Supreme Demon

Chapter 2554: Attacked the Temple of Heaven!

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Xian Temple!

It is the supreme hall of the entire Xiangu. It is the land of martial arts dreams. The resources of Xiangu are enough for a big force to push the stars. If they fall into their hands, what other characters in the whole starry sky can compete with them? ?

Xianfu can ask the king to become a Taoist.

What about the temple?

Can you ask Tian Zun? Become the best person?

Even asking for success?

This is the reason why Tianzun is crazy. Just let them find the temple, and the problems that have plagued them for many years can be solved.

"Just ahead!"

The virtual palace Tianzun is the fastest and the strength is quite terrible. They have already sensed the atmosphere of the fairy temple, which is much closer than it was at the beginning.


They speeded up and prevented being taken a step by other forces.

"Don't let the virtual palace succeed!"

The fairyland, the demon, the demon, and even the roster of death are all erupting, rushing to the front.

Just a few days of effort.

In front of the characters of the virtual palace, there is an endless sea of ​​smoke. The vastness is empty, and the gray people can't see the things inside, but the charm of the stone is extraordinary, and there is a kind of spiritual light pushing into the endless sea of ​​smoke.

"Just inside!"

The big man in the virtual palace took a direct step and completely refused to smoke.

At the moment, the endless sea of ​​smoke is a psychedelic sea of ​​smoke, they have to cross the past, no characters can stop their footsteps.

This is wild hope!

This is even more a dream!


In the fairyland, Tianzun flies and flies into the endless sea of ​​smoke, even though they know that there are risks, but the risk is followed by the fairy temple that makes the whole starry sky crazy.

The demon, the demon, and the roster of death do not fall behind.

When a big man breaks into the endless sea of ​​smoke, he directly detonates the sea of ​​smoke, letting it turbulent, endless smoke is stirring, dust is flying for a time, mountains and rivers are screaming, terrible airflow is slamming out, and being inexhaustible In the smoke sea, a big man's face turned gray, and in front of them was a vast temple.

"Really is the temple!"

One of the gods said with a smirk, full of madness, he directly hit the front, trying to push the door of the first fairy.

"Psychedelic smoke!"

Xuankong's face was heavy, and the power burst out. He directly hit the past and wanted to collapse the temple. His willpower was quite strong and could not be confused by the psychedelic sea of ​​smoke, and kept enough to be awake.

"Don't be here, this is not the real temple!"

"We have to get through the endless smoke to get the real fairy temple!"

He shouted, and the rhythm of the rhythm was like a Tianshan crush, letting those who are in the psychedelic wake up.


They are marching toward a terrible volcano. Where the whole space is burning, it is not the temple of the gods, but the **** of the world. If it is really attacked, it is afraid that it will be wiped out now, which makes them take a cold breath and become Be cautious.

"Clash out!"

The two characters, Xuankong and Dongfang, are headed by the power, pressing forward, step by step, quite firm and more aggressive.

They have long known the difference between the ancient stars and the sea.

These places of Xianfu and Xian Cave are dangerous, let alone the Temple of Heaven.

There is not enough talent, but the endless smoke is not qualified to see the temple, let alone the resources of the temple.


They carry the treasures and can wake up when they are confused.


However, there are still some Tianzun sinking into the fascinating sea of ​​smoke. On the spot, they fell into the flames of space, and they disappeared in an instant. The flames are burning in space, and the burning of the space rules of the oriental Yingyu is not a level.


A few Tianzun woke up in front of the flames, his face pale, and his mouth spurted blood. They were quite decisive. They directly smashed the semi-biased body and pushed them out with tyrannical power.


They are also seriously injured.

The virtual palace is not a case.

The fairyland, the demon, the roster of death, the demon, etc. are all bleeding, the end is quite fierce, and the more terrible is that several Tianzun will not be firm enough, and they are broken by the endless sea of ​​smoke, and the soul of the sea is lost, becoming the body of the ownerless. Wandering in the endless sea of ​​smoke.

Behind any resource is dangerous!

Is the temple really easy to get?

There is no end to the sea of ​​smoke, they do not have such qualifications!

The major powers are insisting that they do not know how far the endless smoke is, but they have already arrived here, and they have no intention of retreating.


They are somewhat worried about the Wudi, they can see through some things, but Wudi can not have such strength, once it falls in it, it is the end of the smog, how many martial arts to die.


At present, they have no ability to stop the Emperor Wu, the endless smoke is too extraordinary, the mental strength and the strength of the Lingshi can not be fully revealed unless they withdraw.

at last.

After two months of cooking, they passed through the endless sea of ​​smoke, and what appeared in front of them was really a sea of ​​enclaves.

On that sea, there is a fairy palace.

The cranes fly, the phoenixes fly, and the sky falls into the dust.

This is the top screen.

