Supreme Demon

Chapter 2621: A lot of space!

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A handle knife.

It was actually to tear open the universe.

What kind of knives is this?

What is even more frightening is that the person holding the knives is the demon lord. The genius figure of the demon family, who never came out, asked for success. He appeared in the universe in the first time, picked up the knives, and seriously injured the ancestors. .

He is proud of the universe!

He despised the Scorpio.

The devil at this time is horrifying. What other characters in the universe can suppress the Lord?

The ancestors looked straight ahead and looked at the eyes. He carried the Temple of Heaven and used the faint fairy power. He didn’t even suppress the Lord. It’s not that the Lord is too terrible, but the knife is too fierce. .

The Lord of the Lord has disappeared.

He suppressed the ancestors with a knives, but did not annihilate them. After all, this is not a demon. Many Tianzuns are contemptuous, and their power is erupting. It is necessary to be jealous.

At the beginning of the tragedy of the ancestors, he did not want to repeat itself here.


He has got the knives and there is no need to waste time here.

Needless to say.

The demon of the knives will be even more terrible, and the world will be unobstructed, even if it is not the ancestors.

"It’s ridiculous, you try your best to marry me, and it’s even more dead.”

The ancestors are laughing, and the smile makes people look ugly.. "But you don't know who the real opponent is, who is going to suppress the Lord?"

"A group of idiots, you will all be the foil of the sacred Lord!"


The ancestors flew to the distance. He does not want to die with the major forces now, and more important things. If the sword is not available, he will not appear.

People blasphemy, the empty road, the Guanghan Palace and other forces have complex eyes. They miscalculated the strength of the ancestors and miscalculated the potential of the lord.

At the beginning.

They felt that the demon ancestors were too dangerous, they would kill them if they died, but they ignored the magic master next to them.

now what?

The magic master is full of wings, can the entire starry sky find the characters against the devil?

The ancestors are not weak, but when the demons are in confrontation, the ancestors are happy to stand by.

At that time.

The starry sky has once come out of a dazzling genius. It is called a king. When you are a person, you can suppress it. No characters can block it. For the time of the devil, you can make the magic crazy and want to be human.


This character was forced into the magic road by them, and he was forced to die.

If Ling Feng is still alive, I am afraid that the devil is not so rampant now?

Thinking carefully, the devil is the most terrible figure. He succeeded in leaving the forces, letting them die, and almost killing the deceased, causing the starry forces to disperse sand. This is easy to deal with.


The most dangerous person is either killed or seriously injured, and the whole universe is on his knife and becomes his fish.

"This is the starry sky, our starry sky!"

A big man in Xianting said, "If he dares to come, he will die!"

"Not bad!"

The figure of the immortal Taoist said, "There is a lot of power in the sky, and it is so inscrutable. Do you really think he is invincible?"

"There will be people who are born!"

The characters of the ruins of heaven and earth said that the Taoist eyes are awe-inspiring, the devil is not invincible, and there are some terrible characters in the stars. After the advent of the world, the genius demon will be killed.

of course.

Like the empty road, the Guanghan Palace, the Oriental rhyme, etc. are not so optimistic, the devil has become a climate, want to deal with too much trouble, and the devil is not a ancestor, if the IQ is a demon, it is impossible to deal with his empty force. There is also wisdom to match with force.

They know that some big forces have their roots, but the Lord is not an idiot.

As long as he is alive, he will be the king of the world, and he will ask the sky, and dare to ask the stars and what characters can be suppressed?

"When the world is a demon!"

The oriental rhyme sighed. "You are all wrong!"

At the beginning.

When Ling Feng was born, the Eastern family was the force of the bar. To ask Ling Feng, it was not only to appreciate the wind, but more importantly, the star needed such a character.

There is a pattern of discouragement and more force.

This is a king who can compete with the devil, but unfortunately he was killed by various forces.

"This will be a disaster!"

The big man in the Guanghan Palace said faintly. "When the universe is not as good as the ancestors, can we not have a genius?"

He is reminding people to reflect, when the World Star really does not need such a character as Ling Feng?

Isn’t the genius of his own power going to get rid of it?

Does this pattern match your own ambitions?


The major forces remain silent and do not want to say anything on this issue. Ling Feng is already dead. What is the meaning of repentance at this time?

What's more, they don't feel that they are wrong.

If the universe is vast, can only Lingfeng suppress the situation?

The Lord is hanging?

A Tianzun can't do the Lord, what about the fifty?

Really not, then use the underlying, to kill the Lord.

“The layout is really important!”

In the universe, a sound is heard, it looks very light, and does not contain fireworks.

The voice was erratic, people didn't know who was opening, but the man's words were extremely sharp, showing contempt for the big people in the stars.

Just because they are not enough!

"But it’s just a knife, and the world will come. At that time, this level of artifacts will come out." Some forces look even more, indicating that people should not be pessimistic, but the devil is only getting a knives to be so terrible, and Starry sky is not without such artifacts.

For example, the void.

Such as Xianting.


