Supreme Demon

Chapter 2536: Second brother!

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Lingbi Caves!

There are many passages, all leading to the center of the earth, from Xiangu, mysterious and unpredictable, at least Xiangu Tianzun has such a handwriting.


There is also a psychedelic fog in the channel, which can make the Emperor Wu, and even Tianzun lost. It is not only placed in the night, but more importantly, the soul sea is affected, and even the mind is disintegrated.

Can the psychedelic fog sea be natural, or the hand of the ancient characters?

The gods did not delve into it. The immortals were infiltrated in the years, and many of the truths were destined to vanish. They paid more attention to the power of the psychedelic fog sea and whether they could pass it through.

Ling Feng walked calmly and looked at the front.

There is no jealousy about the psychedelic fog in the heart. Although he did not get more news, he has got what he wants from the Mozu and the soul of the demon.

Moreover, Ling Feng summed up through these contents, and the results obtained are the truth.

In the Xiangu Xinghai, the psychedelic fog sea does not completely cover the entire Xinghai. It only appears in some special places, and the psychedelic sea of ​​fog is hierarchical, not to say that as long as it encounters the psychedelic fog, it will Let Tian Zun get lost. Only when you encounter the top horrible psychedelic power will Tian Zun's mind be disintegrated.

Obviously, the immortal figures have not yet had the time to use the psychedelic power to confuse the Tianzun characters.

"Xian Gu Yu Lian!"

Ling Feng grinned, but smiled lightly.

The above total, let him speculate that the psychedelic power is a part of the power of Xiangu, but in the Xiangu period, this is not used to suppress Tianzun and Wudi, but to refine the mind of Wushu, the soul of the sea, and even In Dao Li.

Only when the mind is determined will it be driven by power.

Only when the mind is hard, can we go further.

During the Xiangu period, the resources were too rich, and the martial arts were more likely to be driven by power. The birth of the demon, the will is not strong enough, but it will be broken by power, and if it is asked too early, it will form a ripple, It is not good.

Therefore, this immortal refinement is very important.

It is precisely because this is the ancient sacred refining, only the level is distinguished, but the starting point is the level of heaven, and the cultivation of the heavenly level is even more terrible. Only when you smelt it, you are qualified to go further, and even ask the sky.

Unfortunately, there are not many people who really understand the world.

Ling Feng is only speculated from various signs, and does not mean that the psychedelic fog sea must change according to his will.

Xiangu Xinghai is vast, what is strange about the change?

"It's a pity, but it's a pity that it only works for the Emperor." Ling Feng suddenly stopped and looked behind him.

There is a thrilling foggy sea in the thirties, which really makes him feel stressed, but even if he does not use Xianli, can he come over?


After all, it is only the fog sea for the Emperor, but also the power of the fairy tales. If you go to some restricted areas, even the level of the Xian Dian, the level of the psychedelic fog sea is not the spirit of the Emperor.

It is easier for the Emperor to ask the Emperor if the Emperor is successful.

After the emperor refines, he is qualified to ask the emperor.

To be honest, after figuring out the origins of these foggy seas, Ling Feng really wants to practice one, and he is too eager for the Tao.

However, for the moment, the spiritual level of the spirit of the Emperor does not mean much to him, so Ling Feng did not return to the psychedelic sea of ​​fog to practice.

"I want to come to Tianzun and the emperor's characters have come over?" Ling Feng said with a squint.

The Yaozu can come over and understand some of the truth, although they may not be able to guess that this is the Xiangu refining, but the psychedelic fog is graded, they should be clear.

The emperors and Tianzun of the Yaozu, who are on the exit of the town, are coming to them.

Just after the refinement, these characters are tired and weak, and they are more vulnerable to being attacked. Even the Tianzun characters are no exception.


At this moment, there was a fierce battle in the distance. The scene was once boiling, and the Wanshan Mountain was shocked. The sky was smashed directly, and the road was flying like a dragon snake.

That is the contest between Tian Zun.

"Does this start?"

Ling Feng Shiran forward, this result he had long expected, in this Xiangu ancient mine to fight, the results can be imagined, and no one is more expensive.

at the same time.

There are also fierce battles in the exits of several other channels. There is no strong channel in the previous channel, but it is also a terrible category.

The contest between the emperors.


More and more wars, the power is too full, directly leading to the collapse of the entire ancient mine, the stone is flying, like a slap in the face, even the space has been blasted and shredded.

From time to time, there is a sorrowful voice, and it dies in the air.

The emperor was bleeding and miserable.

The most fierce of these is the three major matchups. The contest between Tianzun is more direct and hegemonic. The power is like the Bohai Sea. The ancient mines are completely flew up, and the pieces of gold are flying far away. The entire ancient mine is Collapsed downwards.

"not bad!"

