Supreme Demon

Chapter 2549: The Emperor came out!

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"Big brother, I am wrong!"


How simple and neat?

Previously, the sturdy posture disappeared in an instant. At this moment, only the big white goose, who was bowing his head, was stupid and full of fierceness, like a small pet.

It is full of pity.

It is full of respect.

How do you start?

If you didn't know what kind of creature this big white goose was, Ling Feng really had to be deceived.


Ling Feng did not let go of this, but used all his strength to make the Nirvana Flame and the Star Wars more fierce. The flames that broke out could annihilate this sky. Don’t say that the Emperor, Tian Zun came. I am afraid I have to tremble.

"Big brother, please let go!"

The Great White Goose Road was imprisoned and completely suppressed in the cauldron. All around it was suppressed by Qimen, and the flames rushed in, causing it to sweat and sweat. The feathers were squeaking, and the feathers scattered around were zooming.

If it is not through the cauldron, I am afraid that its feathers are not burnt.

The big white goose trembled in the heart and really sensed the breath of death.

this moment.

It only profoundly knows what kind of metamorphosis this character is. Even the phoenix and the flames are in the body. Is he because of Nirvana that can move to the present level?

have to say.

The current Ling Feng is indeed terrible.

"Big brother, the younger brother does not know Taishan, ask the big brother to put away your flames."

The tears of the big white goose are coming out. Its flesh and blood are hot, and the smoke on the feathers is really going to be ignited.

"Oh, creature!"

Ling Feng grinned, full of disdain, this big white goose was not very embarrassing before?

Now this gesture... It’s really uncomfortable.

"Big Brother Big Brother." The Great White Goose said quickly, although it is very talented, the race has lost the color of the entire starry sky.


Now the goose is under the eaves and has to bow down.


Nei Lie flames flashed past, and the star inflammation disappeared at this time. The temperature in the cauldron finally subsided, and the white goose breathed a sigh of relief.


Ling Feng didn't want to bake the big white goose. This creature is more useful to live, and he wants to get more fairy truth from the big white goose.

"Let's talk." Ling Feng asked.

"Say what?"

"What species do you belong to?"


The big white goose neck is a song to the sky. When it comes to species, it can't help but be proud. This species is indeed worthy of pride. There are no species in the world that can match them.


Ling Feng looked at the big white goose seriously and found that it did not lie. The blood in the body, the pride of the sky is unbearable, and in terms of species, it is not necessary to lie.


Although the swan is good, it is not qualified to be juxtaposed with the phoenix creatures, let alone contempt. This is not an ordinary swan species, but a "day" geese from Xiangu.

"I used to sit with the balance!"

"I have despised thousands of ways and pushed the world!"

The pride of the face of the great white goose is full, this is the "truth" of the immortality obtained in its inheritance, and this species has been fighting with the sky.

"So, the swan belongs to the top species in the immortal period?" Ling Feng asked.

"of course!"

"After Xiangu, is there only one of you left?"

Ling Feng blinked and asked. "What about other swan?"


The white goose is dull and full of sadness. When he wakes up, the whole world is empty. It can only face the resources and desolateness of the sky. There is no parent or the whole species in the inheritance, even the immortal.

It is just a white swan.

Who will uncover the truth?

What happened in the immortal period, was the ancestor of the entire swan species to make a mark, and let the ancestors dare not reveal the truth?

"Don't know?" Ling Feng asked.


"What about the immortal?"

"I don't know much, otherwise it won't be passive." The white goose sighed.

"Then you should know a lot about this?" Ling Feng asked.

"Not many, too!"

The big white goose said: "The ancient fairy sea is only there. There are ten Xianfu in it. I have got four seats, only six left. Unfortunately, I didn't find their whereabouts. As for the number of Xianshan and the fairy caves, there are more, but really valuable. Not many things."


Lingfeng mouth straight, feelings, this big white goose did not put Xianshan, Xian Cave in his eyes.

Since Xiangu, it has top resources.

Since Xiangu came, Xianfu was able to satisfy it.

How awkward is this?

At least Ling Feng did not have such discouragement. Compared with this big white goose, he is a dead and poor ghost.

"Can you find the whereabouts of the other two Xianfu?" Ling Feng asked.


A big white goose.

"Yes, the other four have come out and fall into the hands of other powers."

"They dare to marry my home and pick up my back garden?"

The big white goose is quite angry and said that it is regarded as its homeland, and Xianfu, Xianshan and Xianju are the resources of its back garden.


