Supreme Demon

Chapter 2563: There is a fierce behind the scenes!

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The world is flooded! Cast

Xianmen! Million


It is these nine heavenly palaces that guard the extraordinary palace in the middle. Each of the heavenly palaces is quite vast, hundreds of miles apart, and there are subdivisions, such as Guilinyuan and Baijidong. a few

There are nine small heaven palaces, Baizhu Dongfu and other arch guards in every temple.

of course. This

These are all on both sides. Only one passage leads directly to the core palace, more like a ladder, and the core palace is buried in the sea of ​​smoke, and there is no real capacity. This

It is quite a surprise picture.

You must know that this fairy temple is in the space, let alone such a large space that people have not seen, that is, the sea of ​​smoke in the space is surprising, here is not the starry sky, where is the smoke sea? people

We can see that the sea of ​​smoke is not a psychedelic sea of ​​smoke, there is no attack power, but it can obscure the gods of heavenly characters, which is quite embarrassing.

now. day

The nobles have just boarded the Baizhudong, Guiyuyuan and other places, but these small "Tiangong" have many resources. Xiangu resources are thrown into the ground as ordinary resources, although most of them are items such as Xianjin. But it also triggered a **** battle of terror. This

How many immortal gold, that is, the empty forces, these big forces see to be jealous. more

What's more, there are still a lot of stars, how can you not make people crazy? and


This is just a small "Tiangong". It really wants to cross the Xiaotian Temple and appear in the main Tiangong. How amazing is the resource? One

On the other hand, all major forces want to get resources and share the other side as soon as possible. They want to fly to the third aspect of the main Tiangong as soon as possible. They want to suppress other forces and prevent important resources from being taken away. This

It is a contradiction. in

In this place, there are contradictions to solve, and the only way to solve it is to fight!

in spite of. the Lord

There are as many as nine in the Temple of Heaven, but the forces of the world come from the endless sea of ​​smoke, and it is difficult to disperse it at one time. After all, there are several forces to divide a main Tiangong. This

It is also the main cause of the **** outbreak.

boom! One

The loud noise, a Tian Zun burst on the spot, a sword passed by and killed the Mozu. people

The magic is not standing! Virtual

The characters of the palace will not bow to the Mozu. At this time, they naturally do not want the Mozu to get too many resources, otherwise they will be unlucky in the future.

"court death!"

The Mozu is not weak, especially the character holding the axe, the power of the gods is shocking, and when the axe is down, the sky is pulled out of a big hole, the space is torn, and a black hole is formed.

Tian Zun fell backwards and did not dare to confront the open axe. in

There is not much truth in the world that can really compete with the open axe. "

town! "mysterious

The top of the sky flies out of a heavenly palace, and the arrogance is shocking. It is the empty road. This accessor is too extraordinary, not weak, and its Tianwei seems to be stronger than the open axe.

When the power is crushed down, let the devils fall back.


The Mozu characters also played blood and pushed the ban to hit the characters in the virtual palace. "

Devil! ”

The characters of the virtual palace are naturally not allowed to compete with the Mozu.

"The Mozu really has a little meaning!"

The second force of the virtual palace appeared, coming from the characters of the Guanghan Palace. Several Tianzuns were pressed together, and the demons who fought were all showing their strengths, even if they were holding the open axe. Bureau

The situation is not conducive to the Mozu. only

It is the eye of the virtual palace that frowns that the Mozu characters here are not the entire Mozu, they are scattered, and the Lord and several Devils do not appear here.


The intention of the Mozu is also quite obvious. boom


The **** battle lasted for three whole hours. Even if the characters of the virtual palace occupied the advantage, they still bleed, and the devil paid more. One demon was killed on the spot.


The devils do not dare to delay, the characters in the virtual palace are too strong, and their situation is passive, so they will only suffer.

after all. magic

The characters that the family can come are rare, but now they are scattered. In this respect, they are far less than the virtual palace. Moreover, one or two forces may be weaker than the Mozu, but the colleges created by many forces Tianzun Enough is enough.

In this respect, the Mozu naturally suffers. "

It’s not that easy to go! Virtual

Gong Tianzun does not intend to let go of the Mozu, this is an excellent opportunity to get rid of the Mozu, especially those who hold the axe, if they can get the axe, they will not be so jealous of the Mozu. It is.


The Mozu is more deceitful than people think, and directly evokes a banner on one side, and singularly opens up the space of heaven and earth. can

The feared Wei Li directly suppressed it, curbed the footsteps of the characters in the virtual palace, and the entire gate was sealed, and the demon lords left here. "

Let them run away! Virtual

The palace characters sighed, but there is no way, the devils are not so good to deal with. he

After they recovered, they went to the main Heavenly Palace. another

one direction.

