Supreme Demon

Chapter 2597: Who said that poor skills?

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Forbidden demon!

What is the ban?

What a magic is this?

People look at the volley of the characters, the heart is horrified, such a Ling Feng is really tremble, especially the Mozu, even if the Lord is frowning, he is still too small and arrogant.

The most successful failure in history!

The most proud figure of the demon Lord, who has tasted the defeat in Ling Feng, feels really uncomfortable.


What made him relieved was that the prohibition lost its radiance, became gray, and disappeared. I was afraid that the inside was consumed and could not fly.

"After all, I still have to die!" he said dullly.

The two gods, a demon statue, looked coldly at the wind, extremely vigilant, but indifferent, because the prohibition could not reappear, the power was exhausted, the ultimate strength of Ling Feng was played, and his own power was consumed. Now it is the end of the strong.

Ling Feng is not a ancestors, he can't come.

"This is your strength? It's really good, but it will only increase our determination to kill you!" one Tianzun sneered.

He is from the roster of death.

Luo Yi bowed in front of Ling Feng, the Emperor Wu of the death list was detained, and paid a lot of resources, which made them very hate Ling Feng, want to eat it.

"Come on!"

Ling Feng magic eyes flying, indifferent to that Tian Zun.

"Would you not dare?"

The Tianzun Taoist suddenly saw a glimpse, and could not help but take a step toward Ling Feng. One step came out, the gas field and the momentum were all over, let Ling Feng go backwards and face heavy, now he is really close to the point where the oil is running out. .


The demon statue did not have such jealousy. The two devils were killed and sorrowful. At this time, they completely ignored life and death and hit Lingfeng.


He punched out and slammed the river, like a lightning bolt, so that Ling Feng could not dodge.

next moment.

Ling Feng is like a kite that cuts a broken line. It flies for fifty miles. It squats on the ground, the chest is broken, the flesh and blood overflow, and the mouth is sprayed with blood and blood. The face becomes pale and sallow, like a serious illness.

"Come, use your prohibition to marry me!"

Demon statue said crazy, and quickly hit the Ling Feng, the magic eyes are red.


Ling Feng was kicked out by his feet. The flesh and blood collapsed and the power was exhausted. He couldn’t react, but he couldn’t escape. He could only wait for himself to be shot.


This foot is quite heavy, mixed with the space law Tianwei, when his chest broke a blood hole, the internal organs were destroyed.

"The ban has consumed power and he can't use it!"

The two Tianzuns were also full of surprises, and they immediately came to the scene to fight the blast and kill them.

"help me!"

Ling Feng asked for help from the ancestors. At this time, his injury was too heavy, his strength was completely overdrawn, and he needed to restore his strength.

The ancestors are very hesitant, Ling Feng is indeed a helper, can kill the demon, this strength is quite impressive, at least a little stronger than the angry flame, but this character has pitted him, in all fairness, he is not very I want to save the wind.


If Ling Feng is so dead?

That's a waste!

Just a moment of indulgence, the ancestors immediately shot, the Tiangong flashed out, and the tremors trembled, and the three Tianzun-level characters were blasted open, so that Ling Feng had a chance to breathe.


At this time, the characters such as Oriental Rhythm were slammed, and a sword stabbed the ancestors, letting their arms bleed and breaking a blood hole.


The ancestors ate pain, and the sword flew out from the cuffs, hitting the sword directly and smashing it out. At the same time, the Tiangong quickly pressed and blocked it.

"Come here!" said the ancestors to Ling Feng.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng got a chance to breathe, and immediately took Star Spring and various resources to restore his strength and strength quickly. Although he could not return to the peak state, he would at least not be so passive.

"Block him!"

The two Tianzun directly pressed up, the powerful strength to live in all directions, not let Ling Feng close to the ancestors.


The demon statue used the giant net to hit Lingfeng, covering a radius of five hundred miles. As soon as Lingfeng approached this range, he was immediately detained and suppressed.


Ling Feng held the burning road, and the blade was on the magic net. The fierce edge, the giant network was damaged, the cable was broken, and the Lingfeng was rushed out from the giant network.

However, the oncoming is the sword of the gods.


He slammed his blade and was thrown out by the force on the spot. One arm was broken and the force penetrated into the body along the arm, and he was completely broken.

"Autumn grasshopper, just waiting to die!"

A Tianzun sneered, despising Ling Feng, the district emperor, even if he relied on multiple forces to reach the level of Tianzun, but still have to be returned to the original shape.

at the same time.

Ling Feng spurted blood, the power was darker and more powerful, and the world's cliffs still did not sustain, slowly falling down.

He returned to the level of the Tao.

"Kill you like a dog!"

