Supreme Demon

Chapter 2575: The 8th Emperor!

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The Buddha's six-word mantra!

It can suppress the Mozu, but it can also destroy the Tianzun, but it is the world's top heaven.

Xiangu time.

The Buddha's six-character mantra has shown its terrible side, suppressing the gods and gods, and letting the whole starry sky bow down. It is also the most prosperous moment of Buddhism.


After entering the ages, the Buddha Gate has no prestige.

When the kingdom of heaven came out, the world was different.

The Buddha's six-character mantra was actually suppressed. The Buddha's Gate was even more swayed by the characters of the heavenly kingdom. It was necessary for them to refine their hearts, and the character even said that they had never refining their hearts. The Buddha's six-word mantra is a joke.

When the world Buddha was refining the heart.

Therefore, the Buddha's six-character mantra came out and swayed.


The open air encountered the wind.

Is this the match between Buddhism and Guwu?


The first word collapsed, and the first Buddha collapsed with the word, and it vanished in the void.

The razor blade is like a magic knife, and it is necessary to go against the sky and open the door of the Buddha.


The second word was opened, and the forbidden power in the emptiness of the forbidden path broke out. It was like a broken bamboo. Even if the Buddha's six-character mantra was not enough in front of it.


The third word trembles, confronting the emptiness of the emptiness, like a metal slamming, making a dull bang, and the void is directly cracked by this loud noise, and a black hole appears.


When the Void Blade fell, the third word could not be stopped and was opened directly.


The emptiness of the air and the trepidation of the wind, the power of Ling Feng is really terrible, even let him, the Buddha, feels powerless and utterly arrogant, simply incredible.


He can feel that the wind is not the emperor, just the king.

Can the king rival the Taoist emperor?

What is this king?


The fourth word uttered the last sorrow and fell apart in the void.


Ling Feng was strong and forward, and the emptiness of the forbidden blade sent a light and rain. The momentum was not reduced, and it was directly on the fifth word, causing its power to collapse and its momentum to collapse.

"Give me a break!"

The emptiness of the emptiness is even more unbelievable. Is it true that a buddha was made by a king?


When the sixth word collided with the emptiness of the forbidden blade, the whole world was smashed, and the force was heavily pressed out, causing the nine days to collapse, smashing the way and concealing the world.

"The sixth word has also collapsed!"

Some people looked carefully, and at the last moment, the six-character truths were all collapsed, and the Taoist doctrine did not suppress the character.

The Tao Buddha was forced to this extent!

I am afraid that ancient and modern are rare?

The oriental Yingyu Dao blinks. If she is not mistaken, is it the sharp edge?

There are many people who use the "blade" weapon in the starry sky, but there are not many that can make the blade out of this power. It is less pitiful in the Xiangu Xinghai, and she knows only one person.

That devil!

She knows that the person knows how to adapt, can change the appearance, and even the breath. If it is not the emptiness of the forbidden blade, she is afraid that she will not find it.

Competing with the Taoist Buddha, it is like the emperor.

In Xianxing Xinghai, and even the entire starry sky, there is only one person!

"It's him!"

The oriental Yingyu Dao was cold, but more was helpless. At the beginning, she did her best, but she did not suppress the person, but was injured. This is a face to the face of the Emperor.

And that person appeared to be alive and kicking.

Oh no?

The dust is scattered and annihilated.

The battlefield appeared in front of people.

At this moment, the air is full of cold eyes, the corner of the mouth overflows with a blood, the image is quite wolf, that is, the star map on the head is gray, and the Ling Feng is full of momentum, such as the stars, but there is also a blood hole in the chest, five The dirty six were injured.


This is a compromise between the two sides.

"Who are you?" asked the empty eyelids. "This star space, you should not find a few characters."

"you guess!"

Ling Feng grinned and laughed, and successively suppressed two Taoist emperors, so that Ling Feng had a more intuitive perception of Tao Di, while the open air was the third.

The Buddha's six-character mantra is not weak, but it is not strong enough.


Ling Feng also thought of six in his body. There are no six mantras. There are only six holes in the sky, which is equivalent to six. If you can sacrifice these holes and cast them into six, it should be more terrible than the six-word mantra.

At his level, nature is well aware of many things.

At the beginning of the magical spirit, Ling Feng got six holes in the sky, when he did not understand, until the old man signaled him to pay attention, this is the way that Tianzun can not get.

Envy is all in words.

Now, although Ling Feng has not yet reached the stage of smelling old, but also knows a lot of truth.

That is not a six-hole, but a six universe.

Controlling life and death, entering the reincarnation, palm six, and day by day.

The six roads should be the most primitive of the universe, and they can be juxtaposed with the heavens.

It can be said that the six roads are the greatest roads in the world.

If you can get six true ideas, Ling Feng will not be confined to the universe.

Because of the six-word mantra of Buddhism, Ling Feng is more eager for the six.

