Supreme Demon

Chapter 2594: The same tragedy!

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Two Xianfu exudes light, and a goose nest stuns the sky.

The scenery here is picturesque.


This kind of scenery is also difficult to hide the wind of the wind... Sao, he is like a fire in the spring, it instantly ignited this boring world, and let the flame burn more violently.

If you say who is the most eye-catching person in Xiangu Xinghai, it must be the ancestors.

People have been killed for so long, and they have naturally been caught and valued.


If you say who the most hated people of the ancestors are, I am afraid that there is only Ling Feng!

Because of his appearance, the great disaster of the ancestors came, and was smashed by the stars and sky, and the terrible injury in the body was not a problem of recovery, but whether he still had the hope of returning to the starry sky.

What is the tragic character that can be described?

Let him think that this character should have long gone, or hidden, never appear, but what he did not think is that Ling Feng appeared in front of him, and praised him as a model.

What does it mean?

"Ling Feng, are you dare to appear here?"

The ancestors were gloomy, and if they didn't care about other characters, he wanted to kill Ling Feng at the moment, then save and kill him once.

"What is your look?"

Ling Feng is very dissatisfied with the deity of the ancestors, cold and proud said: "You and I are both magic figures, now you are humiliated and attacked, can I stand on the sidelines?"

"Today, I live with you!"

If it wasn’t for the ancestors who had won the Lingfeng and were ruined by Lingfeng, they were afraid to believe.

after all.

The performance of the people is so realistic, the performance is quite in place, that is, the eyes are all dead, how can you not believe it?

"Total ancestors!"

The ancestors of the ancestors are unstoppable. This is a big hate in life. Does Lingfeng want to understate the past?

no way!

The next moment, the ancestors flew directly to Ling Feng, and they blasted out with a punch. They wanted to kill Ling Feng and produce a bird.

"Devil, pay attention to quality!"

Ling Feng flew backwards and sneered and said: "When you did something, you should be clear? Think about it, if you are, what will I do?"

"And, if you fly so hard to kill me, do you really want to die with me?"

"Death? Is it with you?"

The ancestors sneered, and did not put Ling Feng in their eyes, banned from the wind and exported bad luck.

Lingfeng lightning flew backwards, using the sky leaf and shrinking the ground into a large magical power, for a time it was actually a serious injury to the ancestors.


The ancestors did not let the wind blow, and the blood was killed. So, the whole sky changed its style. People saw that the two prey were killing each other, and the situation fell.

Ling Feng is not as good as the ancestors!

This is the picture they are willing to see. After killing each other, they will clean up the situation.

"Devil, are you an idiot?"

Lingfeng’s voice has become colder.. “Let them stand by and wait until you kill me and then kill you?”

"I can't be with you, but I can also hold one or two Tianzun."

Ling Feng said coldly. "As for the grievances, we can wait for this. Now we have to share the same life and death!"

The magic ancestor stopped and his eyes flashed. He was considering the credibility of the Lingfeng discourse. To be honest, he did not believe in the pit of Ling Feng. As long as he had the opportunity, he believed that Ling Feng would still bring disaster and let him die.


As Ling Feng said, now is not the time of internal friction, they are all magical figures, are forced to suppress by starry people, but also to kill them.

They are opponents.

They are even more natural allies.

"Okay, deal with them first!"

The last ancestor of the ancestors said that although Ling Feng is only a king, at least he can suppress a Tianzun. If he died, it would be an export bird.

not to mention.

He knows that Ling Feng once killed a demon in the Shenwuxing, and there is a terrible prohibition in the body. Although it is inevitable that he will die in the end, at least the value of death is worthwhile. Maybe it can really save the situation?

"Do not consume internal energy, otherwise we really have no way to live!" Ling Feng solemnly reminded.

The ancestors did not believe him, he believed more than the ancestors.

If the ancestors scolded him in the front of the hard steel demon, then there is really no way to live.

"I am still afraid of your sickle!" said the ancestors.

"I don't want to die, I have to work hard!"

Ling Feng said coldly. "I know that you don't like me. I don't like you either, but at this time we are all honored and lost."

"it is good!"

The ancestors promised to come down, and he didn't want to die. He could only live as tenaciously as Xiaoqiang.


As long as there is enough time, they will be able to open the gate and leave.

People’s eyes flashed, and the two demons actually reached an alliance in front of them.


so what?

For them, it is useless to have one more Ling Feng. If there is one more ancestor, they will be shocked.


Ten demon lords have long been sighing with anger, this time directly killing the ancestors, and Tianzun also rushed to the ancestors, as for the demon lords to Lingfeng.

of course.

They didn't do their best, only two demon lords killed Ling Feng, and the rest flew to the ancestors. For them, the ancestors were still afflicted, and the devil was volleyed and stared at the audience. , mainly for Ling Feng.


