Supreme Demon

Chapter 2548: Big brother!

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Xian ancient creatures!

The blood of immortality! This

What a temptation?

To know. world

Extraordinary, even if it is to ask the characters of the day to escape the **** of the debut, but still can not get rid of the decay of the years, they will eventually die, so they can live forever and only immortal.

Or, the descendants of the fairy! Display

Of course. Big

The white goose comes from the Xiangu period, and it is born to be a god. Are these creatures in the world? One

None of them. number

The gods who are called the top creatures in the world must also practice step by step before they can ask the gods. The real dragon is not weak, the body is extraordinary, but it can be found that the little saint can not find a few, the head that Ling Xuewen got. The real dragon is just a demon god.

But if you put it with the big white goose in front of him, I’m afraid it’s just a beast in the country.

God! Ling

Looking at the cold and proud look of the big white goose, I was very angry. Is this just saying that they are different in level? What is the starting line? Is it a king?

Are these "lower creatures" supposed to be beheaded by this "higher creature"? people

Beyond the beast, mad!


I have to say that starting from the gods is really against the sky, the world is afraid that the second one can not be found. If it is placed in the sky, I don’t know how many forces will be crazy. although

Said that at this time the big white goose was kept by Lingfeng and thrown in the pot. can

How does it know how much Lingfeng has paid step by step to now? Mo

Say the realm of heaven.

Just saying the realm of the gods, how many storms did he temper?

His qualifications are mediocre, and he can grow up step by step only by the empty road. The Shenwu Academy pushes the small talents. In the secret world, it is the power to suppress the major forces. The gods in the star map destroy the Buddha. The progress can be described as fast, and the world rarely encounters it. To. and

And. he

It is the youngest **** in the entire continent. can

This dazzling achievement is placed in front of the big white goose and it is not worth mentioning at all.

Ling Feng is hard enough and good enough to have such a result. However, many characters may not be able to reach the gods in their lifetime. again

More effort is not comparable to a strong birth. This

It is the cruelest truth in life. "

Oh, come from Xiangu, until now I have asked for success, what can be proud of? "Ling Feng shouted."

Hey, if I was born too late, at this moment, where you got the murder, you have already suppressed you. "The big white goose is proud to speak, and his face is sad." "I was born only fifty years ago!" ”

Fifty years!

It asked for success, and even asked the Emperor.

What is the result?

At the beginning, how many years did Ling Feng ask? How many years has it been used by the emperor?

This is not counting the time spent by Ling Feng in the gods, so I asked for only 50 years. What a terrible truth? versus

Compared with the gods who can't ask for their whole life, how dazzling is the physique and progress of the big white goose? This

For a moment, Ling Feng is quite worthy of this big white goose. people

They call him a pervert, but they don't know that it is metamorphosis.

"Fifty years?" Ling

The wind is a bit stunned, and the magic is flashing.. "You don't belong to Xiangu?"

"I don't know."

The white goose is sinking, this is his pain. "When I wake up, I am here."

It does not know who the parents are. it

I don't even know how I came here. Nai

As for the realm of the gods, it is a look. but

. it

There are some stories in the soul sea. For the Tao, for the starry sky, it is only fifty years old. "

You just came here is an egg? ”

Ling Feng mouth can not help but pumped.


I don't know why, the big white goose wants to smoke the face of the wind, although it was indeed an egg, but how much it was born makes the big white goose feel that the wind is insulting it. "

An egg from Xiangu! Ling

The wind felt that his egg was very sad. Just an egg in the area, he even asked God directly.

And he is tempered to die and walk to this step, this blood is really enviable. only

unfortunately. he

I couldn't find the egg, or I really wanted to bake it.

"You are from Xiangu, should you understand this piece of Xinghai?" Ling Feng asked. "

Not sure! "Big

The white goose said very uncomfortably. "In the past 30 years, I was trapped in the eggshell. Only when I asked for success, I was born. I asked for 30 years..."


Ling Feng felt itchy and wanted to play the goose. He just asked how much he knew about Xiangu Xinghai and did not let the big white goose take the initiative. three

Asked for ten years! it

I don't know if even these wizards have not asked for success in 30 years. This

It is easy to make people feel inferior. "

In the last two decades, I was born, but I didn't go far. At the moment, although I have crossed it, I don't know much. "The big white goose said honestly."

"So, you should have nothing to use?" Ling

The wind is squinting, this big white goose will not regard it as an idiot?

Twenty years. also

Not enough to let it go very far? and


The big white goose is very different and trapped in the eggshell. How can it be asked if there is no such thing as a heavenly merit? Display

Of course. it

From a great race, there is a legacy of heaven. "

What do you want to do? "The big white goose is jumping wildly."