Only Xian Dian has such an imposing manner that it can make the cranes and phoenixes and other arches, presenting this extraordinary picture.

It is called poetry and painting here.


That Xian Palace is very embarrassing, not as real.

"Is the mirage?"

Several big men have heavy faces, because the fairy palace is in the sea, and it is most likely a virtual image, not a real image. The correct position of the fairy palace needs them to locate.

"Find it out!"

Several big figures in the virtual palace said that they would use that piece of Lingshi to portray in the void, to find the specific position of the palace.

at the same time.

The fairyland Tianzun flies out in the other direction. Although several characters have died, this does not affect the overall strength of Xianyu Tianzun.

"That is not the real image, we need to find its true location!"

Several big men are quite simple, and they are offering a compass for positioning.

Not much time.

The demon and the demon characters also appeared, and they performed the same as the virtual palace and the Xiantian Academy. They could not find the whereabouts of the fairy palace at one time.

Different from these four college characters.

After the appearance of the big names in the list of death gods, they immediately rushed to the "mirage", they must be much smarter.


They also didn't see the truth, but sometimes the virtual image already explained the problem.


They thought of the list of deaths from the layout here. How is the starry sky there like?

"Damn, don't let them get it first!"

Several big men in the virtual palace are about to calculate the set of the Imperial Palace, and their direction also points to the "mirage", which means that the fairy palace is in that direction.

"Attack to the Temple of Heaven!"

The celestial celestial beings can't wait any longer, and they can do it directly.

After the demon and the demon do not fall, this time, as long as there is any force to find the temple, it will be enough.

Even if you don't find it, everyone is the same, there is still time.

But if you are one step behind, it is dangerous.

The law of space is turbulent, and one heavenly sage is full of terrible power, as the fire is burning, and the whole void is broken.

The terrible light rain covered the whole void.


The "mirage" is in turmoil. A crane is screaming in the law of space. It has the meaning of falling from the sky, and the phoenix is ​​also mourning and overstretching.

The first person of the list of death gods appeared, banned from penetrating the virtual image of the fairy palace and hitting the inside.

"In the virtual image!"

At this time, the big palace figures finally figured out the truth, the fairy palace is inside, and the virtual image is just used to cover people's eyes and ears.

next moment.

The five colleges together attacked the Xiandian and broke the "mirage".

In an instant.

People are excited, just because they are in front of them is a magnificent building, pavilions and pavilions, flying slanting out, the white palace city stands in front of them, squatting five hundred miles, the surging fairy tales and the real The crane and the phoenix virtual shadow came out and arched the fairy palace.

Xian Temple!

This is the real fairy temple!

People are crazy!

The fairy temple that was circulated in the Xiangu period was not a legend but a true one.

Xianfu has endless resources, especially the bowl of clear springs, so that the major forces have tasted the sweetness. At this moment, the temple is in front of them. It is more than a clear spring. I am afraid that there are more extraordinary resources, if they fall in their hands. Inside... Just think about it, they have to go crazy.

They attacked the temple.


Is the fairy hall really easy to push open?

The phoenix and the crane are not illusions, but more like the illusion of the gods. They swoop down and banned from being a god.

For a time.

Wandao roared, and the heavens and the earth screamed.

A big matchup is unfolding in front of the Temple of Heaven...


Oriental Yingyu and Oriental poetry appeared in front of the endless sea of ​​smoke. Although they are very jealous, they still have no hesitation. The temptation of the temple is too great. Even if they risk their life and death, they must take a trip.

"You don't want to go in!"

The Song and Yuan emperors said to those spiritual emperors and Yuandi emperors. "If the non-kings go in, they are afraid of being killed!"


Those who are the emperors and the heads of the Yuan emperor, although they are unwilling, but as the Song and Yuan emperors said, these endless smoke, if they are not afraid of death, they are afraid of death.

Resources are dead and people are alive.

They still don't want to die.

Not much time.

The characters of Xianyu appeared. They saw the Song Yuanhuang and saw the Oriental Yingyu and others, but they did not speak. Now their task is to pass as soon as possible, help the gods, and divide the resources of the temple, instead of killing here.

The demon, the roster of death, the demon and other characters have also appeared.

Everyone has the same goal, there is no conflict here, and they have the same will, so that the Yuan Emperor and the Emperor will not enter the endless sea of ​​smoke.

"Take them one by one for us!"

When the Mozu kings entered the endless sea of ​​smoke, they said coldly.


"Be wary of other forces!"

Dongfang Yingyu said coldly. "This time not only the temple is the battlefield, but also the battlefield here!"


The emperor and the emperor’s forehead, Xiangu resources are the incentives, they are eager to get more, and other forces also hope to get more.

Can Xiangu Xinghai have so many resources, how more?

More people die, and they have more resources on average. (

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