Supreme Demon

Chapter 2553: The temple is coming out?

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The king can be tied with the emperor!

There are also a few people who can't find a fairy, but there is such a person in the world.

The big white goose is full of horror, and is more awe-inspiring to Ling Feng. This is a person who has not done his best. Although Ling Feng is notorious, it is a stinky mouse that everyone calls in the sky, but this person’s talent in the road is eye-catching. Ancient people can't find a few people who can be tied with them.

The magic road is forbidden, the void is forbidden, and the fairy force.

Any kind of Tao is full of pride, but Ling Feng is actually letting it be fully occupied, how disgusting it is.

to be frank.

The big white goose is quite jealous of Ling Feng, and he does not want to treat it for a while, but on the one hand it covets the fairy power and various forces of the wind, so it does not intend to leave.

Its small abacus is very loud.


After leaving there, Ling Feng coughed up blood, his face appeared blushing color, and the Taoist confrontation, even if he used Xianli, still hurt.


He wants to leave, even the Emperor wants to leave him.

"Are you OK?"

The big white goose cares and asks, if you lie down at this time, then it will have to laugh.

"Nothing, at least suppressing you enough!"

Ling Feng slanted the big white goose, the heart of this stupid goose was all on his face, but the goose face was not very clear.

"what do you mean?"

The big white goose is very dissatisfied. "Is this goose the kind of goose?"


"You are the embarrassment of the goose!"

The big white goose is quite dissatisfied, and Ling Feng is actually wary of it. This is very unreasonable.


Ling Feng did not pay attention to the big white goose. He looked at the distance. It was really the direction of the confrontation. He was injured. Dongying Yingyu was also injured. He had some knowledge of the Taoist emperor, and he was not as terrible as he thought. At least He can suppress it.

It's just tricky.

Xianli blessing is on the vanishing edge of the void. Is the power just as simple as multiplication?

"Oriental Yingyu is not necessarily the top figure in the Tao Emperor!"

Ling Feng said in his heart that the forces like Xianting and Death are equally vigilant.

Especially the one at Death College, I’m afraid I have to find myself already?

Stepping into the Tao Emperor, every character in the Death Academy is holding a sigh of relief. He wants to suppress Ling Feng and suppress the first celestial celestial celestial celestial temper at the foot. Let him bow down and let him behead.

This is enough to satisfy their vanity.

This is the only way to insult!

"I am afraid to ask as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng sighed and said that he is quite dangerous to the emperor, and this is just a Taoist emperor. If there are more emperors on the road?


If there is more than one character beside the oriental Ying Yu, he will have to shed more blood, and even bow down.

Oriental Yingyu can do his best, but he can't.

He has too many opponents and is full of enemies. He must always be vigilant and always be alert. Once other characters are involved, he also has the ability to get away. Otherwise, it is the end of the commandment.

In fact.

Even if Ling Feng asks for success, it is quite dangerous to be a Taoist here, not to mention the king.

"Let's find a hidden place!"

Ling Feng flew to the distant stars, sat down with the big white goose, and then he directly entered the space of the Lingzhu, and detained the white goose.

"Here... another starry sky?"

The big white goose chin has to fall down, I am really surprised, the space here is very different, the rules are not the same as the stars.


The space of the devouring beads is too strong, and it is not like the handwriting of the heavenly level figures, it is more like being taken from the stars.

Ling Feng did not take care of it and directly retired.

He wants to use all kinds of resources, temper all kinds of power, make himself become impeccable, and even ask the Emperor.



The emptiness of the void, a piece of Lingshi flying on the void, in the form of gossip, alternating evolution, light rain is like a lightning, filling the void.


The one of the Lingshi was trembled, and the light rain was dark, and they flew away from the sky.


At that moment, a ray of light flew up the sky and hit a direction.

"The breath is that direction!"

An old man said twitchingly. "If we guessed no problem, it might be here!"

"Then find it out soon!"

Another old man spoke up, solemnly and vigilantly. "On the changes of these ancient fairy seas, I feel that it will not take long for the Xiangu Xinghai to hide in the void. This is not the correct time for the immortals."

"The prosperous world is not present, the stars are not sinking!"

"You have to wait until the arrival of the prosperous world, the Xiangu Xinghai may really sink!"

"But it's not a hole in the wind!"

Several characters flashed forward and appeared on the mountain of three million miles, using the gossip stone to perform.

"Being still ahead, the breath is more dazzling than before, but it is too far away to show enough light rain."

Several figures are heads.

