Supreme Demon

Chapter 2605: Death is also pit!

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What kind of state is it easy for people to be crazy?


Strong counterattack*.

After the advent of the endless magic, the ancestors immediately swallowed, and the demon lord and the starry sky sacred characters were afraid to get resources, so they tried their best to hinder the ancestors.

You said that the ancestors are not in a hurry?

He was even more anxious. Especially after the devouring magic, his power grew rapidly and made him crazy. When the devil took the initiative to use the jade flute, he was anxious, and his fear was suppressed. Fortunately, the jade flute was not as arrogant as he thought.


He still wants to swallow up the magic as soon as possible, otherwise God knows what other terrible weapons the devil has to deal with him?

And when his strength swells to the extreme, he is crazy and mad, he is more anti-magic, he is eager to swallow all the magic into the body.

So, he really swallowed up.


The poetry of the East, the ancestors and the like are clear. The violent magic is terrible. I am afraid that the devils may not be able to suppress them. Of course, the ancestors have moved the heavens and the law, but they know more clearly in the endless magic. Another kind of power.

"Haha, I finally got into the body, you are dead!"

The ancestors screamed and laughed, deeply understanding the turbulent magic of Dantian, and the hair was erected.

This time he is really crazy.

The endless magic is full of mad magic, can make people go crazy, that is, the original Ling Feng can not control, although the magic ancestors are the top demon, but this massive magic is really so easy to deal with?

What's more, the real murder is not magic.


The demon Lord is full of scorn, this uncle is still unclear about the situation.

"Somewhat poor!"

The oriental poetry said with a smile in the distance, the ancestor was too excited, too mad, and did not notice some details, this is the poor place of the ancestors.

"The magic is too majestic, I feel like I can ask the sky!"

The ancestors laughed even more arrogantly, and the major forces all frowned. Do they exchange all their efforts to get such a result?

This is not what they want.

"what's going on?"

Oriental Ying Yu looked at the oriental poetry. I don't know why this little girl would say such a thing. Now people are too weak. To make the ancestors succeed, they will all die here.

in fact.

If the great powers of the great powers can't stand it, they will have to go shopping in the past, even if they are dead, they will drag the ancestors.

"The ancestors want tragedy!"

"What do you mean?"

Oriental Yingyu is puzzled. At this moment, the ancestor is too strong, although she is far away, she can feel the power of the scorpion.

At this time, the ancestors were invincible, and they could only die.

"That man is a pit!"

The oriental poetry sighed and said: "I will die in the dead!"

"What happened in the end?" Dongfang Yingyu is going crazy, and the poems that the oriental poetry can see through, she has no eyebrows.

"Xian Li!"

Oriental poetry spit out two words, Yu Yan is a bit gray, even if it is dead can arrange these games, Ling Feng is more than a personal thing.

"Xian Li?"

Oriental Yingyu frowned, still do not understand.

"The endless magic into the body, the power of the ancestors is really violent, but he did not notice that there is a fairy in the endless magic!" Oriental poetry to explain.

The Oriental Yingyu Yuyan has changed, and some have said with awkwardness: "If Xianli enters the body, the power of the ancestors is not to be more terrible? How do we deal with it?"

"No need to deal with!"

The oriental poetry smiled and said: "The endless magic is really shocking. If the ancestors get really smashed, but if the endless magic is mixed with the faint fairy power, the nature is completely different."

"What is the difference?"

"Counter chaos!"

The oriental poetry spit out two words and said: "There is too much magic. The ancestors are in an extreme state. He needs a transition, refining the endless magic, but this time adding some power to the magic, leading to the whole magical change. It’s unstable, what would it be?”



I haven't waited until the East Yingyu asked, the goose nest inside the door is bursting open, is ecstatic and crazy demon ancestors, the body suddenly trembled, the blood will flow like a stream, and there is a blood in his abdomen Hole, you can clearly see Dantian.

Thunder in the same nine days.

It is like a tsunami earthquake.

The ancestors were stunned on the spot. They hadn't figured out what was going on. The next moment they made a sorrowful sorrow, the endless magic that should have calmed down. It was like boiling oil at the moment, making a loud noise and a balanced body. The situation is suddenly unbalanced. At this time, the endless magic is not a good medicine, but a poison.

Poisonous poison!


He made a horrible sound, squirting blood directly, and looked at him with a panic, wondering what happened.

"Idiot, this time I found the problem, it was too late!"

The Lord said with a cold smile. "Do it!"

In an instant, those who are waiting for the demon, the gods, and the demon will immediately attack the demon ancestor, and the heavenly ruler and the open axe will shine brightly, and the demon ancestor will be opened.

"what happened?"

