Supreme Demon

Chapter 2604: Feel like you can ask!

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The old devil is crazy!

People are even more crazy!

Not crazy, not a Buddha!


A sharp sword pierces the Scorpio, appears in the magic, directly hit the magic ancestors, its bursting shot of endless Tianwei, from the top Tianzun, the strength can not be underestimated.

The demon ancestors smiled coldly, and the Tiangong pushed forward, and the loud noise of the scorpion slammed against the sword. On the spot, the sword was screamed and screamed in the air. It could not break through the heavenly palace. The power is suppressed by the old devil's Tianwei.


Another character killed from afar, broke through the magic, and appeared in front of the ancestors.


The measuring ruler emits dazzling light and rain, and confronts the ancestors positively. The power on it is even more extraordinary. The ancestors have to face up, but the measuring ruler can't break through the heavenly palace. In the violent magic, the power of the demon statue is one. The point is weakened, and the power of the ancestors becomes strong.

Just a moment.

The Tiangong portable with the power of the reclamation of the Lancang River fell down, and the amount of scales was suppressed, and the power pushed toward the distance to meet the major forces of the four generations.

"Tear the sky!"

One person shouted, the power of the law in the sky blew, and the surrounding space suddenly shone out, turning into a thin knife like a flap, falling from the void, and actually smashing a crack in the sky.

Space law power!


The demon ancestors used cold space and directly used the law of space to let a demon fly out, banned from the sharp knife that smashed the sky.

The magic is extraordinary, raising his hand and hitting the sharp knife, Tianwei is vast, pushing the Bohai River, there is a shadow of the Lingfeng collapsed, and when it falls, it makes a sensation of the whole sky, the dark mushroom cloud Dive from the ground to cover the sun and the moon.

The knives were blocked, and they were quickly suppressed by the Devil, losing Tianwei and the weak vertical flight.

Can't suppress it!

This is the power of the ancestors.

"Let the demon statues and other characters!" The demon masters automatically handed over the emperor's house, and released the suppressed characters inside, let them go to the **** battle of the ancestors.


The major power figures are headed to the devil, and this time they can’t take care of the demons, but they must kill the ancestors.


The whole world has collapsed, and the power has been disintegrated. It has been stirred up in the Goose's Nest, and it has been beaten, which forced the Emperor Wudi to be worthy of flying back, preventing it from being affected by Tianwei. No face.

The ancestors flew backwards and their faces became pale. It was the move of the heavens that was forced to suspend.

The major forces attacked together, that is, the characters at the level of the day had to have headaches, not to mention that he was not asking the characters of the heavenly level.

He was injured, and the injury in his body was not really healed, but was suppressed by magic in a short time, but he had to relapse at this moment.

He spurted a blood and stared at the major forces.

They forced the death of Ling Feng, and now want to force themselves to die?

I don't think about it!

"When the deity devours the endless magic, kill you one by one!"

There is no counterattack in the ancestors. At this time, there is nothing more important than engulfing the magic. As long as it is strong enough, it can solve all problems.

"You can't do it!"

The oriental rhyme murdered his eyes, strode over, and confronted the ancestors. He punched and punched him in the Heavenly Palace. He kicked his foot and squatted on the Heavenly Palace... He pressed the weapon and pressed it up. The ancestors struggled to the end.

"Devil, you still have to die today!"

The celestial beings of the celestial sects succumbed to the sacred, and they played the Xianting, and the Tiangong confronted the roaring sounds of the thirty-three heavens.

"You can't swallow too much!"

Several demon statues used the space to detain the magic power and integrate it into the body. They did not let the ancestors specialize in the front, but also prevented the magic ancestors from consuming too much magic, which led to the situation being out of control.

"Get out!"

The ancestors slaped out the palm of their hand and flew out one of them on the spot. The flesh and blood were blurred and almost killed.

"Is it really invincible?"

The demon statue holding the open axe flew, cold and proud said. "Today, I am coming to marry you!"


The celestial palace pressed, the magic sword trembled, and the two shackles together hit the demon statue, and the open axe hard steel, because this time the demon ancestor was relieved, the body poison disappeared, his strength is far from the original. Therefore, the open axe demon is suppressed, not a level at all.

Just the tea martial arts, the demon spurt the blood and smashed, hit by the celestial palace, tearing the blood of the legs.


The ancestors hated the devil, and the open axe made him a headache. If it weren't for the demon, he would not be so miserable.

He squatted on the demon statue and flew it out.

The whole situation tends to be the ancestors.


The major forces have tried their best to attack the ancestors. This is the last hope. They dare not waste a minute.


This is their will!

However, sometimes the will is extravagant.

They did not suppress the ancestors, but the ancestors were getting stronger and stronger, and they were strong enough to suffocate.