Cooked and eaten! ”

Ling Feng pouted, the fire appeared from under the big pot, steamed out a fire, the water in the cauldron was boiled, and the fire spread to the cauldron, so that its temperature reached a stunned level.

"Oh, human!"

The big white goose pouted, and did not put Ling Feng in his eyes.

God knows how idiots Lingfeng is in its eyes, trying to burn it alive with a fire? Mo

It is said that it is a spiritual creature, even if the blood in it is not the fire that can be smelted to death, unless it is met by the characters such as Tianzun, it will be jealous.

It is full of contempt.

It is a song to the sky!

"Oh, life!"

Ling Feng naturally knows the thoughts of the big white goose, and the natural fire can not burn the white goose. The chaos and the nine spirits have made their brains hard. This big white goose should be like the chaotic nine-changing creature, the skin is thick and thick. , quite sturdy.

of course.

This big white goose is not as good as chaos and nine times in the flesh and blood. Otherwise, it will not be vomited by Ling Feng.


He really wants to smelt the flesh and blood of the big white goose, I am afraid that it is not so easy, at least the "ordinary" fire is not enough.

If other kings and spirits are afraid, they are really hard to say, but the wind is different.

The king next to it is not as magical as the wind. "

Do you think I can't help you? Ling Feng smiled and asked.

Ah! ”

Big white goose cold and proud smile, really did not pay attention to Ling Feng, as long as it can escape the clutch, he will let this character pay more blood. and


It is quite self-confident. Although the strength of Lingfeng can't be restrained, it is not easy to bake it with boiling water. At least it feels that Lingfeng can't do it.


Ling Feng’s face is filled with a more cold smile. This big white goose is really good, but it has not yet reached the level of chaos and nine spirits.


The blood talent is too terrible, the birth is the god, the progress is fast, the big white goose asks for 30 years, and asks the spirit emperor for 20 years, but when it is heavenly, even asks the sky, this blood will become Elbow.

To know. Big

The progress of the white goose is too fast. For the gods and the heavens, too little is tempered, and it is not solid enough. When asked, Tian Zun and others are too solid on the basic requirements, and they are mistaken in one step. can


The big white goose has not realized this. Have

When people envy others, others are also envious of you. people

The family began to be weak and needed to turn over the "mountains". But because of this, they were more solid, more persevering, and not knocked down by difficulties. The solidity of each step made them ask easier.

This is a weak race. This

More is a great race! each

A person born in a human race should be proud. "

District Xiangu only, can you be invincible in the world? Ling

The wind is proud but domineering. "When the ages, the kingdom of heaven was vast, but it was beautiful with Xiangu? They didn't take the path of Xiangu, but they took a different path. They let the whole Tianyu know that more than Xiangu can ask the fairy!"

Today, I will let you know that the world is also suppressing Xiangu! ”

Finished. Ling

In the gaze of the big white goose, the wind evokes the Nirvana fire, and the anti-air ban sword appears with the sky forbidden knife. The blessing is on the forbidden soil of the magic road, and the flame of burning is erupting, like the whole sky. They are all burned out. when

When the two flames fell under the cauldron, the whole sky roared, and the cauldron almost vanished. Want

I know, it is Tianzun's handwriting, and it is the power of law, but it must be annihilated. can

Seeing the extent to which the Nirvana fire and the flames that have evolved from the two forces are terrible. call

! Virtual

The air is burning. air

The image is like dirt residue, which is generally scattered and forms a large black hole. Big

The white goose suddenly became stunned and scared. "

That is... Nie! ”

The sound of the big white goose has changed, and the white fluffy face has become more pale. It has a heritage of immortality in the body, and naturally knows this terrible flame.

That is the flame of the phoenix.

Once you touch it, you have to be in the same place, and it belongs to the world's taboo power. Even if it encounters such a race, it will be bloody, at least they can't be phoenix.

If the ancient ancestors could use the power of the world to live in the flames of Nie, but it can't be done now. "

If you want to integrate into the stars? ”

Ling Feng's magic eyes flashed, pushing out the star inflammation in the body and pushing it together to Nie Flame.

Bang! under

At the moment, a row of arrows rained out from the flames. The two flames met and blew directly, exploding with endless terrible Tianwei, and the power and heat were doubled. The big cauldron was grilled red, inside. All kinds of herbs and Shenquan are dried up, while the big white goose makes a sigh. it

The flesh and blood stings, some of the feathers are actually scorched, giving off a paste, and even more disappointing is that the Nirvana flame is spreading toward it. Once it falls on it, what will it be? Next? it

Can you survive? it

Can suppress the flames of Nie? flutter


At this time, the big white goose fell to the ground quite simply, holding a fist. "Big brother, there is something to discuss, why do you want to get angry."

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