Supreme Demon

Chapter 2541: Destroy the world!

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The ups and downs of life are too fast, it is really unpredictable.

For the Wudi who are present, this sentence is what they feel.

A king is in captivity, but he scorns the audience and stands out from the crowd. Let them bow down and let them surrender resources, otherwise they will be slaughtered.

How do you feel so embarrassed?


Lingfeng's strength is terrible and unpredictable. Until now, people still can't see through it, but at this moment Lingfeng is being imprisoned in a cage, even if it is tyrannical?

People have an illusion.

Are they being hijacked?

"Do not be afraid of him, he is now trapped in a cage, I can join hands to get rid of it!"

An emperor's eyebrows stood upside down and said coldly, but his heart was very depressed. He was also an emperor, but he could only say such words.

How can people not feel sad?

"Yes, the cage is the hunting cage of Tianzun, even the emperor would like to escape!"

Another emperor flew, spurting blood, but his eyes were very crazy, and he was full of confidence in the Tianzun in the power. The hunting cage was not top-notch, but it was not a problem to trap an emperor.

"Don't make him fierce, can we still not kill him?"

"He is a prey!"

"What about prey? Is it still tossing hunters?"

The third emperor appeared, his face was gray, and he was hurt by Ling Feng. Therefore, his eyes were filled with grievances. As long as he had the opportunity to do it, he was willing to pay some price.

The three emperors spoke together and threatened that the hunting cage was strong and the wind could not escape.

I immediately got a response, and the people’s heart was calmed down. As long as Ling Feng was still in the hunting cage, it was their prey.

They can't beat the wind, can they still shoot the unrelenting wind?

They dare not approach, can it not be a long-range attack?

In an instant.

The armed Wudi who were injured in the vicinity appeared in front of Lingfeng, and they whispered coldly. They completely regarded Lingfeng as a prey. They humiliated from time to time, and some people spit at him. The female Wudi should be civilized, just holding the sword, cold to Lingfeng. Inspired a ray of light to fight over.

Don't let Ling Feng live!

Let him die!


The arrow rain is like a waterfall, shooting to Ling Feng, and the hunting cage is automatically ablated, the outside can attack inside, and the inside can not attack outside.

The Ling Feng in the inside can only be passively defended.


The power of a sharp arrow is extraordinary. It is actually piercing the Lingfeng clothes, carrying a little bloody, flying out of the hunting cage. When you are squatting, people are like smelling **** sharks and attacking the wind.


Buddha is far from watching, and his brow can't help but wrinkle. At this time, Ling Feng can only passively defend and can't attack.

Looking at the embarrassing winds that were attacked by the armed forces, he wanted to have a knife in the past.


He is a vigilant figure, and he is a suspicious guy. Even if the wind blows, he can stand it. Because the strength of Ling Feng is too terrible, once he passes, if Ling Feng kills himself from the hunting cage, then he will There is no hope of escape.

The cost of this adventure is too great.

Therefore, he is waiting.

It’s just a bad breath, far from the importance of life.

in fact.

Ling Feng is waiting, the Wudi is only a hunter, and the culprit does not appear, but looks far and wide, which is obviously not what Lingfeng wants to see.

Hunting cages only.

Even the light rain of Xianfu can't trap him, let alone such power, but he wants to lead the Buddha, only to make his life alive and better.


Buddha is like a sly fox, even if it is a passive defensive defensive, the end is in jeopardy, he still does not come out, the calm mentality and the "will" of waiting for the rabbit, really let Ling Feng nothing.


A tower flew down from the void, and the Tianwei broke out. The flesh and blood of the fight broke and the injury was further aggravated.


A heavenly road came across the sky, carrying the Eight Heavens, and together they fell on Ling Feng, so that Ling Feng flesh and blood were damaged.

To the end.

Ling Feng directly kneeled on one knee, his face was gray, and he gasped, feeling that he could not hold on.

"He can't be fast!"

"Repress him, right now!"

People are enthusiastic and excited, although Lingfeng is too tenacious, causing many people to become more injured and consume too much power, but as long as the wind is dead, it is worth it.

Their attacks are more aggressive.

Their momentum is even stronger!

Their eyes are more sinister!

"Is it really going to work?"

The Buddha's Dao is flashing, there is a moment of doubt, and hesitated to do it. Once Ling Feng died here, those characters would not let him share a piece of it.


He still didn't do it, he was too alert.

He always felt that Ling Feng was a terrible figure. Since he encountered the wind, he was cold and upright. It was a strong instinct between life and death.

If Ling Feng is really so easy to deal with, then the three Tianzun will not have to return.

"Is it still not there?"

At this time, Ling Feng slowly rose, the magic eye sharply looked at the direction of the Buddha, the mouth raised a faint smile.

