Supreme Demon

Chapter 2596: Forbidden demon!

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The situation collapsed.

The ancestors smashed out the encirclement, and they were not killed by the gods. The smile on their faces became strong. He didn’t have to fight himself, so he didn’t have time to get rid of the demon. This is exactly what he wants. result.

If you are alive, there is hope!

Other Tianzun is glaring at the sight of the demon, and if he can persist for a while, they can retain the ancestors and suppress them.


How difficult is it for them to recast their talents?

Will the ancestors who have suffered a loss give them a chance?

If they don't want to be guilty now, they all want to get rid of that demon lord directly. After a few months of porridge, it will be destroyed by this mouse.


The demon screamed coldly, glaring at the ancestors, and his heart was depressed. Because of his actions, not only did people have opinions on him, but the demon family also frowned and showed anger.

Is he really so afraid of death?

If the ancestors returned to the stars, they would all die!


Dongfang rhythm screamed and flew directly to the ancestors, while other characters were not slow. They didn't want to give the ancestors time to recover.

Get rid of its illness and kill its life.

"Is it really impossible for me to kill you?"

The ancestors of the ancestors were unstoppable, and the killing was more intense. He was beaten too badly, and his hatred for the gods was conceivable, and now he is really rushed.

The rabbit is anxious to bite, let alone the ancestors.

next moment.

The Temple of Heaven was ignited, and the inexhaustible blood poured into the Heavenly Palace, letting it shine out of the unprecedented light, and then hit the heavenly lord. On it, it shot the endless arrows and drove quickly, and emptied the void into a hole, for a long time. Can not be closed, and a vast expanse of the Milky Way, law powers blast at this moment, with the help of the Heavenly Palace, let the law power climb to the apex.


The endless arrow rain carries the law of the Milky Way and hits a demon statue. Its mighty power burns, and it is like a flame, and it penetrates for nine days.

"Block him!"

All the major powers are discolored, the ancestors are mad, their prestige is unspeakable, and the Tiangong is down, and Wei Li is so touching.


They are not weak. When a stalker is flying into the void, the demon power and the power of the road complement each other, forming a giant net, and when the air falls.


The giant net was on the arrow rain, and it made a dull squeaking sound. The arrow rain was broken, the giant net was collapsing, and the scorpio was smashed by the smashing tide, that is, the space debris flew out.


The ancestors stepped back and succumbed to blood, but the blood was not wasted, but they flew to the Heavenly Palace to maintain their terrible power.

And people are gray-faced, power overdraft, and also in retrogression, using the reverse flight to weaken the impact of the Heavenly Palace.


At this moment, a sharp sword emerged from the void, and a flash of smashed, and then a demon statue was smashed.

Yin Hong's blood spewed out, and the demon screamed, and the headless body flew for thirty miles, and one fell, and then the head that was squatted quickly flew down and landed on his neck again.

He almost died.

If the ancestors went further and collapsed his head, it would be a tragedy this time.

Obviously, the ancestors now have a lack of skills, and it is the limit to be able to sacrifice the sword. However, he is seriously injured. This is much more serious than wearing the body, and his soul sea is seriously injured by the sword. Don't want to recover inside.

A demon esteemed out of the battlefield.

This made people look serious and heavier. The seriously ruined ancestors were able to play such a Tianwei, and they only saw the Tiangong. They did not think that the ancestors of the ancestors were not only in the Heavenly Palace.

The human heart has a moment of panic.


The ancestors spurted blood, their faces were more white, cold sweats fell, and their strength was damaged. The previous poison was attacked at this time, making it difficult for him to exert his full strength.

"He is already the end of the strong, the grasshoppers after the autumn, can't last long."

The oriental rhyme said coldly. "We have to hold on, otherwise we will give up."

"it is good!"

Nowadays, people have no retreat, only to die in the end, let alone the ancestors really want to burn out.

In fact.

The ancestors of the ancestors succumbed to the blood, and the strength of the power was reduced. It was not as good as before. It was defeated by the major forces. It was supported by the Heavenly Palace, otherwise he would really die.

at the same time.

The situation of Ling Feng is even less optimistic. The ancestors face dozens of Tianzun, but the demon ancestor is the demon lord, Ling Feng?

He only relied on Xingquan to maintain the world's cliffs, and his power continued to overdraw. His demeanor also appeared. After all, his power was not as good as before and after, and the world's cliffs also showed a dark side.

"Not yet?"

The ancestral tooth itch, this Ling Feng can really bear it.. "Do you want us to die here?"

"To shut up!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, but he couldn't do it. It was his last killer. If it was used, there would be no retreat.

"Get rid of a few devils, we will save!"

