Supreme Demon

Chapter 2574: The Buddha's six-word mantra!

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The big white goose is shot by a goose, the hurricane is overflowing, the sky is empty, the space rules are bursting in it, and the goose palm is so terrible that the king is jealous.

A spirited man flew directly, and a goose appeared on his face.

He was beaten!


The relics flew down from the void, and there was a spurt arrow inside. Every single arrow was sitting on a Buddha. Every Buddha was not weaker than a spiritual emperor. When Wei fell.

The sky has changed!

The Buddha's light is thousands of miles.

A spirit emperor was directly smashed out, and the arrow crossed his chest and he was seriously injured on the spot.


The one arrow was smashed in front of the Buddha's characters, forming a **** group, and it fell from the void.

A loud noise.

Napu and the regiment flew directly to the ground, and the three Emperor figures were suppressed on the spot, letting them squirt, blood, and pale, and when they wanted to further suppress the Buddha’s stilts, the white geese even swooped. to.

It’s sitting on the bush and the group...

One ass!

The whole sky seemed to be graying down, and the time stopped at that moment. The face of Buddhism's sorghum became red and red, and the empty face became embarrassed. The killing was essential, and it was simply to eat the white goose.

The big white goose sits on the pupa and the group.

It is equivalent to sitting on the face of Buddha's stilts, which is more equivalent to sitting on the face of Buddhism.

This is not a face!

This is sitting on your face!

Needless to say.

This is more insulting than playing face!

The martyrdom of Buddhism, who was in a fierce battle, suddenly withdrew from the battlefield, staring grimly at the white geese, and the Taoist spurts the fire, and then the flames became suffocating.

Their same door is being seated by a goose.

The face of Buddhism is under the goose's buttocks.

this moment.

Buddhism sorghum is going crazy. In the past, they all suppressed and insulted others. Why have they been insulted by others?


Only a moment, those Buddhist monks smashed to the big white goose, the strength of the explosion, and even two people regardless of life and death to the big white goose, leaving the empty door to the big white goose.


The big white goose looks innocent, is this awkward?

It has only been published for fifty years. It does not understand the rules of the world, but it does not care.

It’s a headache, and the big white goose is really poisonous. It’s not a problem when he comes up. It’s not a problem at this time. If the sorghums of Buddhism don’t bake the white goose, I’m afraid they will not return to the Buddha’s door.

The future Buddha is even less qualified to return to Buddhism.

At this moment, the big white goose went to the list of the Buddha.

In fact.

It’s all black and empty. It used to be his problem. How did he say it in the past, but if he shot at this time, can he still return to Buddhism after that?


He indulged for a moment, still intends to shoot, the big white goose had previously suppressed the Buddha for him. At this moment, if he did not shoot, it was equivalent to standing on the opposite side of Ling Feng. At that time, he was really isolated.


Empty and empty to the Buddha Gate, the strength is full.

For a time.

The whole battlefield is mad, and the endless power collapses into the world. Although there are many martyrdoms in Buddhism, there are not many people who can really hold the air and the big white goose, and the empty and big white goose is specially designed for those weaker Buddhist monks. In a short time, the results are remarkable.


A Buddhist monk was suppressed by air and flew far away.


The white geese flew out of the sword, and a Buddhist monk squatted in the middle of the battle.

of course.

In this process, the big white goose and the empty space are also bleeding, more than a dozen Buddhist monks are not weak, really want to be shopping, they also have to be injured.

It can be said that the situation is not good for empty space and big white goose.


As long as the Buddha's sorghum persists, the last empty space and the big white goose will have to succumb to blood.


This kind of victory obviously can't satisfy the empty space. There are more than a dozen sorghums in Buddhism, and three of them are deadlocked to the present, which really damaged his face.

"Empty, you indulge this goose to insult the face of Buddhism, when you are!"

When the air was indulged for a moment, he began to say that while he was opening, he stepped out to the air and the white geese, and the peerless world would collapse this piece of heaven and earth.

"Can't you stop it?"

Ling Feng smiled at the empty space and said: "The confrontation on the king level, let them be."

He walked slowly and appeared in front of the open air.

"Do you want to stop me?" The empty face is gloomy, and the killing of the Tao is not to cover up.

"There is such a meaning." Ling Feng forehead.

"I am afraid that you are not qualified!"

The emptiness is really angry. Before he wanted to force the empty back to the Buddha's door, the character was in the middle of the game, and now he is coming again.

It is unbearable!

"Try it!"

Ling Feng said plainly, the Buddha figure, he did not have the right, but the East Ying Yu, Luo Yi, the two Tao emperors, he encountered.

Relying on Xiangu Resources to enhance the strength of the upswing, it has not gone through a lot of hard work, after all, it is not enough to see.

"Oh, idiot!"


Empty sneer, directly hit Lingfeng, hands with a mark, a treasure bottle appeared, from the virtual air pressure to Ling Feng, which is filled with Taoist Tianwei, that is, the king must squat in front of this bottle .

