Supreme Demon

Chapter 2593: Forced into the goose nest!

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One ancient one!

This is the attention of the entire Mozu to the Lord!

It is the affirmation and trust of the magical talent.

of course.

If the demon Lord only has the martial arts talent, it is not worthy of their attention. The devil is still a man of great wisdom.

He wants to build his own power, so the demon domain comes out and pushes the forces of the demon.

This is the horror of the Lord.


The devil is here, and several devils have to listen to the devil's command. He said that he is not in a hurry, and that several devils are not in a hurry. This is the feeling of mastery.

"Hold the endless smoke and prevent him from escaping from here!"

The Lord of the Lord said, "There is no end to the sea!"

"it is good!"

A few devils smiled, they know that the devil is mainly hands-on, this is the real hands of the demon after the millennium, how terrible is its strength?

To know.

In these years, the demon lord is extremely jealous of the demon Lord. Several demon lords are in front of the demon Lord. They can truly understand the violent power in the demon subject. They really want to fall down, only they are going to bow down.

"I will push him into the goose nest!"


The devil Lord strode into the endless sea of ​​smoke, and it is amazing that the endless sea of ​​smoke can not suppress the devil, and after it enters, it will automatically separate.

In the middle of the sea, the water does not stain.

This is a pretty magical realm.

"You can't escape!"

The Lord of the Lord looked coldly at the front. He had already found the position of the wind, forbidding himself from moving forward, and the speed was not fast or slow. As long as he found the whereabouts of Ling Feng, all the problems were not a problem.

in fact.

Ling Feng was quite surprised, and the Lord was even more terrible than he thought.

He is not affected by the endless sea of ​​smoke, it is smelted, can the devil?

Directly separating the endless smoke, what is the strength?


Ling Feng can also do it, but he needs to sacrifice Xianli and the magic road to ban the soil, but he can't push the endless sea of ​​smoke with only a slight momentum like the demon Lord. This is too abnormal.

It can be said.

Any Taoist priest in the world is **** in front of the Lord.


Ling Feng did not hesitate to fly directly to the distance, and used Xianli to hide his body and prevent the Lord from discovering it.

"Oh, Xianli may not be useful!"

The demon Lord sneered, and a dagger floated out of his head, giving off a light breath, but this breath could actually sense Xianli. Although the process was a bit slow, he still found the whereabouts of Lingfeng.

"It's really trouble!"

Ling Feng had a headache, and Xianli failed in front of the Lord.


In order to deal with him, the demon Lord brought the magic to the treasure, which belongs to the ancient magic fairy, and only the magic fairy to the treasure can do this step.

next moment.

He flew a hundred miles and came to the other direction of the endless smoke sea. At the same time, he shot the spirit beads and stepped directly into it.


The Lord of the Lord frowned. At this time, he could not sense the whereabouts of Ling Feng, even if it was useless, it was beyond the scope of his understanding.


He did not give up, still holding the dagger to find the whereabouts of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng is like evaporating from this starry sky, without any breath, even if the capital of the capital can not find the whereabouts of Ling Feng.

"It’s really a small one!"

The Lord did not panic, but looked at the front with a sneer. He knew that Ling Feng was still in the endless sea of ​​smoke, but he used a more extraordinary ban. In terms of concealment, Xianli was far behind.

What about it?

"Can't find it, then it will blow you out!"

The Lord of the Lord was quite cold and violent, and the light of the white light shone in his eyes. When the voice fell, he punched it out.


The fist is like a bombardment that makes a dull bang in the real thing. Even the naked eye can clearly capture the space shape and the water wave is pushing forward, and because the punch is too fast, Tianwei is too strong, the space is actually It was too late to respond, as the waves were pushed one after another. In the process, the space was completely turned into a real thing.

Just because the space becomes a real thing, that punch can make such a sound.

This Tianwei is not available to the Tianzun people. It can be seen how superb the tempering of the demon master at this level is, and there is absolutely a proud capital.


That punch is very different, and the bread is all about the magic of the Lord's millennium. Although it is not as good as Xianli, it is definitely the level of the evil road. It completely restrains the endless smoke and directly penetrates it to form a hollow.

The major forces used the Qimen to do things, and the devil only used warfare.

of course.

There is still a difference between them.

The hollow of the Lord's Lord is very small, not enough to accommodate a person to pass, but to open this hole, it will pay too much, even if the Lord can't do it, so you want to really penetrate the endless sea of ​​smoke, you still need Qimen of.


This is enough for the Lord.

He wants to blast the wind, not to collapse the endless sea of ​​smoke.


Another punch hit, banned from wearing endless smoke, and then the Lord has appeared in another place, a fist hit a radius of fifty miles to master, even if a grain of sand can be sensed.


He blasted another punch and was shocked.

Don't say that the wind is strong, that is, the gods who are casting the gates are all shocked by the power of the demon. This is definitely a power of heaven.

