Supreme Demon

Chapter 2545: To the king!

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The mountains are not seen. Ling

The wind disk sits on the ground, slightly closed, and immersed in it.

Around him, the fairy tales are more pervasive, and the top of the gods burst out of the top temperament, filling the whole world with the momentum. Ling

The wind and rain in the wind are like fog, and the void road presents the shape of the universe. The power of the road is like a river flowing, more like the river is flowing, every acupuncture point emits aura, and the black hole is full.

Magnificent and eye-catching.

The flesh and blood are swaying and the bones are constantly changing.

This is a small tempering, although the progress is minimal, but as long as it runs enough, his flesh and blood can still make a big difference, and this is an important step to break the limit. on

Millions of small tempering, let Ling Feng adjust the state to the peak.

After a while.

In the spiriting beads, the star iron and the virtual copper fly out together, dissolved together in the magical road, and melted in one by one. The power inside flows out, the star iron is a dazzling void color, and the virtual copper is more dazzling. It has a pale white color, like milk.

However, there are few coppers and less can be sacrificed. but


Don't take a break from this star-shaped copper. It is the most pure and powerful force, even if it is enough.

Ling Feng first let the stars and irons flow into the body, use the top Tianwei, beat the eight heavy stones together, suppress the flesh and blood, and try to use this pressure to let their blood and blood limit collapse, and integrate more resources and strength. This

The step is quite painful, and it feels more like tearing the flesh and opening it for recasting. but

. This

It is nothing for Ling Feng. early

At that time, his flesh and blood were indeed progressing, and he incorporated a lot of stars and irons. The firmness was not tolerated, but in just a moment, the suppression force dissipated, and his flesh and blood had reached the limit. "

Can only use the virtual copper! ”

Ling Feng frowned, he did not know whether the virtual copper can be done, even if it can really be done, can it be? he

To ask the Taoist Emperor, the resources needed will be more, and the copper deficiency will only be the most basic force. The bowl of clear spring will be the essence.

Hey! when

When the virtual copper energy flocked to Lingfeng, the empty road glowed brightly, and it was dazzling and shocking. The terrible Weili shape swayed out with the tide, letting Ling Feng’s flesh and blood stir, and a light smoke emerged from the Lingfeng Seven Miles. To make the smoke around the world more intense.

It is the star-like power, just like the huge stones that are put into the lake, and in a moment, it will stir up thousands of trees. blood

The meat trembles. each

The acupuncture points are filled with light rain.

The void universe is flashing a ray of light, and the stars, stars, black holes, and so on.

In fact.

The entire universe is covered with light and rain, and it reaches its peak. In this universe, there is a terrible force that is blasting the stars.


A star blasts in the void, like a fireworks rushing into the stars. This

Just a beginning.

When the inexhaustible power is fully oppressed, the universe stars in Lingfeng collapse more powerfully, and the stars and the fireworks dissipate like smoke, which in turn affects the Milky Way, the constellations, and the galaxies, causing the universe to be unstable in the universe. To completely collapse. shape

The situation is quite serious. body

The inner universe is the path of the wind. Once this is annihilated, what will his path be? What is his future?

however. Virtual

The power of copper is not inexhaustible. After the collapse of the large constellation, it becomes gentle, without the chilling temperament, but is integrated into the body of Lingfeng. tea

Kung Fu. that

Some of the disappearing constellations were recast, the flesh and blood of Lingfeng became more solid, the strength of the body was more full, the power of the void color flowed in the void universe, and the momentum that came out was daunting. but

This is not enough.

Although the flesh and blood of Ling Feng has been amazed, it is far from the extent that Ling Feng wants to reach.

then. Ling

When the wind wakes up, it uses the virtual copper directly and sings it into pieces. moment

time. that

Like a raging power, he drowned him. At this moment, the power of the copper is not warm, but the flesh and blood of the sword is in the same way, and the strong flesh comes in, making Ling Feng very painful. This

Did not affect him.

Tough personality, let him smelt.

Yes, this is still not enough! Ling

The wind once again used the virtual copper, and took out the virtual copper obtained in the fairy star sea, and sacrificed it together and entered the body.


The loud noise exploded in his body, and the powerful force flew up on the spot, and the tyrannical force also let Ling Feng's flesh and blood tear, forming a blood hole, and the dark blood rushed out.

Ling Feng snorted, and the handsome face became gray at the moment. but

! he

Still insisting! Want

Reinvented, reaching a terrible realm, or dying from this practice.

He is convinced that he can smelt. Time

Hurrying. Ling

The wind has not felt the flow of time. He is only instinctively consuming the power of the copper. He has not noticed the changes in the surrounding world. The grass here is becoming yellow, and the atmosphere is violent, pouring into his body.