Ling Feng was shocked.

If this is the case, then this big white goose will be against the sky.

The entire Xiangu Xinghai is the home of the big white goose. How far is this species in the immortal period?

If the Xiangu Xinghai is not the home of the big white goose, but the entire Xiangu big people are doing their best to cast it, the intention is to send the big white goose.

What is the handwriting?

How great is that!

In the end, what kind of species does the big white goose need to exhaust the entire Xiangu force to send it to the world?

of course.

This is just a speculation of Ling Feng. Unless you return to the Xiangu period, the truth is difficult to uncover.

"In this way, you really have no use." Ling Feng sighed, he did not know the big white goose, what is the use of the big white goose?

"What are you doing?"

"I have long wanted to drink goose soup." Ling Feng said with a smile.


The big white goose is fried and angry, but the strength is not the opponent of Ling Feng, and the wind and the flames of the wind are so terrible, it is not impossible to kill it and turn it into a pot of soup.

"You don't want Xiangu resources?"

The big white goose was in a hurry and said with a smile.

"After you become a soup, I think what I want will appear."

"You think too much!"

The big white goose smiled coldly.. "Unless I ask the person of the heavenly level, I would like to get any resources from my hands. My dead resources and inheritance will be sealed forever, unless the swan with the same blood is able to open."

"I am dead, you will not get anything!"

"So, I really can't get rid of you."


"So let's talk about your value?"

"Don't talk!"

The big white goose said quite simply. "I don't have much resources right now."

"It looks like I still want you to be useless."

"I have a vast ancient resources in my heritage. Every time I ask for a level, resources will be open. If you want to get resources, you should try to keep me alive."

"Doesn't you have to provide some resources for you?" Ling Feng angered and laughed.

"That is even better."


Ling Feng really can't take this big white goose. I can't do it. It doesn't make any sense.

What he wants is the Xiangu resources, and he thinks that the white geese are not telling the truth. Some of them are illusions, but the inheritance is very likely to be true. It is not the same as the swan species, even the inheritance of the ancient heavens. Is the level one level open?

"How can I trust you?" Ling Feng sneered.

"This is your problem."


"This can't be done!"

"you are not willing?"

"Do not want to, but the species."

The great white goose is quite proud to say: "There is no sacrifice in my swan species setting. It is born to be a god. Why do you want other species to bow down? Either live or die!"

"Oh, it's quite bloody."

Ling Feng sneered, and the flames of the body appeared again. It was necessary to directly roast the geese of this species.

"Big brother, don't."

The white geese immediately became bloodless, and the grief and grievances said: "I am only telling the fact that there is a ban on the blood of my swan species, and there is no such thing as offering sacrifices to the soul. Otherwise, it will immediately collapse and die."


When encountering such a big white goose, Ling Feng feels tricky.

Can't kill!

But also can not believe the big white goose.

"Hey, I can keep you for a while, and I can still be the same for you!"

Ling Feng blinked, calmed down after a while, and said: "For me to find out the whereabouts of the two Xianfu, and even the whereabouts of the Immortal."

"Imperial temple?"

The big white goose was suddenly stunned and asked inexplicably. "What is the temple?"

"You are from Xiangu, should you know?" Ling Feng is also a glimpse. The expression of the previous white goose can be done without a fake.

"I don't know!"

The big white goose said quite honestly. "In my inheritance, the fairy temple was not mentioned."

"Is there really no fairy temple here?"

Ling Feng asked himself, the fairy temple is just a legend, if the big white goose does not know, it is really just a legend.

of course.

He still believes in the big white goose, only that it knows that the temple will not be said.

"Then first find the other two Xianfu!"

Ling Feng will release the big white goose, there is not much martyrdom, this rare species is naturally to be raised, just like chaos and nine spirits, as long as it is used well, it will be quite terrible.


It is safer to keep a "knife" beside you, otherwise you don't know which day will slap you at your most dangerous moment.

That can be quite fatal.


When Lingfeng and Dabai Goose walked out of the mountains, they got a message that surprised them.

During the time he disappeared.

The last two Xianfu were born, and they fell into the hands of several major forces. The five colleges were the ones in Xianfu, and the sixth Xianfu was obtained by Lingfeng.

"The six prefectures are born?"

The big white goose was a little worried, saying: "The five colleges have got five of them, and who is the sixth seat?"

Ling Feng did not respond, and he was more concerned about the second news.

The Emperor came out!

This is a fact that makes the kings deeply surprised and trembled.

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