Supreme Demon

Chapter 2578: Unbearable!

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This is the voice of everyone in the audience. special

Don't be the few characters who used to help Ling Feng to "sell the price". It is a sadness in my heart. I want to eat Lingfeng, and I want to make a few palm prints on my face. This

A troublesome mouth!

They looked at the wind, the eyes became gloomy, and there was a killing in the heart. If it wasn’t for the character of Ling Feng, it was even more afraid of the people who were detained in the power, and they wanted to cut a few knives now.

This character is really doing anything to dare! arrest

Forbidden to Emperor Tianling, Yuandi!

Is this the gods who dare not do it? This

How much courage is needed? Faced with the power of the sky, not everyone is so "violent."

of course. Ling

The wind does not need such fears. He was the object of being killed by various forces. However, his strength is not weak, and his life has come over. Now he seizes the opportunity to produce the great forces of the Emperor Wu, can you let go? only

What people did not think was that Ling Feng did not remove the major forces of the Emperor, but used to do business. he

Is there no worry about this?

After a while, people will understand that one heart is more heavy, which means that Ling Feng does not care about these characters. He is confident that he can live in the Emperor Wudi, whether it is the Yuan Emperor or the Tao Emperor. he

I don't care how many emperors will be born by the major forces. He is invincible.

Strong, confident! Wu

Power, invincible! go

To the realm of Ling Feng, Ling Feng really wants to be proud of the Scorpio, and the king can suppress the Emperor. When he arrives at the Emperor, he is afraid that Tian Zun will be a tragedy.

What is he afraid of? Ling

The wind doesn't care, but they have to pay attention. If a force does not have these characters, is it still a force? Want

It is the power, and where do their resources come from? because

However, these characters have to survive and will go further in the future, otherwise they will be too sorry for the resources they have paid. "

Let's come first! "This

At the time, Dongfang Yingyu walked out and looked directly at Lingfeng’s eyes and said, “Thirty Stars.”

it is good! Ling

The wind did not entangle on this issue, directly hit more than a dozen Emperors of the Eastern clan, throwing it to the East Yingyu, and the Oriental Yingyu also threw more than 500 stars into Lingfeng.

Transaction complete. "

Let's come too! ”

Several other power figures in the virtual palace flew out and traded with Ling Feng, and the price remained the same, thirty stars, but they could afford it. but

. Virtual

The characters of the palace should be more, reaching more than forty. This also makes the people of the virtual palace feel a pain in their hearts. It is more than a thousand stars. Fairy

The domain, the demon and so on have paid more, and the total number has reached more than 80. This is more than 2,000 pieces of stars.

"Are you going to increase the price?"

Ling Feng turned to Moh, and the smile on his face was even stronger.


The stars in the starry sky are going crazy.

Emotional winds suppress not only them, but also Buddhism and Mohist are unlucky. In fact, the Mohist figures did not think that since the emergence of Ling Feng, they have been staying out of the way, not offended, let alone exchanges. Of course


Ling Feng is such a strong.

"Thirty Stars!"

The head of the family, who was headed by the emperor, spoke directly. At this time, there was no nonsense with Lingfeng. It was mainly afraid of negotiating with Lingfeng, which would raise the price.

Didn't you see the tragedy of the character in the list of death? s

Understand that non-major forces are the only ones, they are afraid to talk about prices with Ling Feng, showing how the wind is a difficult figure.

have to say.

The Mohist is quite wise. to

Yes, more than 20 Emperor Wu of the Mohist family also returned to the forces, but they were quite unscrupulous. On the spot, they were going to blast the wind, especially when the Emperor was present.


The Taoist monk suddenly suppressed the Mohist army of the Emperor Wu, and jokingly killed the roster of death, Buddhism, the virtual palace, and Xianting. The power figures were tolerated. Can they still bear it? Find

Dead? true

To provoke the devil, I am afraid that no one can suppress him. Many of the characters present are watching from the cold, like the Buddha, the Oriental clan, the imaginary palace, etc. I am happy to see where the Lingfeng limit is.


When Ling Feng turned to the Mozu, his face was cold, and his voice was full of unbearable power. "

you! ”

The faces of the demons of the Mozu suddenly became cold, and many powerful figures fell into the hands of Ling Feng. They also felt that the demons of the Mozu were afraid of being shackled. When Ling Feng turned around, they knew the answer. . three

Although there are a lot of ten stars, but other forces have endured, they have to endure.


Ling Feng’s opening is fifty stars, which is more expensive than other forces. Twenty stars are iron, even if the Mozu can’t stand it.

"They are all thirty stars!"

The demon-headed demon is said to be gloomy. "

You are different! Ling Feng said with a cold smile. "I have suffered in the hands of the Mozu. ""

This is not reasonable! "The Taoist refused.

"Sixty!" Ling Feng's eyes are cold, but he can't care at all.