These spiritual stones are used for exploration. They are jointly motivated by many gods and can find things that others can't find. At the moment, they are exploring the greatness of the world. If it is successful, it will be a grand event.


The breath they got was too weak, and it was hard to find the whereabouts of it.

They exhausted their efforts and only stepped through the doorway, but it took more time to find it.

Across billions of stars!

Several big men are approaching the goal step by step, only because the breath on the piece of Lingshi is more dazzling, and it is about to reach the eye.

"Not far away, we have to find it first!"

A few months later.

Several big men were excited, and the momentum was swaying through layers of layers, and then they quickly advanced and rushed forward.

at the same time.

The other big men held the road map, and the whole picture was hidden on the road map. The odd doors were shining, running wildly, and the light air flow flew out from the road map and spread to the distance.

"It is this direction!"

"The characters of the virtual palace have passed, we should not be slow!"

When these big men sensed the atmosphere of the big men of the False Palace, their faces suddenly changed and they accelerated their pace.


After the disappearance of the celestial celestial gods, the characters of the Death Academy also appeared, and the speed was not slow.

A stalked shovel on their heads, like being driven by death, flew in the same direction.


The Emperor and the Devils also appeared, with the same direction and the same goal.

of course.

These are just the big men, but the forces that have received the Immortality have found an unusual atmosphere in the Immortal, and these breaths point to one place.

Needless to say.

After Tianzun, the armed forces of the major forces were also summoned and needed to go in that direction.

"Is it really?"

The eastern Yingyu Dao blinks, and the major forces have the same goal. This is quite rare, and it can only drive their interests.

If one or two forces, it should be a fairy.


When the major forces are found together, there is only one possibility.

Xian Temple!

"Is the fairy temple coming out?"

The oriental poetry frowned, and the temple was limited to legends.

Although the Xiangu Xinghai is different, it can be found at the same time by major forces. Is this too coincidental?

"Xiangu Xinghai has fluctuated fiercely these days, and all major forces have discovered this. Therefore, when they want to leave, they will make the last fight!" Dongfang Yingyu said coldly. "This is not just a contest between Tianzun, but also A confrontation between the emperors!"

"Sister should be careful."

Oriental poetry reminds me.

The Emperor of the Imperial Palace is the fish in the eyes of other powers. Once the Oriental Yingyu is single, there is basically no way to live.


As long as the oriental Yingyu appears, it will immediately be stared at by the characters in the dark, and hope to get out of it.

"Without such pessimism, there are naturally people on the level of Tianzun who can suppress it. On the level of the Taoist emperor, I don't think there is much to suppress her." Song Yuanhuang said with a smile, and there was an envy that could not be concealed in his eyes.

That is the Taoist!

They are only living in poverty for a lifetime, and the Taoist is a great creation.

"I know!"

Dongying Yingyu was in the forehead and the eyes flashed. She thought of the character.


"Is the fairy hall really coming out?"

Ling Feng sat on the top of the mountain, bathed in the mountain wind, and looked cold and cold. He smelled blood in the wind.

"The major forces should go to the temple."

The big white goose is sitting in danger, and there is no wave in the face of the goose.

Ling Feng glanced at the big white goose, and the smile in his eyes turned out to be strong.

"The temple is just a legend. Is it really going to come out?"

Ling Feng sneered and said. "Someone is fishing!"

"But what kind of fish does he want to catch?"

The big white goose has become awkward. "Someone wants to borrow them from the temple to get them all done?"

"Maybe the fish he really wants to play is you!"

The Dabai Goose became more gloomy. It said: "I won't get involved in this drowning. If he wants to fish, then let him go and fight. The goose wants to be on the wall."

"You are not curious about the fairy temple?" Ling Feng asked.

"You said, this is a game."

The big white goose rolled his eyes and said, "Who will use the temple to fish?"

"Our angler is quite patient."

Ling Fengyin said, "If he is fishing successfully, then what?"

The big white goose is sinking.

Then use it?

"This goose wants to get rid of him!"

The big white goose didn't want to do that character, but after weighing the strength, it felt that he could bear it first, but when he thought that the character had appeared around the goose nest, it was very fragile.


As long as there is a chance, it still wants to kill the character.

"Only our strength is not enough."

Ling Feng said seriously: "The need to borrow some natural materials from Xiangu Xinghai is the first step. The second step is to find Buddha as soon as possible!"

"What do you want to borrow from the ancient star sea?" asked the white goose curiously.

Ling Feng did not respond, but smiled indifferently.

"I rub, are you crazy?"

When the big white goose knew what the idea of ​​Ling Feng was, the whole goose was horrified, and the scared hemp paws flew across the field. (

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