Supreme Demon

Chapter 2598: The old magic is blown up!

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Who said that the poor skills?


Ling Feng proved with a powerful Xianfu that everything is empty talk.

Without the world's best, he still has a ban on the devil.

Without a ban, he also has a funeral!

Never underestimate a terrible character.


People took a sigh of cold, did not expect that Lingfeng would do this, and did not even think that Xianfu actually had such a Tianwei.

It is the Lord of the Lord who is very surprised. He has not found that Xianfu can still do this.

"Come on!"

Ling Feng hooked his finger and despised the Tianzun and the demon. His previous intention to restore power was to move out of Xianfu to defeat the enemy.

"We have stunned you, but from now on, we will take 12 points to kill you!"

The Tianzun did not rescue, but the first time he killed the Lingfeng. As long as the murderer was killed, all the problems were not a problem.

He flashed to Ling Feng, regardless of life and death.

The ban is gray, and Xianfu is used. What else does Lingfeng have?

In fact, this is what people want to know.


The emptiness of the void, the darkness of the sky, the heavenly man only felt that his head was black, his face immediately changed dramatically, he knew.

Another fairy house!

Qimenwan Road under the Xianfu, shot out of the endless sword, Tianwei directly forced the magic ancestor, shrouded a radius of fifty miles, when the Tianzun flew, Xianfu also pressed over, speed and distance are inseparable gaps, The Tianzun was not able to dodge, and was detained on the spot by Qimen under the Xianfu.


Xianfu flew down and squatted on the ground.

The whole scene has lost its voice. People only feel a tremor in their hearts. This demon is really going crazy.

He moved in two Xianfu!

He suppressed the two gods.

Is there a more ferocious Wu Di in this world?


The ancestors laughed quickly, although he had the strength to suppress many Tianzun, but he did not have this ability, and Ling Feng is doing this thing now. In a short time, the five characters were actually killed by him and suppressed two. Bit.

The strength of the starry sky and the demon are damaged, not as good as before.

He saw the hope of living in Ling Feng.

"I will suppress him immediately, or I will endless trouble!" The major powers finally changed color. Although Ling Feng is an alliance with the Devil, he only needs to give him a chance, but he is afraid that this character will run the first time.

By then.

Even if they smashed the ancestors, they will have to pay more.


The main face of the demon suddenly changed, reminding me the first time, and swiftly swift forward, trying to save the demon, but still to be late.


A fairy house flew down from the void, and the magical devotion was suppressed on the spot, and the inside of the door broke out, and a character appeared, which strongly killed the demon statue, and for a time rebelled against the road, the devil sighed .


That's horrible!

The death of five characters is overwhelming, and it’s just that Lingfeng has the power to turn the tide.

This is not to be against the sky, this is to break the sky.

"Ling Feng, you are irritating me!" The Lord is cold-eyed, and the magic is shining. I really can't help but want to get rid of the wind.

"That will come!"

Ling Feng smirked. "First, you have to have the courage to stand up!"


He knows that the Lord is very jealous. It is quite dangerous to show the true strength at this time. If he dies in the hands of the Lord, then the major powers will be relieved?

The wind is dangerous, but the Lord is more dangerous.

They will kill the Lord of the Lord when they turn around, and a few Devils will not be able to live.

"Magic Lord, you are not a demon now, don't be shopping with it, not worth it!" The fourth demon statue flew to persuade the devil, now the devil has only two demon statues, one of them holding a crane axe Splendid ancestors.

If at this time the devil becomes a thorn in the flesh, they may die here.

"Not to mention, the major forces have not paid much attention to Lingfeng, and when they react, Lingfeng is bound to die."

of course.

The major powers also know that the Lord is dangerous, but guessing is one thing, and shocking is another.

"it is good!"

The devil is not reluctant, he does not want to be exposed, Ling Feng naturally does not want to force him to expose, otherwise the unlucky one is himself.

It was also the three heavenly statues, one demon statue killed him, and the situation of the demon ancestor was reduced. This is what the ancestors are willing to see.


The fourth Xianfu came out and fell into the air.

"Is it really invincible?"

The four figures shot together and strongly suppressed. Even if there is a terrible Tianwei under the Xianfu, how can they hold the strength of the four characters?

They withstood the fairy house.

"One is not enough, then two!"

After that, the fifth Xianfu appeared, and together with the fourth Xianfu, pressed four people.


The four characters are discolored, this Ling Feng is really endless, he actually moved to five Xianfu, what is this strength?

They are clear about what is the horrible Tianwei underneath the Xianfu. Do not say that the emperor is that Tianzun must be beaten if he moves out of Xianfu.

But at this time they have no time to think about this.

"I can stand it!" The four characters are quite cold and proud. The two Xianfu want to suppress them.

