Supreme Demon

Chapter 2540: What kind of person!

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When the Lingfeng gas field was released little by little, the whole scene was like a flying sky, bursting out of endless shackles, and those Yuandi and Lingdi were forced on the spot, staring at Lingfeng one by one.

The waves are in a wave.

Proud of nine days!

This is the gas field that the king can only have!

What makes people feel trembled is that under the temperament of Ling Feng, the emperors felt the pressure, the uncontrollable squirming of the flesh and blood, and the power in the body was like the flood of the floodgate. The instinct It is necessary to confront the Lingfeng gas field.


The emptiness of the emptiness of the emptiness, a powerful airflow, broke out among several forces, and the tyrannical power pushed away several Yuandi on the spot.

He stood volley and filled with a faint smile.

That looks down on the eyes of all living beings in the world, that looks like a god.

this moment.

He is not only a king in the realm, but also a king on the gas field.

In this gas field, many Yuandi cold sweats and DCs, feeling the chilling breath of them, that is, the face of the Emperor and the Emperor became difficult to look at, and it is quite tricky and dangerous for such a person.

"One king!"

"No, it should be a demon!"

An emperor whispered, and the magic of Ling Feng was too dazzling. Such a character is not a magic road but a demon.

This is no longer a confrontation between forces, but between life and death.

"Devil, everyone gets it!"

Another emperor is cold-eyed and full of hostility. He only kills the devil.

"But an emperor, can't I still wait for you to kill you, can't you kill?" The third emperor appeared, scorning the wind, and said coldly. "A magical thing in the district, what is crazy here?"

The scene is magnificent.

The three emperors juxtaposed, although not the same force, but they are consistent on the issue of the monster.

not to mention.

There are also more than a dozen Emperor and the Yuan Emperor present, the lethality is not covered, it is not a problem to deal with a demon.

"When am I crazy?"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "You want to force me to shoot!"

"so what?"

An emperor opened his mouth and smiled. "A devil in the district, how can I get a fairy mountain?"

"Hand over the Xianshan resources, I can wait for you to leave a whole body!"

"Oh." Ling Feng lazy.


He did not say anything further, so that people did not know whether his word was promised or not.

"you are not willing?"

"If you choose how to?" Ling Feng smiled.

"Then remove you!"


The three emperors directly came forward, and the tyrannical strength made the void blast in an instant. One hand-held knives had a colorful phoenix flying in the sky, another hand holding a tower, and the burly body would be the one. The tower is like a fairy who has fallen from nine days.

Another emperor has two colors of light flowing in it, and there is a faint yin and yang rhyme.

These three emperors, Ling Feng did not know, should not be the characters of the empty road, the Guanghan Palace, at least not their one, and there is also an old man, the origin is more mysterious.

As for other characters, it is not considered in Lingfeng.


Other spirits and emperors also slammed into Lingfeng, and the tyrannical power was like a countercurrent, swaying.

Lingfeng lightning disappeared, and it was 30 miles backward.


The power of that road fell to the ground, and in a moment, a terrible hole was blasted out, and it was pushed around and the dust was scattered and the momentum was endless.

"See how you escape!"

The three emperors flew into the sky, and they fell hard from three directions, trapping the wind in it, and one of the emperors flew out a colorful stone in the hands of the emperor, and the light was cast, and the light was cast into a cage. , trapping Ling Feng in it.

"Get rid of a demon, think about it!"

The three emperors still had some problems in the past, but at this time they agreed and wanted to get rid of Ling Feng.

This is a demon.

If they can succeed, it will be the merits of the annals, and they will kill a king.


The major forces are all red, and they see things different.

Ling Feng is an endless resource in their eyes.

"These innocent children!" Foye said in a distant smile, if Ling Feng is so easy to deal with, then it will not let the three Tianzun eat.

The other people did not understand, but the Lord Buddha understood it.

Ling Feng was too calm, facing the three emperors, in the case of opposing each other, even able to laugh out.

what does this mean?

"Why did I want to escape?"

Ling Feng blinked and smiled. "In fact, I don't want you to escape!"

The voice fell.

The top gas field finally came out, and the three emperors were overwhelmed. It was completely different from the previous ones, and the audience was completely eclipsed. I did not expect that the momentum of Ling Feng would be so strong.

"Now, it's my turn?"

Ling Feng grinned and laughed, and the magic suddenly came out of the sky, and it was so vast and shocking.

at the same time.

