Supreme Demon

Chapter 2577: Star tragedy!

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Death God's roster!


This is the fifth emperor in the starry sky, representing the top strength of the roster of death, she is more excellent in force, non-small fish can be juxtaposed. This

The appearance of Emperor Dao is undoubtedly breaking the "lie" of Ling Feng.


People can't laugh, although Ling Feng didn't kill Luo Yi, but people still can hear that Luo Yi had confronted Ling Feng, and the ending was Luo Yi, and the wind was beaten by Ling Feng, and Ling Feng was still like that. No solution. Come

How about? "

Sister! Luo

According to the Tao, some blushing, blood has not recovered, but Yu Yan is very difficult to see.. "Death of the roster, the Emperor, the Yuan Emperor did not come back, I am afraid to fall in his hands."


The face of the fish suddenly changed, and the smile on the face was like a cold wind at the moment, and it disappeared.

Although Luo Yi survived, but more than forty Wudi in the list of death gods?

Died of death?

Too heavy.

"It should not die, but be detained!"

According to the sadness of the small fish, I couldn’t help but open my mouth. "I checked the scene and there were not many bones."

Xiaoyu Yuyan is a stiff, falling in the hands of Ling Feng, I am afraid that it is more tragic than they were killed? "

It’s just right! Ling

The wind doesn't care about Loy, it's really hard to kill, these characters may not really be able to keep themselves, and this requires a few Emperor's commandments to be able to do it, at least like the devil, Loy, these characters are going to die.

"Today's major forces are coming."

Ling Feng said from his own self. "I want to talk to you about a business!"


The big power figures are all dumbfounded, feeling that they have encountered an idiot. At this time, Ling Feng is besieged on all sides. Does he understand?

I have to die, what business is still talking about? Do not

Over. Head

No one dared to start before, the character of Ling Feng is too tricky, whoever is the first to kill, it may be killed by the end, leading to death. Of course

and. Ling

The wind didn't care what they thought, he just wanted to know what the next characters would think.

"Not bad." Ling

The wind said with a smile: "The characters in the roster of death are in my hands and I am detained, so I want to talk to you about business, you are not losing money."


The kings of the gods are all black, and if they are not in front of them, they want to kill them alive.

Who is an idiot?

They will not lose money when they encounter Ling Feng? only

Are you afraid of losing money? can

Yes. he

Do you dare not talk? The elite figures of the Death List are in the hands of Ling Feng. At present, there is nothing in the Xiangu Xinghai, but what if you return to the stars? whole

Are there only a few of them in the roster of death?

What is the meaning of the Death Academy?

"Talk about it!"

The fish face is black and the head is going to be blown up, but this is the reason for her kindness. If she didn’t let Loyle hit the wind, she would not have happened.

and. he

We are spending a lot of resources. In the future, these characters will grow up, and it will still be quite cost-effective. Otherwise, the list of deaths is empty, and how many resources are there? "

The Lord of Death is a hero! Ling

The wind said with a smile, but the little fish did not think that this was to praise her.

"How about the fifty stars?" Ling Feng asked.

"Yes!" small

The fish's forehead, although the star iron is precious, but so many Lingdi and Yuandi are worth it.

"I am talking about one person, fifty stars!"

what? "small

The fish licks big eyes and eats people.

Fifty stars!

What awesome resource is that? Equivalent to five hundred sacred gold, placed in the starry sky can make a force crazy, but now it is just to exchange for a person.

Who is an idiot?

Why didn't he go robbery? Oh

No, he is robbing!

Want to know that the roster of death is in the hands of Ling Feng is not one or two characters, but dozens of people, asking them to come up with one or two thousand stars? that

The entire roster of death must be hollowed out.

"This is impossible!" small

The fish said darkly. "I don't think there are so many stars in the roster of death. Even if there is, there are too many, we can't pay so much!"

Three stars everybody! ""

Fifty pieces! Ling Feng smiled coldly. "When you want to kill me, you always have to pay some price. What do you think?" ”


The little fish indulged for a moment, and said that "this is our limit!"

The limit is used to break! Ling

The wind is blowing. "Thirty-five, no more!"

Fifteen! "small

The fishway is full of blood and said coldly. "This is our bottom line!"

"Is the name of the Death God wearing a pair of underwear?"

Ling Fengyin said, "If there is no underwear, then there is no bottom line!"

Forty pieces! ”

"This is my bottom line, and I wear a pair of pants!"


One of the lungs of the list of death is mad, this is not talking about business, but is being humiliated, but they still have to talk about it. "

Forty pieces of the district, the roster of death is also available. ”

A character of Xianting said with a smile: "There are many spiritual emperors, the future of the entire list of death gods, can you be forty stars and stars?"

That is, don't be too small. ”

Someone added: "Resources are dead, talents are alive."

