Supreme Demon

Chapter 2582: Crash!

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Non-cave days.

The momentum is not obvious, quite ordinary.

"You can sit down!"

The ancestors said to Ling Feng: "The method of moving the sky will not affect you. You just need to relax your mind and let my strength integrate into you."


Ling Feng’s forehead is not shocked. He is currently in the network of the characters. Even if he is not obedient, the demon ancestor and the three devils can suppress him, but they are not so easy to get Xianli. It is.


The Devil and the Three Devils also realized this, so try to dredge the thoughts of Lingfeng and prevent the Lingfeng dog from jumping into the wall.

"Yes, exactly."

Mozu smiled and got up, looked at Ling Feng and said: "At this age to reach such a height, the situation is not shocked, this heart is tempered, there are really few characters in the world who can be juxtaposed with you."

"The devil has been praised."

Ling Feng said modestly, his face showed joy at the right time, but he was not too ecstatic.

"Okay, let's come!"

The ancestors came to Lingfeng, their hands were shining, and a magical force appeared. A burst of light and rain broke out in their palms, and they flew down from the sky.

That is the empty rain.


In a moment, those light rain suddenly turned into a gust of wind, flying on the top of Ling Feng's head, falling to the top of Ling Feng's head.



When the first drop of rain fell, Ling Feng only felt that the scalp was numb, and a force was infiltrating into his body, running with his blood, and the virtual airway in the body emitted a little starlight, which was automatically presented and showed the shape of the universe. Let the magic ancestors and the three demon statues suddenly shine.

This form is not visible in the world.

And this form is a sign that the void is different, and the stalwart is terrible.


The raindrops are still flying, and they are integrated into Lingfeng from time to time, and they are going to Dantian. When the raindrops appear in Dantian and the magic roads in Dantian and Xianli are discovered, the ecstasy on the face of the ancestors is hard to contain.

"Really is Xianli!"

The ancestors couldn't help but whisper, and they looked obsessed.

At this time, he has no need to hide his true intentions. The magic light shines with the cold light and the blushing blood. The greedy taste, even through the endless charm, Ling Feng can clearly feel.

"Devil, you..."

Ling Feng frowned, always felt that something was wrong.

"Oh, there are not many people like you in the ages. It’s a pity that the kings in the district are so sorry. Let me help you ask for respect?"

The magical ancestors shine, and the momentum of the raindrops is more turbulent, like a spring flooding toward the top of Lingfeng, and through the top of Lingfeng, it rushes to Lingfeng Dantian, flesh and bones and ... soul sea.

"Devil, you!"

Ling Feng was shocked, and the raindrops rushed to Dantian, and he was able to understand the flesh and blood. But it was not normal to flock to the soul sea.

Only by taking the house will attack the soul sea.

"Hey, did you find out?"

The ancestors sneered and said: "I am the ancestors, the same king, but now it is only by your body."

"Don't panic, this time is too late."

"Magic save me!" Ling Feng said in a panic.

"Lingfeng is your life."

The three devils smiled coldly. "I want to use the power of my magic, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world, you are the stove top we prepared for my ancestors."

"You... pit me!"

Ling Feng magic eyes blush, angry and angry.

"Reassured, I will put your devil into my body. Although the body has no power, but it can live for at least a hundred years, this is the greatest gift of my magic road to you." Yu Yue Xingjun said with a smile. "And your strength will be the same as my ancestors, and will illuminate the universe."

"No, I don't want to!" Ling Feng struggled to say.

"Unfortunately, it's too late!"

The ancestors said indifferently: "Since you enter the mountains, you are not allowed."

"I hate!" Ling Feng said sadly.

"That hate it!"

The madness of the demon singer, this body is in the hand, Xianli is holding, as long as the power is integrated into it, he is the unique demon in this world, and even asks the sky.

The future can be asked more.

What about the Mozu?

What about the starry sky?

At that time, the demon was only taking a half step on the road of Xian, but he was able to take a big step, who can still curb his footsteps?

"This is your true intention?"

"Not bad!"

The three devils are quite proud, said: "I didn't expect it? You have been in the layout all year round, we have all suffered losses, if not, I am afraid that you will not believe it."

In the past, Ling Feng was in the pit of others, when was it pitted by others?

The three demon statues admired Ling Feng and paid a lot of resources. This was the "trust" of Ling Feng. He knew that the characters of the magic road had a plot, but they did not expect that they were plotting their own bodies.

"You are so mean!"

"To each other!"


More and more raindrops are buried in the middle of the wind, and the infiltration power is swallowing the flesh and blood of the wind, even Dantian.

The ancestors are not in a hurry. If you want to get more complete power from Lingfeng, you need a little patience.

"Move the soul of the gods!"

His treasure is solemn, the momentum is extraordinary, and a heavy pressure collapses, so that this non-mountain is boiling, the endless immortal charm is coming, and the Lingfeng is drowned in it.

