannical than any of the people he had encountered before. Obviously, he did not just ask, and he could keep it at the exit of the passage. Out of its terrible strength.

"The Yaozu already knew that we would come over, right?" Ling Feng could not check back one step backwards.

"Not bad!"

The demon emperor sneered and said: "The fairy tales came out, we did not contain the news in time, I want to come to the major forces will soon know."

"So, you want to kill all the characters here?"

The demon emperor smiled coldly, did not speak, some words can be said, some words can not.

"Do you know that it is not just us who come in at the moment, but also three heavenly lords?"

"so what?"

The demon emperor did not change color, and he sneered and said: "Wu Emperor and the Emperor naturally have me to deal with it. As for Tianzun, of course, it can be dealt with by my demon!"

"Not to mention, whether they can survive the illusion of the fog is still the same thing."

"How did you come in?" Ling Feng asked.

The psychedelic fog sea has an influence on Tianzun and has more influence on the demon statue. Even the emperor should not be so easy to come in.


The Yaozu figure seems to be very easy in this respect, which makes Ling Feng feel quite wrong.

Are the demon characters all determined to be determined?

Too virtual!

"I will tell you when you are killed!"

The demon emperor did not explain that this is the secret of the Yaozu characters. Naturally, other forces and characters should not be known. The psychedelic sea of ​​fog is very powerful, but it is not uncontrollable.


The psychedelic fog sea is also graded.


After that, the demon emperor directly came forward and carried the Geshi Regal. A Qinglong knife opened the world and appeared in the face of Ling Feng. The sinful Regal could make the Emperor and the Yuan Emperor tremble. In front of the emperor, other Emperors They are all chickens and dogs.

call out!

Ling Feng flashed a step, did not confront the demon emperor, but smiled far away.

"Do you know who I am?"

In the magic light, Ling Feng is elegant and laughs, but the sound is full of chilling charm.


The demon emperor did not put it in his heart. For him, as long as it is not a demon, the other devils are earth dogs.

not to mention.

Since he asked the emperor, the Emperor of the World can kill, even if the Lord of the Lord is standing in front of him, it is not without the power of a war.

"Hurry for a few years, some things have some characters, you are beginning to blur, forget it?"

The breath of Ling Feng slowly spread out, there is no magic light to cover up, his true content also appeared in front of the demon emperor.. "then let you remember it again?"


The magic road appeared in the forbidden soil, carrying the Gai Shi Junwei, directly fell down, that is the contempt of the upper king for Wang Chen, that is the shackles of the monarchy to the dog.

Sky roads and counter-airways flash together.

The terrible light penetrated the sky and swayed the endless dust, making the passages around it tremble, letting the demon emperor flew on the spot and hit the passage.


He vomited blood on the spot and his face changed.

Even in the past many years, the gesture of that face’s smile is still as alarming.

Ling Feng!

This character who once stunned the entire starry sky appeared in front of him like this, not from the posture of Emperor Wu, but from the gas field of the monarch.

In a hurry for many years, many things are wrong.


Some people still have some nightmare in their hearts, a shadow that they can't afford for life.

That year, he looked down at the starry sky and let the starry sky genius bow down.

That year, he turned the stars and smashed the stars.

That year, the entire starry forces did their best and could not kill them.

After many years.

When people thought that Ling Feng disappeared and disappeared into the stars, he appeared again.

Take a more powerful stance!

With that look down!

He is back!

Although these years, the demon emperor has changed a lot. The emperor of the Emperor Wudi was admired by the gods. But at the moment of seeing the wind, the heart could not help but start the turbulent waves and instinctive tremors.

This is not the result of power.

This is what Tianwei is!

He casts too many miracles, and his foot is the record of the endless genius corpse, he is a war **** who can't beat the battle!

The demon emperor was covered in cold sweat, and his hands and feet had such a moment of numbness.

What made him even more shocked was that Ling Feng asked the emperor, and it was the King of the World. Just a single blow made him hurt and flutter. Can such strength be comparable to him now?

“How is it possible?” he asked blankly.

"Why are you still alive? Why can you progress to the emperor level?" This is what he can't figure out.

"Since the ancients came, how many people coveted the ancient material, but who ever thought about it, even if there is no immortal material, can you ask?" Ling Feng smiled coldly. "I am the emperor of the next generation, non-Xiangu!"

The demon's body trembled, his tongue was stunned, his face was pale.

At this moment, he finally understood.

Xiangu material can ask!

Later generations can also ask!

That is a different way!

That is a different king, different emperors!

At this moment, he stepped on the sky full of clouds... return!


Ling Feng was cold and proud, and when he was pointing, the demon emperor flew out and blasted on the passage. The emperor was not in the face of Ling Feng.

In fact, it is not that the demon emperor has no resistance, but it is simply ineffective.

The magic road is forbidden to dispel the road and space.

The sky road and the anti-airway road overlook the king.

In the face of Ling Feng, he really shaped like a dog.

When this was discovered, the demon emperor was even more trembled. He thought that the demon had worked hard for so many years and finally got rid of the shadow of that person, but now it is not that they have not made progress, but that person has made greater progress.

He is already standing on the altar and overlooking all beings.

And they are still struggling in the mud.


Ling Feng step by step, each step is like a collapse of Xianshan, the demon of the earthquake to vomiting blood, where Ling Feng did not hide his power, forcing for too long, he also needs a vent.

That is the gas field.

That magnificent strength!

It is dying to ruin the pride and mind of the demon emperor.

"The demon, should it be the deepest tail of the possession?"

Ling Feng’s face is filled with a **** smile.. "The head is out of the tail, you are not even as good as the Mozu, you are too far away, you can't go back!"


The demon face suddenly flashed a touch of shock, this time the Ling Feng people are taboo, but the words of Ling Feng also reveal a different taste, pointing to certain things.


When he found out that Ling Feng was opening, there was no blood in his eyes. In the daytime, the king who was in the world came back.

"you have not……"


A boulder descends from the sky and falls directly on him. The boulder carries not only the heavy weight, but also the terrible power of the magical road to ban the soil. It is bloodied on the spot.

And its last words are also annihilated under the boulders.

"Since this moment, I will let you know that I am back!"

Ling Feng grinned and laughed, and quietly integrated into the space, step by step, this situation is what he promoted, naturally it is up to him to end.


He still understands the truth of the psychedelic fog sea from the soul sea of ​​the demon, and knows that there are stars and copper in this ancient mine.

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