Supreme Demon

Chapter 2583: Send you a tragedy!

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Wild grass.

The old tree is like a donkey.

"right here?"

An old man walked into the wilderness, and the road was shining with chills, and he looked at it carefully, trying to see the difference in the mountain.

"right here!"

A young man said affirmatively: "I was watching him walk in, and..."

"And what?" the old man asked.

"There is someone inside." The young man took a moment.

The old man frowned, the man appeared here, how many people should be surprised?

However, the next words of the youth will make a flash of light in the old man’s eyes.

"It is a demon statue of the devil who meets him!"


The old man was bright and asked seriously. "You have read it wrong?"


"So, that person has a great relationship with the magical forces." The old man said indulgently.. "The magical demon respect personally responded, this is not the importance that that person deserves, only one possibility."


The youth face was full of smiles and said: "I have been here for eight days and found that there are not a few magical figures in this mountain. I have found two of them."


The old man sneered and said: "We have rummaged through the entire immortal land and could not find their whereabouts. It was originally hidden here."

"The charm is not obvious, the smoke is like the sea, it is really a good place to hide the dragon and the tiger."

“Respect, what should we do?” the young man asked.

"Well... you are doing very beautiful."

The old man first gave affirmation, and found that person, staying here is quite dangerous. If this person does not leave, but carefully find the wrong place, it is even more valuable.

If there are more people like this, why is the power not to be released?

"The respect is serious, I just did what I should do."


The old man’s forehead, Shen Yan said for a moment. “The magical power is extraordinary. In the past, we are really not afraid of anything, but now we can’t do it. It’s not enough.”

"What does it mean to respect?"

"I will release the news immediately, let more powerful people come over, they are hiding here, we will kill them all here." The old man said coldly. "To hide some, low-key, try not to let the magic characters and the The character is aware."


The youth’s figure slowly dissipated, apparently to spread the news.

It is a technical job to spread the message just right and not let the magical powers discover it.


"found it?"


"Not a mountain."

A character sneered. "It's really a good place, it hurts us so much."

"It is reported that the character is also inside, and there are frequent exchanges with the magical forces."

"Not exactly?"

The character laughed even more gloomyly, saying, "If we hit it, it will be a net."

"Respect is saying."

"Do you know other forces?"

The character is not eager to hit the mountain, but asks for more important information. If you want to kill the power of the magic, it is not enough for them to rely on one force, and other forces must be brought together.

what a pity.

There are so many resources in Xiangu, and this power cannot be monopolized. Otherwise, what other forces in the entire starry sky can be discussed with them?

of course.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. I really want to get so many resources. I am afraid that other forces will go crazy. After all, they will come over. At that time, so many resources are just the help of them, but the poison of death.


It is most advantageous to divide the Xiangu resources equally.

"Someone is spreading the news, but it is quite concealed." The man said with a smile.

"It's all smart people. No one can kill him alone. No other force dares to enjoy the ancient resources." The character said with a smile. "You go, in the shortest possible time, let the major forces get Message."


Just as the man was about to leave, he said again. "Let the news let the Mozu people know that we can't only force us."

"Do you want to let the Mozu share the same?" The man asked with some surprise.

"Don't be a kid!"

The character said with a serious face. "The demon Lord is here, the Mozu is terrible overall, and they are not allowed to come over, I am not at ease."

"If we are shopping in front, and even finally destroy the ancestors, and the Mozu will be behind us at this time, this can be quite deadly." The character thought of a lot. "Let the Mozu know If they didn't come over, then the battle would not be played, and it would be prevented from being overwhelmed by the demon. Only when they appeared on the battlefield, we can be assured of this battle."

“It’s better to separate some resources than to be dying here.”




The major forces are spreading the news intensively, and everyone is smart. Naturally, they don’t want to let the magical powers know, and in order to prevent the magical forces from being alert, they are still "patrolling" the major regions, as if nothing happened. same.

They need some time.

This time is to let the news spread out completely, and all the major forces are slowly pressing over to the mountains.

The news spread very quickly. It took only three days. The major forces including the Mozu had received news and responded. First, the heavenly characters were oppressed from all directions, followed by Tianzun, Demon, and Demon. character.

At the beginning, they were very slow, like "watching" the mountains and rivers.

The next day.

