Supreme Demon

Chapter 2571: The ancestors escaped!

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More than a dozen Tianzun, demon statues are attacking the ancestors, smashing the sky, playing the top space law, like a mountain and river collapse, as the rivers and rivers surge, let the fairy temples appear a black hole, and when that power Being ignited, the black hole changed color, and the red hole was presented.

It can be said.

Those who can survive from the endless gates are the top celestial gods in the world. No one is weak. At this time, the crowds are pressed together, and the ancestors are very hard.

He is not as good as burning the sky!

Without tempering the terrible power of the ages, Xiangu resources are advantages and even more embarrassing. He attaches too much importance to resources and ignores other things.


At the beginning, when he attacked this fake fairy temple, he was too much trouble than the present. He was detained by Xiangu forbidden. He was exhausted, but he still couldn’t afford to open the immortal land and be immortal. The power in the ancient forbidden soil hit, the internal injuries are quite serious, and his strength is not enough to force out.

However, for hundreds of years, the injury is recovering, and it will not pose a threat. At this moment, he has not suppressed more than a dozen top Tianzun, demon, and the road injury, let him spurt blood.

to be frank.

This body made him dissatisfied and came from the Mozu. Although he experienced many baptisms, he was still too weak to control his power, and he could not hold back the power of the copper and the spring.

In fact, this is the problem of the ancestors themselves.

In the past, he was obsessed with strength, ignoring the tempering of flesh and blood. When he noticed the problem, he wanted time to temper. It took time and more energy.

after all.

His foundation is too thin, and it is not easy to temper it step by step.

Is a character like him willing to wait?


The magic ancestors came up with such a poisonous plan, using the endless gates to smash the starry sky and use the blood of the gods to baptize, so that his flesh and blood can be strengthened as soon as possible, but unfortunately he did not succeed.


At this time, the characters such as the Oriental House, the Void Road, and the Guanghan Palace flew, and there are more than a dozen Tianzun. The characters like Oriental Rhyme and Xuankong are the top Tianzun. Once the power is down, the Devils will use their full strength.

not to mention.

Several of the gods of the death list flew to the ancestors, and the magical forces had previously wanted to remove them together.

The feeling of being betrayed by this alliance is uncomfortable.

Therefore, the small fish and the gods want to let the magical forces pay the price, and if the magic ancestor returns to the starry sky, is it the head of the death god, or is the magical power headed?

This is a problem!

For a time.

The color of the ancestors changed, and more than a dozen top celestial gods made him struggle, let alone thirty esteems?

It is Burning Heaven, here, I am afraid that I will bleed.

"My ancestors!"

The three magical demon statues are ugly, and the ancestors were beaten too badly. The flesh and blood are blurred and unrecognizable. Blood and sweat fall together.

The situation is in jeopardy.

It can be said that as long as one person is arrogant, the ancestors must be killed.

They directly got rid of a few Tianzun and flew to the ancestors. They ignored the life and death and suppressed them with strong strength. As long as they gave the ancestors some time, he was qualified to escape.


The void made a loud noise, and the sound of the sky directly smashed the sky and formed a big hole.

The blood-sucking demon screamed, and one arm was directly smashed down, blood dripping, making him grief, but he still forcibly flew to the ancestors, this time the ancestors need them more.


Yuyue Xingjun was hit by a giant hammer, and the whole person flew forward, spurting blood, and the flesh and blood was blurred, and the internal organs would collapse.

The third demon is not weak, but it was suppressed by several Tianzun, and the situation is quite pessimistic.

"I don't want to come over, I haven't died yet!"

The ancestors screamed coldly and murderously. The magical blast exploded two cold lights, and then his eyebrows flew out an ancient ban.

That is a heavenly palace.

The celestial palace is engraved with a phoenix. It is lifelike. After the influx of magic, it directly flies out. Although it is only a illusory appearance, the strength is also the level of Tianzun, a whole five phoenixes, which is quite terrible.


On that day, the palace was full of imposing manners. When it was suppressed, the Scorpio was sinking.


The momentum collapsed, and the Tiangong carried the mighty power of Thunder and Thousands, tearing Tianyu, and directly confronted the three gods of Xianting, a loud noise, bursting into the same shape.

The three emperors of Xianting were actually spurting blood and their faces were gray. On that day, the palace was actually the force of the law of detention, making them very passive.

"From Xiangu!"

People were shocked, the Tiangong was flowing with the moonlight, and the ancient charm was strong, I was afraid that it was the banter that the ancestors got here.

"Suppress together!"

The oriental rhyme is serious, and the ancient banister is really a must. The heavenly palace can crush the void, even if the top Tianzun encounters this heavenly palace, it will be unlucky.

What's more, the ancestors are jealous.

Even if these people are burning in the sky, they are afraid to do their best, and if the ancient sect of Xiangu Tiangong comes out, the burning of the gods is only afraid of losing.

"Suppress him!"

"Get rid of him!"

