Supreme Demon

Chapter 2539: Bun!

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Rain morning star!

This star has no horror, no top resources, only endless immortal charm, placed in the sky, this is a crazy star, but in the fairy star, only the fairy charm is not enough .

People don't know when the Xiangu Xinghai will disappear and hide the void, so they will have to hurry and get the Xiangu resources as much as possible before the Xiangu Xinghai has disappeared.

Between Xiangu Resources and Xiangu Qiyun, as long as it is not an idiot, you should know which one is more important.


The rain morning star is “thrown away” like this, and the major forces will try their best to find those valuable stars.


No one thought that when they thought it was a deserted planet, there was a fairy gold here. Although these immortals did not fall into their hands, some people witnessed it. Someone took out the fairy gold here and whispered. It is very likely that it is a fairy mountain.

A stone shocked a thousand waves!

For Xianshan, they would rather be mistaken and not let go.

When a bit of the emperor, the emperor, and the emperor came to visit, the Fangshan River was drowned by the terrible light rain. In a short time, no Tianzun figure came, but the emperor was second only to the Tianzun figure, and they were able to lay down a fairy mountain.

Foye’s plan was successful.

It is now a very special period, involving Xiangu resources, even Tianzun should personally check, not to mention the public Wudi, and he is using the thoughts of the Wudi.

As long as the Emperor Wudi uses his heart to check, that person will appear.

By then.

He came out to be tempted, and the major forces will naturally take it seriously. When these characters die, they can take advantage of the fishermen.

"I am so smart!"

Buddha can't help but give himself thirty-two praises in his heart.


He didn't know that Ling Feng was sharpening his knife at the moment, and he was not in the eyes of the Wudi. He really didn't look at it, but the one who really made him sneer was Foye.

Usually he is smashing the sky, when is this turn bald?


What he paid attention to was the ability of the Buddha to find him. This is something that Tian Zun can't do. It is quite dangerous if he is always stared at by Buddha.

To know.

Now, he is still not clear about his origins, and he does not know his strength. He wants to use the hands of the armed forces to deal with him. After that?

Once the Buddha used the Tianzun figure to reveal his position, the result can be imagined.

Therefore, Ling Feng said that the Buddha is a good hand to die. After entering the magic, Ling Feng is full of anger, and does not mind it!

Even the future Buddha!

Just one day.

The characters of all major forces came under pressure and came in the direction of Ling Feng, and listed the mountain as the focus, only because the pieces of Xianjin were discovered on this mountain.

"Don't miss a place!"

An emperor reminded the same door, but this is their chance to exalt.

If they can lay down a fairy mountain, then the contribution will be too great, and the resources of Xiangu will be more in the future.

Every Yuandi and Lingdi have the emperor's dream in their hearts, and they have a dream of the emperor, and Xiangu resources are the most important.

"Yes, give it to us!"

Several spirits said seriously and seriously. "Even a bird will not let go."

"People who enter and exit this mountain must be strictly examined, and they must be taken away!"

"Do not worry, that is, a rabbit must be suppressed, searched all over again!"

The armed forces of the armed forces are also worried. Now that the news has not been spread, the situation is extremely beneficial to them. They naturally have to work hard to lay down this fairy mountain.


People came to the foothills of Lingfeng and stepped on the top of the mountain.

"It's really trouble!"

Ling Feng frowned, but he was not worried about the Wudi, but the Buddha.

He always felt that he would be sick.


His injury has been restored, without any influence. Instead of being discovered by the armed forces, it is better to be frank. He does not want to be scolded by the Buddha. He only wants to marry him.


Ling Feng has just appeared, there are two spirits flying over, one old, his face full of years, the other is a burly middle age.

Ling Feng appeared too awkward, causing their vigilance.

"It's none of my business!"

Ling Feng grinned, his face was stiff, and he used it not to be true. His appearance was too "shocking". He was afraid of a debut, and he would become the target of the public. He was called by the people of Xiangu Xinghai.

If there is no Tianzun character in the fairy star, Ling Feng can be directly true, but he is jealous of Tian Zun.


He is easy to come out, and it will be more convenient next.

"This is a good reason."

The old spirited emperor smiled and said, "Which power are you? What are you doing here?"

"I am looking for someone!"

"Who are you looking for?"

"A bald dead bald head." Ling Feng smiled coldly.


The burly middle-aged spirit emperor said coldly: "Have you ever found a fairy mountain here?"

"No!" Ling Feng said calmly.

"He is talking nonsense, I feel that he has a lot of fairy gold on his body!"

At this time, a character flew in the distance, his long hair fluttering in the wind, his fat head was big, his body was bloated, his face was full of greasy light.