Of course.

These forces are not good enough to make the death list lose more resources, which is good for them. Luo

Looking at the characters coldly, I wanted to tell the truth. I also went back at this time. Are these idiots really simple like the Big Devil?

The characters of the Death List are in the hands of the Great Devil, what other power characters?

This business is more than just a roster of death.

"Twenty stars!"

For a long while, the little fish exhaled a suffocating sigh, and said dullly, this is really her bottom line. This

Time, she wore a pair of pants.


Ling Feng did not insist, 20 stars and irons are quite good prices, and this is the bottom line of the list of death, really want to persecute, I am afraid that the characters such as small fish and Luo Yi will die with him.

For a moment. small

Fish, Luo Yi and other people's faces are even darker, only because of the number of characters released by Ling Feng, a total of thirty-five. Seven

Hundreds of stars! on

It is the characters of the list of death gods who are all frowned. Since they entered the Xiangu Xinghai, even if the Taoist emperor could not get so many resources, only Tianzun could get it, and the resources of one or two Tianzun were not enough.

They tried their best to die, but they got a hundred stars.

however. Ling

The wind has "smoothed" seven hundred pieces of star iron in such a relaxed way. How can we not let the hearts of the death gods have a small heart? more

What is irritating is that Ling Feng has to pay the price of "Fifty Stars and Irons". If the fish really agrees, the figures in the list of the gods of death will cry. a few

The people discussed for a moment, only to get together seven hundred pieces of stars to the hands of Ling Feng.

"Live alive!"

Ling Feng smiled and threw thirty-five characters to the small fish, and the prohibition on those characters was also vanished at the moment.

"Little master, he..."

Some characters can't help but cry, full of resentment, to start with Ling Feng, Zhangkou will open.

"To shut up!"

The little fish is angry on the spot, isn’t it enough to be detained?

At this time, I have to start with Ling Feng and wait for him to be detained. Then talk about a business? that

But seven hundred stars, now the little fish want to hit people! "

There are only seven hundred stars in the district. It is us, let alone seven hundred, that is..."

The immortal figures are ridiculing the list of death gods, but when Ling Feng glanced at them with their eyes, they let his cold hairs stand upside down, and those words became drooling and swallowed by him. that

The eyes are too embarrassing. image

Yes... I am looking at a piece of fat meat. "

What is it? Ling Feng asked with a smile.

It's nothing……"

The character of Xianting said unconsciously, this time he felt that the problem was wrong. "

Don't be afraid, anything can be said. ”

Ling Feng said with a smile: "I know that Xianting is rich, so... What do you think of the sixty stars?"


The character’s old blood almost squirted out, and he felt it before, so he only shut up, but it still became a reality. Fairy

The court figures fell in the hands of Ling Feng. "

We are very poor in Xianting! ”

The head of the Tao, who spoke directly, spoke directly. He was the only one who lived in the original battle. "

So, can't you talk about it? ”

Ling Feng grinned, completely do not care, as long as those characters still live in the spirit beads, it is valuable, he is not anxious, but he believes that some forces are very urgent. "

Can talk about it! ”

The head of the Tao said, "Twenty stars."

It is the price given by the list of death gods. They know that they can't talk anymore, otherwise Lingfeng will not do it.

"There are seven hundred stars in the district. If you guys, should you give more?"

Ling Feng imitated the opening of the king just now and said: "Thirty stars and irons alone, this is my bottom line, otherwise I will not talk!"

Finish. he

Directly turned around, completely do not care about the feelings of the Xianting characters, they can have a blood debt.


The court leader, the head of the emperor, this is the pot that the king of the party was provoked. At this time, they have no room for bargaining, and they can only recognize their noses.

Just waiting for Ling Feng to release those personal things, Xian Ting Dao's face is still black. whole

The whole fifty-two characters! its

There are also several characters who first entered the Yuan Emperor, but it was the few who were born in the Xianting College. Fairy

The court figure cried! Yes

Really crying! One

More than a thousand pieces of stars, this is a huge wealth.

What makes them more wrong is how the characters of the first-time Yuandi are going on? he

It is still worthwhile to call back the Emperor, but those few are equivalent to the dust, but they have to take out more than a hundred pieces of stars to exchange. sad

The drama! Fairy

There are not so many stars in the court, so they are exchanged with copper. A piece of copper can only be exchanged for one hundred stars. Just think about them.

"Who will come next?" Ling

The wind looked around, and the eyebrows rose. I knew that I shouldn’t be in the sea of ​​Xiangu Xinghai. I should have more characters. If I can do one or two Tianzun, it will be more valuable. whole

The scenes are all over the sky!

Everyone is full of hair, and the feelings are not only the Xianting, the list of death gods, but each of them has a share.

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