Supreme Demon

Chapter 2622: Cruel truth!

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Three years.

Wen Xiu is made up of a girl in the rainy season, becoming slim, eye-catching, like a waterfall, like a beautiful scenery, jade, body with a touch of aroma.

This is a Qingling girl.

Just as the year was clear.

Ling Feng looked at Wen Xizhu some disappointment. He thought of Ling Qing, and thought of Ye Xinran. At that time, they were like the literary bamboo at the moment.

the difference is.

At that time, Ling Qing accompanied him through a field of life and death. When Ye Wong was born, he experienced too much wind and rain, and the young shoulders could pick up the banner of anti-God.

It can be said.

If there is no such thing, the anti-God will fall down in the early stage, but the rebellious God did not fall down, but survived tenaciously.

He is grateful to them!

He respects them more!

"The old man, your eyes can be sharp, is it necessary to see through me?" Wen Xizhu swearing, always feel that Ling Feng's eyes are stunned, although she opened her heart, but Ling Feng is just an old man.


Ling Feng sighed and sighed, removed his gaze and said indifferently. "I just remembered some people and some things."

"Is it? Let's listen."

Wen Xizhu suddenly glimpsed, at that moment she found a touch of emotion and feelings flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

He didn't lie!

"Still in your heart." Ling Feng smiled and said.


Wen Xiu wrinkled his frown and said, "Have you said that I have written it in my heart?"

"What?" Ling Feng asked.


Wen Xizhu is very angry, she is a girl, her face is very tender, is it good?

"Tomorrow is your birthday, I remember." Ling Feng said with a smile. "What gift do you want?"

"Hey, count you!"

Wen Xizhu said proudly. "This girl will not care about you, knowing that your old man has always been a bad eye."

This little girl is still very revengeful.

"The old man, you have to remember in your heart, as for the gift, I don't care!" The little girl can easily forget some embarrassment, and she doesn't care about the state of Lingfeng, or she has long been used to it.

As for the gift.

What gift can a mortal be able to send?

However, the gift is not important, the important thing is the mind.

"I still care about it."

Ling Feng indulged for a moment, looking to the old Taoist who was frowning and meditation not far away, said: "Tomorrow, you will be an adult?"


Wen Xi bamboo eyebrows opened his eyes and said: "I am an adult, grandfather does not have to take care of me every day, I can do more things."


Ling Feng said with a smile. "You are an adult, but I still have a question to ask."

"what is the problem?"

Ling Feng looked not far away, the old Taoist did not come, what is the meaning?


Ling Feng knows that the old Taoist can't bear to let Wen Xizhu hear more sad things, so some cruel words are for themselves.

"What is your aspiration?"

"Is the old man forgetful?" Wen Xizhu laughed. "You asked this question three years ago."

"I know."

The smile on Ling Feng’s face disappeared and became extremely serious. He said, “At that time, you are not yet adult, but now it is different, I still have to ask this question.”

"I want to ask God!"

Wen Xizhu said solemnly: "I want to ask God from hundreds of millions of martial arts!"

"Ask God?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly. "I cherish the bamboo, you will be responsible for your own life."

"I know." Wen Xi bamboo forehead.

Three years ago, she was only Wuling, belonging to the first entry door, but now it is different. She is already a Wusheng, and she can further buy Wuzun realm.

Stepping into this door, she can feel the vastness of the Tao, even if Wu Zun is only a fur, only ask God to be able to reach more ways, making people more perfect.

“Why ask God?” Ling Feng asked.

"Because I want to make Grandpa not so hard, let the elderly get better soon." Wen Xizhu laughed.

"Just so?" Ling Feng then asked.

"I still feel the avenue, find my parents, and never die." Wen Xizhu said proudly.

"Really ask God?"

"I really want to ask God!" Wen Xiu wrinkled and frowned, always feel that the "old man" tone is very wrong today.


Ling Feng sighed and became more solemn and colder. "Do you know what you will encounter on your way to ask God?"

"The suppression of the Tao!"

Wen Xizhu said without thinking. "But I can confidently survive!"

"Do not!"

Ling Feng said indifferently. "You have encountered not only the suppression of the Tao, but also the man-made disaster!"

"What kind of man-made disaster?" Wen Xi Zhu Yi.

"When you enter the road, when you are talented enough, you will naturally touch the interests of some people. They will find ways to kill you." Ling Feng said seriously and seriously. "There are so many resources in the universe, but Wu Xiu is too More, the avenue is facing forward, what really can ask God is only a round of sun in the hundreds of millions of stars, why?"



