Supreme Demon

Chapter 2589: Ask the emperor!

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The Mozu characters suppressed the audience. They concealed the Qimen. The nine Qimen gates fell down and they were completely stunned in all directions. They did not want Ling Feng to leave.


There is also the power of shackles in Qimen. It comes from the magic fairy before the ages. Although it can't restrain the fairy power of Lingfeng, it can be found.

This is enough!


When the Mozu entered the Xiangu Xinghai, they thought about dealing with Lingfeng, and thus brought the ban.

"Magic Lord, is it?"

Ling Feng's eyes are cold, like a sharp blade, to open this sky.

"Wait for me!"


Lingfeng lightning disappeared, he used Xianli, directly into the space, pushing the space to fly forward.

next moment.

He appeared in a hidden space, surrounded by endless smoke, even if the Mozu people want to come in is not so easy, let alone Ling Feng is not a ancestor, Xianli is integrated into the space, and it is two, the magic fairy wants to think It takes time to discover.

Is it enough to find out?

Ling Feng launched the spiriting beads, integrated himself into it, and then used the ancient Wuta, flying in the nine gates.

The time flow here is faster, allowing him to ask for success in the shortest possible time.

To know.

The celestial celestial sea is too turbulent, and it will take a long time to disappear. Ling Feng does not want to wait for hundreds of years in the Xiangu Xinghai, just like the ancestors, so he will hurry.


The Lingfeng plate sits in the nine-door door, and the magic eyes show the flame of the wind.

Unlike other kings, he does not need Xiangu resources, he can only rely on himself. This step is quite difficult, but Ling Feng is confident that he can complete it.

"come on!"

Ling Feng slightly closed his eyes, calmed down, and looked at him. If he didn't ask him how to ask for it?


To succumb to temperament by yourself requires a strong willpower to reinforce the courage of life and death. One step is eternal.

Although the situation is serious, he can't make a quick profit.


At the first time, the **** figure flew out and landed over the top of Lingfeng. When the two Xianli and the magic road were forbidden, even when the forbidden soil poured in, the first door in the Taoist map opened. From the release of the massive amount of rhythm, overwhelming, drowning Ling Feng.

at the same time.

Lingfeng Cave opened one to eight doors, letting the dusty fairy tales burst out, and all of them flocked to the Nine Gates, which is no less than the temperament.


This is the root of Ling Feng asked!

next moment.

The void of the universe in Lingfeng burst into flames, and the endless power flashed in it, all of which flocked to Dantian, and the magic road banned the earth and ignited endless power.

Lingfeng's acupoints are open, and each acupuncture point is like a star. When they are grouped together, they are more like a constellation and a star river.

They run because of the void universe.

They run because of the wind.

When the rhythm of the temperament comes with the scent of Xiangu, the flesh and blood of Lingfeng will make a popping sound. The sound comes from the acupoints first. The massive temperament makes those acupoints can’t be eaten. They are shining first, then they are quickly grayed out. Come down.

That is the extreme collapse caused by the forced integration of too much power.

Just like the same star.

To accommodate some of the power will make the stars more shining and more magnificent, but if this force is too much, it is necessary to let it lose its color, and even collapse.


Only a moment, Ling Feng felt the pain of flesh and blood tears. Those forces flocked around the acupoints. If the acupoints were stars, then there was light rain around them. These light rains could not withstand the massive temperament and collapsed on the spot.


Ling Feng's flesh will tear and open, the bones and muscles will be damaged, and the red blood will flow down the arm.

more and more.

This is a severe pain.


Ling Feng did not feel at all, he was numb, and after smelting life and death, this painful Ling Feng really did not look in the eyes.

after all.

People stopped with pain, not only the flesh and blood, but also the mentality and spiritual refinement, a person who can stay awake in the pain, his spirit and will are quite scary.

Ling Feng is such a character!


When more rhythm and immortality came, Ling Feng’s flesh and blood also squirmed, and the pain was tearing his nerves and afflicting his will.


It can be seen that Lingfeng flesh and blood crawl on the arm, as if there are mites in the body that are licking the flesh and blood of the wind, and the sound of **** swells, like a giant hammer, blasts, so that the nine doors of the dead have appeared.

A little bit of tempering!

A moment of meditation!

Ling Feng is like that.

Sitting for three months!

He tasted the sadness of life and interpreted the limits of flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood become reddish by the gilt, like lava, which makes people puzzling. Normally, sheet metal is the limit of the body, but what color is lava now?

What is the level?

Undoubtedly, Ling Feng's flesh and blood has become stronger in life and death.


It is these sturdy flesh and blood bones that have been torn apart in the endless temperament. The blood is like a stream, and it is pouring out, making Ling Feng’s pale face become more white.

It is not like being in the world, it is more like being in hell.

He is like a ghost!


