Supreme Demon

Chapter 2588: Fly back to the stars!

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The devil is the boss! magic

The family is big and the Lord is unfathomable, so Ling Feng is just one of them. and


The purpose of the ancestors is to make people feel that he is forced, and then relax their vigilance. Just let them find the exit and return to the sky immediately. magic


It has long been known that Ling Feng is spreading news. He took advantage of the situation to make a situation. From now on, he will be trapped in the bureau. This is what they want to do. when

Of course.

The devil's intention is not limited to this. Is there only ten Xianfu and a "Xian Dian" in Xiangu Xinghai? magic

The Lord wants to know more through the ancestors.

In other words, the Mozu has learned a lot about Xiangu Xinghai and knows some secrets of Xiangu Xinghai.

Such as the goose nest! this

Engraved, Ling Feng has some regrets, should not let the swan come out, appeared in front of the devil, he felt that it should be like a sinister disaster, so that the devil is eye-catching.

“Can you fight it?”

Empty, big white goose face ugly, they have to face is not a demon Lord, but the entire Mozu, and even the entire starry sky. Want

know. he

We don't have the ability of the ancestors to resist the blasphemy.

"Their goal is me!"

Ling Feng said coldly. "If you are a fairy, you should be clear about the strange door. If you can, try to leave with empty space. As for me, I naturally have a way to deal with them."


It’s empty and heavy, it’s just looking for death.

Although Ling Feng's strength is not weak, he can deal with the Tao Emperor, but he has to face Tianzun, and even the Devil. he

enough? "

To survive! Ling

The wind didn't say much. The real thing that the devil really valued was that he and the immortal had nothing to do with the air, and he knew that if the immortal was extraordinary, it would not be a problem to fly out of the Xiangu Xinghai.


Looking straight ahead at Lingfeng, said: "When we leave, let's go together."

"Going together is equal to dying together!"


The air is silent, Ling Feng is a curse, too conspicuous, as long as he takes the initiative to appear, other power figures immediately stare, then he and the big white goose will survive. only


Just because of the wind, it is completely dead. "

Rest assured, I am not so easy to die! Ling

The wind said with a smile: "You and the big white goose are fast enough, you should be able to fly out of the Xiangu Xinghai for the first time, and I will find a way."

"You can't live!"


The wind wants to kill the air, is this monk cursing himself? "

You can't be alone! "Say

To be honest, the big white goose is very touched, although it has been suppressed by Ling Feng, but Ling Feng is not against it. he

We have worked together on the stars. he

They have passed together.

They smelt life and death together! Of course


In the face of life and death, Ling Feng actually let it leave first, instead of pushing them to the front of the forces, living alone, so that the characters will be magic?

This is the first time that the great white geese have felt warmth since they were born.

"The goose nest is different. The people in the sky attack together and may not be able to explode it. We can leave the goose nest." The big white goose said like a fairy.

"It's too late!" Ling

The wind sighed. "If we find the problem earlier, there should be time, but not at the moment."

why? ”

"The ancestors are heading in that direction, and the devil is coming because of me. I think I am afraid that we will not kill us when we fly to the goose nest."

The wind was cold and said with a smile: "Only when I make a debut, you have a chance to enter the goose nest."


"That is the starry sky, the demon statue." Empty frown. "

Yes, they want to kill me, it is not easy. Ling

The wind said confidently. "If you are here, it is a drag."


I feel that I have to get rid of internal injuries, that is, the big white goose is also full of unhappiness, the character of this relationship dislikes them.

"What do you want to do?"

Half awkward. air

The air sank and he asked slowly. He knew that he was left to help, but he was even more uneasy.

"Do some preparation!"

Ling Feng said in a gloomy way. "If you want to kill me, you have to pay the price!"

Are we really going to fly out of the fairy sea? ”

The big white goose looks very dull, it has feelings here and has a feeling of being a family. "

If you want to die, stay here. ”


Ling Feng indulged for a moment, looking at the big white goose and said: "Leave as soon as possible, don't let the devil hold you, otherwise..."

"You want to catch me?" The big white goose was suddenly sharp. "

I think that the Lord is only afraid of guessing your origins. He forced out the ancestors, only to know the whereabouts of the goose nest. "Ling Feng is not very sure." "I hope this is just my delusion." Ling

The wind has some truth.

For example, the Mozu comes from another starry sky and is unfathomable.

The truth that the Mozu knows far exceeds the starry sky, and the understanding of Xiangu is the same.

He didn't want the big white goose to take risks, and flying out of the Xiangu Xinghai was the safest.

"Well, I will fly to the sky immediately!"

The big white goose is the forehead. If he doesn't want to die, he can only work hard.

"But, when we fly out of Xiangu Xinghai, where should we go?"

It’s dull. Buddha

The door cannot be returned.