The whole world was violent, people burst out of lightning speed, and swooped to the mountains, only because they were close to each other, closer to each other, even if the magical forces want to walk away is unlikely.


In order to prevent the ancestors from using the ban, some early Tianzuns are setting up Qimen, and they must restrain the ancestors inside.



Inside the big hole.

Ling Feng's slightly closed eyes trembled and he slowly opened.


The big white goose, who is on the sidelines, and the empty air suddenly ask questions. "What does the magic ances want to do?"

"I want me!"

"I want you?"

The big white goose and the empty eyes have become weird, looking at the Lingfeng form to see an alternative.

"I mean I want my body."


What is the difference between empty space and big white goose?

I don't know why, they want to keep a distance from Ling Feng.

"Cough... I mean he wants to win!" Ling Feng was so upset.


The empty sky and the big white goose looked at each other and the heart was somewhat disappointed.

"And then?" asked empty.

"Just a virtual body, how can they succeed?" Ling Feng sneered and said: "I am in the body of a seal with a Xian Li dagger, seriously injured the demon ancestors, and even ignited the virtual body and injured the ancestors. ”

"You are really black."

The relationship of this person from the beginning wants to deal with the magic figure.

"Black belly?"

Ling Fengyin measured the laughter.. "Only seriously hurt the ancestors?"

“Is this not enough?” asked empty.

"not enough!"

What he felt keenly in the air, he immediately asked. "What have you done?"

"Send them a tragedy!"

"What tragedy?" The empty air was bright and I couldn't help but ask.

"You will know soon."

Ling Feng’s inscrutable smile, some things can’t be stopped. Before the war results are over, he doesn’t have to open up too early, waiting for the tragedy to come.

"Let's go, let's see it in the past."

"Look at the ancestors?"

"Is this not suitable?"

To tell the truth, the empty sky and the big white goose are very jealous of the demon ancestors, really have to meet ten dead and no life.

"No problem, we are just going to be a scavenger."

"What do you mean?"

Ling Feng did not say much, but did not explain it. He flew directly out of the big hole and galloped toward the non-mountain direction...

at the same time.

It was brewing for many days and it finally started at this moment.

"Get in, swear the ancestors!"

A Tianzun brought a heavy treasure, appeared around the mountains, trapped the entire non-mountain, and they worried that the ancestors would recover, so they rushed to attack.

"Well, there is no problem with Xianyu."

A few Tianshen spokes in the fairyland. They hated the ancestors and hated Ling Feng. This is an opportunity to get the two characters out of the net. They are naturally willing to do it.

"There is no problem with the emperor."

The demon people gnash their teeth and say that they have too many deaths and injuries, that is, the demon statues have been taken away by Ling Feng, and this great hatred must be reported.

"There is no problem with death!"

"There are no problems with the Mozu."

"There is no problem with Buddhism."

"There is no problem with the Mohist family."

At this moment, the major forces are surprisingly consistent. They are very clear that to deal with the ancestors, the forces of all parties must join forces, otherwise they will only be broken by the ancestors.

Even if the Lord of the Lord is coming, this is to let the major powers feel at ease.


Without any hesitation, the main brains of the major forces directly attacked the mountains.

"The situation is wrong!"

In the mountains, the demon ancestors and the three demon statues are dignified and feel the pressure. The temperament around these days has micro-microwaves. Although it is not obvious, what is the character of the ancestors? Naturally can be sensed.

"They found us." Devil said with a sullen face.

"How come?" The magical three devils frowned, a little unbelievable.

"Ling Feng!"

The ancestors gnashed their teeth and wanted to eat Lingfeng.

Ling Feng came over with a virtual body, and he was wary of the power of the magic, but now the devil is unfavorable to him, so can he count on his character?

"Is he brought those characters?" The **** demon face sank.

"Not bad!"

"That is very good, even if I can't see it, if he covers up the breath, there is nothing, but if there is no cover up, the gods can find it normal."

"He is deliberate!"

"He is too clever, and I have long expected that we will be against him, so I will take the lead and set us to death!"

"What a special black belly!"

The three devils were gloomy and said: "Find him, I want him to die!"

"I am afraid, we must first smash this **** battle." The ancestors sighed, he was too small to smash the wind, even though the three devils emphasized their intelligence, but he still did not pay attention. (

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