Finally, after three months, Ling Feng's flesh and blood reached the limit, the endless temperament automatically spread, insoluble in the flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood are saturated!

Ling Feng is not surprised, he knows that this problem will be encountered sooner or later.

This is also the situation that the kings must face. The power is saturated, and more force is needed to disintegrate the situation. The five colleges used the bowl of clear springs, and asked the five kings to ask the emperor without any hindrance, but he was different.

Ling Feng does not need to use the bowl of clear spring!

He has to rely on himself!

not to mention.

Encountering such a bottleneck is not entirely a flesh-and-blood problem. It is still on the road. Although the sky road and the anti-airway road are different, this is only the second heavy space and does not reach the third heavy space rule.

He wants to ask for success and he has to sacrifice the third space.

"Deeper space!"

"More powerful space!"

Ling Feng looked coldly at the front, and it was too difficult for him to take this step, but he still had to take this step.

"The sky is forbidden, the sword is against the air..."

He whispered. "In fact, as long as one handle is enough!"


He blasted in the dantian, and the atmosphere stirred like a sea, and it was overwhelming and overwhelming.

The whole magic road is confusing, such as the same pot of porridge, the blasting sound has been blasting, the sound of the waves sounded from time to time, the sky bans the knife and the anti-air ban sword is fighting, smashing a stream of light, and there is a force in Dantian In suppressing this weapon.


The magic road is forbidden!


A blood hole appeared in the belly of Lingfeng.


Ling Feng’s chest was torn apart by this Weili...

This is a game of life and death!

This is an unprecedented casting!

Time is in a hurry.

In the Nine Gates, no one knows what Ling Feng has experienced. It is that Ling Feng himself has become blurred. He is just groaning and dying.


"Void Road" and the power of the anti-government are being sprayed down, and the situation is controlled. Otherwise, once these two forces are out of control, it is Ling Feng himself.


The wind is roaring!

The sky full of stars and falling rain is pouring into two forces, the power of the magic is annihilating, but the magic that comes from the wind and bones is even more magnificent.

The next day.

His body exploded and was torn apart.

"Regeneration" runs, let him recast his body.

Too real water flow, let him recover.

Endless temperament and magic come in, making the two-handed weapon in the body more intense...

Persistence is victory!

Two years!

How many people can survive this life and death?

Not a problem with medicine.

It is the question of the will.

I am afraid that many people will painfully want to kill themselves.


Ling Feng persisted. He didn't want to die, so he could only work hard.

Of course, it is not enough to rely solely on Taiyi Zhenshui and "Regeneration". Ling Feng also used resources such as Xingquan to rejuvenate the flesh and blood and survive life and death.

Dantian calmed down.

The two shackles disappeared, the magic road was weakened, and some weak substances were annihilated by two shackles, so the recasting of the forbidden soil was even more terrible.

On the soil of the Magic Road, two snow trees stand still, and there is a handle on the periphery.

That is the emptiness of the blade!


Although Ling Feng can also make the two weapons blend together, but they are still mutually exclusive, and Wei Li is shocked, Ling Feng can not persist for too long, but at this moment, the two sharp weapons are completely blended, and the new blade is cast.


Tianwei, the vanity of the emptiness, takes it to the next level, not limited to the original.


What is amazing is that there are so many vacant forbidden blades around the snow trees. Is it not the two kinds of bans that smashed and scatters many forces, and then cast this picture?

Do not!

There is only one handle in the Void!

There can only be one handle!

Xuguang glimpses, the shadows are endless.

It is nothing but a virtual image. They are the gas field emitted by the emptiness of the forbidden blade. It is the illusion that it reflects, and it is its unique vision.

This is not a simple blend!

It is a dramatic change!


Ling Feng’s flesh and blood limit is still there, although it has become loose due to the appearance of the Void, but it has not broken.


Lingfeng Zhangkou lightly drink, the virtual forbidden blade immediately flew out of Dantian, turned into the power that the naked eye could not see, integrated into the flesh and blood, more accurately said!

It has to open the limits of flesh and blood!

It has to open up the bones and muscles!

It is going to tear the imperial threshold of the wind!

Sting, stabbing...

Fragmented, bloody.

Ling Feng body has a door, this is indestructible, but when the emptiness of the blade is cut again and again, the door is already riddled with holes, and then the endless temper finally moved, pouring rain, and rushed to Ling Feng.

What is the **** of a thousand miles destroyed by the ant?

This is!

When the Void slashes a hole, the endless temperament can open the hole and make it bigger and bigger until it collapses completely.


A few months later, Ling Feng only felt that the body was light, and a powerful force burst out from the body, and the endless temperament was washed away. The day the earthworm collapsed at this moment.

He stepped into the Taoist step by step!

Heaven, rebellion, and magic, this is the first space rule.

Sky road, anti-airway, this is the second space rule.

Void, this is the third space rule!

The potential is open, who can still suppress the Lingfeng at this time? (

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