Supreme Demon

Chapter 2572: You do not understand!

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This is a different force.

They are integrated into the downtown area and enjoy the world's incense and spread throughout the stars.


People can't see the giants of Buddhism. Only when they really sigh at this time, they are really not weak. The person who led the head actually asked for success and became a Taoist Buddha without getting a fairy.

Hey, slowly.

Fifteen Buddhist monks appeared in front of Lingfeng, the air and the big white goose. They were headed by a middle-aged Chinese character. His eyebrows flew like a knife, his eyes were cloudy, like a poisonous snake. He laughed so gently.

His embarrassment is different from the other fourteen Buddhist monks.

There is a star map embroidered on the raft, which is the same as the star map on the top of the head, but different from the star map on the top of the empty head.

The fourteen sorghums behind them embroidered the constellations, which are completely different from the "sorghum" in the downtown area. The six rings that are all empty are not on them.

"Empty younger brother, I didn't expect it to be you."

The headed sorghum looked at the empty, smiling, and said, "I was worried about admitting the wrong person before."

The empty body is tight, and the Tao is cold. He has long known that he will meet this character.


The empty space is not as empty as the empty, and he can't conceal the killing in his heart. This is the culprit who made himself desperate, and the demon who pushed him down the abyss is in front of him.

All his tragedies are due to this Buddha!

How can he tolerate the anger in his heart.


The emergence of empty space means that they have to start with themselves?

"Empty younger brother, don't be so divided."

I said with a smile, "The Buddha is a goodbye, it’s eight years. The uncle of the old man is not cold. You are far from the Buddha. This is quite disrespectful."

"Open, do you think I am an idiot?"

The air suppressed the anger in my heart.

"It doesn't look like it, but if you think so, then I can't refute it," said the empty man.

"Empty, do you think you are an idiot?"

"Should it be?" The air is still laughing.

"Then you just want to treat the entire Buddhist life as an idiot." The empty face said with a sullen face. "Master, the cause of death of his old man, I must at least check clearly, my tragic life because of Buddhism, I will find it sooner or later. !"

"Empty younger brother, what's wrong with you?"

The smile on the empty face disappeared and said seriously. "I have never been treated with you."

“Not treated?”

Every bit of empty teeth should be worn away, and the heart is even more hateful. This empty space is really cheeky.

"You have been concealed, and you have been killed by blood. I know that." The first time in the air. "I am also checking, what kind of character is dare to start with my Buddha characters, empty-hearted brother, you can rest assured, this place Brother, I am going to help you find it."

"Is it?"

Empty and angry, laughing.

The air is too serious.

The air is too calm!

The emptiness is strongly denied, but it is the case. His counterattack is very weak. In the eyes of others, he is unreasonable, and the emptiness is like a parent comforting his own child.

No matter what he said at this time, people will not be too serious.

This is the place where the space is high.

However, what he does not understand is why the air is being played here?

Have you changed your personality?

If he is not an empty opponent now, he really wants to kill this character.

"Empty, I know that you have been wronged, we will pick you up back to Buddhism, and you need to be a guardian for your uncle."

"You can't think about it!" sneer in the air.

He saw the empty intentions, wanted to force himself to submit, and detained him with "loyalty and filial piety"?

"Empty, you are enough!"

The empty voice gradually became colder and said harshly. "How do you keep me from worrying, but the uncle's bones are not cold, you must not be foolish, otherwise my Buddha's door rules are strict, at least you must be confined and abolish your life's cultivation!"

The front is a bedding.

This moment is a sharp knife!

With "loyalty and filial piety" to suppress the empty space, it will push itself to the moral high point, advance and retreat, and then turn to empty space, and define many of its words and actions as a noisy. Is this the tolerance of Buddhism to empty space?

In this case, other power figures are not good at it.

Otherwise, it is necessary to bear the nickname, but also to bear the anger of Buddhism.

This is gentle violence!

It must be said that under this strong pressure, the air is felt to be damaged, and the air is not only given strength, but also a huge pressure in the spirit.

to be frank.

Ling Feng really feels that the air is very good, and it is too young in front of him.

The teacher respects the commandment, and before the truth is unclear, the air can not be opened indiscriminately. Otherwise, what is the image?

Even if this will affect the image of the empty, but the Buddha is also to reject this character.

The matter of your own home should be solved by yourself.

The Buddha’s scandal is revealed to the world. It is not only the Buddha’s door that is humiliated, but also the empty space and his masters are ridiculed together. This is empty and unwilling to see.


In this way, he is impossible to become a future Buddha anyway.