To be honest, if not a few demons are present, they really want to get rid of the Lord.


The fourth boxing blasted out, the gas broke through the mountains and rivers, and the Tianwei turbulence, that is, the characters in the endless smoke sea felt trembled, and they really had to be punched, I was afraid that they could not afford it.

Two hundred miles!

The Lord of the Lord is cold and forward, and the expression on his face is more and more interesting.


He punched out with a punch and a fist, and walked along the endless sea of ​​smoke. Every punch shocked the Tianzun and the demon in the endless smoke, and surprised Ling Feng.

Different from other characters, the means of the Lord of the Lord are endless, and they want to deal with such characters, only the frontal defeat.

However, Ling Feng is not yet the opponent of the devil.

A thousand years apart, is it so easy to cross?


He knows that the devil can find himself sooner or later, and it is good to use the spirit beads to cover up his breath, but the devouring beads also fall on the ground with the sand, as long as the magic master senses it.

By then.

He still can't escape.

"It's still going to be shopping!"

Ling Feng sighed, once the devil murdered, his only way to survive was to break into the goose nest and use the ancestors to deal with the demon.


The demon Lord appeared in this direction, and a punch broke out. His violent violent amount suddenly hit the spiriting beads, making it fly like a leafy boat in the sea.


The demon Lord glimpsed, and this time he clearly captured the devouring beads and found that it was different.

The normal sand and the sea of ​​smoke will be wiped out in the sky, and the jade beads will be intact as they were, without any damage, and they will fly to the goose nest.


He didn't feel any breath on the jade beads, which is very abnormal.

"You are here!"

The devil's cold smile, this time it is not difficult to see where Lingfeng is.

"But you can't escape!"

The devil's face is cold, as long as he enters the goose nest, there is no chance to dodge, and he has already discovered the difference of jade beads, how can Lingfeng escape?

"Work hard to attack the goose!"

Not long after, the Lord of the Lord flew out of the endless sea of ​​smoke, and said to the demon of the Mozu.

"it is good!"

Several demon faces are full of joy, which means that the devil is successful, and Ling Feng is forced into the goose nest.

"Blowing the endless smoke!"

At this moment, several devils no longer keep their hands, but they used the Qimen and directly penetrated them, forcing the ancestors to do their best to suppress them.


Several characters of the Mozu did not enter through the big hole, but when the Devil was dealing with these big holes, they joined forces with other Tianzun and Demon, and together they opened the last big hole.


There is no hesitation in the demon, when they first hit in, the speed is fast, and they break in side by side, even if the ancestors found, they can block.

In fact.

The situation is more perfect than they think. When they launched the general attack, the Tianzun demon statue, which has been hidden in the endless sea of ​​smoke, was born at this time and directly attacked the ancestors.


The oriental rhyme holds the sharp blade and slams into the ancestors.


Xuankong held the empty road with both hands, and fell down from the void. In midair, the empty road became a thin knife like a flap, falling down.


The fairy court on the top of the Xianting figure flew down and directly pressed to the demon ancestors.

There are more characters who deal with the ancestors together, and their prestige is really taboo, and the entire goose nest has been pulled out of the hole.

at the same time.

The Mozu characters and several Tianzun appeared in the goose nest through the big hole and hit the magic ancestor.

"Shameless, can you dare to single out?"

The ancestors were angry and angry, they were too slow, let the major forces attacked, and his injuries worsened. In the case of not being able to leave immediately, the ancestors were too passive.

It is difficult for him to suppress so many Tianzun, Demon, and Devil.

"You want to be beautiful!"

The major power figures said contemptuously. "When you laid out your layout, you thought about heads-up?"


The ancestors are dumb, can he say that he is not intentional?

Will these characters believe again?

He also knows that as long as these characters are not idiots, they will not be singled out with him, and the situation will be cast. Who will be famous?


Life is a hero, and death is a martyr.

Who wants to be a martyr?

As a result, the major powers attacked the ancestors, forcing the ancestors to retreat, and spurting blood, and their faces became more and more ugly.

“Is it so easy for me to be bullied?”

The ancestors said with a sullen face. "You are going to die, I will accompany you to the end. I am going to die, at least I have to pull seven or eight characters. I don't know if you have the courage to accompany me to die?"

This is a threat of venom.

The ancestors are really desperate to die. I am afraid that I will kill several Tianzun-level characters. Who wants to be one of them?

"It makes sense!"

At this moment, a voice rang in the distance, and he smiled and said: "Devil, when I was modeled!"

Between the lightnings.

He appeared from the edge of the endless smoke, and fell in the distance from the ancestral home.

"Ling Feng, is you?"

What people didn't think of was that after the Emperor Wu saw Ling Feng, there was no excitement and joy and being touched by the appreciation, but the face was full of anger and the red eyes were crazy.

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