Supreme Demon

Chapter 2564: Too much to die!

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There is a fierce behind the scenes! This

It is the intuition of oriental poetry. can

Here is the Temple of the Immortal, what characters dare to use the Temple to lay out?

The oriental poetry can't figure out, but she believes in intuition. The ghostly characters of Lingfeng are not dare to appear. Obviously they are taboo. If they are at the forefront, they are afraid of the death.

Oriental Yingyu and Oriental poetry are behind. "

what happened? Asked Dongfang Yingyu frowning.

She is not convinced by others, but the nature of the poetry in the East is completely different.

"The devil and the wind did not appear."

"Just because of this?" Oriental Yingyu almost did not vomit blood.

"Is this not enough?" The oriental poetry is solemn, if it is profitable, I am afraid that the devil and Ling Feng should be the two in front.

“Is it really dangerous?” East

Fang Yingyu is very hesitant. It’s just that Xiaotian Temple has so many treasures. I can imagine how rich the Lord’s Temple is, and give up like this. How can she be willing?

"Really dangerous!" East

Fang Shishi said seriously: "At least before determining that the two characters are also coming."

What if they take the first step? "Oriental Yingyu asked."

probably not! "east

Fang Shishi frowned, for a long time no opening. "

You know how much resources it is, and we slow down the whole life. "Oriental Ying Yu said with distress, the resources they get here are the future of the Eastern clan. She

The more we get, the future of the Eastern clan is even more predictable. Want

It is because they hesitate, it will only let other forces get, and the future will be quite miserable.

"I know!" East

Fang Shi’s poems are the first. "But we are alive when we live. If we die, nothing will be there!"


Oriental Yingyu sighed and paid much attention to her sister. Over the years, the oriental poetry secretly controlled the oriental clan, and in some decisions, it was quite powerful.


Oriental poetry is a very cautious person, thinking and able to find places that ordinary people can't see.


It is precisely because the oriental poetry is too cautious, this is not as good as Ling Feng, the style of Ling Feng is open and big, cold and fruitful, if the oriental poetry is a sword of a scholar, then Ling Feng is the sword of the samurai.

However, at this moment, the future of the Eastern clan is involved, and it is inadvertently heavier.

"Nothing can be done in all things."

The oriental poetry and the oriental Yingyu fall behind the people and can only lick some of the scraps. This makes the Oriental Yingyu very anxious. Of course, because they are behind, the war is not burning on their side, and there are not many casualties.

have to say. east

Fang Shishi is still quite powerful. It is not that everyone can stand the endless temptation, and she can maintain reason in front of the huge profits, which is impossible for many heavenly people.

At least the willpower, she wants to go far beyond the oriental Yingyu. ...


Have you ever found it? ”

Ling Feng looked at the fairy temple, and the magic became colder. versus

Other forces are different, their overall power is not enough, so the speed will be much slower, deliberately away from other forces, as for those resources, the wind is not urgent, can live to the end is the winner. dead

What is the use of people to get more resources?

however. Want

If you can't find the ancestors, then they are all fish, and the characters who appear here will die. magic

The murder of the ancestors arranged for the murder, even the virtual image of the fairy hall was thrown out, the endless resources inside is affirmative, otherwise those power characters do not need to rush, dare to throw out so many resources, you said that the ancestors did not have full grasp? because


Before the ancestors were found, Ling Feng did not want to get too involved. "

The fairy temple is terrible, even if it is the relic who wants to find him at a time. "The empty face is white, and the force is used to urge the relic, even if he is now struggling."

"As soon as possible."

Ling Feng frowned, very helpless, he also knows that the ancestors arranged this killing, it is quite difficult to find him. but

,time is limited.

If the major powers attacked the core heavenly palace, then some would be too late.

Shortly after. Ling

The wind appeared in Xiaotiangong. There were many dead and wounded here. There were blood all the way. Because Tianzun’s blood was too overbearing, he fell on the ground and bleeds the haze and floats in the void.

The whole small palace is covered with blood, and it is full of **** smell.

From time to time, I can see that Tian Zun’s bones are lying on the ground, and there is a blood hole on the forehead. The soul is destroyed by the smoke on the spot, and there is still a faint magic around the blood hole.


He died under the weapon of the Mozu.

Tian Zun’s space ring was looted, which made the space quite disappointing with the big white goose.

"Do not be deceived by the surface!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, he looked at the bones of the body for a moment, Xianli flew out, pressed against the bones, like a big net is combing Tianzun flesh and blood.

A slamming sound.