"If you want to get resources, you have to compete with other people. You must cultivate yourself until you ask God."

"At that time, you will offend many people, they all want to get rid of you!"

"Even if you ask God to succeed, you still have to fight for resources to ask for opportunities. You still have to offend those forces and characters. You may be dying in the air and dying."

Wen Xizhu stayed.

She did not think of the "old man" who had never been good at words. Today, the words will be so fierce and fierce.


Every sentence is like a sharp knife, stabbing her heart.

Ling Feng is pushing a cruel question to ask the truth, not as beautiful as she imagined, not as peaceful as she imagined, only the battle is only a battle of life and death.

Asked alive.

Dead bones.

"This is an endless life and death." Ling Feng said indifferently. "Even if you are confident and can't die, you can marry, but your loved ones may die in your journey."


Wen Xi’s Hua Rong’s disastrous change has become fragile and self-confident.

"Because of the benefits!"

Ling Feng couldn’t bear it, but he still bluntly said: "If you contend for success, someone will fail. Those characters will hate you. They can't get rid of you, but you can do your loved ones."

"I can hold myself, why can't I keep them?"

Wen Xizhu's eyes are moist, and the body is trembled, but she insists.

"Dao Xing once had a genius character, asking God with extraordinary talents, can be called a miracle, but in the battle, his love is in front of him." Ling Feng glanced at the old Taoist, you can't bear it?

Don't you want me to say it?

Then let me give you an example!


The old Taoist priest moved, and he turned around and looked at the sigh of straightness. This pit **** really saw who was in the pit.

"Do you love to die?" Wen Xizhu tears, he did not think that the confession is such cruel.


Ling Feng sighed, although Wen Xizhu was born poor, but there is still an old Taoist guard, and in the Tianquan ancient courtyard, I have not really realized the cruelty of the universe.

How can it be easy to argue?

"Can't I keep them?"

Wen Xizhu asked in tears, the voice became hoarse, she loved this, but it does not mean she is willing to give up love.

"It's not that you can't keep it!"

Ling Feng said: "When your back power can't suppress the situation, when you can only leave the country, when you are not strong enough, you can't keep it!"

"If that is strong enough for me, go to the holy country first?"

"Still can't keep it!"

Ling Feng said: "The Holy Country is only a small country on the Tao."

"That is the first star!" Wen Xizhu said with tears, his body trembled.

"The character I said before is the first star of the Tao, and his love is in front of him."


Wen Xi bamboo hides her face and cries, she did not think that the truth will be so cruel, the first star must be so miserable?

"If I break through the Tao, the universe is respected and becomes the first?"

Wen Xi bamboo pear with rain, still dissatisfied, said that the Holy Country is not enough, the first star is still not enough, then the universe first?

"The universe is respected, is it the first?"

Ling Feng was silent, full of sadness, and for a time did not know how to respond.

"I will go back and forth to you."

At this time, the old Taoist priest came coldly and glanced at Ling Feng, and slowly said: "Since the ages, the universe has been scattered, not the first, but in the past, he once walked out of a man, Yu Nei. Respect for honor, endless genius to bow down."

"He is the real king. No one in the world can match him."

Wen Xi Zhu did not cry, and her heart was excited. I did not expect that there would be such a genius in the world.

“Later?” she asked.

"The king Wang is too dazzling. When he asks God, he can suppress the gods in the sky. When he asks, he will make a thousand beheads. The perfect void will come out. Xianli is unparalleled in the world. It is called Xiangu, the first person of the ancients, but he still Being forced into the magic road by many forces and many characters, the first thing he did after he entered the magic is to personally love his dear."


Wen Xizhu was shocked and did not expect it to be the result.


Ling Fengqi wants to beat people, do you want to be so sick?

This will ruin the image of the wise God!

"He is a man who makes the genius bow down. After entering the devil, it is the magician character who wants to go back to the right path. How many forces will change the color, how many characters will be beheaded by him?"

"Many forces are guarding, and thousands of people are willing to die for him. But what about the results?"

"What is the result?" Wen Xizhu asked in tears.

"he died!"

The old Taoist sighed. "In that catastrophe, the major powers forced it into the dead door and smashed it before its wings were full."


Wen Xizhu is crying, such a great figure, Yu said that he is respected and sealed as a human king. He was killed by the stars and forces, and his own love was killed.

How sad is this ending?

What a miserable life?

In front of him, the previous star of the first star was not bad.

Yui said that he can't keep up with relatives and love, but he has to be targeted by the major forces. Finally, he is sad, this is the cruel truth. (

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