The ancestors spurted blood, his face was gray, and his body was completely out of control. He was rushing around, and his flesh and blood was broken on the spot.

The ancestors wanted to contain the situation, but found that they could not do it.

"It's it!"

Finally, the ancestors found the "culprit" in Dantian, which is a subtle faint scent. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it, and the faint breath is also integrated into the endless magic, and because of this force, the whole Dantian In the roar, it formed a turbulent flow, bursting out.

He is going to blow up!

"Xian Li..."

The ancestral hairs are all blown up. To be just a Xianli, he is not incomprehensible, but he needs to move the heavenly aids and sacrifice them one by one, so that he dares to integrate into the body.

But it is different now.

He has too much endless magic to integrate, and he can't refine it at the same time. It is equivalent to being stored in the body. If there is no state of stability, if it is boiling, the endless magic is a bomb.

And Xianli is the little flame that ignites the explosives.

"Ling Feng, I hate you!"

After a short period of loss, the ancestors yelled at him. He knew that this was a pit. Ling Feng dying did not let him go, but he was dragging him to death.

To know.

Unlike the magic and other forces, Xianli immediately dissipates the world when it collapses. Only when Xianli is integrated into the power, can it be preserved, and only Lingfeng can do this step.


This is Ling Feng.

He felt that he was too lonely, so he would pull up the ancestors.

"The paralyzed, it is not that I forced you to die, why should I be directed against me?" The ancestors are about to cry, the stars of the sky are bullying me, you are also bullying me?

Am I very good at bullying?

Our common opponents are the stars of the world's major powers?

He indulged for a moment and thought of Ling Feng’s intention.

"What a special pit, this is to take the deity and the stars in the sky!"

The ancestors saw it, as long as they blasted, their vast Tianwei immediately able to kill all the people around. After all, it was the destruction of the top demon, and it was only worth the wind.

I have to die!

You said that such a character is terrible and not terrible?

In fact.

Ling Feng’s intentions really have to be realized. The power in the demon ancestors is too violent. He can’t suppress it at all. Even if it is moved, the law is not enough at this time.

at the same time.

The attack of the major powers came, with the head of the sky and the open axe as the head, and opened the day to come to the ancestors.


The ancestors did not want to die like this, sacrificed the Heavenly Palace to suppress, and tried to find a way as soon as possible. He could not let the power in the body explode. It was too tragic.


The loud noise is full of scorpio, and the goose nest is further disintegrated. It is that the Qimen are tearing, its power is too much, it is becoming gray, and naturally it cannot withstand such power.

The ancestors flew for thirty miles, spurting blood and making their faces paler.


The ancestors shouted and used the method of moving the heavens to force out the power of Dantian and hit the scale.

A loud noise.

The demon statue fell back, did not think that the demon ancestors were so sinister, completely ignoring the situation of Dantian, to die with them.


The ancestors are more crazy, and their eyes are red and red. He can only do his best to make the worst plan. He can't control the magic of Dantian, and he can't force the thin force of Xianli. He has to try his best to integrate it into the body. The magic forceed out some.

By then.

Dan Tian blew, he still has at least one hope to survive.

The loud noise of the dragonfly, the open axe was blocked, and the metal vibrato was emitted. There was a crack in the Heavenly Palace, which was amazing.


The ancestors did not dare to delay, and the first time they walked away, and the sky in his head, swaying the road, the body's power flashed out, completely do not care about consumption, especially what he wanted to consume immediately.


A word of the ancestor collapsed, and the Tiangong flew down from the void, directly pressed against the head of a demon statue, and suppressed it on the spot, while the sword was shot from the stalk and directly penetrated the demon statue. The head.

Demon statue!

next moment.

Through the demon commandment, the ancestors directly broke a gap, hit the goose nest, and flew to the endless sea of ​​smoke.

"Want to escape? You think too much!"

The sky ruler, the open axe to kill, and the magic ancestors, while other Tianzun, demon statues, etc. immediately came, not let the ancestors leave.


A **** battle broke out in the goose nest, and the mountain river collapsed and the road was exhausted.


One of the arm of the ancestors collapsed, and the sound of the heavens broke out. The endless shackles and the law rushed to the surroundings, and the major forces were collapsed. The ancestors were stunned, and his body was out of control, and he had to The power of blasting is pushed to other places.

The ancestors chose the arm!

Enduring the pain, the ancestors rushed out of the endless sea of ​​smoke.


Some of the gods, demon statues did not have time to dodge, was smashed by the demon ancestors, but the explosion was not too terrible, they still could not live, there was no life-threatening event, and then they hit the demon ancestors.

Only because they can see that this time, the ancestors were really strong. (

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