Supreme Demon

Chapter 2603: Crazy old devil!

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Xiangu sighs!

In this sea of ​​fairy stars, the generation of Tianjiao fell.

This character, who had cast too many miracles, was forced to die in Tianmen by various powerful figures.

He has fallen.

But the miracles that have been cast will always be engraved in the annals of history.

After the king, no one is king.

After the devil, there is no devil!

He lived a miracle and died forever!


Tianmen blasted, endless turbulence pushed Lingfeng blood fog to the starry sky, and endless magic was forced out of Tianmen by endless chaos.

The magic seems to be endless, overwhelming, the whole goose nest is covered, so that the gods and demons frown, while the devils are full of madness.

To know.

This is the magic from the ages, the world can not be more, although not as good as the stars, copper, but the amount of scary, if you can bring back to the Mozu, will be a fortune.


Lingfeng's banned devices did not know where they were hit, and they were spurted out of the sky by the turbulent space. I don't know where it will fall.


Ling Feng is still falling.

People are relieved, and if they reach this level, they can't get rid of the wind, then they really have to be tragedy.

Fortunately, Ling Feng is dead!

"Ling Feng!"

In the endless smoke of the sea, the proud body of the bird is straight, and the face is gray, he is lightning, but it is only the last blood fog of Lingfeng, in the horrible turbulence of Tianmen, unless Lingfeng is a person of the heavenly level. Otherwise, I want to survive.

not to mention.

Ling Feng ignited himself and burned the top flame. It was not only flesh and blood, but also the devil.

Dantian is annihilated and can be recast.

Is the soul sea annihilated?

The devouring beads have been handed to the hands of the cold as the moon, he was to explain the aftermath.


The arrogant bird grieves, screaming on the ground, crying, his former brother used his life to fight, was forced into the magic road by the major forces, until the last commandment.

This is blood debt!

"I will let you pay for each one!"

The arrogant bird is crazy, he does not rush to those personal things, only the king level, he is not the opponent of these characters, but as long as he asks for success, these characters will die.

His solemn decapitation, this is his feelings for his brother.

After that, he is willing to be a warrior of the demon!

The next moment, he disappeared into the endless sea of ​​smoke, he wants to return to the starry sky, he wants to go back to the gods, he wants to know the truth.

He has to ask more respect!


"It's dead!"

The character of the virtual palace is sighing, Ling Feng is an extraordinary person, and its fierce means is taboo. On the virtual star, he does not have any backing, but he is born.

The Eastern clan is willing to bow down.

The empty road is willing to defend!

How awkward is this?

The man who hopes to ask the sky is so desperate.

The man who hopes to take the fruit of the fairy fruit has fallen.


They don't think that Lingfeng is evil, even if it is a magical wind, but the things that Lingfeng has done after the enchantment are too sinister, and the gangsters are pressing the genius, destroying the gods and roasting demon, step by step to force themselves to death.

They can't save the wind!

But they are even more reluctant to start with Ling Feng, so they have been attacking the ancestors before, but Ling Feng still indirectly died in their hands.


Oriental Yingyu sighed along the endless smokeside, and when Lingfeng entered the void, it did not attract her attention until Lingfeng stepped up and let them not breathe.

God, heaven.

Spiritual Emperor, King, and Tao Emperor!

He is a nightmare of the entire starry sky. Although people are afraid of the wind, they have to say that Ling Feng is really extraordinary. He is the top myth of Xiangu.

There is no opening in the oriental poetry, just a sorrow.

Once, they were friends.

Now they are living and dying.

The major forces react differently.

The characters in Xianyu are happy, I can’t wait to laugh, and my heart is finally removed. What characters can still suppress Xianyu in the future?

The Yaozu are happy, they wash their shame.

The Mozu people secretly breathed a sigh of relief, they don't want Lingfeng to become the opponent of the devil, it is too tricky.

"Sometimes, I really hope that you can live!"

The Lord said with a deep heart. "Alive, I can prove that I am right!"

"But you are dead, I am more happy!"

Due to the fall of the wind, the major forces were dull, but a different voice broke out after a while.

"Malle Gobi, I hate you when I die!"

The ancestors of the ancestors were sullen, and the sorcerer would slap him a knife and chaos his mind. This is the rhythm of pulling him to death.

Can you not hate in the heart of the ancestors?

of course.

His heart is also ecstatic, only because Ling Feng died, the magic of the body did not dissipate, but the madness emerged, endless, overwhelming, and belongs to the magic of the ages, so much magic so much?

The democrats are very valued, not to mention the ancestors.

The difference is that the Mozu characters do not immediately integrate into the body, which is not good for them, but they have to find another way, and the ancestors are different.

"Move the law!"

The magical ancestors released lightning, and the body's power ran wildly, blending itself into the endless magic.