I don’t know when the road has been fully opened, and the massive temperament is coming out. This

It’s a frenzy! Public

The multi-strength arches, and even the stars in the sky and the mountains and rivers are shining, the ground is exhausted, and the cracks are mottled. Traditional

A little bit of star. near

In front of you. This

It is not a star in the sky, but a light and shadow reflected from the universe in the Lingfeng. It is more like a vision.

Stars and thousands of roads, guard one person! this


Ling Feng seems to be the center of the whole universe. He sits in the middle of the stars. He closes his eyes in the Milky Way. The sun and the moon are his eyes. The constellation is his futon. The Milky Way is the stream at his feet...叮


The devouring beads trembled, and the star springs flew out of it, spilling it between the flesh and blood, like a fiery fire that caught the oil. In an instant, there was an endless fire that swallowed the wind. that

The fire is a void color!

That is star inflammation! star

The inflammation comes from the stars. It is the light and shadow of a star burning. After the star inflammation fades, it is not just a simple star. It is very likely that the constellation is burning, and even the light and shadow of the burning of the Milky Way is too powerful. Terrible, even Tian Zun is in front of it is dregs. this

Engraved, Ling Feng is in the star inflammation. he

The flesh and blood are exhausted, and his blood is dissipated like smoke. Want

It is not his flesh and blood, regenerative, empty road, too true water, etc., I am afraid that he has already been annihilated in the stagnation of the stars.

but. positive

Because his body is stronger, he can hold on to the burning of Aster, and survive stubbornly.

at last. star

The inflammation became dark after burning for twenty-five days, and it was dissipated little by little. Although the wind was completely fur, but the strength could not be underestimated, it was like a firewood-like body, releasing a faint aura. Let this mountain river be silent. when

At the moment when he opened his eyes, the void was sinking. in

The flickering whiteness and the eternal charm of his eyes are just like the original candle dragons, and there is also the smell of astr. Ling

What is the wind best at? hair

The unpredictable power born to him, he wants to turn it into his own power.

Obviously, Star inflammation has also been eyeing by Ling Feng. Card

rub. Attached

The old skin on his skin is cracking, the tender skin is growing, the flesh and blood become rosy and full, the bones and bones become thick, and the skinny image is gone.

He returned to the previous look of the gods. more

The important thing is that he got the results he wanted.

It is not on the bones, but on the road.

now. Ling

The wind's Dantian has become more calm. Only the magic road is forbidden. On the other hand, Xianli is soaring, like two fairy phoenixes, to be transformed into creatures, and the magic road is different. day

There are not many empty stars, but it has evolved into a sword.

That is the sky forbidden!

Less anti-empty stars, evolved into a sword, the stars, constellations, etc. are carved on it. This

It is the anti-empty sword!

The sword is screaming! This

It is the magic road of Ling Feng.

choke! when

When the sword soared in the air and suddenly slammed together, it turned into a blade. that

It is a emptiness! in

When tempered, Ling Feng discovered the evolution of the two paths, and thus actively led, making it the desired shape of the heart, and his most loyal is the blade.

The knife is overlord!

The sword is a gentleman! blade

It is the blending of these two weapons, it is overbearing and gentleman.

Both sides are awns, which is why the blade is more terrible than the sword. too

fierce! and


Ling Feng wants to blend the two ways in this way. The virtual forbidden blade is not as simple as a sword superposition, but a more aggressive upgrade.

Ling Feng did not know how unpredictable the Tao Emperor was, but at this moment he had confidence to face the Emperor. not


At this time, Ling Feng also took a big step from the previous realm. Among the emperors, it should be the top person, and it can be called the king. "

I am afraid I really have to leave! ”

Ling Feng sighed and felt a little sad. inverse

By the way, in the end, he is the only way. Any force is only an aid. When he is strong enough to take that step, any weapon or heavenly power is a chicken rib, but it will affect his way.

When he first burned this sentence, he was not very concerned, at least not too much attention.

At this moment, he has a more direct experience. Virtual

The future of the air ban will be comparable to the burning blade, and even go further. At that time, the Burning Path is the blasphemy. with

Time. This

It also proves that Ling Feng is getting stronger step by step, and he has handed it over, and he has abandoned it. The ancient Wuta, the Burning Road, and the Nine Stones will be handed over in the future. At that time, he is himself. .

The strongest way! what

Must it force?

However, Ling Feng’s heart has a question. Is this stepping progress in the realm of the realm, or is it the Tiangong that was born out of the wrong way? sheet

After the engraving.

He shook his head slightly and didn't care. Was this question important to him?


Suddenly, Ling Feng’s eyes sank, and the keen sense of the surrounding rhythm was in the concealed fluctuations. He could not help but look in that direction.

"This... it’s really... haha..."

Ling Feng couldn't help but smile. I saw that not far from far away, the white geese had been kneeling on the ground and came toward him bit by bit. Although hiding in the mottled soil, the white fluffy feathers were sold out. It is.

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