Supreme Demon

Chapter 2552: A man who dares to be tied by the Emperor!

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The sky is magnificent.

In the blue sky, the light and rain of Xiangrui flowed down, and all of them fell on the female emperor. She appeared like a colorful coat, and behind it was a beautiful light rain, like her pretty face.

She stood in the air, letting the light rain carry a faint fragrance.

She is facing the wind, and the beautiful body is like a knife.

When she turned around, the whole sky seemed to be lit up, and she was the wind in the sky.

That is a beautiful picture!

That is the beauty of beauty!

Oriental Yingyu!

The female emperor who once moved the entire starry sky is now proud of the Lingfeng and the big white goose. The face is full of smiles, but it is killing.

Ling Feng frowned, and the big white goose did not understand.


It can clearly sense the horrible airflow in the eastern Yingyu and the body. It seems to be the King of the Kings who despise the sentient beings. The gentleness of the eyes is to make it feel trepidation, and the smile on the face is exuding its strong self-confidence.

It did not know the intention of the female emperor, but she was afraid of being quite dangerous.

"The big devil, I didn't expect a title from the beginning, it turned out to be true."

The oriental Yingyu mouth, the sound is beautiful, like the scutellaria, her eyes are playful, and more is bloody.

At the beginning, Ling Feng entered the magic, they tried their best.


Ling Feng still had a black hand on the Oriental family. Although the loss was not big, it still violated the taboos of the Oriental family.

They are rewarded with grace.

Ling Feng complained with grace!

For the powerful female emperor of the East Yingyu, these things are naturally unbearable.

“Oriental Ying Yu, the top talented person in the East?”

Ling Feng Mou flashed a bit, and the lightning flashed, and it was full of **** breath.

"Can't you think of it?"

Oriental Yingyu is full of cold eyes, she looks directly at Lingfeng's eyes and said: "They pay too much attention to you, and your knives are straight into the heart of the East, you succeeded, the loss of the East is too heavy, You will pay for it!"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng sneered and said: "We have such a grudge."

"Hands are close to the pro, the knife is loved, but it is the killer of the master. You are so **** Lingfeng!"

Dongying Yingyu was full of anger and angered Ling Feng’s crimes. Every crime was heinous, and more importantly, the soul of the Eastern family who died because of it was crying.

The big white goose is straight and the feelings of this man have done so many people and gods.

Is there anything in the world that he can't do?

At this moment, the big white goose is quite simply separated from the Lingfeng and draws a line.

With these people appearing together, doing things together, I am afraid it is quite dangerous?

Even if the big white goose knows some things about Ling Feng, it is still not very reassuring. After all, Ling Feng is completely non-human. His heart is too poisonous. Does Heaven know that the next one will die?

"Would you like to kill me?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly and said, "I am here."

"Right on my mind!"

Dongfang Yingyu flew down from the sky and looked at Lingfeng’s proud smile. He said: “Today’s non-original, since the advent of the five major colleges, you are not the first person in the sky, there is no fairy god, you get more resources. What is the use?"

"Today, you will be the first soul after I asked!"


The oriental Yingyu momentum suddenly appeared, carrying the Gai Shi Tianwei, the gas field was released, and the vast force was like the waves, and it fell heavily.

Three spaces are juxtaposed.

One more wins!

One is the fire space, and the red one is a secluded blue space. The blue flame is like a fire that spits out from the secluded magic mouth. It is an explosion of space evolution, which directly produces flames.

That is the flame of space!

The power of the flames born out of the entire space can be imagined.

This is a deepening of one another, not limited to power, but also to the true meaning, especially the third space, which is simply the sublimation of the rules of the first two spaces.

If the second heavy space is a ghost, then the third heavy space is a miracle.

The regular flames that burned the entire space, that is, make Tianzun quite jealous.

Tao Di!


During these times when Ling Feng disappeared, many things happened. The big man of the Void Road got Xianfu, and the first one to look for was the Oriental Yingyu.

these years.

Oriental Yingyu’s expression in the School of the Virtual Palace is quite good. Even the Song Yuanhuang and Zhou’s cute in the face of the oriental Yingyu will be a little grayer. This is stimulated by the powerful side of Lingfeng. How strong is this female emperor weaker? Other characters?

not to mention.

The Eastern clan was betrayed by Lingfeng, and the loss was heavy. The Oriental Yingyu naturally wanted to get back to the scene, so she was more cruel and more terrible in her cultivation.

Her glory is a step by step.

In the empty road, there is really no one who can match it, so she is the only one to ask.

"Dao Di!"

The white goose's face can't help but be pale, and the cold is not flying, which is quite taboo for the emperor.

In the Xiangu period, this is the character who made the emperors beheaded. It is said that the big white goose is only the spirit emperor, even the king must be so jealous.

In fact.

Ling Feng was also a bit surprised.