A piece of magic soil blasted in the sky, forming a gorgeous beam, piercing the nine heavens and appearing in front of an emperor.

"court death!"

The emperor's face was discolored. The Ling Feng at this time could only be described by horror. Even though he felt the endless pressure, when the overwhelming magic came, his power was suppressed. Even the pagoda in his hand broke out.


In the face of the magic of the world, his power is not enough to see.

A loud noise.

His footsteps slammed backwards, and a blush appeared on his face. The body blew and squirted, and a blood rushed out.


The red pagoda made a dull tremble, and the tower was in a state of turmoil. If it weren’t for him, he was afraid that the tower had already flown out.


Before he returned from this violent turmoil, Ling Feng had already appeared in front of him. The magic road was carrying the endless magic, and people could not see what was inside, but when it fell, that The power of the scorpion, the birth of the space rule power above the red pagoda, one by one, and then appeared in front of the emperor.


This loud noise almost destroyed the emperor's pride and dignity, letting him spurt his blood, his face was gray, and his body flew far away.

The whole process is like an electric phoenix, which is fast and suffocating, and the emperor is quite weak, at least in terms of will, and even if he suffers such a sniper, he does not say anything.

"I am going to die!"

At this time, the second and third emperors were killed, and the speed was much faster than other spiritual emperors and Yuandi.

They almost appeared together, and the knives in their hands were banned from falling down, seemingly to break the cage of the imprisoned hurricane.


When I came into contact with the cage, it collapsed silently and killed the wind.

Obviously, the colorful stone was automatically melted, so that the three emperors could not be affected by the attack, and the power of Ling Feng was imprisoned.

"That will give you a punch!"

Ling Feng is indifferent and light, and does not care about the two emperors.

He punched out with a punch, and the stone broke into the sky. The power of the collapsed road was integrated into the magic power. He shot a magic light, and through the sky, he pierced the 32nd day and banned the knife.


The entire sky was covered with this huge sound. The tyrannical power even caused the body of the Yuan Emperor to sway around, and could not help but go backwards and his face was paler.

I don't know how many blows the punch and the knife smashed. When the light rain spread, the space around it was the sound.

of course.

What is terrible is not just this side.

While Ling Feng was attacking the hand-held Emperor, he also confronted another figure, the emperor who had yin and yang power in his body.

He is empty-handed.


His body is full of ancient power.

Sky road and anti-airway!

When these two forces erupt together, and the magic road is manifested on the ground, the degree of terror can be imagined.


Ling Feng flew out of his feet and confronted the emperor who had yin and yang power in his body.

Power versus power!

Fist to foot!

Not as spectacular as before, only the space is silently disintegrated, and the horror picture that Wei Li continues to blast.

Almost at the same time, the knives and the yin and yang war fists fell together, the two emperors strode back, ugly face, and Ling Feng is standing in the void, just the body swayed.

One human enemy three emperors!

He seems to be defining a new way!

Don't say that the Yuan Emperor and the Emperor are scared to face no one, that is, the faces of the three emperors are also gray, and this devil is going to be against the sky.

They have never heard that the emperor can reach this level. How many years does it take to temper to reach this height?

For a moment, they even suspected that Ling Feng had already asked the emperor, not a real person.


At this time, those spirits killed, although they were shocked, but the speed did not decrease, second only to the three emperors appeared in front of Ling Feng.

"Why bother?"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, punched out with a punch and punched several people, and then took out a few feet. The surrounding spirits were like raindrops and they flew out.



The whole scene is showing one side!

This is something that people have never imagined before, and it is even more unimaginable.

One person confronted more than a dozen emperors, including three emperors, and he showed his true color and stood proud.

What is the record?

What kind of person is this?

People are horrified, and it is impossible to imagine when such a character appears in the Mozu and the Magic.

"Magic Lord?"

This is a thought that the three emperors flashed in their hearts, but this image is not like, and the gods have long known that the devil is active, not here, or can they let them act alone?

"I am not him!"

Ling Feng proudly laughed.. "But I will suppress him!"

Foye’s heart was cold and sweaty, and there was an impulse to escape. So many Wudi did not live in Lingfeng, but they were strongly suppressed by it. I was afraid that Lingfeng would kill the cage. At that time, what would be waiting for him?

Thinking of this, Buddha did not hesitate to turn it up.

"Hand over the resources, I can't kill you!"

Ling Feng stood in a cage, facing more than a dozen Emperor Wu, with a warm face and a smile. (

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