One person is mad, and has already reached this level. Naturally, there is no need to keep hands, and if the ancestors leave to live, it is the real trouble.

Needless to say.

The ancestors were not weak, and the Xiangu Tiangong was more extraordinary, but he encountered too many Tianzun and his strength was too strong, which directly led to serious injury to the ancestors. He coughed up blood from time to time, and his face was grayed out little by little.


The ancestors were heavy, and he was still too young to be a godly demon and a demon.

Really want hard steel to go down, I am afraid that the magic figure will die here, so he directly speaks and wants to flee.

"In your dreams!"

Dongfang rhyme said coldly. "Today, you want to leave alive!"

"Oh, if I leave, who can stop?"

The strong self-confidence of the ancestors came out, not to mention that now, hundreds of years ago, it is not easy for these characters to want to leave him.

"Tiangong ban!"


The Tiangong flew down from the emptiness, and the eternal trembles, the light rain from the Heavenly Palace, spread to the surrounding, trapping the whole world, even if it is necessary for Tianzun to disintegrate it.


The characters of the Magic Road were flooded by the light of the Tiangong.


The Tiangong is extraordinary, swallowing the stars, in a light rain, the ancestors disappeared among them...

The virtual light is exhausted.

I don’t see you.

The Temple of Heaven disappeared with the Devil.

"It is the temple!"

The oriental rhyme face is ugly, so many of the Tianzun attacks, even let the ancestors escape, this is a great shame.

"It should not be far away. Here is the temple. Even if it is fake, its suppression power and Qimen are not the ones that Tianzun can cross. They are still in the temple!"

Xuankong said coldly. "We need to find them as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in trouble when they fly out of the temple!"

"Yes, the temple cannot be crossed!"

"The ancestors were seriously injured, and they used the Xiangu Tiangong, which was huge, and he was not far away!"

Not only is the problem of the fairy temple, the ancestor consumes a lot, the injury is too heavy, and there is no strength to go far.

"Get out as soon as possible!"

The main face of the devil is expressionless, and if the demon ancestors really escape, it is quite embarrassing for the demon.


This is a character that can threaten the life and death of the Mozu. The entire Mozu must be cautious and vigilant.

The whole world is crazy!

This is quite scary.

Just like the original Ling Feng, he was besieged by the entire starry sky. If it was not the prohibition, he had already died, and now he has become a ancestor.


The understanding of the ancestors of the ancestors was not comparable to other characters. He appeared directly in the distant small heaven palace, and then directly shot the celestial palace to fly, and the lightning flashed out of the scope of the temple.

This is something that other characters can't think of.

The Temple of Heaven is from the Temple of Heaven, and its mighty power is not suppressed by the Gate of the Immortal. Although the Devil is seriously injured, but the resources are numerous, it is not a problem to persist stubbornly.

He is practicing fine elements.

In this way, he can naturally escape.


People are angry, such a sorcerer has escaped, the future is too tricky, it can be said that any one of the demon statues, demon statues, and heavenly encounters are dangerous.

"The ancestors were seriously injured, although they are smelting blood, but they can't last long. We can find them before they recover!"

"Yes, don't kill him!"

Everyone in the sky has a heart and murderousness. If the ancestors live, they will all die.

Instead of being broken by each, it is better to directly kill the ancestors.

"what a pity!"

Ling Feng sneered, but did not worry, the character of the level of the ancestors still does not affect him.

It is a pity that such a good situation, many Tianzun did not even kill the demon ancestors, but it is really disappointing.

Because the Devil's ancestors flew away, the crowds couldn't wait, flying directly out of the Temple of Heaven and killing the Devils. At this time, time is very important, and they can't wait.

When the demon statues, Tianzun, etc. leave the temple, Ling Feng directly enters the Jade Palace.

Heavenly people have no time, they have it.

Tianzun has no time to clean up the resources of other people, they have!

Of course, it’s not just Lingfeng who thinks the same thing as them. Like the oriental Yingyu and the oriental poetry, they will not miss this opportunity. The resources of Tianzun can be more than that of the Emperor and the King. It is no less than a Xianshan.


The value of the virtual copper is still on the mountain.

The gods of death, the little masters in the small fish, the emperor of Xianting, etc. are full of expectations for the resources of Tianzun, that is, the Mozu Dao is full of madness, full of bones, in their eyes is a fairy mountain, endless resources.

It was Buddhism and Mohist Emperor who did not leave and flew to Yuxian Palace.

When Lingfeng, Dabai Goose, and empty space appeared, it did not attract people's attention. After all, Ling Feng used the real dragon magical law. No one recognized him, and the big white goose was stranger. Although the air was eye-catching, But it is only the Buddha's attention.


Just as Ling Feng and others flew to the Nine Palaces, Buddhism sorghum appeared in front of them, and a character headed by him looked straight away and his eyes were full of playful smiles.

It’s just that the smile is getting colder.

In that smile is full of killing! (

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