After the advent of the prosperous world, I am afraid that even more extraordinary artifacts will come out. As long as they fall into their hands, the situation will be completely different.

In fact, this is the case.

In the next two years, one or two top-level artifacts will fly from time to time in the universe. Although it is not as good as the sword, it does not carry the golden mushroom cloud, but it is not weak.


There are also wind and rain in the universe carrying the top of the big medicine, and it is alarming.

All major forces are vying for resources, and the most dazzling ones are Xianting, Mozhu, Mozu, Void, and other forces, especially the devil. After getting the sword, the devil and the demon are even more powerful. Strong, the overall power climbed one level.

After Xianting got the Phoenix, the future potential is very different.

The empty road, the Guanghan Palace, etc. followed closely, and after the advent of the ancestors, the magical forces were pushed to the next level.

Hongtian Tiandao, Dianxiandao, Yaozu, etc. are second only.

It can be said that all major forces are striving to create their own situation. The original pattern of the universe is undergoing subtle changes, especially the demon powers. There is actually a feeling of standing firm in the starry sky, which makes people very nervous and true. It is quite unfavorable for the Mozu to develop in the stars.


The general trend of the universe is emerging, and they cannot change the situation.

Leap year.

The cosmic pattern has taken shape, and the pattern of Xianting, Mozu, Magic Road, and Void Road has become more and more mature, and more and more resources have been obtained. In the era of genius, they are at the forefront and are among the first forces.

Guanghan Palace, Yaochi, and Hongtian Tiandao belong to the second rank.

The Yaozu, the Oriental Clan, and the Da Zhou Dynasty belong to the third rank.

This is not only the distinction between resources, but more importantly, the talents of these years have come forth in large numbers. The forces of all parties are eye-catching. The first ranks are indeed stronger. In particular, the Mozus have put top geniuses into the stars, and other forces in the stars. Fight for resources and strength.


These forces of Xianting and Void Road have had a top-level Tiandao questioning success in these two years. The qualifications belong to the young category, which has to be taken seriously.

The number of Tianzun is the fundamental to change the overall pattern.

"The prosperous world is approaching, the genius of the world should go out to compete for the general trend of the universe and the charm!"

"The phoenix should come out, the pressure is great!"

This is the voice of the famous figure of Xianting. The Phoenix has just been born, and its strength belongs to the category of genius in the world.

"It is reported that there is a real dragon on Shenwuxing. Should it be born in the world?"

The phoenix stared at the real dragon of the sacred god, and his eyes were burning, and he wanted to suppress it, highlighting the unique celestial power of the phoenix.


In the days of the cracking of the gods, a real dragon flies out and enters the starry sky. It is necessary to fight in the world and force the heroes to prove that the dragons are the most powerful in the world.

"All other races are foiled!"

The phoenix was born, quite cold, and did not put the Terran in the eye.

The world belongs only to it and the real dragon!

"Hey, my brother will be born to suppress you!" Some people expressed disappointment, Phoenix, true dragon is invincible?

In the Xiangu and the ancient times, there was no shortage of dragons and dragons, and in front of the powerful Terran, the dragon or the phoenix must be beheaded.

"Then let it be born, I will marry him!"

The phoenix is ​​quite strong, and Zhou Ye is not in the eye.

"I am retreating, and will not be born at present." Zhou Ye pronounced that he is not available now, which makes the phoenix and other creatures laugh very smoothly. This is a bag.

People are also quite disappointed. Isn't Zhou Ye really not an opponent of creatures like Phoenix?

"However, if I am not born, it means that you really want to be sad!" Zhou Ye's performance is quite strong, even if he faces the phoenix and other creatures.. "The gods of heaven and earth, I am only listed in the eight wilderness, oh phoenix, purely a joke! ”

"Get out of the fight!"

The phoenix was angered, and the Wushen in the district was disrespectful to it, and he did not know how to live and die.

"The gods of heaven and earth, the eight gods, the other characters?"

People are full of expectations, and they can listen to the expectations between Zhou Ye's words. In the end, what characters can make Zhou Ye and other people full of expectations?

"Repress the phoenix and raise my humanity!" Some people are eager to say, of course, to cover up the real voice, they are worried about being hated by the Phoenix.

The rapids are surging, and a storm is coming...

Dao Xing, Tianquan Ancient Court.

Ling Feng still basks in the sun every day, regardless of the world. In the past three years, the wound on his face has healed, and the wound on his body has healed. From the surface, he is a sick young man, which makes the old The Taoist priest is amazing.

However, I have not asked.

Wen Xizhu is back.

In the past three years, she has become more watery, with a pair of big eyes moist and clear, and white skin can be screwed out of water, tender and beautiful, very beautiful.

"Old man, tomorrow is my birthday."

Wen Xizhu sat next to Ling Feng and said with a smile, only the eyes were shining bright.

Ps.. first one chapter, there is one more in the afternoon.

In the future, the fragrance will be postponed until about six o'clock to issue two chapters.

good night. (

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