"Is there really such a law?" Ling Feng sneered in his heart.

next moment.

The hands of the ancestors squatted on the top of the Lingfeng, and the endless power surged in the Lingfeng body. The method of moving the soul to the soul was run into the Lingfeng body, like a gossip figure, more like a dark star river, a little bit Baptism and the flesh and blood of the breeze, rushing toward the soul sea of ​​Ling Feng.

"It's really a matter of deliberation." Ling Feng sighed.

"To deal with you, naturally, think more." The three devils said with a smile.

"I helped you get the genius of the list of deaths, right?"


"I have even suppressed the characters of Xianyu, right?"


"I am very helpful to the magical forces, right?"


"Then you still pick me up the devil?" Ling Feng asked the cracked question.

"A magician who even dared to kill in love, how can we trust it?" The **** demon face said coldly, very disdainful to Ling Feng, full of hostility.

Tiger poison is still not eating.

What about the characters like Ling Feng?

"It makes sense!"

Ling Feng slightly closed his eyes and no longer spoke.

"Let’s accept it!"


Suddenly, the face of the ancestors changed, and I couldn’t help but frown. I moved the soul of the sorcerer into the body of Lingfeng. Because I felt that this is his body, the ancestors can be said that there is no reservation, and the law will be removed. The show is in front of Ling Feng.

This heavenly method can not only pick up the soul, but also win the sky!

Picking up the sun, the moon and the stars, winning the heavens and the earth.

Moved thousands of ways, heaven and law are blasphemy.


What makes him feel strange is that the strength of Ling Feng is a bit weak, like being broken up by people, especially the fairy power, the light rain that is emitted is too dark.

At first, he didn't take it seriously. When his power poured in more and more, he felt that things were a bit wrong.

“So fragile?”

The ancestors of the sorcerer were inconspicuous, and the method of moving the soul of the sorcerer was directly integrated into the forbidden soil of the magic road. When it was true, it was too easy to break.

Normally, this is Lingfeng's forbidden soil, and its strength is not weak. After Lingfeng learned the truth, he only forcibly broke through the forbidden soil, which made him strange that Ling Feng did not have any resistance, which made him easy to break.

Just give up?

At this time, he didn't think much. His attention was completely in the soul of Ling Feng. Only when he broke it, he could get this body.

In fact.

He did encounter resistance around the Lingfeng Soul Sea, and a flame sealed the surroundings, preventing the power of the ancestors from coming in.

"District resistance, can you block me?"

The ancestors sneered aloud and directly sacrificed the demon soul to the soul of Ling Feng.


In a big drink, the flame of the seal of the spirit of the sea was torn apart, and there was a gap, and then the demon ancestor was like a broken bamboo, and the devil was banned from entering the soul of the wind.

next moment.

His whole body was settled, and a chill was ignited from his heart.


His demon soul suddenly stunned, and finally felt the danger, only because the spirit of Ling Feng is empty, there is no magic soul, only a white beggar general dagger.

That is the dagger of the evolution of Xianli.

"Is it wrong?" At this moment, Ling Feng’s face overflowed with a smile, and he tried to look up at the ancestors.


The demon sorcerer immediately flew backwards and wanted to escape the Lingfeng Soul Sea as soon as possible.

“Is it too late?”

Ling Feng sneered, the handle of the Xianli dagger suddenly smashed out, bursting out an incomparable glare, and the entire disintegration, with a ignited gesture to the demon ancestors.


The ancestors made a sorrowful sorrow, and the devil was hit by the first force of Xianli. He was shot in a hole, and the hole was still burning, causing the devil to collapse and make his devil seriously injured.

"You... **** it!"

The ancestors of the ancestors were cold, and they couldn’t help but take a sigh of relief. I didn’t expect it to be the end.

Obviously, Ling Feng is not so stupid, and has long been against the magic figure.


Ling Feng smiled coldly.. "Let's die!"

At this time, the three devils also found it wrong, immediately pressed to Ling Feng to prevent the devil from being hurt by him, but they only flew halfway, Ling Feng's body has burned.

Xianli is at the center.

The virtual body is lit!

Endless immortality is its medium.

And there is also the integration of Nirvana, which makes the flame reach a horrible level.

"Do not!"

The ancestors screamed, and the body was burned by the flames. Some flesh and blood were burned out on the spot, and a blood hole was burned in the chest. The body that was seriously injured was even heavier.

"That is a virtual body, we are all fooled!"

The three devils came flying. The first time they discovered the difference in the body of the wind, only because the body of the wind ignited, Xianli no longer suppressed, naturally revealed.

"They have been watching us!"

The three devils are in a daze, they play so well, how did Ling Feng find out?


They don't know that the real blessings are unparalleled and the disaster is not alone. The blame caused by this move is far more serious than the ancestors. (

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