Supreme Demon

Chapter 2620: A handle!

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The momentum is stirring and the sky is falling.

The fierce battle between Tian Zun is quite terrible. It is only because the evil figures, Xianting and other powerful figures are all ruined and weak, and they carry the ban. Once the catastrophe breaks, the ghosts cry.

The beast gods, the demon and other characters are not weak, the strength unfolds, and they penetrate the heavens.

The scene is so hot that people can’t react completely, and the fierce battle is swaying and pushing around, forcing the surrounding gods to retreat, and fear is affected.

The phoenix exited the battlefield, blinking and looking around.

to be frank.

Phoenix has its own heritage, and Tiangong belongs to the top of the world. Although the Tiangong of other forces is not weak, it cannot be juxtaposed with the phoenix.


There is also a phoenix in the phoenix inheritance, which is not comparable to any other heavenly merits.


In terms of resources, it is currently impossible for the Phoenix to solve. Although the Phoenix family also has resources, it wants to enter the top level and needs to consume a lot of resources. It is only by inheritance, but it is just sitting on the mountain.


It needs to join a force, a top force that allows it to recognize.

of course.

This is not a last resort. Although Phoenix is ​​the world's top creature, it also needs to be honed. The battle is tempered, and the power is even more tempered.


The whole world was blasted, the momentum roared, and the 10,000 roads collapsed. Every Tianzun is doing its best and strives to win the favor of Phoenix.

in fact.

The phoenix is ​​also seriously observing, not looking down on it. This choice is too important for its future, and it is a step by step.

The fierce battle lasted for three days.

The whole scorpio has been scrapped, the sky is full of dust, the empty road and the Xianting characters are indeed not weak, suppressing and letting many forces eat, and the beast gods seem to be weak in this respect, but they know how to use the situation. If you are not strong enough, then the strong party will be beaten first.


They were scolding their backs, which really made the beast **** a headache, but they still came over.

"Phoenix, I am interested in the empty road, please pay attention!"

A character in the empty channel said, "The empty channel can provide you with more resources, and some of it comes from Xiangu."

"Oh, the empty road is so loud in this respect, I have more Xiangu resources in Xianxing Xinghai."

Xianting characters don't want to give more.

"My beast God can't give so much resources, but the world is coming, many resources must be beaten by myself." The beast **** character is very simple and quite straightforward.

Other forces are competing.

"Oh, the chickens and puppies can only have a greater reliance in Xianting."

The people of Xianting despise, and they do not put other forces in their eyes.

Strength is king.

Phoenix can choose to enter other forces, but it is equivalent to the forces of Shangxianting and Void Road. The result is not optimistic, and once the Phoenix makes a choice, betrayal is not so easy.

I am afraid that the forces that it is going to have to be vigilant.

"Then Xianting!"

A powerful force can make it go further. Xianting has enough resources and strong momentum. In this respect, the empty road, the beast, etc. are weaker. It is still weak and needs this powerful force. Asylum.

"Well, my immortality is bound to make you climb the top of the sky!"

The famous people of Xianting laughed in the sky, full of joy, full of smiles. Obviously, the choice of Phoenix is ​​about the future. As long as Xianting forces do their best, Phoenix can ask the future.

By then.

Who dares to be an enemy of them?

They are all dregs.

Beast gods, empty roads, etc. can only sigh, they want to kill the phoenix on the spot, but the presence of Xianting characters is not easy, and the advent of the world, I am afraid that there are other creatures born, if these characters heard that they could not get I will kill it immediately. What would it be?

Is such power worth trusting?

The big forces will have an atmosphere!

"We respect your choice."

The big man in the void road is the forehead, but he still solemnly reminds him. "We will be opponents in the future."

"The phoenix was born, and the characters in the world are all foiled."

The fairy tales laughed. "The genius of the world can do the challenge, but if there are big people who dare to slap my genius in Xianting, then I must be eager to fight in the end!"

This is a promise!

They won't let the top creatures like Phoenix be chilling.

More to show the attitude, they will do their best to protect the phoenix until its wings are full.

"When the world is genius, we will not interfere!"

The major forces have expressed their stance that no one wants to offend a creature that can ask the sky in the future, at least on the surface.


Shengshi really wants to come.

The cosmic rhyme is more magnificent, the heavy pressure is falling down, the starry sky is recovering, some ancient temperament such as holy sun and yin yang are appearing, that is, the eternal charm also appears in some places, attracting a field frenzy.

The birth of the phoenix is ​​indeed a frenzy.

The major forces were crazy, and the characters such as the Guanghan Palace and Yaochi did not arrive in time. They missed the opportunity and it was cheaper.

To know.