When he inquired about the disappearance of the magic figure, he knew that some characters would stare at him, but there were not many who dared to shoot. Moreover, it was not much to find him. The Buddha was a poet, the oriental poetry, the East. Ying Yu is the second place, but what he did not think is that the Oriental Ying Yu will come.

When she came, Ling Feng knew the truth.

Emperor Eastern!

She is the first Taoist figure in the Virtual Palace.

"Should I say congratulations?" Ling Feng squinted and his body arched and made an attack.

He has not met the Taoist emperor, and he is really unclear about this level of characters.

"Thank you, I can wash you!"

The eastern Yingyu stepped forward step by step, and the auspicious light rained in the Taoist temple, and the tyrannical momentum was also in this bursting, dive to Lingfeng.


It is also like a wild and savage beast. It is the gas field that makes the space blast, the sky is gray, and only the flame is burning.

Oriental Yingyu did not have the first time to sacrifice the world's lore, but wanted to spy on the depth of the Lingfeng. Does this person who once claimed the first celestial celestial character have made progress?

"not bad!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, and the momentum was also shocked at this moment. It was like a raging sea, and it was banned from the east.


The two forces collided in space, and the force collapsed and collapsed, exposing the surrounding mountains and rivers directly.


The fog is filled with fog.

At this time, a delicate sword fell from the void, and Dongying Yingyu started the first time. No matter what level Lingwu is at, she is invincible to her at this moment.

Under the Emperor, all the ants!


The beautiful sword appeared with a vibrato, and its power was completely boiling, and the wild rushed to Lingfeng, completely crazy.

On the beautiful sword, the triple space ignited together, the space was burning, and the road was burning.

On the upper Lingfeng, Dongfang Yingyu used all efforts.


The void is directly pierced, and the power penetrates the nine heavens. It is like a broken bamboo, and the sun is shining in the sky. It is the rising sun.

Sunrise East!

Only I am undefeated!

Oriental Yingyu meets Shengyang, and a sword falls down.

The sky is cracked.

The ground is sinking!

Only that sword is thorny and arrogant.

At the moment, who will suppress this sword?

At the moment, who will fight her?

She has already anticipated the end of the **** splash on the spot. When the sunrise is integrated into the Tao, what power can be contained in the world?


Yes, that's only one thing...

"Is a sword divided into life?"

Ling Feng’s face was full of smiles, and the oriental Yingyu who stepped into the Tao Emperor was indeed terrible. If he had to bow down at the beginning, but after a few months of tempering, he went further and the strength was no longer the same, especially the Tao. Progress, let Ling Feng full of wild vision.

Who is the enemy?

Is this the Tao Emperor?

"If I don't accept it, who dares to let me beheaded?"

Ling Feng coldly looked ahead, the force burst out like a tide, the magic road flew out, and the metal vibrato was emitted.


A knives are flying!


A sword is flying!

The sky road and the anti-airway are all trembled. That is the embodiment of the sword. It is the contend of the sword.

The sky is forbidden, and the sword is against the air!

Their terrible power is extraordinary, and they are the top power in the king.

"The road is not unbreakable!"

Feel the power of it, Lingfeng magic eyes shine, the magic is more turbulent, and when the sky forbids the knife and the anti-air ban sword, the whole world loses its voice, only the power that is shaking.

Only the emptiness of the world can not be forbidden!

If he doesn't accept it, don't want to bend his waist this day.

If he swears, he must bow down!


Ling Fengbao is solemn, with both hands holding the empty ban and cutting it to the east, and welcoming the sun, facing the power of the extraordinary world.

In this process, Xianli flew out and integrated into the emptiness of the blade.

that moment.

The sky is dark.


Big white goose lost its light!

A thin, fluttering light flew through the sky, opened thousands of ways, and opened the endless light rain. The burning flames came to an abrupt end, and the boiling void suddenly collapsed, and the mighty power was smouldering at this moment...

Light rain is falling.

In the light rain, two figures flashed past.

The entire picture is fixed.

Ling Feng is still the Ling Feng.

Oriental Yingyu is still the oriental Yingyu.

The same wind is light and light.

The same cool and elegant.

But in the eyes of the big white goose, there is a different taste. That is the Taoist emperor, and Ling Feng dares to compete with the Taoist emperor and wants to be side by side.

He is a man who dares to be tied by the Emperor!

"Don't go over!"

Ling Feng's face was a little white, and he found the atmosphere around him. Someone was coming in this direction. He didn't want to be surrounded by all the songs, so he decided to leave.

Wait until Lingfeng and the big white goose disappear.

The rosy jade of the oriental Ying Yu suddenly became pale, and a blood was spilling out of his mouth, and her gaze that looked away from Ling Feng became complicated.

He is not a Taoist.

However, he asked the king.

However, he took the king of Tianwei hard steel road emperor.

She is injured.

And he is still strong!

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