A Lingzhu flew out of the ear of the day and fell into the hands of Ling Feng. that

The surface of the Mingling Pearl is smooth and the texture is round. The landscape picture is engraved on it. It is quite beautiful. Even if it is not a treasure, it is also a rare treasure. "

The real treasure and resources are here. ”

Ling Feng said with a smile, because of the death of the day, the blood and rain in the sky, but the spirit beads are not affected, and become the object of the Lord, Ling Feng easily opened the Lingzhu, looking over and can not help but grin laugh.

That Tianzun should be worried about problems before he was born, so he will separate the important resources, and this Lingzhu has a unique charm, which can deceive the gods and gods. If it is not Lingfeng Xianli extraordinary, I am afraid to miss it.

“A lot?” The empty sky and the big white goose are coming together. "

Really quite a lot! Ling

The wind did not care. On the spot, the resources of Tianzun were taken out for segregation. Although there were not many of them who had previously been detained by many emperors, they were not a grade in quality.

"If every **** is like this, then we really have to make a fortune!"

I was so excited and excited.

You must know that there is a lot of virtual copper in this Tianzun Lingzhu, which is more precious than the resources obtained in Xiaotiangong.

Unfortunately, the day is not a wish.

They did not find the jewels of the Lingzhu on the second celestial body, and naturally did not get more resources.

In fact.

Although the major forces are very powerful, it is quite difficult to kill a Tianzun. At least it has to pay a heavy price. If you are seriously injured in this temple, you will really die. because


The major forces Tianzun and Mozun have been keeping the bottom line. tea

Kung Fu, they walked out of the small Tiangong and walked toward the main Tiangong.

On the way, they saw another bone, not a god, but a demon statue. The magic soul Dan Tian appeared a blood hole, blood was pouring out, and his eyebrows were pierced, and the brain flowed to the ground.

"There was a treasure here!" Ling

The wind found a mark on the eyebrows of the demon statue, which should be branded with treasure, but unfortunately it has been deducted. Do not

Over. when

When he tried to sweep through the body of the demon, he found a different place. In the mouth of the demon, he even planted a jade. In the pale teeth, this jade is not obvious, and There is no breath on it, and it is impossible to see it as a treasure. and

This demon statue and the first Tianzun are a kind of mind, that is, to separate the true treasure, and not let other people find it.

Because of their commandments, this piece of treasure is cheaper and they are cheaper. Say

truth. This

The demon statue is actually "rich" than the previous Tianzun. There are too many treasures and resources. There are only six pieces of virtual copper, dozens of stars and irons, and the fairy gold is piled up into hills. Count other resources. can

What is cherished is the magical resources, empty and big white goose is not used, and Ling Feng is used. because

However, the empty space and the big white goose have no meaning.


"The atmosphere of the ancestors has become stronger."

At the time, the empty space was happy, and on the way to the main heavenly palace, the atmosphere of the ancestors became different.

“Can you find the location specifically?” Ling Feng asked.

"Not yet, but what is certain is that he is really here." Empty sighs said. "

Find out as soon as possible! ”

"it is good!"…


When they entered the main Heavenly Palace, their faces could not help but sink. The Tianzun who died here was really too much. There were actually three heavenly statues, one demon statue, and one demon statue.

"It’s really worth the blood."

Ling Feng looked around in the main Heavenly Palace and found that there was a breath of copper in it. Although not many, it was enough to make Tianzun crazy. when

Of course.

They found a lot of good things in the five heavenly figures, and they were enough to create a small force. This made Ling Feng quite comfortable, but before he found the ancestors, it was all virtual. "

In the core Tiangong, but always feel that it is not right! "air

The empty frown said that from the beginning, the relics point to the core Tiangong, but the atmosphere is very scattered, which is why they have been unable to determine the location of the ancestors.

Ling Feng did not move forward, but looked at the core Temple with a blank expression. each

The big forces are on the road and are attacking the core Tiangong.

"He wants to do it in the core temple!" Ling

The wind meditates and says: "I want to target so many people, it is not enough to rely on the ancestors, the magical powers are missing..."

But this is still not enough..."

Qimen! Ling

The wind and the magic are suddenly brightened. He should have thought of it early, but what kind of resources and strength do you need to arrange the gate in the temple? That is, the strange door is only strong enough to be strong.

But this is the only possibility. "

If it is Qimen, then where is he? Ling Feng looked at the sky and looked at the ground and the surrounding area.

It is possible. when

When he urged Xianli and looked at the core Tiangong, his face finally changed. Although he could see it very vaguely, he thought it was the unique atmosphere of the Xian Temple, but it was not discovered at the moment.

"The door is opened from the inside!" Ling

The wind and the magic eyes shine with the cold light, saying, "But the real control of Qimen is still in the sky."

From the inside out! ”

"No, I am afraid they will bury themselves!"

"And, this inside and outside of the door can be opened, and it needs to cooperate inside and outside. Once it is turned on at the same time, the power will be unparalleled!"

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