In terms of overall strength, Guanghan Palace and Yaochi are extremely weak, and in the Xiangu resources, these two forces are more than Xianting, but they are a late one.


Before the people sighed, there was another vision in the universe.

Nine golden mushroom clouds spread the sky, a star burst on the spot, and there were more big holes in the void, pushing the road and pushing it up against the sky.

There is also a slashing sword in the golden mushroom cloud.


When the nine golden mushroom clouds were brewed for two months, they burst suddenly, and a knives swayed out. The golden glow, carved with star maps, was extremely mysterious, yet elegant, full of mysterious power.


The knives slashed into the void, letting nine days of blood rain, let Wandao fall into the dust, and the nine golden mushroom clouds were opened by the knives.

A slashing knife!

People are shocked, and they can open the way and push the weapon of the world. This world is rare.

The most terrible weapon of the world is the open axe, the measuring ruler, the ancient Wuta, the burning road, etc., but there are not many real countdowns. The top forces like the empty road and Xianting are afraid of it. Go to a handle, let alone other small forces.

This knives is a polar squadron that can be juxtaposed with a weapon such as a measuring ruler and a sky-throat. It can be guarded by a large force.

Such a weapon of the gods, which forces are not coveted?

"Be sure to get it!"

The big man of Xianting opened his mouth and smothered his face. If such a weapon falls into the hands of hostile forces such as the Void Road, it is like a tiger, and they will be passive behind.

But what if they fall into their hands?

Passive is other forces.

This is the difference, they still understand this truth.

"Even if it is destroyed, it must not fall into the hands of other forces." This is the voice of the empty road. Because of the appearance of Ling Feng, "Void Road" came out, and Xuan Kong and other characters were full of hope, trying to push the empty road to the glory of ten thousand years ago. Period.

Especially in the case of the advent of the world, they must not miss it.

Therefore, this knives are extremely important.


"Try to get your hands!"

The owner of the Guanghan Palace said faintly. "If we fall down, we are not too troublesome."


All major forces are heart-warming. This is the moment to enhance strength, and it is more likely to be a weakened moment.

"It seems to be the knives of Xiangu!"

The opening of the phoenix, recognized the handle of the knives, can be as deep as possible.

"Phoenix, do you know the origin of it?" Xianting's big man has a happy eye and wants to know more about it.

"Well, my family heritage has its origins."

The phoenix said bluntly and said: "But it is mysterious. My family knows not much, but it is a knife that can make a big noise. If you can, please be sure to get it."

"Okay, we will do our best!"

The people of Xianting pay more attention to it, and even the Phoenix people pay attention to it. This shows that the origin of this sword is too extraordinary, even Xianguo is not very clear, I am afraid that it comes from a more distant era.

A **** battle broke out on the Scorpio, and all major forces were bound to win.

That is, the Mozus are flying, and they compete directly, and the Devils broke out of Tianwei, stepping into the respect and pushing the side, and the tyrannical forces surprised the major powers.


The demon master holds a sharp blade and directly squats a Tianzun, so that all the roads are dull, and the major forces are eclipsed.


The handle of the knives is quite embarrassing, and it has been swaying away from the air, and the speed is so fast that all the major powers are eating and it is difficult to catch up.


The Lord of the Lord was cold in the sky, his fingers pointed out, and the space around him was completely solidified. Only the knives were trembled, and then he took a step and appeared in front of the knives.

"After the ages, you should be a Hui!"

The Lord's eyes burned, and the origin of the knives was revealed. It was once a gems of the Mozu, but now it is only a return to the Mozu.


Just when he wanted to seize the knife, a demon flew from afar, holding a heavenly palace in his hand, releasing the endless magic, which was mixed with a thin fairy power, which could open the void and kill the gods.

Devil ancestors!

This figure that has disappeared for decades has appeared here, directly on the Lord of the Lord, and the means are quite fierce. Especially after the explosion of Xianli, the overall strength is chilling.

"I knew you would come!"

The devil is cold-eyed, and the cloud is light and windy, without any emotional color.

"I will give it back today!"


The ancestors hit the demon Lord, and the endless magic rushed out like the tide, and among them, Xianli was the most terrible, completely restraining the magic of the demon, and it was like a broken bamboo.

"Unfortunately, it is back!"

The demon Lord is full of fascination and full of wild vision. When this knives come back, what other power can suppress him?

next moment.

A knives ran across the sky, screaming for 30 million miles, the vast light and rain annihilated thousands of roads.



The scorpion was torn and the road was exhausted.

There is only a raging momentum between the heavens and the earth, only the power of the slanting side, and when this light flies down, the ancestors cough up blood, and the chest has a terrible **** mouth. If it is not the extraordinary, it is this blow. It is enough to kill the ancestors.

This is the knives! (

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