He wants strength!

He wants to be full of magic!

In fact, the method of moving the soul of the soul can be distinguished. The first layer is to move the heavenly law. It is only the power of other characters. It is similar to the big star, the law, and the second layer is the method of moving the soul. Can pick up the soul of the sea, to win.

At the beginning, the ancestors used the second layer of heaven, and at this moment they used the first layer of heaven.

Move the magic and swallow it!

The old devil wants to devour the stars!

Initial time.

People are immersed in the atmosphere of the wind and the wind, just suppressing the situation, did not notice the subtle dynamics of the ancestors, but the emptiness of the void, the endless magic began to madly flock to the ancestors, they felt that things are not quite right.

"What's happening?"

The face of the oriental rhyme has suddenly changed, and the character of the ancestors is more difficult than Lingfeng.

"Not clear, but it has something to do with the magic!" Someone responded.

"Dispel the magic to prevent accidents!"

People started to blast the rules of space, to break the magic, to prevent the ancestors from hiding in the magic to engage in ghosts.

"what happened?"

The demons also frowned, and they did not see the situation clearly, but there was a strong sense of danger in their hearts.


The face of the devil has changed, and he said heavily. "He is madly devouring the magic!"


What do people mean when they sink in their hearts?

The magic here is too strong and quite amazing. Normally, if you want to accommodate it in the body, even the demon needs time, and you can't do it all at once. Otherwise, there will be big problems, but the devil is crazy.


Swallowing so much magic, even if the ancestors are afraid they can't stand it?

At that time, without the hands of the characters, the ancestors can destroy themselves.

This is quite a simple truth, and the devil should not make such a mistake.

Therefore, people are very alert and always feel that things are not quite right.

"Swallowing Heaven!"

The face of the devil is hard to look at and explain. "He just swallowed the magic into the body, not completely integrated into the body, but used to attack, let his power break through the limits, and even wash the wounds and recover, as before, this is a Quite a savage heaven."

"What if he succeeded?" asked the devil.

"We are all going to die here!"

The devil said with a smile: "However, this Tiangong reflex is also very strong. Even if it succeeds, it will be strongly countered, and it will be like a knife. For a long time, I don't want to recover!"

"First devil!"

The heads of the major powers know that the problem is very tricky. The more magic the ancestors engulf, the more dangerous they are.

As long as you can kill the ancestors, there is no one behind the devil.

They can't wait!


The magic is surging, the momentum is swallowing, the blood of the ancestors is violent, and it feels like it is going to explode. The ancient momentum pushes out the constellations and spreads in the void.

This is not enough!

The move of the Heavenly Law was fully operational, and the demise of the world was erupted. The whale swallowed the sea drink, allowing the endless magic to integrate into the body in the shortest time and become his power.


The previous wound was crusted, and the scar was falling off. The poison in the body was rushing out of the magic, and it was forced out of the body a little, so that his strength was not affected.


When the magic poured in more, the momentum of the ancestors was climbing with a crazy momentum, and at this moment he could feel the flesh and blood filling.

"It's so cool!"

The ancestors said with a smile, he did not think that after the death of Ling Feng, he was able to survive, but because of the wind and the death, this endless magic made him.

How not to like?

Needless to say.

As long as the endless magic poured into the body, his injury will be completely healed. The undead ancestors and the seriously injured ancestors are completely different.

They are all going to die!

"Block him, or you will endless trouble!"

The major powers are nervous and their faces are serious. They can clearly feel the strength of the ancestors at this moment. I really have to wait until they have swallowed up the eternal magic. They are all extravagant.


In the next moment, they scored in the endless magic, the demons were unaffected, but the gods were affected, but they could still excel and kill the ancestors.


The ancestors were completely fearless, holding the Heavenly Palace, hitting the front, and hit hard with the major figures.

For a time, the sky was broken and the sea was dry.

The ancestors only stepped back three steps, and those individuals had several characters being beaten out of the magic range, and some people were vomiting blood, and the power of the Heavenly Palace was visible.

"Suppress as soon as possible!"

The major forces are in a hurry, this is a moment of effort, the ancestor is strong to this extent, really have to wait until it devours endless magic, how do they deal with it?

No way!

Therefore, they attacked more violently, one after another, regardless of life and death, that is, the Lord of the Lord has hit the Devil's ancestors, fearing that the old devil must go against the sky.

"It's useless!"

The ancestors screamed and said, "They are all fish on my knife, and you will all die!"

"Dry him!"

People are more anxious. Previously, the ancestors were not so rampant. These self-confidences are based on strength, and it can be seen what kind of creations the ancestors have achieved.

"If I recover from the injury, who can press me?"

The old devil is crazy, this time is not in a hurry to run, but to kill all the characters present. (

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