Supreme Demon

Chapter 2587: alertness!

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This is a sickle!

The non-cave Tian Lingfeng borrowed the benefit of the demon ancestor and took the first knife of the ancestors. non-

Shan Lingfeng caused the evil ancestors and smashed his second knife.

just now. Ling

The wind borrowed the demon spirit of the ancestors and smashed his third knife. One

The knife is sharper than a knife. "

It’s really a personal thing! ”

The ancestors were full of frost, and the killing was more intense. The character of Ling Feng was extraordinary. He even used his own mentality and smashed three knives, especially the third knive. It was terrible and terrible, and he could not dodge it. Want

It is not the extraordinary of the Heavenly Palace, I am afraid that these three knives are enough to kill him.

A small person has to go against the sky!

"Follow the flight and fly out of the Xiangu Xinghai as soon as possible!"

The ancestors did not dare to recover, and his demon spirit fell into the hands of Ling Feng, that is, buried a bomb, and he was able to kill him at any time. he

I feel that this is not safe.

Because Ling Feng can find him in the next moment.


Ling Feng traces it with his demon soul. How can it be dodged? Can't he annihilate his own demon?


When the ancestors flew out of the mountain river, they found that they were surrounded by Tianzun. They were setting up Qimen, and they wanted to wipe out the magical forces. "

Paralyzed! "magic

The ancestors hated Ling Feng, and this little man is still endless. he

It’s too late to restore strength. The little man has spread the news and the forces are even more crazy.


The ancestors suffocated and the Heavenly Palace swayed out. The ancient momentum collapsed the mountains and rivers and fought against the gods. "

Devil, this time will not let you escape! ”

The oriental rhythm screamed and rushed straight up. Xuankong and so on were even slower. If the ancestors escaped, they were afraid that there was no chance. only


The ancestors have found that it is wrong, they want to run the road in the first time, I am afraid that this moment is directed at the Xiangu Xinghai. "

Despicable characters, you all **** it! "magic

The ancestral hatred is like a thrilling sea, carrying the Heavenly Palace, and the first time it is on the oriental rhyme.


The dull bang smashed the sky, the oriental rhythm flashed, and did not dare to die with the ancestors. This

Time. its

His gods, demon statues, demon statues, etc. pressed over and attacked the ancestors and attacked the Tiangong. People not only wanted to kill the ancestors, but also wanted to get the resources of Xiangu in their hands. day

Palace is also a fairy resource! boom


The battle was more horrible, and Scorpio was thrown out of a hole, even if the Lord and the Emperor were involved, attacking the Black Phoenix and the Rage. complete

actually. angry

The flame has not fully recovered, and its strength is impaired, and it may not be able to suppress the Emperor.

"We are going to fight!"

Mohist and Buddhism flew. They didn't want people like Mozu to appear in the stars, so they had to fight. fresh

The blood is covered with sky. blood

Tears are full of stars. day

Are crying!

The demon sorcerer was even heavier. He vomited blood, the blood burned in the void, and he was beaten back by the major powers. One arm hangs down, his eyes are scattered, the magic is dissipating, he really wants It’s the end of the oil.

"Spring is coming!"

Drink a loud, Zhang oral use of spring water, so that the blood quickly recovers, to contain the body injury.


He squirted fine elements and blood to ignite the temple.

Bang! day

The palace bombarded on Qimen, such as the same handle, the giant hammer is falling, let the major forces discolor, they strongly urge Qimen, to suppress the ancestors. but


The Temple of Heaven was really extraordinary. After a total of 20 bombardments, it broke out a gap.

The gap is naturally not to accommodate the Temple of Heaven. "

small! ”

The ancestors shouted, the lightning in the Heavenly Palace became smaller, and the anger and the black phoenix were detained, and they rushed through the gap.

"Repress the Heavenly Palace!" East

Fang Yun, Xuan Kong and so on suddenly changed color, they still did not eat through the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Heaven is not only variable, but also smaller, but only has limits.


Tian Zunli tried to press the Tiangong with a punch. The light rain covered the sky and carried out the resistance. However, he was broken by the temple and directly pierced his arm, making him scream on the spot and almost collapsed. magic

The ancestors did not hesitate, burned the fine elements, pushed the Heavenly Palace, and flew into the distance. "

Kill him! ”

People are bright, this is different from the previous one.

The Tiangong shape is the same as the Qimen. It can penetrate directly into the void, and it is hidden and embarrassing. The place where people are tragedy is here, but at the moment? that

The Tiangong Palace can only fly, and it can be suppressed without the hidden air.

Obviously. magic

The ancestors were aggravated and could not hold on. people

We smashed the ancestors in front of us, and the wind, the empty sky and the big white goose leaked behind. he

I know that the ancestors found the problem, but what about it? magic

Does the ancestors have the courage to destroy their own devil? blood

Three thousand miles! star

The emptiness force is under the heart, and the demon ancestors are quite embarrassed, and the top annihilation is not erupted. The ancestors can be described as miserable.