The ancestors reminded him that although he was very upset by the wind, he couldn’t take it at this time.

"Otherwise, you are going to die soon!"

Ling Feng was very hesitant, but he was too miserable by the three devils and the two gods. He was so **** that he was really unable to hold on.

"Then will be a few devils!"

When the chest of the wind was pierced, he finally couldn't help it. The magic was shining with the killing, forming a flame, burning in the eyelids.

"Is it really impossible for me to kill you?"

Lingfeng lightning retreats, away from a few people for ten miles, breathing in a big mouth and quickly adjusting the state.

"Then come to die as soon as possible!"

The three devils are quite strong and don't care at all. They are not demon statues, and they are not singled out at the moment.

"That kills!"

Ling Feng's magic eyes suddenly glimpsed, the soul sea made a dull vibrato, and the banned control finally flew out, carrying the Thunder and the glory of the world.


He is solemn and solemn, and the force is heavily rushed to the prohibition. The magic road will naturally fly into it, letting it burst into an unparalleled Tianwei. It seems to be sitting on a peerless heavenly deity, arrogant and ridiculous.

next moment.

Xianli is integrated into it, not one, but two.

At this moment, Ling Feng did not cover up and directly used top power.

Do your best, just for the devil!


When the void trembled, a Tianwei penetrated the sky, and Ling Feng punched the injured demon, and the ancient Wuta appeared along with the Burning Path, regardless of life and death.

"court death!"

The demon sneer sneered, a giant net opened, swaying, and confronted the ancient Wuta and the burning road.


Endless, the waves are swallowing.

At this moment, the vagueness of the vagueness fluctuated a bit, and then appeared in the sky above the head of another demon.

"Be careful!" The magic master looked at it and felt different.

"known long time ago!"

The demon statue did not panic, directly sacrificed the ban, and met the void.

At the beginning, Ling Feng was on the Shenwuxing, and with the prohibition of killing a demon statue, they naturally remembered it. At this time, the wind was awkward, how could they prevent it?

What is the most powerful place for the ban?

It’s not that Tianwei is unmatched, but it’s too mysterious. It’s sudden and unpredictable. How many people can defend it?


As long as you understand the prohibition, it is not so easy for Ling Feng to kill them.

So, is it really like he imagined?

To know.

This ban is a weapon that even the characters in the golden scorpion are praised. Although it is not complete, can the day really stop at killing Tianzun?

Do not!

When the ban is opened and the two celestial forces are brought into existence, it makes the whole world know that there is a kind of power that is not awkward, but that it is irresistible.


A shackle broke open from the void, and a golden light flashed through the void.

That's it!

However, people stopped because of this golden light, could not help but look over, his face has an incredible look.

how is this possible?

That is, the Lord of the Lord is eclipsed, and he did not expect that the prohibition would be so... violent!

It disintegrates the top magical space, it opens the top of the magic road to the treasure, a strong suppression, indifference to life and death.


The demon statue made a crisp sound, the body was torn from the middle, the blood and the internal organs flowed to the ground, and the soul of the sea was banned by the prohibition, and instantly died.

Blood rain falls in the sky.

That is the heavens crying.

A demon statue!

This is not a very surprising thing. After all, this battlefield is too fierce, but what if the demon statue died in the hands of a Taoist figure?

Surprised the sky!


Ling Feng really did it!

"Is it illegal to ban?"

The ancestors are full of coveted, what kind of power will this ban be if it falls in his hands? I am afraid that these gods are not enough to kill?

This is more determined that he wants to pick up the "Ling Feng" mind.

Can't help it, this is the most terrible.

People were completely stunned, and the cold hair was upside down. I felt that the ban was more terrible than the Devil's Temple. Fortunately, it was here, otherwise, after Ling Feng asked, no characters could be suppressed.

"Get rid of him right away!"

The remaining two demon statues are really crazy. Under their suppression, Ling Feng can still kill a demon statue. Where are their faces?

"Take your knife!"

Ling Feng's magic has become gray, and the use of that ban is equivalent to the overdraft. Once the ban is grayed out, his power will also die. At this time, he must hurry.

next moment.

The banned the last light rain, appeared on the head of the wounded demon, and the lightning fell.


The demon statue wants to block, but still does not block, the loss is defeated, and it is the same as the devil.

The second demon is killed!

The whole world is going crazy, Ling Feng is in the sky!

Even the two devils, in the realm of the Tao, how many characters can do?

Oriental Yingyu? Loy? Empty?

They are all chickens and dogs!


After the ban on the two demon statues, the light was completely grayed out and flew back to the Lingfeng Soul Sea, while Ling Feng was snorting, spurting a large mouthful of blood, falling from the void, full face Cold sweat, really can't hold on.

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