Supreme Demon

Chapter 2581: The picture is poor!

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Non-cave days.

Putting it in the starry sky, this hole can be called a heaven and a blessing, but it is really not good in Xiangu Xinghai.


The ancestors were seriously injured, and the magical powers were being captured by the stars and the forces, so those top blessings were not what they wanted. Only those "forbidden zones" that other forces could not see were suitable for them.

No top temperament.

There is no beautiful scenery like poetry.

Non-cave days are too ordinary to cover the wind and rain.

"After the wind, meet the magic ancestors!"

Ling Feng followed the secluded moon into the non-cave sky, and did not squint. He came to the center of Dongtian and saw the character who made him "sacred".

No handsome face.

There is no charm of the gods.

There is only the British body and the slightly cloudy eyes, but the momentum on the body really makes people feel trembled. It belongs to the peerless demon statue. He has a glimpse of his heart and can't help but lean over to the ancestors.

"Oh, get up."

Although the ancestors were seriously injured, but the mood is quite good, carefully look at the Lingfeng, which is mixed with the magic of the Tianwei gas field, that is, the **** demon statue, the secluded moon star Jun feel the pressure.

The real Tianwei gas field is directed at Lingfeng.

"Is this a test?" Ling Feng blinked and smiled, the body's momentum was not obvious, but the hard steel Tianzun gas field, although it fell, the hot sweat on the forehead, but actually insisted.

"Yes, you are very good!"

The ancestors are full of appreciation. "At this age, I can cultivate to this extent, and I don’t see much in ancient and modern times."

"The ancestors have a reputation."

Ling Feng said modestly, but there are hidden colors in the eyes.

"There are not many Wudi in this world who can hold my gas field, even if there are not many of them, and you can stand upright, this gas field and willpower is really rare." De Zu said with a smile.

"After the birth is just a strong support, and then stick to it, I am afraid that there will be a trauma in the body." Ling Feng said with a smile.

The devil's forehead, the gas field has not been pressed down.

"It is said that you were the first star of the sky?" asked the ancestors.

"That's all other forces coming from, what kind of starry sky is the first day?" Ling Feng said very plainly, he does not care about this name.

"The mentality is good, and only you can be able to live in the stars."

"Dan Tian's strength is not weak, the refining body is not weak, is the soul sea tempered?" Mozu then asked. "What is your cultivation?"

"Void way!"

Ling Feng knows that this is unstoppable. He wants to know what the ancestors want to do, but from the current rhetoric, he really wants to be unlucky.


He concealed that the three demon lords had appeared in the hole and around, and there was a gleaming glimmer of the faint light, and the entire cave had been sealed.

"A heavenly power that was once underestimated by Xiangu did not really show up until the late Xiangu period. Unfortunately, when the ancient times were over, the empty road was once bloomed, but no one pushed it to the end, and under the suppression of ancient Wu, the void The road is very difficult to produce." The devil's forehead, the original origin, glory and end of "Void Road".

"I didn't expect to be peerless in the world."

The ancestors exclaimed. "The perfect void comes out, you really can't."

The ancestors were full of brilliance, and there was a faint light and rain flashing. Although the time was short, it was captured by Ling Feng.

"It turns out!" Ling Feng said in his heart.

"What is the perfect void?" Mozu asked.

"It is a kind of way, let the power of the body blend, and ventilate the blood." Ling Feng said for a moment. "To tell the truth, I have not fully understood, just follow the feeling, I did not expect to create a perfect void."

"Air transport is different."

The ancestors sighed. "Some people have a hard time in their lives, but some people are born to be taken care of by nature. They are born to be gods. They are born to be geniuses..."

He looked directly at the eyes of Ling Feng and said: "Ling Feng, you are the air transporter."

"The devil has been praised." Ling Feng smiled.

“How was Xianli born?”

Next, Mozu asked another question.

Ling Feng wrinkled, this is his taboo, others can not ask, even if the characters such as Burning Tianzun have never spoken, and the ancestors actually asked so urgent, I am afraid that I really want to see the poor.

"Is there any difficulty?" said the ancestors.

"Very complicated."

Ling Feng said with a deep sigh. "I was also a coincidence. I once got a star nucleus. I got the power on the mountain. I combined the power of the emptiness of the emptiness, and I barely gave birth to the fairy fire. The tempering and nourishing of all kinds of resources is the power of today."

"Star nuclear, power to the road, empty road..."

The ancestors have been indulged, not to mention the power of the first, but to say that the star nucleus is not so easy to find.

A star needs to be born for hundreds of millions of years before it can produce a star nucleus, and even if it is born, the star nucleus is differentiated.

