Supreme Demon

Chapter 2576: Outstanding audience!

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Prelude to the fairy!

The sigh of the sky!

This fairy has made the demon statues bow down.

That is the power that Tianzun is jealous.

But people did not think that after many years, this fairy can still appear in the world, and emit more terrible shocks, Tianwei is more unpredictable, more powerful, even if the Tao emperor is weak in front of him. dog.

Lost in the air!

At the moment when the magic road flew out, many characters knew the result.

In the past, Ling Feng did not have such strength, but one asked the king's Ling Feng to appear here, then what other characters can suppress the living?

not a single one!

Even if Tianzun came, I was afraid to frown. At this time, Ling Feng was the eighth Taoist emperor.

The Buddhist monks were stunned, completely unbelievable, and the emperor was defeated to a king.

The emptiness is the Buddha's arrogance. Once asked, how many characters in the world can be juxtaposed with it?

Do not say that the king figure is the character of the Taoist emperor. In this world, there are not a few people who can be tied with it, let alone to hurt the air.


That king has done this!

He sat in the forbidden land of the magic road, pointing to the guzheng, the sound of the fairy sounds and slammed down, let the emperor bow down and let the people bow down.

What is this king?

He is not a Taoist, but he can make the Tao emperor.

Ling Feng!

When people have a deep understanding of their true origins, they are pale and many characters are fighting, especially the forces such as Xianting and Yaozu. They are directly involved in the battle. Lingfeng is forced into the magic. of.

This is a blood debt.

If Ling Feng really finds them to liquidate, then the characters present can't help.


All the major forces have come to the world, the East Yingyu, Luoyi, the empty, and so on, but who can say that they can suppress the Lingfeng?

The end of the empty tragedy is proof.

That is the only man who is qualified to be tied with the Tao!

For a time, people are chilling, and the fear of the wind will be black, that is, the Taoist emperors feel numb claws, and they really have no confidence in such a Lingfeng.

"How can this be?"

Buddhism Gao Wei discovered that the scared face was like a soil, and he couldn’t figure out how a king could defeat a Taoist emperor.


Ling Feng grin, Buddhism has not been born for many years, still living in his own world?

Don't say him, that is, the characters of the Oriental Yingyu and Luoyi are not necessarily weaker than the open space. It is really necessary to die in the end. The fallen one must be empty.

Empty and blind!

He knows that Ling Feng is terrible, and he has seen the power of the Void, but he has never thought that it is not the ultimate strength of Ling Feng.

When the prelude to the immortal came out, he felt that he had to beheaded.

It is a great power to look down on the road and ignore the Scorpio, as if there is a fairy.

The big white goose flashed, and the heart burst into amazement. The character of this relationship did not seriously deal with it at first. Otherwise, the prelude of the immortal hit, and it was really embarrassing.

What is the species of swan in front of the surface of the fairy sequence?

Half awkward.

The empty cockroaches climbed over and the body trembled, and the eyes of Ling Feng were full of fear. Only when they truly experienced the power, could they know how terrible the prelude to the fairy.

that moment.

He feels that his strength is not his own.

this moment.

He only knew what kind of abnormal person he had encountered.

Buddhism is all empty, not really all four, but it is rarely published. The more eye-catching in these years is the interior of Buddhism, otherwise how could he force the air out of the Buddha?


Although he knew that there was a genius in the stars, he did not know who the character was.

"who are you?"

The empty eyes stared at Lingfeng, and the mouth spit blood, and the Buddha's elegant image was completely destroyed, but at this time he could not care so much.

A king only, is his gray face, can you find it?


Some people are laughing around, the magic road is forbidden, and the prelude to the immortal has been published. He also wants to ask who this person is?

This world is only afraid that only the Buddha is so ignorant?

When I was empty, I couldn’t help but look in that direction, but when I found out that it was a female emperor, I sighed with ugly face. If a king, at this moment, he was afraid that he would be directly scrapped, but if that person It is the Taoist emperor, it is another matter.

Obviously, the opening is the Oriental Yingyu.

"It does not matter!"

Ling Feng is not salty and not light, he is now wondering if he wants to get rid of the air.

If the future Buddha dies, it will be quite big for the entire Buddhist temple. At the same time, he will be madly killed by the entire Buddhist buddha.


It is here, and it is the same as the culprit. If he wants to go back to Buddhism, he will not die at this moment.

Weighed a moment, Ling Feng heart sighed.


A high-ranking buddha of Buddhism flew in front of the open air. At this time, the empty space could not die here, otherwise the entire Buddhist temple would be mad.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng sneered, really have to deal with the air, more than a dozen Buddhist monks in the district, really not enough to see.

"Now, you should have no opinion?"

