Supreme Demon

Chapter 2562: Xiandian storm!

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"Dao Di, I am waiting for you to fight!"

Ling Feng looked straight into the distance, full of killing.

He knew that Loy was running.

If this time is not running, it is a real idiot, and the **** of death is detained by him. Loy, the creature that summons the **** of death, is naturally seriously injured. She is only suppressing the blood in the body.

These injuries have not been in place for a few years, and I am afraid that they will not recover.

If Loyy still wants to kill, I am afraid that I am looking for death.

The gods of the death list waited for a moment, completely desperate, and they did not think that Ling Feng could defeat the Tao Di Luo Yi.

That is the Taoist!

Not only are they desperate, but other forces have felt desperate. The five colleges are born with five Taoist emperors. But now Lingfeng has defeated one of them, and the other four?

The king defeated the emperor!

What a terrible thing is this?

If you let the five colleges know, I am afraid that it will be a smashing of the sky. Those gods must kill the wind, otherwise they will grow up, then there is nothing else.

However, they did not know that the Emperor of the East had suffered in the hands of Ling Feng.

What is really exciting is empty.

He knows that the monarch of Ling Feng is different from other kings and belongs to an alternative, but he did not think that the king could actually turn the emperor, and only this record can be included in the history books.

How many characters can you do in Xiangu?

of course.

Ling Feng knows clearly that Loy is not weak, but the road to death is different. It is mainly to summon **** creatures, and the emptiness of the shield completely suppresses the death, let alone the power of Xian. In the face of such power, **** is more powerful. When the creature is born, I am afraid that it will bleed.

On the whole, Loy is not weaker than the Oriental Yingyu, but the East is full of terrible is its own way, the three-space rule is not comparable to Loy.


Ling Feng told the big white goose.

At this time, the big white goose was quite simply detaining the spirits of the major forces and throwing them in front of Ling Feng.


This king is really against the sky, although the species of swan is different, but the temperament of this time is completely looking for death, and it sees more different things in the power of Ling Feng, that is what it is craving.

This is its big brother!

Ling Feng did not hesitate to throw these spirits into the spirited beads on the spot.


I came to Lingfeng in the air and asked seriously and sincerely.


Ling Feng squinted and smiled, smiled ridiculously, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. Although Xianli and the Void Blade could restrain the death, the power of Luo Yi could not be underestimated. He was still injured.

Cross-level duel.

He still suffers.

"Why can you suppress Loy?" The face was shocked, but Ling Feng was just a bloody, not seriously injured.

"My way!"

"What?" asked the empty air. "I can feel that you are different."

"It's really different!"

Ling Feng wiped off the blood of the corner of his mouth, but he still couldn't stop the blood's "enthusiasm". "Without Xiangu Tiangong, I don't rely on Xiangu resources to ask, can you be the same as other kings?"

“Do you tear your potential on your own?”

The sky is full of horror, that is, the big white goose is full of surprise.

This is too exaggerated!

When the world is different from Xiangu, you want to tear the talents and need more resources. After all, the suppression power of the heavens and the earth is terrible, but if you really resist the suppression of the heavens and the earth, and then tear the potential, the potential and strength will blow out. Not the other kings can be comparable.

"You are really a enchanting!"

Empty and convinced.

The big white goose stares at the swaying Dantian. It is different from the empty space and can see some essential things.

"Some powers are not what you can get now." Ling Feng can naturally see what the big white geese are craving.

“How did you do it?” asked the White Goose.

"I want to be able to do it naturally!" Ling Feng said with an eyebrow.

"Then why can't I get it now?" asked the big white goose.

"When you get to that level, you can get it naturally, now." Ling Feng said with a smile. "It's too far!"


Looking at the expression of the big white goose, I don’t want to mention how refreshing I am.

Oh, let you be born is the god!

Brother is your brother, you will always be your brother!

What happened to you when you were born?

Brother is the extraordinary figure who casts Xianli!


Endless smoke.

It has calmed down and no characters have appeared. There are only three winds, empty air and big white goose.


Ling Feng will release the breath from the nine Immortals, let the empty relics detain, and then the whole relic will shine, the light rains like smoke.

"To find the whereabouts of the ancestors, I want to know what he wants to do."

Ling Feng's magic is cold, the ancestors want to calculate the entire starry sky, and he is counted by the magician characters. Some things he does not want to wait for the ancestors to uncover the truth, he wants to find the truth himself.

"it is good!"

The head of the air is empty and becomes solemn, and then spits out a bit of blood and blends into the relics, allowing it to be completely released.