The scene exploded, the mushroom cloud rose up and was suppressed by the terrible power, causing the ground to landslide.

"Devil, you have been waiting for you!"

Ling Feng sneered, the real thing that made him jealous is actually the devil, but the devil does not want to be exposed at this time, and thus has been hidden.

after all.

The scene here is too complicated. If the demon and the gods join forces, the demon will also have a tragedy.

"Come on!"

Ling Feng hooked his fingers, killing and spurting out, the body's strength is not controlled, the magic road forbidden to fly out the first time, then a Xianli.

At the same time, Ling Feng’s hand appeared a sharp edge.

Burning road blade!


Without any hesitation, the Burning Pathblade directly smashed down and smashed into one of the demon statues, and the imposing power and power of the emperor was poured into it, and the Tianwei, which had lost the eternal sound, broke out.

But this is not enough.

"Guwu Tower!"

Ling Feng’s heart shouted, Guwu Tower flew directly, and pressed against another demon.


The Burning Pathblade and the demon statue played in mid-air, and the space was blown up on the spot, while the Lingfeng was flying backwards for 30 miles. The corner of the mouth overflowed with blood. In front of the demon, even the Emperor was not enough to see.


Guwuta confronted another demon statue, and the heavens and the earth collapsed. The demon statue pressed against the situation and stormed the ancient Wuta, making Lingfeng very hard, but the ancient Wuta was mighty, and the nine gates were open. Suppressed the demon statue.

"Dao Di!"

People were shocked and couldn't help but look at Ling Feng. This scene is really amazing.

When the king is king, Ling Feng can force the emperor, but now?

Really want to force the enemy!

If it wasn't for the ancestors, I was afraid that they couldn't help but kill Ling Feng at this time, but there were two demons who suppressed it and couldn't turn any waves when they wanted to come.


The ancestors flew backwards, spurting blood, and his face was even more ugly. He was so powerful that he had too many characters. In the case of serious injuries, only the Tiangong could suppress the situation, but his injuries were still aggravated.

of course.

When he spurted blood, another demon lord was licking blood, and was blasted by the celestial palace. The internal organs were damaged. If it was not strong, I was afraid that it would be in the battlefield at this time.


The power of the stars is weakening, but the reduction is limited.

"Come back!"

The ancestors became mad, and they used the top power of the Heavenly Palace, and tried their best to press against the starry sky. His blood was burning and forming a fierce flame.


The stars in the sky and the sky demon statues are strong and pressed out, standing side by side, together with the demon ancestors, the situation is too good for them.

They stepped forward and the ancestors took a step back.

The two devils took a step forward and Lingfeng stepped back three steps.

The situation of the two demons is quite pessimistic, and the characters such as the Black Phoenix can only stand by. They are not enough to sculpt the teeth, and the anger is studying the Tianmen. He once talked with the ancestors and knew some secrets of Tianmen. But the gate of Tianmen is too complicated, and he still can't eat it at one time.


The two demon statues became more and more powerful, and they were pressed together. The Ling Feng hit the air and spurted the blood. His face was even more pale.


His body is tearing and he can't hold the crit of the two devils.

And the ancestors?

He was surrounded by the deities of the heavenly deities, and forced to the edge of the endless smoke, but there were several Tianzun flying out there, and they would come over. One of the sharp knives smashed the back of the ancestors and let them bleed.


The wound actually penetrated the pale blue blood and gave off a rancid smell.

"You use poison!"

The voice of the ancestors became cold, and the endless chill was revealed. People like them were very jealous, because the general poison was useless to Tianzun, but it was very disgusting.

"No poison, no husband, you have to prepare more for you."

The demon smiled and said: "While the blue is not poisonous, you can exacerbate your injury. Can you now have no time to force it out?"


The eyes of the ancestors became gloomy. He also felt the overbearing side of this poisonousness, but he was fighting for life and death, and the major forces would not give him time to force the poison.

Although this is not authentic, it is quite effective.

"good, very good!"

The devil's face is gloomy and dripping out of water. "Today, even if I am dead, you have to be buried!"


He flew directly to the demon statue, strong and deadly, completely ignoring life and death, you will not let me live, then I will not let you live!

At this moment, Ling Feng screamed and fell to the ground. He was only a Taoist emperor. Without any effort, he was indeed not the opponent of the two devils.


The two devils deliberately forced Ling Feng to the direction of the ancestors, and they were forced into the coffers of the major influences. At that time, Ling Feng was really just a cannon fodder.

The same tragedy!

Today is the end of the double devil.

"I still don't try my best to wait for it?" The demon stalked Ling Feng and urged him to use the ban as soon as possible.

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