The bottle was not fast, but it was sealed.


Ling Feng did not change color, but did not dodge, but face the bottle, his face filled with a smile.


When the bottle came to Lingfeng, it was like a cold hurricane, tearing the flesh and blood of Lingfeng, but at this moment, Lingfeng slowly opened, a collapse, the whole sky was falling. A bit.

Just one word.

The bottle stopped shortly and stopped in front of Ling Feng. It was impossible to move forward, as if an invisible big hand had caught the bottle.

"Dao Di?"

The empty face suddenly changed, his Buddha's bottle was actually suppressed, and the wind was light and light, and it felt more like a Taoist.


Ling Feng said with a smile. "But I want to prove that I am not an idiot."

He pointed to the empty space and said, "You are!"

"court death!"

The emptiness was irritated. Every character in this character is stinging his heart. If he does not let this character kneel down, what other face does he have?

next moment.

His eyes were sharp, his hands were open, and the Buddha's seal appeared. It was a lion's seal that did not move the king. In the air, he could see a lion screaming at the air and directly biting Lingfeng.

The lion’s eyes are the way!

The claw of the lion is the way!

The lion's fur is even more!

Can this lion be carved on the treasure?

The Tianwei of Baoyin will have to break the sky.


The void directly tears, and the terrible Tianwei falls down from the void, but the town is king and despise.


Ling Feng just gently pointed out a finger and gently fell in front of the lion seal, like the lion's gentle claws stroking the little lion, the lion seal stopped, "docile" bowed in front of Ling Feng.

What is this scenario?

To be honest, both empty and empty are somewhat incomprehensible.

The power of Buddhism actually restrained the wind?

Then how did he keep the seal of the lion?

"Buddha is just a Tao!"

Ling Feng pouted, his magic road forbidden soil restraint, if he used the ban, he would have to be jealous, but this bottle is too weak, just power, what is uncontrollable?

"Then I will let you know that the Buddha is not just the Tao!"

The emptiness of the air, Ling Feng's unpredictable let him pay attention to it, such a character is empty, but it is quite dangerous.


He wants to kill Ling Feng directly here.

"Well, Pummy A. />

The anger on the empty face disappeared and flew directly into the sky. It was solemn and solemn. Like a fairy Buddha, the auspicious light rain flowed around its body, and it was like a heavenly Buddha.

He put his hands on Dantian.

His eyes are closed!

There was a vain light in his body, and there were 10,000 light rays flying around him and blending into his body.

When he opened his mouth.

The whole world is suddenly bright, the ancient Buddha's six-word mantra comes out, every word is like a fairy mountain, and when six words appear together, the extraordinary momentum directly smashes the sky.

Six Buddhas come out!

Every word is a Buddha!

Each Buddha has a different look, or a joy or a sorrow. They are united in one hand, solemn and solemn, and they fight against Ling Feng. The ancient fighting power of the six-character mantra is surging.

in all directions!

The whole day!

It is the Buddha Road!

At this moment.

The strength of the open air is extremely exhausted, and the power of the Emperor's level emerges. Like the Bohai Sea, he has hit the Lingfeng. He has not used the ban, and the six-character mantra is his ban.

“魑魑, 尽 诛!”

Open your eyes and look straight into the wind, full of ridicule.

What is the starry sky in front of the Buddha's six-word mantra?

"The Buddha's six-character mantra can be a demon, can't you blame God?"

The empty space is too strong, and the Emperor of the Tao is extremely powerful, playing the top six-word mantra of Buddhism, and killing Ling Feng.


There is a faint smile on Ling Feng’s face, and Buddhism is indeed different from the starry sky.

But what about that?

"Void ban!"

Ling Feng didn't let people wait too long. He didn't want to wait any longer. The things on the side of the ancestors would end at any time. If there were one or two lords coming back, he would be in trouble.


He wants to make a quick decision.

A tremor.

A sharp blade flew out of its dantian, and the magic road did not appear. The power was too eye-catching, but even the empty forbidden blade still made people see some differences. Although the surrounding light and rain were magnificent, it was full of endless magic.


In the next moment, they were scared by the emptiness of the emptiness of the blade, only because of the emptiness of the blade to open up the universe, opened the void.

It is banned from welcoming the Buddha's six-word mantra!

A slap in the face!

A blade of Buddha!

The magic power of the demon banned the earth rushes to the emptiness of the emptiness, that is, Xianli appears in the concealed space, and is integrated into the emptiness of the emptiness in places where others do not see it.

that moment.

The emptiness of the emptiness of the blade is fierce, and it has fallen.


The first word of Buddhism's six-character mantra made a dull bang, the first Buddha directly disintegrated, and the great force flew away, which caused the entire starry sky to lose its color. People were stunned and felt that this battle was going to break through the sky.

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