Is the Mozu life and death important? he

The resources obtained are enough. The Mozu is different from the starry sky. How to fight is your own thing. The Mozu is from other stars, and it is the culprit of his enemies. He hates the Mozu more.


The devil's eyelids sank, and when he touched Ling Feng's eyes, he still slammed the following words back. Ling

The wind can be talked about, but they have to talk.


If he talks about it again, he is afraid that the price of Ling Feng will be higher, so he dare not talk about it. "

Ok, it’s sixty! ”

The Tao magic bite his teeth and endured the pain.

However, when Ling Feng threw out several characters of the Mozu, they still changed color. There were only five demons, and each one was seriously injured. Compared with other forces, the Mozu is really too little and too miserable.

"You killed dozens of my devils?" The head of the demon face burst into cold.

"I am not so busy yet!" Ling

The wind screamed and said with a sneer. "You should ask them!"

Finish. he

Turn your attention to other forces, the stars and the Buddha, Mohist. "

It is you! ”

The demon face is like a thousand years of cold, the cold is suffocating, and the strength of the Mozu is so strong that it is left by the forces of the stars to leave only so much. What makes them so embarrassed?

"That's them!"

The only five emperors, Mori, said coldly. "But, there are people who push it!"

"it's me!"

Ling Feng grinned, completely do not care.. "The Mozu wants to do a lot of power in the stars, I just help them."

This is the culprit!

The reason why the devil can really die is not the Lingfeng.


The Tao will have no direct reason to kill, otherwise it will be isolated and helpless, and those stars will not help them. but

. on

These five emperors, but spent three hundred stars, just think of the devil wants to vomit blood. "

Yes, you all got what you want. Ling

The wind did not take care of these personal objects. He strode to the bones of the gods and took more resources. "

Ling Feng, that is the demon of my devil! ”

The Taoist face is cold, and does not say that the demon body bones are not allowed to move around, that is, those resources are not the big devil can take away.

"You want to stop me?"

The wind was cold and looked straight at the demon. "


The road is magical, the prelude to the fairy is so terrible, what is the more terrible fairy sigh?

What's more, Ling Feng has more extraordinary power, and this is what the devil is jealous. see

The demon was stunned, and Ling Feng unscrupulously searched the resources of the demon body, and then threw the demon bones to the demon.. "True poor!"

... you are paralyzed! ”

Even if the demon of the Mozu is a good temper, this time can not help but burst.

"Looking for death!" Ling

The wind and the magic are suddenly a cold, and the prelude of the fairy is smashed together with the emptiness of the forbidden blade, like a lightning bolt, directly appearing in front of the Tao.


The demon is quite fierce, using the Mozu ban, which is a magic knife, smashing with the emptiness of the blade, but only suppressing the emptiness of the emptiness, until the immortal prelude kills, he can only Sorrow screamed, falling from the void, full of blood.

One blow! Do

Guan, Ling Feng is the first to start, and the Taoist defense is one step slower, but the real strength is high. "

Leave you a life! ”

Ling Feng feels that time is running out. He wants to search for resources as soon as possible. he

Turning the bones of the characters of the virtual palace, he even picked up the body of Xiantian Tianzun. He threw the demon sacred bones directly into the spirited beads... The whole process did not interfere with any characters, and the wind blew the fingers to suppress the demon. It has defeated the future Buddha. Its powerful strength makes people jealous and does not dare to do it easily. where

I am afraid that it is the starry sky. It can be said that if anyone wants to do it first, it is necessary to be killed and killed.

The most grievous ones are the Yaozu. They know that Lingfeng has moved away from the demon bones. I am afraid that there is no good thought, and most of them are to be eaten, but at this time they dare to do it?

If so, the next one that appears in Lingfeng's mouth is their flesh and blood. but


Ling Feng’s move is equivalent to sinning the entire starry sky and the demon, and any force wants to kill the character.

If they join hands, they can drink a pot, but not everyone has such courage. thing

In fact.

They have already notified Tianzun, Demon, and Demon, and the meaning of that side is to let them wait, and some characters are flying back. "

Goodbye! ”

After the search, the wind will flash. "

Big Devil, do you want to leave like this? "The oriental Yingyu was over, and it was cold and cold. Anyone who turned the ancestors of the Oriental family was insulted."

Was it not enough to send you a big defeat? "Ling Feng cold eyes. People

They are stunned, the feelings of the East Ying Yu will have a battle with Ling Feng, and Ling Feng won the end, no wonder the oriental Ying Yu this hot temper has withstood.

"I am not enough, but I think many people will be happy!" Dongfang Yingyu sneered.

"It seems a bit reasonable!" The demon came out again. "

We can forgive you how the big devil can toss, but you insult the ancestors, I will wait for you to die! "The third station is the Yaozu."

It is this truth! ""

The ancestors can not be insulted "three

The big forces immediately pushed the scene to the top, and each of the forces flew out, enveloping the wind, the white goose, and the empty space.

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