He is sighing.

He was disappointed again.

How good would it be if Foye couldn’t help but appear?

"Treapy things!"

Buddha's cold hair is upright, looking at Ling Feng is like seeing a ghost king. This shameless thing is actually tempting him and wanting him to shoot. If he had actually shot it before, I am afraid that it will be **** now.

He was cold and sweaty and secretly glad.

at the same time.

He slowly fell back and was always ready to run.

"It's over?"

Ling Feng looked at the Emperor Wu who was attacking himself. The smile on his face was a bit stronger.

The magic suddenly surged, covering up all directions, and in the endless magic, the magic road prohibited the earth from carrying the Burning Road, and the power of the monks broke out, and the hunting cage was opened in an instant.

Wait until the light rain is scattered.

Ling Feng has appeared in front of those Wudi.

"How can this be?"

The emperor could not help but tremble, feeling stunned, but it was the hunting cage built by Tianzun. There is no need to say much about the power. But this kind of hunting cage has been silently disintegrated.

Is that person a god?

How else can you open the cage?

"It's sad!"

Ling Feng was cold-eyed and directly came to the emperor. The magic road was carrying the vast expanse of Tianwei.


At the moment of contact with the evil road, the emperor could not help but tremble. He knew the identity of the incoming person in an instant, and he was even more panicked and understood.

How many of these devils can there be in the world?

If the magical Tao really has such a genius, I am afraid that the starry sky situation is not so optimistic.

In recent years, only that person can do it.

Demon King Lingfeng!

A character who has disappeared.

They thought that with the advent of the five major colleges of the stars, the radiance of Ling Feng would be gradually concealed, and at this moment he was really clear and powerless, and that person could move the emperor even if he did not rely on immortal material.

Get out of the world!


His voice has not yet unfolded, and he is destined to be on the spot, and his soul sea is destroyed by Ling Feng on the spot, preventing some Tianzun characters from coming, and getting the truth from the soul of the sea.

"Is the attack very enjoyable?"

Ling Feng smiled and appeared in front of another emperor, and when his power fell down, he lost color in nine days.


The ancient Wuta appeared, filled with magic, and could not be seen clearly. But when it fell, the so-called pagoda was eclipsed, and it was pressed underneath, and then Lingfeng slammed and stepped on the head of the emperor. Kill it.

In an instant.

The two emperors died on the spot.

What is this handwritten?

People panicked, and if they were ashamed, their hearts were even more sad. They knew that today is not good, and that person is strong and suffocating.

"you are……"

When the magic road banned the earth carrying the burning road Tianzun down, the third emperor also discovered the identity of Ling Feng, but if he died, a person who can do the demon statue in the spirit of the emperor.

How terrible?

Just did not expect him to appear here.

If Ling Feng got the Xiangu resources... It’s desperate to think about it.


The blood was shining, and he fell to the ground. His head was smashed down and died. The soul of the sea was destroyed.

of course.

In this process, Ling Feng will not let go of the resources of the three emperors. Unlike in the starry sky, the resources of the three emperors in Xian Xinghai are quite a lot, so Ling Feng is rich.

"You...who are you?"

Other Lingdi and Yuandi were shocked and stunned. Some of them saw that the three emperors had learned about Lingfeng’s identity, but unfortunately they had no time to say it.

Because of this, they are more curious.

Because of this, they are even more fearful.

"You will know!"

Ling Feng flew directly, and a Lingdi and Yuandi were stunned and thrown into the spirited beads.

The emperor's character is too tricky. He does not want to raise powerful characters for the enemy, so he directly cuts it off, but the Emperor and the Yuan Emperor do not have this necessity.

He had already captured several Emperors in the past and did not mind catching more.


Ling Feng thinks this is a good business.

call out!

Without any hesitation, Lord Buddha ran away. When the first emperor blew his blood, if he really waited for Ling Feng to cut off all the characters, I was afraid that he was not so easy to leave at that time.

"The little short legs are running really fast."

At this moment, Ling Feng really stood in the hidden place of Fang Fu, looking at the distance, with a faint smile on his face, but that smile would make Foye really see the hair.

Too confident!

Too casual!

As if everything is in control, it is an expression with him in the hunting cage.


Ling Feng chased the past, the speed is very fast, and every time I found the whereabouts of Buddha's whereabouts, scared the Buddha's fart, and the hair was blown up.

"Uncle, are you a dog?"

Foye felt that she was very fat on weekdays, but at the moment she felt scared.

The most terrible thing is not being chased, but the second time being chased, the kind of fart, the stock, and no matter where he hides, Ling Feng can find it, which is very hot.


Just when the Buddha’s head was ruined, there was a terrible thing in Xiangu Xinghai.

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