Ling Feng sits on the mountain and looks at the tiger. He does not care about the life and death of the major figures and forces. He cares about the final result.


The entire ancient mines are falling apart, even the fairy caves can not withstand the power of the law of heaven, in the light rain, large pieces collapse, and even some immortal gold are blown on the spot.

And when the storm swooped to the center of the earth, the entire ancient mine was like being opened.


The gravel collapsed and the world burst.

The whole process is like opening up a passage, a rude mess, and extending to the center of the earth for fifteen kilometers.

A faint scent of fragrance emerged from it, very thin and thin, and the two sides who were fighting were not noticed.

"The nine-power blessing is a bit tricky."

I don't know when, Ling Feng has already appeared in the center of the earth, and the whole is integrated into the void. The power is not obvious. What makes him frown is that this nine-power blessing is extraordinary, even if it is not easy to use Xianli to break open.

He needs time.

The problem is that as long as he uses Xianli, those Tianzuns can immediately be alert. At that time, his identity is exposed and he is endless.



Two light rushes to the sky, equivalent to smashing down the body of Ling Feng, and the three forces are born.

"The town seal?"

The two gods suddenly glimpsed, and then ecstasy, the only thing that can make the power of the earth's heart bless is only the star and the copper.

They did not hesitate to kill and tried to extract the two metal substances.

"Hugh think!"

The Yaozu angered and said, "The Lingxiao Cave is discovered by my Yaozu, and it belongs to my Yaozu!"

"There is a difference in this statement, and all the spirits have merits, and we need it more!"

"First discover, not first belong!"

All of them have reached this level, and many people have been killed and injured. The top material is in front of us. Who will let go?

After all, this is a game in which the fist is harder and who has "the virtue".

A big battle broke through the sky...

However, the battle was too fierce, causing several big people to take care of the resources sealed by Jiuzhong Town. If they pay attention to it, they should be wary. It should be discovered that at this moment, the nine-fold seal has disintegrated the eight-fold, and the last force is melting. A faint light blended into it.

call out!

Ling Feng is like a lightning bolt. If you use Xianli to integrate into the seal, it will not cause the Qimen to break, so you can not be discovered.


He rushed to the center of the earth.

In the darkness of the night, three pieces of star-shaped iron like magnolia beads are displayed in the void, covered with a faint mist of light, some of which are unreal, and hovering over the three stars. A piece of virtual copper.

The spotted green spots are shining.

That is the endless immortal charm.

"The little man has been laying out for so long, just wait for this moment!"

Ling Feng smiled and showed the cold and treacherous side.

He had long discovered that the Yaozu had found the Lingbi Cave, but because of the presence of Tianzun, he was not sure to take the Linglong Cave, and even if he could take it down, the Yaozu would attack it, and he could not prevent it.

So, he hid it, waiting for the demon character to break in. When the time was almost the same, he released the news and set off a radius of 30,000 miles.

The Mozu is coming.

The magic figure is coming.

The void character is coming!

The Yaozu tragedy.

Although they had a response in advance, they could still prevent so many characters and retreat, but the stars were not optimistic.

This is a situation that is evenly matched.

In other words, it is... both lose.

The flash of the call, the devouring spirit beads directly unfolded, taking advantage of the heavens and the earth, asking the heavens and the earth.

Although the three pieces of star iron and a piece of virtual copper were fixed by the invisible power, they still rushed to collapse and disappeared into the spirited beads.


Ling Feng is full of joy, as long as these resources come to hand, it is the king of the king, and I want to let him spit it out.

next moment.

He rushed out of the earth and fled to the distance.


When Ling Feng just flew out of the exit of the passage, a chubby bald monk screamed.

"Damn, someone took the star and the copper!"

With only two efforts, the three gods found that the resources were taken away, and their faces were blue and green, and they looked around for the characters who had eaten.


The bald monk immediately woke up, and the gentleman was the one who picked the peach.


Several big men did not hesitate. They followed the direction of the monk's fingers. They did find a hidden airflow. Although it was very lightly dissipated, it was enough for a moment.

"Monk, your uncle!"

Ling Feng's straight hair, this **** vulture, this is a thief's uneasy heart, with the same purpose, but the vulture did not do, and he did it.

"Good to go, don't send!"

The monk waved, quite free and easy, and embarrassed and gloating.

He can't get it, and others can't think of it so easily, at least half a pot of blood.

"Grandma's, is it a good guy to bully?"

Ling Feng’s grim smile shouted. “Two brothers, you betray me, are you afraid of the teacher’s punishment?”

"Three stars have you got one, and the half of the copper is in your hands. You are still not satisfied. If I live to see the Master, I will sue you like this!"

After that, Ling Feng lightning escaped.


"The two brothers" almost didn't come up in one breath, Mao first bombed.

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