Although the character has long hair on his head, it flutters.

But the appearance did not change, the temperament of the sound did not change, but he was not bald.

Is it exactly Buddha?

When he came up, he took advantage of Ling Feng’s knife and bluntly found a lot of scent of fairy gold in Ling Feng. This sentence can be too hearty.


After his voice fell, the two spiritual emperors suddenly became sharp, like a knife, falling on Ling Feng, not only examining, but more greed.

at the same time.

The momentum on them also spewed out at that moment, and a flash of lightning carried the squeaky sound, illuminating the area.

It was like a signal, and immediately alerted the big people, and couldn’t help but look over.

"Where is Xianshan?"

"Have you ever moved Xianshan?"

Several Lingdi and Yuandi flew directly, hostile to Lingfeng, trapped in it, very concealed, but as long as the Lingfeng slightly moved, they would immediately be struck by thunder.

"Don't ask, he might be a rescuer!"

Foye was afraid that Ling Feng would open his mouth, which would help him to disintegrate his situation. He hoped that it would be useless as soon as possible.

In fact.

Ling Feng did not explain, but looked at the Buddha in a smile, the light in the magic light, some things he did not want to explain, there is no need to explain to these people.


He really wants to see Foye's treacherous face. The triumph of this time is that he does not know the tragedy of the next moment. What expression will Faye Wong be?

Foye is a little bit of hair, and this expression of Ling Feng is really worth pondering.

next moment.

His first shot, the hand released a strange light, shining Buddha light, directly hit Lingfeng.

The top Lingdi Tianwei, swept the whole world in an instant.


Ling Feng was a flash, directly hiding from the open, still looking at the Buddha, the smile on his face is more concentrated.

"Hands, suppress him, naturally will get resources!"

Buddha Lord greeted the hands of the Wudi, and the powerful strength almost torn the day.

In an instant.

Those Wudi who were still hesitating, immediately started to move their hands, and the tyrannical strength covered the sky, and the light rain covered the sky.

"Hand over the resources, I can wait for you to make a living!"

The old spirited emperor flew strong, appeared in the top of Ling Feng, completely a gesture of arrogance.

after all.

Now Lingfeng has not shown strength.

"Hand over the resources, I can let you leave!"

Another Lingdi flew and suppressed behind Lingfeng.

"This is your last chance!"

The two emperors pressed together and did not put Ling Feng in their eyes. They were all middle-aged.

Ling Feng is too young. Although he has changed his appearance, he has not changed too much in terms of age. This is the intention of the heart, but at the moment it has become the reason why the Emperor Wu is despised.

"What if I don't want to?"

Ling Feng smiled and asked.

I don't know why, Foye has already fried hair, and is flying fast. Lingfeng's smile is too calm. He is already upset by the terrible strength of Lingfeng.


This is also the intention of the heart.

But this is different in people's ears. Ling Feng responded in such a way that he almost agreed that there is a fairy mountain here, and he evacuated the resources in Xianshan.

How does this make people not crazy?

"That will wait for you to die, I will wait one by one!"

The two emperors, more than a dozen Wudi eyes are red, it is a fairy mountain, just think about it is crazy, if it falls in their hands, what a huge resource?

How many emperors can you create? Even the Tao Emperor?

"To tell the truth, I haven't had a haircut for a long time!" Ling Feng said with a smile. "I am very honored, you will soon be able to appreciate it!"

"court death!"

The Wudi people in the field are all arrogant figures, and under the siege of so many Emperors, they really do not believe that Lingfeng can fly?



The virtual light flashed, and a heavy boulders carried huge weights and flew into the distance. One piece appeared on the top of the head, and the mighty power of the ink drops. One piece flew into the center of the earth and spread around, and then sealed the whole earth.

The other few pieces flew in all directions, impeding the entire world.


The Buddha was very embarrassed. After discovering something wrong, the first time he flew, and in a short period of time, he flew for five hundred miles. He was able to escape the suppression of the boulder, and he was cold and sweaty.

He felt it was a massacre!

Ling Feng simply did not think about letting these characters leave alive.

He was the focus of the Lingfeng attack, only because these characters appeared to allow him to escape.

next moment.

Lingfeng magic eyes shine, the momentum is released a little bit, the vastness is vast, like a mountain heavy, it is not the spirit of the emperor, not the Yuan Emperor, but the emperor gas field!

What is more serious is that the release of Lingfeng body is actually magic.

The vastness is like the sea of ​​the sea, the power is extremely terrible, it seems to break the sky, and the emperor's gas field is really terrible, let people be scared, and some Yuandi are even on the spot.

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