Supreme Demon

Chapter 2544: Angry King Kong!

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Empty and happy!

Tragedy for a lifetime!

Buddha is like a wounded child, kneeling on the ground, crying sadly, and the ups and downs of life, even Buddhas like him can't stand it.

Five-star iron, two copper.

This is the ancient memory of the Buddha who fought hard to get rid of life and death, but also exhausted his energy, and he did not hesitate to let the relics come out, do not know how much to pay.


These Xiangu resources are too precious, especially the virtual copper. The whole Xiangu Xinghai can't find much. The major forces are regarded as treasures. They can be born in Xianfu, and they are rare treasures in the Xiangu period.


Just when he asked for success, the black hand appeared behind the scenes, a pan knocked him down, and forced out the resources of Xiangu in his relic, so that even the clothes were looted by the character.

At this moment, his red fruit, for the Buddha, this is a great insult.


The Buddha was sorrowful and hoarse, and he felt that his heart had to be hollowed out.

I want to be at the beginning.

When he first entered the Xiangu Xinghai, he was so angry that he had to make a big vote, and even suppressed the entire genius of the stars in the sky, and he wanted to borrow the ancient resources to ask the Buddha, and even the Buddha.

But what?

In a star, inexplicably encountered a metamorphosis, the resources in the Buddha Road ring were looted, how depressed he was.

At that time he could not find anyone and endure it.

He rushed to the Lingbi Cave, and with his unpredictable strength and bravery, he got a lot of resources, but because of that character, the resources he could get were greatly reduced.

Also, it was "remembered" by three big men.

He wants to get rid of that character.


He broke into the fairy house, risking life and death, carrying the pressure of the sky, depleting the blood and strength, this is the tiger's mouth to eat, get two pieces of virtual copper and three pieces of star iron.

He is crazy!

He laughed wildly!

He is even more crazy!

The inner heat dispels the gloom of these days. He seems to open the clouds to see the true sun. In his eyes, he is a billion-mile sea of ​​stars. His heart is a star-studded sky. What power can there be to suppress him?

He can marry the town of Wankong.

He can catch a slap in the ocean.


This great dream disappeared in the void because of the appearance of the pan.

He hates like a storm!

There is a murder knife in his heart.

What a sad story? Why did it happen to him?

"It's him!"

Suddenly, Foye’s heart brightened and thought of the sly fox character, just because this handwriting was the same as the original.


The character who ransacked him should appear here. Unless he has been stared at, he can lose a lot of resources. The Buddha of the world should be worthless, and the character does not have to stare at him.


What if the character who ransacked him was the one in the Griffin Cave?

A pan of pans sweeping the stars!

To say who is most likely, that is not the person.


From all kinds of signs, Foye felt that the character who had previously ransacked him was the one who appeared in the Lingbi Cave.

To know.

The relics are extraordinary. There are not many people in the ancient sea that can make him try his best to escape. In Wudi, I am afraid that there is only one.


It can be found that he appeared in Xianfu, and he was the only one who got the resources of Xiangu.

"It's you!"

Foye gritted his teeth and hated to kill God. He was stunned by the moment. What is even more terrifying is that the man actually forced his immortal resources from the relics.

What is this handwritten?

He asked himself not to do it.

"Oh, you are a shameless thing!"

Buddha is sad and heartbroken, and now he not only has no resources, but also always worried about being caught by other characters. What is more serious is that he does not know where the character is and how to find his whereabouts accurately.

The relics could not cover his breath.

"The **** magic road, the mountains and rivers have met, waiting for your Buddha's father to be tempered, you will be turned into a Buddha."


The Buddha was slowly getting up, and the light rain of Xiangrui was flowing in his eyes. He was flying, and the sky was full of light and rain, and he was guarding him.

However, there was no such calmness on his face, full of madness, deep anger, and roaring eyes, just like a glaring King Kong.


After being robbed, he was not as enthusiastic as he was before, but calmed down, and many places that he did not understand became clear.


He asked for success, the strength of the Buddha, and his tyranny made him look good.


Even if Ling Feng does not have a black hand and a positive attack, can he defend it?

Just in vain!

There was a terrible power in the pan, which made the strength of the Buddha and the road fall apart. In fact, at the moment when the pan fell, he was already defending, but he did not defend it.

This proves that the character is more unpredictable than him.

"Not enough!"

At this moment, "the father of the Buddha" felt very weak, and he was confronted with a terrible demon.

However, what he did not figure out was that the devil did not detain him, and he did not remove him, as if he did not care at all. It was just a looting, which was completely different from the previous attempt to kill the Emperor Wudi.