Think beautiful!


Soon, they found themselves crammed themselves, because they had withstood two Xianfu, and they were also dragged by two Xianfu, no one dared to fly away, otherwise other characters would be suppressed, and this At the time, the sixth Xianfu appeared.


A road collapsed and the four figures were suppressed on the spot.



However, the four characters are not weak, Tianwei does it, the ban is shining, and the three sacred temples are put up a foot to fly out.

"Give you one more!"

The voice fell, and the seventh Xianfu came out. It was quite fierce and banged on the three fairy temples, making a dull bang, and let the four characters under the Xianfu scream, and some people were vomiting blood.

For a time.

The void was quiet again, and people looked at Ling Feng like a ghost.

Seven Xianfu!

The major forces have only discovered so many Xianfu, and they did not expect to be moved by Lingfeng.

Is this special about yourself?

They are depressed to vomit blood.

"Forcing the past!"

The demon lords have hit the Lingfeng, and the seven prefectures have come out. What is the ability of Lingfeng?

One is four!


The ancestors of the ancestors are ecstatic. This is really a personal thing. I have long known that the major forces are dealing with him. So I moved seven Xianfu, and suppressed seven characters in one fell swoop and killed two people.

A full nine characters.


Four demon statues flew out and killed together with Ling Feng. This is the thirteen characters. His pressure has plummeted and he is barely able to cope with the situation.

At this time, the ancestors were too fortunate to have their choice.

"Ling Feng, I appreciate you very much!"

"I hope you can always appreciate me!" Ling Feng laughed.

"That is of course!" Mozu laughed and said. "Take me a few more people to suppress, I will be able to fight back!"

"I will try my best!"

Ling Feng Mei Yu rises, I hope that the ancestors will be able to laugh out.


The eighth Xianfu came out and was pressed to four figures.

"Oh, there are only ten Xianfu in the entire Xiangu Xinghai, two of which are in this goose nest, and the other eight have already been played. What strength do you have?"

The four characters were cold-eyed, and two of them stood at the eighth Xianfu.

"I knew that I should move the two Xianfu first." Ling Feng deeply regrets that people can hear the hair straight.


If you let me move to the Ten Immortals, then we still have a hair.

"no yet?"

A demon sneer said, "When the blood debt was in the beginning, should it be liquidated at this time?"

He forced himself forward and killed himself.

Ling Feng is retreating, his face is heavy and ugly, and the eight Immortals are indeed his limits, and there are so many seats in the entire Xiangu Xinghai. What can he do?

Do you want to move to the temple?

That is purely looking for death.

"If you don't have one, can you end now?"

Another demon statue was forced to come with the previous demon statue. He could see that the consumption of the fairy house was quite large. The face of Ling Feng was full of sweat, and due to physical exhaustion, the breath of Ling Feng became Heavy weight.

At this time, Ling Feng did not have Xianfu.

At this time, Ling Feng did not ban.

At this time, Ling Feng could not beat the world.

What else does he have?

"To tell the truth, I am more willing to face you than the Mozu and Terran," Ling Feng said. "Because you are really delicious!"

They are demon!

They are non-human.

They can eat!

"you wanna die!"

The four demon faces changed greatly, and they thought of the demon who was eaten by Lingfeng. They immediately became angry and this person made them delicious on the spot.

They also want to make this person delicious on the spot!

Eat it!

Eat it!

The next moment, the two demon statues want to collapse Xianfu, killing Lingfeng, and the other two demon statues are killed by lightning, to kill Lingfeng.


At this time, their faces changed dramatically and there was a feeling of horror. It was too late to wait until they reacted.

Ling Feng is retreating.

There may be a ban on the front, but it was covered by the spirited beads, and it was separated by Xianli, so the demon lords did not find it.

"Come out!"


Three words fell, carrying a vibrato, a prohibition flew out, lightning flashed, and fell on the top of the two demon statues.

Hey... Bang.

The ban was dropped and the two demon sires were detained on the spot.

Between the electric and the flint, Ling Feng used the last force to push the prohibition to the two demon statues that were facing the fairy.

A tremor.

The two devils who are dumbfounded have not yet launched the Xianfu, and they have been shrouded in that ban.


This is a tragedy!

People did not think that behind the Eight Immortals, there is still such a fairy ban!

People are dumbfounded, the devil is blasphemy.

next moment.

People's eyes became more interesting, and the ancestors were fried hair and bloodstained all over the body, angered and attacked, directly sprayed out, he did not think of it.

The layout that was so perfect was actually disturbed.


What makes him hate is that until now he has not found the whereabouts of the character, the monk who moved away from the immortality!

The executioner who directly destroyed his perfect door!

That person should be worth a thousand!

At that moment, that person is here with him.

"Oh!" The old magic bombed.

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