"This **** Lingfeng, there are so many magic in the body!" Xianyu Tianzun said with a sulking voice, is this a special pit?

Are you going to die in death?


The hurricane overflowed, a hurricane formed around the ancestors, swallowed the stars, drowning the whole world, and the ancestors were like a black hole, madly devouring.

After a while.

The blood on the arm of the ancestors fell and was as good as ever.

Tea kungfu.

The ancestors of the ancestors are horrible, and they are strong and well-healed.

It’s been a while.

The power of the ancestors was full, and there was a light rain of auspiciousness around it. It was sacred and inviolable. Like the magic armor, it could resist the attacks of major powers.

This is not enough.

Just because the magic between the heavens and the earth is still surging, like a mountain, how can it be enough to recover? He wants to get more.

The major influencers are becoming more and more weak, and the Tiangong and the sword are really a headache. If there is no Heavenly Palace, I am afraid that the ancestors will not live now.

"It's too strong, thank you for the wind!"

The ancestors screamed and said, "You are right, the past is like a smoke, I don't hate you, I want to thank you!"

Although he did not get Ling Feng, the infinite magic of Ling Feng’s body still gave him a make-up. As long as these magics were integrated into the body and refining him, I was afraid that he might really ask the sky.

It is the anger and the black phoenix that have all recovered with the help of magic, one by one.

The ancestors suppressed everyone and swallowed magic.

The situation is increasingly unfavorable to the major forces. Demon statues, demon statues, etc. are still in the past, and this time they feel pressure.

They were a violent party, but now they are being violent.

"hold onto!"

The Lord of the Lord sacrificed the jade flute, and used it to suppress the ancestors to prevent them from bursting.

In fact.

The jade flute did play a role. When it flew into the magic, it made it possible to move the heavens, as if it had been smothered.

"People are already dead. Do you want to hurt me with a sharp weapon?"

The demon ancestors coldly sang the Tiangong directly, burning the blood, letting it shine out of the ancient light, directly on the jade flute, and suppress it.

The jade flute is extraordinary, but the power of the devil is too weak.

In other words, the power of the Lord's dare to expose is really insignificant.


Because of the appearance of the jade flute, the ancestors felt the pressure. If it was not as soon as possible, I was afraid that it would really be "disturbed" by the devil, and that would be worth the loss.


He speeded up the progress and made the move of the law more crazy. He first swallowed the endless magic into the body.

His strength is slim.

His magic eyes shine!

His whole body exudes a suffocating momentum.

this moment.

The magic ancestors feel that he can ask the sky!

Among the stars, above the million, who else is his opponent?

Everything must be bowed to his feet, and all sentient beings must beheaded him. He is the king of the stars.

He is invincible!

As he thought, until his strength is strong, Tiangong directly suppresses it and keeps the major forces in power. At this time, it should be the major powers.


A demon sighed and screamed, and was beaten into blood on the spot by Tiangong.


Another Tian Zun screamed and was shot dead by a sword.

The whole starry sky is bleeding, and the most terrible thing still happens.

"Is this a pit?"

Dongfang Yingyu is full of worry, the situation is too passive now, and the oriental rhyme and other strong Tianzun, but the object of the suppression of the ancestors, life is always at risk.

"If you let the ancestors continue to be so strong, I am afraid that we will not live."

Song Yuanhuang said with deep pain.

"It shouldn't be!"

The oriental poetry frowns. She knows that Ling Feng is not so simple. If he wants the major powers to be killed, he will not move the immortal soil in the first place. There are self-help elements and other reasons.


The demon ancestor is Ling Feng’s hand to this extent. Does he really want the ancestors to grow up?

She always felt that things were not that simple.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng has fallen.

"Haha, you are all chickens!"

The magic power of the Goose Nest is weakened, and the magical ancestors are strong enough to be savage. At this time, he is definitely not weaker than the original Burning Heaven, and can despise all beings, but can overlook the road.

"You will all be the witnesses of the road I asked on the road, and it is the star of my road!"

The ancestors felt the power of the surging body, and the whole person was mad and proud.

He is the myth of living!

People sigh and sigh, this devil is still growing up, who can suppress it in the future?

Are all the forces in the starry sky beheaded in front of the devil?

They are sad and sad.


The ancestors did not care about the expressions of the major influencers. The more sad they were, the more happy he was.

He opened his mouth and used the method of moving the heavens to swallow all the magic into the body.

"It feels like a tragedy."

The oriental poetry smiled slightly, and she saw it without seeing others.

The devil's original flustered attitude also calmed down at this time, with a faint smile on his face.


He spit out these two words coldly.

"Devil is an idiot!" This is the voice of oriental poetry. (

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