"I guess your ancestors!"

The open air fired the real fire, and the killing in the heart suppressed the Buddha's character, and watched the wind in the face.

He was just a Buddha, but he had to suppress it before the people, otherwise there would be no image, and this time he really could not suppress it.

"Today, let you know that Buddhism is not insulting, but let you know that the Buddha is not as weak as you think!"


He flew up in the air, the Taoist to the sky, solemn and solemn, flying around the Buddha light, the general shine, and the whole arched out different momentum.

"One flower, one world, one leaf and one bodhi!"

The empty road is deep, open hands, cold to the void.

next moment.

Flying leaves, all the sky, it is evolved from the rules of the triple space, the momentum is extraordinary and the power is huge, and the circle will be covered.

A flying flower has limited lethality.

A piece of deciduous damage is also limited.


When the endless flying flowers fall down?

A sharp sword can only smash in one direction, attacking a little, even if the power is huge, how to disintegrate the sky full of flying leaves?

not to mention.

On the fallen leaves, there was a Buddha sitting on the fallen leaves. It suddenly made Wei Li different. There was no way to kill the wind with a piece of flying leaves. But the endless flying leaves are easy to slice the Lingfeng into pieces. living.


It was made by the empty Taoist Buddha, and the power was even more terrible. At least the emptiness of the emptiness was uncontrollable. Even if the emptiness of the ban was separated, it would become a counter-empty sword and the sky could not save the knife.

Want to defend, need the same road!


The open space is even more terrible than people think, and the endless flying leaves suddenly circling, forming a top hurricane, pulling in the void, and pulling the black hole in, making the whole situation more chaotic and violent.


No need to control!

Flying flower is his space, the leaves are his space, and the hurricane is his space.

The triple space is superimposed in this way, and the explosion is a space that is beyond the reach of people.


The hurricane carried the fallen leaves of the sky and hit the Lingfeng. The void that passed through it exploded directly, and it disappeared in an instant.


Looking at the airy air, the oriental Yingyu sighs sighly. If there is another space, other heavenly powers will make Ling Feng feel tricky, but the flying leaves are hurricane... It is easy to be restrained.

"Not saved!"

Yu Xiaoyu said coldly, others do not know, she knows.

That person is Ling Feng.

What is Ling Feng best at?

Sigh of sigh!

In fact.

The big white goose is very nervous with the air. If the wind falls, they will all be bloody. They know that the wind is very powerful, but it is only a single attack. The power of this group attack is very tricky.

Can he pick it up?

"He is dead!" The Buddhist monks sneered, forcing the top-level lore, and Ling Feng was not saved.

"not bad!"

Ling Feng smiled and said that after the appearance of the emptiness of the ban, he did not want to use that power, because it was not needed.

More importantly, it is too taboo here.

Once that power comes out, the characters here will know that there will be more people to face.

I believe that the major forces will not let go of this opportunity.


Is he afraid?

next moment.

Ling Feng closed his eyes, and at the moment when the magic eyes opened, his dantian blew and couldn’t hide, so don’t hide.

He will use the strongest power to deal with the air.

"come on!"

Ling Feng magic eyes flying, the momentum collapsed a heavy heaven, the magic road forbidden soil finally appeared in front of people at this moment, and he flew into the magic road forbidden soil, and sat down.

"Flying flowers can be stunned!"

"Foliage can also be demon!"

Ling Feng said one word at a time. "Who said that the king can not be the enemy?"

"Today, I want to let the emperor bow down!"

As the voice fell, a snow tree slowly dissipated and flew to him, naturally becoming a guzheng.


It is a tribute to the mountains.

That is a melody of the sounds into the wonderland.

Who knows that there is a fairy in the world?

"It's him……"

People were shocked and finally realized the origin of this character, once the first starry sky.

He did not grow out of the crowd, but grew against the trend. At this moment, he appeared in the Xiangu Xinghai and entered the realm of the king.

Really know that he is!

People can only sigh.

Ling Feng is terrible, stepping into the king level, that is the eighth "Dao Di" in the world, who can suppress?

Void arrogance!

Yes, don't forget what Ling Feng is really terrible.

At the moment, he is showing this power.


That is the prelude to the fairy!

The sky is full of flowers, the leaves of the sky, and the leaves are in the face of the banned land of Lingfeng. He is arrogant and arrogant, and his momentum collapses into the sky. Who can stop it at this moment?

As if, a fairy flew out of the magic road, one eye will crush thousands of roads, and one hand will lead to endless flying deciduous winds.

That is oh!

That is even more indifferent.

The deciduous wind and hurricane came to an abrupt end, and the next one was surrounded by the magic road, and the Buddha was like a kite that was cut off the line. It flew for thirty miles, and the body was covered with blood holes, silent and silent. Lost.

Silent, people destroy Buddha!

This fairy sigh!

This is Ling Feng!

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