The entire starry sky seems to be the enemy of the wind, and they are also hostile to them. Once they appear in the starry sky, it is necessary to be killed by the entire starry sky. "

If I am alive, find me! Ling

The wind smiled calmly.. "If I am dead... At that time, you should be clear."

"Ling Feng, you..."

Empty, big white goose face is ugly, Ling Feng seems to be in the aftermath. thing

In fact.

They really feel that there is no reason for Lingfeng to survive the attacks of the top players of all major forces. "

Of course, I am not so easy to die! Ling

The wind grinned. "I have come over in a storm, and I can't die at this time!"


Empty and depressed asked: "Ling Feng, what are you going to do?"

Asked. ”

Ling Feng said in a light way: "Move something, press it down."

"that's it?"

"Just like this!" Ling

The wind blinked and smiled. "Is this not enough?"

......" I don't know what to say in the air, ask the Taoist emperor to suppress Tianzun?

Far from enough! move

What can you suppress Tianzun?

The big white goose is shining, and it knows what Lingfeng is doing. "

Otherwise, I will leave you with relics! "The air is hesitant for a long while, only to say faintly."

No need to! ”

Ling Feng laughed. "That is a Buddha weapon, I can't use it, and my ban is not weaker than the relic."

Let's go, you can fly out of the fairy sea, I can let go! Ling

The wind doesn't want to talk to them, the time is too tight. Big

White goose is very sad with empty space.

Although they get along very short time, they really played out the feelings.

"Just fly back to the stars?"

Looking at Ling Feng said. "

See you in the sky! ”

"Well, you must come back alive!"

call! Ling

The wind force unfolds, directly exploding the top, shrouded the white goose and empty space, but tears the space and flies into the distance.

He used the sky leaf. he

I used the sacred map. he

The gods are used. he

More use of two powers. Are

Engraved. Virtual

The turbulence, the terrible black hole, and the chaos of time and space, and at this time, Ling Feng throws empty space and big white geese into the void, it is a hidden space. "

Xianli shrouded, and said that the Emperor, that is, Tianzun can not find your whereabouts, eight days, you must break out and use the goose nest to return to the stars! ""

Yes! ”

The big white goose, the empty lightning disappeared, they knew that Ling Feng and they were all stared, and the comers were legendary masters.

Only Xianli can let them reach the goose nest safely. call out


They concealed, and Xianli blessed them, making them feel like they were able to hide the other people's senses. "

Oh, it was discovered. "next


The demon Lord appeared in the place where Ling Feng had appeared, with a faint smile on his face. "Yes, where can you escape?"

"I will find your whereabouts, you can't run, and that goose..."

Finish. magic

The Lord has disappeared.

in spite of.

Xianli blessing, big white goose, empty space is still quite dangerous, there are many people along the way, the direction is the goose nest, further confirming the words of Ling Feng, and the mountains and rivers around the goose are completely inundated by the invisible breath, where they feel The atmosphere of the Mozu character.

Obviously. magic

The family really knows the truth, it is directed at the goose nest.

The empty sky and the big white goose did not move, but waited. This

When I touch these breaths, I am afraid that the Mozu characters will immediately know that they will face the Devils.

Two days later. magic

The characters of the ethnic group did their best, but they were leaked by the breath of Ling Feng. They were discovered by other characters of the Mozu. Some of the Devils of the Mozu personally flew out and pressed forward, and the breath here was weak. "

broken! ”

The empty, big white goose eyes turned red, they know that Ling Feng is using his own to blame, the purpose is to let them leave as soon as possible.

The relics and the sinister bronze swords were thrown out, and the breath was opened in the concealment, and then they flew to the goose nest.

"They are separated!"

Feeling the turmoil of the magic road, Qimen cracked a gap, and the Mozu figure immediately knew that Lingfeng was in trouble, and he wanted to let the big white goose leave.

They immediately flew back and wanted to catch the swan. This

When the swan is like a fairy and an empty space, he realizes how difficult the problem is. The Mozu characters really want to be against them.

unfortunately. magic

The characters still slowed down one step and broke out. Xianli concealed, how can the demon characters be discovered? three

Days later. he

They appear in the goose nest, where the light is filled with rain and the atmosphere is immortal. "

Let's go! "Big

The white goose finally forgot a goose's nest, full of sighs, appeared in the goose's nest, there is a strange door slowly opened, and the ancient altars are running, sending out the sky beam, hitting them to the void, flying out of the fairy Ancient star sea.

"Ling Feng, you must be alive!"

At the moment of flying out of Xiangu Xinghai, the big white goose shed tears...

"Did you leave?"

With the faint light appearing on the void, Ling Feng wiped off the blood of his mouth and showed his smile.

He just exudes a little breath, and several Devils and Devils of the Mozu appear immediately. He used Xianli and Tianye, and burst into a large-scale supernatural power, but it was still seriously injured. can


The empty, big white goose successfully flew back to the starry sky, and he finally could let go of his hands and feet.

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