Ling Feng looked directly at the Buddha's stilts. At this time, these sorghums did not have the feeling of arrogance before, but became extremely vigilant and felt quite fried.

They lost to the king, how can they still have opinions?

Really dead?

That is purely looking for death.

However, the face of Buddhism makes them not open, and they must hold on. This is naturally clear, but as long as it is empty, it will not return to the Buddha.


Just as Ling Feng was going to fly to those gods and demon statues, a king and a Taoist emperor were forced in this direction, and his face was cold.

Ling Feng is terrible. One or two characters are afraid that they can't cope with it.

But is there only one Taoist present?

Xianting, Yaozu, Mozu, etc. Which forces do not want to do the Lingfeng?


Ling Feng has a strong side and they are more afraid. I really want Ling Feng to ask for success. Other forces and people can go home.

Ling Feng just had a **** battle, and the blood was not strong enough. It was the moment they started.

"Is it coming?"

Ling Feng's eyes are cold and look around.. "Several Taoist emperors, dare to shoot me?"

He is cold-eyed.

He is more indifferent.

The emptiness of the forbidden blade can blame the emperor, and the prelude to the immortal is more awkward. Isn't it the sigh of the immortal?

The death of Roy is still unknown. The Buddha’s empty space is even less thoughtful. Dongying Yingyu has long seen that the Mohist should not participate in this confrontation now?

Do you only have a few emperors such as Yaozu, Mozu, and Xianting?

"You are not weak, can be tied with the Tao, but can you get rid of a few people?"

The demon-headed Taodi said with a sneer. "Not to mention that we are not Buddhas!"


He is more confident than the Buddha.


Ling Feng sneered at the opening, looking directly at the Taoist figure of the demon figure, asked. "Which family are you?"

The Taoist priest looked at it. Ling Feng’s question was a bit sorrowful. It was simply saying which family you are. When the war is over, I will die of your family.

Top threat!

At the beginning, the Great Devil was mad and killed many families. In particular, Xianting was once targeted, that is, the family of Tianzun died a lot, and has not fully recovered yet.

"Reassure, I am just asking, don't panic."

Ling Feng saw the vigilance of the character and said with a smile: "I will not die of your family, I am not such a person!"


The demon characters are discolored, and this shameless one is really afraid of killing their family.

Believe in you a ghost!

"It's a great power!"

The Mozu sneer, not the devil, but also the genius after the devil, can ask for success, and become a Taoist really worthy of attention.

"Come on!"

Ling Feng directly opened, quite domineering to invite the Tao.


The Taoist frowns, he is not the devil, but there is no qualification to compete with Lingfeng, even if the Tao is not enough to see in front of Ling Feng, it is really dead, he must be dead.


Can Lingfeng deal with one or two Taoist emperors and be able to deal with three or four Taoist emperors?

He just wants to get rid of the wind, not to fight yourself!

"Come on!"

Ling Feng took a step forward and directly forced the demon to the demon. The magical eyes fluttered and completely ignored. This is the step that made the demon tremble and could not help but step back.

Just one step!

The outcome is already divided!

"Come on!"

Ling Feng went forward, and the persecution of the demon was flushed, and the heart that wanted to die was there.

he knows.

Ling Feng is really trying to get rid of him. In this battlefield, Ling Feng will avoid the Buddhist temple, and will avoid the virtual palace and Xianting, but will not taboo the Mozu.


The Terran forces will not help him at this time, and the Mozu will be opposed to the entire starry sky.

Needless to say.

At this time, if he is on, he will not know how to die.

He just wants to persuade everyone to suppress the wind, not one.

In fact.

At this time, the Terran forces did not have an opening. They stood by and watched, and waited for Lingfeng to kill this Mozu character.

The atmosphere is awkward.

The suppression power is unprecedented.

A demon king is in the opposite world, arrogant, and suppresses the whole audience. It is just a "combat". No one dares to export. This is empty and the big white goose has never thought of it, and the empty space really feels like an idiot.

"Ling Feng, my sister?"

In front of the small fish, her face was blank. She did not think that Lingfeng could break into the king, and did not expect Lingfeng to be strong enough.

Suppress the Taoist and ignore the Buddha.

Naloi is really dangerous.

"I am here, she did not come, what do you say?" Ling Feng grinned, this little fish is really poisonous, if he can fight the Emperor, I am afraid that I really want to die in the hands of Loy.


The face of the fish suddenly changed, grayish.

Luo Yi was paid by the funds to deal with Ling Feng, she did not want Luo Yi to die, it is not the result of the death roster, and the cost is too heavy.

"Sister, I have to listen to him nonsense!"

A character flew in, and fell in front of the small fish, his face was gray, and the blood had not fully recovered. It was Loy.


The face of the fish is full of joy, she thought that Luo Yi was poisoned by Ling Feng.

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