Such a tragic demon, I am afraid that the star can not find a second place, right?

But is this enough? each

The big power figures have not let go of the ancestors, and they have been dead, especially the characters such as the oriental rhyme. They are worried that the ancestors will return to the starry sky, and thus they will suppress it and force them to go to the center, while other forces will be pressed on all sides. To come to a more terrible encirclement.

The ancestors must sigh the magic.

of course.

Ling Feng played a greater role in it. He spread the news from time to time, allowing the major forces to accurately find the whereabouts of the ancestors, forcing the ancestors to be more miserable. "

Paralyzed, the old devil is not dead, the first one has to do the Lingfeng! "magic

The wrath of the ancestors said.

Obviously. Ling

The wind is the first culprit of his tragic magic.

Needless to say.

Ling Feng and so on, it is called "the richest" in Xiangu Xinghai.

can. in

On the tenth day after the death of the ancestors, Ling Feng stopped. "

what happened? ”

The empty sky, the big white goose is excited, even the empty space has forgotten the things that were looted by Ling Feng. Such "windfall", they want to miss the world. "

wrong! ""

What is wrong? ""

The situation is wrong! ”

"Where is it wrong?"

Both the empty and the big white goose stunned. These days, they really saw the horror of Ling Feng. They turned their hands to cover the rain, even if the characters like Mozu were played by him in the applause. and


At present, the tragedy of the ancestral situation, the major forces are busy dealing with the ancestors, they are not dangerous. can

. he

They are always in danger.

"The devil is not here!" Ling

The wind and the magic eye looked sharply at the front. "

Ok? ”

When I was empty, I frowned. "What do you mean?"

He should not be there! ""

That should be something that other power figures should consider? Said empty.



The empty space and the big white goose face are filled with question marks. "

The atmosphere is wrong! Ling

The wind is in horror, and things are moving in a direction he has not speculated. "

What exactly does it mean? ”

"The ancestors were forced to the center of the Xinghai."

"What is wrong with this?"

"We are also in this range!"

The empty, big white goose's face finally became dignified.. "You mean the devil's intentional?"

"No!" Ling

The wind is cold and looks at it. "There is no time for the ancestors to deal with us. He doesn't want to pull us to die together, but some people think that we will die together."

Who? ”

"Magic Lord!"

"He deliberately wants to press the ancestors to the center? And we know the news, so it falls naturally in the net?"


The Lord knows that we are spreading the news? ”

"Never underestimate the IQ of this character!"

"Then we have to break out?"

The white goose asked, this situation is extremely unfavorable to them. The devil is going to kill them with the ancestors. "

I always feel that something is wrong. Ling

The wind frowned, and some places were ignored by him.

"What is the problem?"

The empty white and big white geese are sinking their hearts, but they are very anxious. The situation is quite serious. They don't want to die. "

Let me think about it! Ling

The wind sighed and said: "If you don't understand this question, then our breakout is useless."

Big white goose, dare not bother him.

Two hours. "

direction! ”

Suddenly, Ling Feng Moe shot two fierce light rains, which exploded in the void and resembled flames. "

What direction? ""

The direction of the ancestors! ""

Is there any difference? "air

Empty, big white goose is a bit worried, let them play their wisdom and can not understand, which has something to do with their life and death. Ling

The wind did not respond to them immediately, but looked at the big white goose.

"What is your look?" The white goose is a little bit fried.

"Have your goose nest been evacuated?" Ling Feng asked a rather strange question.

"What do you want?" said the big white goose with vigilance. "

It is important to have an evacuation. ""

Moved out! ”

The big white goose said with no anger. "What does this have to do with our situation?"

"It’s good to move out!"

Ling Feng said with a sharp voice. "Xianfu, goose nest, I didn't figure it out before, now I figured it out."

What exactly does it mean? ”

“The 10th Xianfu of Xiangu Xinghai is actually ten Qimen, and the Goose Nest is the center.”

Are you kidding? ""

I'm not joking. Ling

The wind said dullly. "At the beginning, I discovered the problem of Xianfu. There was shocking power underneath, and it was pressed by Xianfu. The goose nest was guarded by two Xianfu, until I found the problem that day." Big

The white goose head flashed. air

The sky is stunned and I don’t know what happened. "

Ten Qimen Gongwei core Tianmen, the goose nest is the day! ”


"The ancestor has been looking for an exit. He first fled in several directions, letting people think that the direction is the export, and then pushing it to the center, but he does not know that the ancestors actually entered the pit, he wants to attack. Goose nest, leave from there."

Is the goose nest an export? Ling Feng squinted at the big white goose.

The big white goose is silent. half

Hey, it said. "Yes!"

That's right, he wants to leave by Tianmen. Ling

The wind sighed. "There is only a few stories in the goose nest. The Lord found this. He was not in a hurry to kill the ancestors, and we were forced into the game by him. Now I want to leave. It’s already too late.”

"What do we do?"

The big white goose, the empty road, is stunned, knowing that Ling Feng is not alarmist.

"Fight to the end!"

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