The roster of death is on the demon, and the fire is ignited in an instant. Although there is no such thing as a demon between them, the roster of death must be killed by the Terran, let alone the Yaozu? and

And. Demon

The tribes are also scattered. There are so many resources in the main Tiangong, and the Yaozu has nine royalties. This resource is really shabby.

but. Demon

The family is still dominant in the roster of death, but the place of the death list is to create the gods, and even to summon the hell, when the space rules can not restrain the death, they are more tragic.

This is a **** showdown. Demon

The family and the roster of death have mutual death and injury, and eventually the roster of death is forced to go backwards, while the demon is one step ahead.

at the same time. Fairy

The court also went to the Buddha's Gate. At this time, "I am compassionate" has been thrown away by the Buddha's door. They are quite ugly to eat, and they don't loosen when they bite. They don't look like sorghum at all. "

Buddhism, isn’t it self-proclaimed that I am compassionate? Fairy

The figures of the court looked at the eating of Buddha Buddhism, and they were a bit "digestible" for a while.

"My Buddha also needs resources!" Buddha

The door sorghum is not blushing, the beads are flashing, and the resources of Xiangu disappear immediately. The technique is quite old, obviously not the first thing to do. "

If you clean up the Buddha's door, you can become enlightened. Don't be jealous! Fairy

The big men in the court persuaded that they were not slow, but they were not a level with these Buddhist figures.

"Buddha is paying attention to karma, and I wait for these ancestors to have a relationship."

The door sneered and said with a sneer, these gods still want to persuade them?

When are they idiots? because

Buddhism "sorghum" took the resources too fast, and the Xianting characters got less, so the contradiction was born.

At the same time, a Buddhist monk and a fairy figure at the same time saw a star, causing the two characters to turn their faces on the spot, which led to the loss of control of the whole scene. The two forces carried out the "wrench wrist." Are


The calm and small Tiangong Palace broke out in a **** battle, killing each other. another

Inside a small palace. ink

The family is on the virtual palace, the demon and other characters. The war is a hit, and what is love and non-attack is a joke. The Moh’s fight is quite sophisticated. In a short time, the characters such as the virtual palace and the demon are forced out. Xiaotiangong. "

Oh, it’s all liar! ”

The characters in the virtual palace are furious, but they are not really opponents of the Mohist characters.

after all.

Their main force is not here. Want

know. each

The graduate schools are all scattered, and they are the same forces. In the case of Xiangu resources, although they are the same college, they are not the same forces, and naturally they are different.

Otherwise, why did the big man in the empty road get the bowl of clear spring and why should he hand it over to the oriental Yingyu? for

Why not Song Yuanhuang, Zhou cute? can

Cherish. star

The three top three figures are dead, wounded, and enchanted by the devil. Otherwise, Ling Feng, Ye Witch, and Ling Qing appear here. There is no other power in the Wudi category. Virtual

The palace will be a big one. on

It is Xianting who wants to lean on his nose. whole

The temples are full of real fires, and the smoke is everywhere. This is just a contest between Tianzun. When the characters of the major forces of Wudi come in, the situation is more like water and fire. no

There are some differences in the sea of ​​smoke. Although people come in from the same place, the direction of going out is different, and the figures of Wudi are not too far apart, so they go to the same small palace.

no doubt. This

Many forces appeared in the same small Tiangong, the war was immediately released, and the starry forces hit the Mozu at the first time, while the Mohist and Buddhism wanted to be on the wall. No one would like to see such a situation and drag them directly. It is. in

In this battlefield, the Taoist is the real main force.

Although Xianyu got the bowl of clear spring, but the person who asked the question was still a little worse than the oriental Yingyu. In that battle, the six emperors of Xianting were born and killed by Lingfeng, leaving only one, even ten Six days, God did not break in, even if asked for success, where is the opponent of Oriental Yingyu and others? dead

The list of gods is weaker, and their Taoist emperors have not appeared. They are powerless and unable to support the situation.

What really matters is the Mozu.

The Tao is extraordinary, able to hold the situation, but not the Lord, which makes people wonder, where is the Lord? most


Several forces simultaneously attacked the main Tiangong, and other forces could only eat the soil behind. "

A little bit wrong! "east

Fang Shishi looked at the front and looked heavy, she already felt different.

The Lord did not come out.

Ling Feng did not come out.

The magical power is gone. she was

I always feel uneasy, and a black hand is pushing them forward. "

There is a fierce behind the scenes! ”

She was so upside down that she felt a knife hanging over the top of her head and she was about to fall.

The real smart figure in the world is not her alone. People like Ling Feng and Mozhu are really a headache for me. It is a ghost. Normally, the temple is full of resources. These two characters should have been called. It is. can

Not at all. thing

Abnormal must have a demon! "

Sister, don't worry, let them go first! ”

The oriental poetry reminds me that this makes the Oriental Yingyu quite strange. The current situation is quite beneficial.

"This is not a battlefield, I feel it, we may all be cannon fodder!"

The oriental poetry said with a serious face. "Trust me!"

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