"What the hell?"

At this moment, "Buddha's father" is in deep thought...

Deep mountains.

This is just an ordinary mountain. There is no Xiangu resource, but it is still a rare mountain in the sky.

Just because, here, the ancient charm is full, and the first is the immortal charm of the same form of smoke.

Ling Feng is sitting in it.

For him, it is not his intention to get rid of a Buddha. For the Buddha, the relic is very important. He is here to form a waste, but in the hands of the Buddha, it can emit a strong light and rain.

What does it mean to get rid of a Buddha?

But as long as the Buddha is alive, he will be able to fight with other forces and get more resources, and these resources will fall into his hands.

What a lovely character?

It is more useful to stock a powerful character and let him do his best, than to tie the chain around his neck.

of course.

If the Buddha is to know the intent of Ling Feng, I am afraid that there will be a broken heart.


The Lord Buddha is still his sharpening stone. After being forced to rush, he believes that the Buddha Lord who catches who is biting is quite poisonous.

You know, that's just a Buddha.

Because of the advent of the fourth Xianfu, Ling Feng also felt the pressure, especially the two forces of the virtual palace and the Mozu, many top geniuses did not appear, what does this mean?

They want to take advantage of the world and ask for it.

Tao Di!

What kind of realm is that?

At least, no one knows about the current starry sky, but Ling Feng feels that the Emperor will be a gorgeous quality change of the four levels of Xiangu, which can be matched by the emperor and can be juxtaposed with Tianzun.

If Xiangu Xinghai really has such characters, I am afraid that he will be unlucky.


After the robbing of the Buddha, Ling Feng came to the mountains, to study hard, to savour more Xiangu resources and the temperament, let yourself go further.


Xiangu charm is flying.


The road to the gods shines.

Around Ling Feng, all kinds of charms are everywhere, and they are buried. He holds his hands together, and the stars and the stars fly together. They are slowly melted in the soil and the Xianli. The unique metal substances are in Lingfeng. Come in, let Ling Feng's flesh and blood become more transparent.

Let Ling Feng's momentum become more unpredictable.

The void universe is shining, like a storm, raging in the wind.

When the ancient resources of the immortality came in together, the path of Lingfeng was pushed forward little by little, the flesh and bones were moving towards perfection, and the limits of the human body were heading towards the peak.


In a short while, Ling Feng body blew a stream of blood, all kinds of power blended together, and the extreme light rain was shot, tearing some of Lingfeng's potential to the extreme.


Just like a mountain was opened, Ling Feng's flesh and blood bones were full of endless momentum, and the gas field of the world made the surrounding mountain winds and woods tremble.

The whole process is like Wudi igniting Dantian and burning the essence.

A full twenty days.

Lingfeng is immersed in it, grinding and carving a little bit, making the road more complete, more impeccable, and the soul sea is also changing, forming the same real sea, can start the sea, the fire is burning , too, a real water is flying...


Finally, everything calmed down.

The temperament of the sky slowly dissipated, and the **** figure flew down from the sky, falling into the hands of Ling Feng, and the stars, Xianjin, etc. were exhausted.

"Is it the limit?"

Ling Feng could not help but open his eyes and frowned.

His flesh and blood are full, his strength is full, just like it is going to blow out, the strength is not the same as before, at least the Buddha appeared at this time, and it was not seen by Ling Feng.

That is a strong confidence!

That is the infinite confidence built on strength.


Ling Feng always felt that it was not enough. He should be able to go further, but he was embarrassed. At least his blood and fatness was not suppressed, and the flesh and blood did not feel like tearing and tearing.

This should be the limit of the king.

But it is not his limit.

"If you want to go further, you have to ask?" Ling Feng Mou is as quiet as a lake, as deep as a starry sky.

“Can it really be like this?”

"Can't the limit be broken?"

Ling Feng asked himself, this kind of abrupt end, let him be full of unwillingness, if he can go further, he will have confidence to face the emperor, even the devil.

"If this is the king's limit, I would like to do my best to break this limit!"


Ling Feng's magic eyes fluttered, his face was full of madness, Nie he came over and asked the emperor, he succeeded.

The refining body was so painful that he had come over, and at this moment he hesitated.

This is a heart issue.

If you want to break the rules, you must come out of a different path than other people. For example, you can only smash your blood and blood potential, such as Nirvana, for example, to break the limit that the king should have.

Star Iron can not use the use of virtual copper!

If the virtual copper can't be done, then use the bowl of clear spring!

At this moment, Ling Feng should temper the sky road and the anti-airway to the extent of jealousy, and temper himself to the peak of the road, the high and the tide of the road.

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