The Galaxy used to give birth to Xianli will inevitably breed endless vitality, not a dead silence. Therefore, stars like dead stars are not acceptable. Stars with vitality stars are needed. There are not many such stars, let alone break this. The price that this star has to pay.

A living star has a natural character.

The birth of hundreds of millions of years, at least the birth of the characters of the heavenly level, they will sit and watch the magic ancestors to break it?

not to mention.

The star nucleus is only the first step. He knows the mountain on the Supreme Star.

But there are not a few people who can really get on board, unless it is the top genius of the stars, but it is hard to say whether it can be said that Lingfeng can get this is not as simple as air transportation, but also has strong potential and strength.

More important is the third step.

The power of the "empty road" is tempered.

How did the character who did not cultivate the "empty road" be born Xianli?

I want to push it to the end, I don’t know how much effort I have to spend, how much the entire empty road has paid, and I still haven’t played the real thing of the “Void Road”, but the character who came from the **** Wuxing came to realize The true meaning, the perfect void.

It can be said.

Any step of condensing Xianli is non-human. It is only a matter of how many years it takes for others to gather together. The Lingfeng has actually been done in just a few hundred years. This kind of air transport is really against the sky.

of course.

Ling Feng said that it is reasonable to actually deceive ghosts.

"Ling Feng, the current situation of my magic road is not optimistic." Devil ancestors said something.

"There are only star-studded characters in the area. I don't think that the ancestors of the ancestors are still in their hearts. As long as they make a gesture, they must let them bleed!" Ling Feng is quite a force to make a flattering.


"I am seriously injured." said the ancestors.

"I have a few pieces of virtual copper here that you can use to recover." Ling Feng said that he would find out the virtual copper.


There are some headaches in the ancestors. This Lingfeng does not know whether it is an idiot, or is too savvy, and he is always on a channel with him.

"I need some strength!"

The ancestors coughed and the smile on his face disappeared, looking directly at Ling Feng. "These forces are the key to success."

"I think the three devils can find these powers for the ancestors." Ling Feng smiled, completely unable to understand what the ancestors were saying, some confused.

"They can't find it." The ancestors were serious.


"This power is only in your body."

The picture is poor!

"What does the devil mean?" Ling Feng is still laughing, but he is already vigilant.

"I want to borrow your perfect void and Xianli." Mozu said bluntly. "However, you can rest assured that my magical forces will not treat you badly, and there will be endless resources to be sent to you. Even if you lose these two forces, It will shine in the stars, not to mention the disappearance of Xianli, which may not be regenerated."


Ling Feng was a bit stunned, and at one time it was not suitable.

Perhaps, he did not think about the idea that the ancestors would hit him?

"The situation is not good, otherwise I will ask for such a request?" The ancestors sighed. "I know this is hard for you, but Xianli and the perfect void are too important to me. Only they can deal with the stars in the sky. Demon, Demon, and rest assured that I will re-plant these two forces into your body."


Ling Feng’s tight expression finally came loose, barely squeezed out a smile, and said: “The situation of the magic road is indeed unfavorable. I know that the ancestors are in a hurry, and the magic road has grace for me. I naturally want to know the image, but, Xian Force and perfect void are afraid to borrow it?"

"It's fine, as long as you open your heart, I can use the secret method to lend them." Devil said confidently.

"What secret method?" Ling Feng asked curiously.

"Move the law!"

The ancestors said quite arrogantly. "This is Xiangu Tiangong, which I got in the sea of ​​Xianguxing. I can borrow the power of other characters, Tiangong, etc."

of course.

The magical ancestors have not finished this heavenly work.

In fact, this celestial work should be called the "moving the soul of the sky."

"it is good!"

Ling Feng bit his teeth and made up his mind to say: "That's yours, only defeat those characters, I can only crush the sky and the stars, then you will plant the two forces back into my body, and it has no effect."

Kind back?

The sneer in the heart of the ancestors is that the three demon statues of the demon are indifferent, and sometimes he is not as smart as he imagined.

"We will start now." Devil eager can't wait to say.

"just now?"

"Yes, right now." Mozu said with a smile. "Wait a moment, we will have more dangers for a moment, and we will be able to achieve the Emperor's hegemony. I can rest assured that my devil is good."


Ling Feng took the lead and asked. "What should I do?"

"Let's relax, don't have to fight," said the ancestors.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng’s serious forehead said, “Now the entire starry sky is chasing me. I also hope that you can kill the evil spirits and solve the aftereffects.”

This sentence is used to dispel the doubts of the three magical figures. He used to be too clever. It is always doubtful that the two kinds of powers are so obedient, and they are forced to tragic, and Ling Feng’s "deaf and risk" is worthwhile. Understood. (

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