Another Tianzun murdered, and a sword hit the Lingfeng, and the sword gas left a deep visible bone scar on Lingfeng's cheek.

The district was emperor and seriously injured. Under the attack of two Tianzun and a demon statue, it was really weak.


The ancestors made their martial arts, and they attacked the two gods and the demon statue. Although they were not the Tiangong, but the sword, they still let the two gods go backwards. That is, the demon lord also flies and dodge. open.

They don't want to die with the ancestors, it's easy to deal with a powerful emperor.


The ancestors screamed, and at the moment of his attack, the characters such as Xuankong quickly smashed and smashed him.

"You all **** it!"

The ancestors of the ancestors were smashed and wanted to break these characters into pieces.

"We are waiting here!"

Dongfang rhythm sneered and said: "When you dealt with us like that, you should think of today!"

"Today, I am dead, you don't want to live!"

The ancestors said coldly and madly, which caused many people to frown. There are too many secrets in the ancestors. If they use the Heavenly Palace to blew themselves, I am afraid that most of them will be left here.

"Then come!"

The oriental rhyme is quite straightforward. "It's better to leave you here instead of letting you scramble the stars. If you look at the old skin, you will go with you to hell."


The ancestors had no way to take this undead person.

"I tried my best!" Defu said to Ling Feng.

"I know!"

Ling Feng sighed and sighed, vomiting blood on the ground, and the situation deteriorated abruptly. Because of the prohibition and the advent of the world, he became a stab in the masses of people. People worried that Lingfeng would become the second ancestor.


Nothing will keep it alive.


He smashed the two demon statues, and the injury and consumption were too heavy to recover.


The ancestors helped him block the two Tianzun. He still had time to take more resources. When these resources exploded in his body, his blood began to recover quickly, and his physical strength was rushing to the peak.

To know.

Just now Ling Feng has been resisting, to withstand the attack, rather than the active attack, in order to recover as soon as possible, rather than consume.

have to say.

This kind of recovery speed makes the ancestors envious. He wants to have the ability of Lingfeng. Is it so miserable by the major forces?

In this way, he is more eager for Ling Feng's body.

"Oh, there is no such ban, what if you recover?"

The **** smirked and said: "It’s just a trick!"


The eyes of Tianzun are still quite sinister. They can see the problem. The prohibition is terrible, but it is not controlled by Lingfeng, and the above forces are exhausted. It takes a long time to recover. It is not Lingfeng who can recover itself.

Ling Feng ignored.

He is just trying to dodge the attack of three characters.

"Get rid of him as soon as possible!"

The two gods did not dare to delay, fearing that Ling Feng really recovered, so it would not be easy to deal with them, they do not want to repeat the same mistakes.


A few glare flew over, and Ling Feng fell back a hundred miles, falling on the edge, the blood in his mouth was more, the injury was heavier, but the strength was strong.

at last.

He stood up in this hit, looking directly at the three characters, with a sly look at his mouth. "Who said that I am poor?"

“Can the small fish still pull out the spray?”

The two Tian Zun said ridiculously that Ling Feng was not put in the eye, but because Ling Feng's strength has recovered a lot, but the injury is even heavier. In this state, how long can he persist?


The demon statue is more direct and strong.


At that moment, people suddenly felt alert and felt an extremely dangerous atmosphere.


I haven't waited until they have fully reacted. I suddenly feel that my head is dark. I don't know when a Xianfu appears and is strongly depressed.


One Tianzun couldn't dodge, and then used his power to attack Xianfu, but what made him desperate was that there was a strange door flying under the Xianfu. The ancient power awakened among them, and the endless Tianwei broke out.



The violent shock sound exploded, and the immortality was like a broken bamboo. It fell down and pressed the Tianzun into it.


I was able to hear the sorrowful screams of Tian Zun and the fierce roar of the underground. No one thought that Ling Feng would move in such an anti-theft "artifact", that is, when the white geese knew the meaning of Ling Feng, they were all Startled.

This is simply not human!

This is simply a bird and a beast.

However, Ling Feng did it. He really moved a Xianfu. Although he was shot several times, he slammed it hard and made the big white goose stunned.

Originally, this Xianfu was used to deal with the ancestors and deal with the blood of the Xiandian. However, it was not used, but it played a role here.

Repression of a god!

Don't have to work hard!

"Good job!"

Although the ancestors were surprised, they couldn't help but praise. If they didn't know that Xianfu could still be moved, he wanted to move one.

However, the celestial singer was too miserable. It was estimated that there was a terrible strange ban on the sacred palace. It was able to crush Tianzun. I really don’t know how Lingfeng did it.

After the ban, Ling Feng suppressed the third person of the Tianzun class.

Use a fairy house!

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