Therefore, the air can only endure, and when the air is standing at the moral high point, "looking over" him, the air is weak and step by step, and there is a "stubborn" posture.

"I won't go back!"

The empty space is colder, and the empty man wants to "kidnapped" him back with gentle violence. He can't let him do what he wants. When he comes to Buddhism, it is an empty site. His life and death is just a matter of words.

Will he be so an idiot?

"Noisy, Buddhism is a big deal, where is you can be noisy!"

The empty words reprimanded: "You are ungrateful!"


I feel that my words are poor, and he is not an opponent at all with the words of the future Buddha who are full of morality and morality.

"This can't be done!"

At this time, Ling Feng spoke up and said with a smile: "The air has previously promised, now you can not regret it, otherwise you will return the debt you owe!"

“Well?” The future Buddha’s Taoist faintly lifted up and looked over Ling Feng.

"Dare to ask you, what have you promised in the air?" asked the air.

"Get the resources together!" Ling Feng said seriously.

"Oh, it’s just some resources."

What kind of person can you come to with empty space?

He did not regard Ling Feng as a character.

"No, this is not a resource." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"How much is that?" asked the empty smile.

Ling Feng did not answer, but extended a finger.

"Ten pieces of fairy gold?"

"Ha ha!"

"One hundred?"

Ling Feng still did not respond, but the gaze was full of contempt, as if to say "the feelings of the Buddha door is so a pattern?"

The gaze suddenly stabbed the air, but he did not show it, but said with a smile. "A thousand pieces of immortal gold?"

"If this is the case, my Buddha is willing to make these resources!"

Buddhism has a lot of resources in Xiangu Xinghai. There are some resources in Xianshan and Xiancao, and there are no limitations. Sometimes there will be stars, sometimes copper, and more likely to be Qingquan.

For the future Buddha, a thousand dollars are not a small number, but not a big one.

In a sense, empty space is more important than a thousand pieces of gold.

"Do not!"

Ling Feng sneered and said: "It is a thousand pieces of virtual copper!"


Don't say empty, that is, the surrounding Buddha's stilts and the starry empire in the starry sky are all thundered by this sentence.

Can this special?

A thousand pieces of virtual copper?

You are just throwing out the endless holes of the fairy star, I am afraid that you can't find a thousand pieces of virtual copper.

Only a few pieces of a fairy house.

There are quite a few in this fairy temple, but all of them fall into the hands of the ancestors and want to get a thousand pieces of virtual copper, which is harder than going to heaven.

"Of course, Buddhism is willing to make these resources, I am happy." Ling Feng reached out and said, "I think the Buddha should not face?"


The empty mouth was snarling, and he had previously smashed the wind.

"Who are you? My Buddhist figures will promise you such unreasonable things?"

"I promised!" snorted.


Buddhism Gao felt that he had been sick.

Is this an idiot?

Do you dare to agree to this kind of thing?

of course.

They don't think that being empty is an idiot.

"What debt does he owe you?" After a moment of indifference, the empty mind was calm, and his face was filled with a smile.

"Why, does the Buddha have to change the way to return it?" Ling Feng blinked.

"Let's talk about it, maybe my Buddha can still be back?"

At this time, I didn’t dare to open my mouth, and he saw that Lingfeng was looking for it. The purpose was to make a clearance for the air.

"His life!"

Ling Feng pointed out that he was empty and said: "He owes me a life!"

"Do you want me to pay for your life?" The empty eyes were cold.

"Not everyone's life has him so valuable, are you right?" Ling Feng looked straight into the air and said: "The Buddha should have some, but I think there is only one character in Xiangu Xinghai."

Buddhism is full of discoloration.

Is this forcing the Buddha to squander in the future?

"A thousand pieces of virtual copper, one life, which one do you choose?" Ling Feng asked happily, and the object was empty.

The empty heart is chaotic.

His second uncle, it is not your Buddha's father owes you.

But now he is bitten by Ling Feng, as long as he can't open his mouth, then the Buddha's door will be hit.

This knife comes quite sinister!

"Then, after waiting for the filth to empty the filial piety, how about repaying the debt?" In the end, the opening of the air, he really did not want to, just want to get rid of this difficult character as soon as possible. "I Buddha owes you a favor."

"The thing in Buddhism is not my business. I want resources. If he can't do it, I will keep him!"

Ling Feng emptied the empty shoulders across the void and said, "This is the principle, you don't understand!"


I really want to beat people.

He doesn't understand?

What does it mean?

In a pun, is this ironic?

"If I have to take it away?"

After a while, the sigh sighed. Sometimes he really didn't want to use force, but some characters were guilty. (

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