The star map of the relics runs, and the stars appear in front of the people.

Not much time.

The relics made a light, banned from penetrating endless cover and extended into the distance.

"It's really inside!"

Lingfeng magic becomes more cold, these breaths can find the whereabouts of the ancestors, meaning that the ancestors have not yet died.

In the absence of it, its intent is obvious.

"With so many resources, we have all got it. Is it really necessary to take risks?"

The air is a bit hesitant, and the spiritual powers of the major forces and the Xiangu resources of the Yuan Emperor are all cleaned up by them, and they get a lot of real, and once they enter the endless sea of ​​smoke, they are equal to facing the king, the emperor, and even the heavenly, he becomes Hesitated.

after all.

He has just stepped into the realm of the king, and it is dangerous to any of the kings, not to mention the big white goose.

“Seeking for the rich and the rich!”

Ling Feng said with a smile. "We are not trying to fight with the gods, you are going to die, but you have to take the fire."


"Don't worry, I won't put myself in danger."

Ling Feng firmly said: "Some things need to be solved in the 'Xian Dian'."


Empty and empty, he knows that Ling Feng’s intentions will not be simple, dare to risk his life and death, then there must be big and conspiracy. As for the big white goose, there is no opinion. It is not worried, people who can hurt it in Xiangu Xinghai. Not much.


Things are a little more complicated than they think, and that is the endless sea of ​​smoke.

There is no problem with the big white goose, and the Lingfeng has no problem, but the empty space has not passed through such a sea of ​​smoke.

"In the past, this is the baptism of the immortal figures!"

Ling Feng said, he did not help empty, these things need him to come over, this will be a big help.

"it is good!"

I bit my teeth and walked into the endless sea of ​​smoke...

"Not yet?"

The big white goose lazily sighed, looking at the endless sea of ​​smoke from time to time, and did not see the empty Buddha face inside.

"Don't worry!"

Ling Feng lay lazily on the ground, holding a cat grass in his mouth, looking at the distance.

They entered the endless sea of ​​smoke together with the air, but the speed is not a level at all. The wind will be too firm, and the endless sea of ​​smoke has no effect on him. The big white goose is essentially the same, so the two characters juxtapose, just use A day.

Can be empty.

They are lying here for fifteen days, and the air is still not coming out.

"He won't die inside?" Big White Goose said worriedly.

"If he is so fragile, do I need to pay attention to him like this?" Ling Feng grinned, he believes that the air is empty, although the endless smoke is Tianzun level, but the king and the Tao emperor can be refined.

What can other people do? Why can't they be empty?


On the fortieth day, the air finally came out of the endless sea of ​​smoke. Despite the gray face, there were different light rains in the eyes.

Obviously, these days he got a lot in the endless sea of ​​smoke.

"Have a rest, let's go!" Ling Feng gestured to the air.

"it is good!"

Sit down and take a break.

Two days later.

They set off and walked toward the sly "Dian Dian", but this road flew. They saw a few bones and laid flat on the road leading to the Temple of the Immortal. From the breath, it should be the other kings. .

"The direction of the relics is behind the temple!"

In the empty hands, holding the relics, frowning said: "This is just a mirage in front of us."

"I know." Ling Feng's forehead, said with a smile. "I am afraid that the entire temple is just a mirage."

The big white goose blinked a bit.


They appeared in front of the mirage, it was just a virtual image, there was a phantom, not a physical one, but behind the mirage, it was a vast fairy temple, half a mile away, hidden in the virtual space, if not Lingfeng Xianli extraordinary, There are also relic guidelines, I am afraid it is difficult to find differences.

"Really not the temple?" The air is a little excited. As far as the hidden hall is, it is really not a virtual image.


Ling Feng shook his head. If the temple is really here, will the ancestors set up an ambush here?

What about cheating ghosts?


The terrain here is not like the handwriting of a real person in the world, I am afraid that it was created in the immortal period, and if it is a virtual image, then this pit is not arranged by the ancestors, but some people are digging in the ancient times. pit.

This is a fairy pit!


When Ling Feng they tore open the void, appearing in front of them is that the temple is more embarrassing, and in the sky, Tianwei turbulent, Tianzun is rapidly rushing around.

The temple was born.

All major forces have emerged, so many resources, naturally attracted a field of madness.

Because of the reason, the temple is divided into nine palaces, extending from nine directions to the center, and there are terrible strange cracks in the sky and below. People can only fly through the nine heavenly palaces to the center of the fairy temple, and because the fairy giant gates are pushed open. Various resources came out, and the major forces were completely jealous and directly started. (

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