Supreme Demon

Chapter 2623: Cherish the transformation of bamboo!

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If you win, you will win the whole world. If you lose, you will lose your life!

Everyone who asks God has a bone like a mountain at his feet, and the person who asks is at the foot of the corpse.


Every time they take a step forward, they have to bear more blood, and those who are not blamed are mediocrity, and mediocrity is not worth cultivating, and there are not so many resources, and genius must push the blood waves, how much? The character wants to get rid of it?

Wen Xizhu was shocked by this **** truth.


She feels that it is a personal matter, picking up resources, honing herself, and making herself step by step stronger. Even if she encounters some problems, it will not affect her. Naturally, the owner will shelter from the wind and rain, but she does not have I thought about waiting for the resources to be strong enough to shake the interests of those big forces one day?

At that time, the owner could not suppress the situation?

Can she still temper herself like this calmly?


She has not asked Wu Zun, the resources she needs. At present, Tianquan Ancient Court can provide it. After asking God, I am afraid that many resources cannot be provided by the ancient court. At that time, she will fly to some restricted areas to get the necessary resources.

But those resources are bound to bleed, and many people who ask God need these resources. If she gets it, then someone can't get it.

Will ask God, who can be willing?


She is going to suppress the geniuses before she is qualified to ask God.

This is the "man-made disaster" that Ling Feng said.


If Yui said that he can't keep his dear love, then what is the meaning of this question?

“Is it really cruel?” Wen Qi asked.

"This is the truth!"

The old Taoist couldn't bear it, and he passed by, so Ling Feng said the forehead.

"Are you urging me to give up the road?" Wen Xizhu then asked.

"This is not persuasion."

Ling Feng sighed. "We will not persuade, just want you to tell a truth, let yourself choose."

"What if I give up the road?"

"A hundred years old and old."

Ling Feng bluntly said: "A lifetime of calm, there will be no small waves, such as getting sick, such as being oppressed, but in the world, your dear love should be good and good."

Wen Xizhu is silent.


She does not have to argue, there is no blood, but what is the dream of this life?

How does she find her parents?

How does she cure the "old man"?

Is this what she wants?

“Why can other people keep their loved ones?” Wen Qizhu asked.

"Because they are not good enough!"

Ling Feng is blunt and said: "Only those who are too good will encounter these problems. Of course, it is not that all the people who enter this road will end up in the end. We just tell you that we want to win the road. How much blood is paid."

"You may not pay for your loved ones, or you may be yourself!"

"When you are in Wusheng, your opponent is only Wu Sheng in other forces. When you are in Wu Zun, your opponent is still these characters." Ling Feng continued. "But if you ask God to succeed, then your opponent is The entire Taoist star, if you become the true God, then your opponent is the entire starry genius."

"Of course, you can also stop your opponent and stop your opponent in the Taoist star, so you will have much less wind and rain."

"What do you mean?" Wen Xizhu does not understand.

Ling Feng ruthlessly took a picture of Wen Qizhu's tender shoulders and said: "We are not advising you, you should be clear, just want to present the truth in front of you, choose by yourself."

"If you are an adult, you should be responsible for the future."


Wen Xizhu turned to look at the old Taoist, binocular blush.

The old Taoist priest couldn’t bear it. He went forward and licked the hair of the literary and cherished bamboo. He said, "First, if you are arguing, then you will fight for it all the time, until the whole world does not dare to be enemies with you, only do your best. Only then can you go further, and this is because of your love for the Tao, not because of us."

"Second, you can ask God, don't argue, stop short, although you can't live forever, but you can live longer, you can find the whereabouts of your parents."

"Third, give up the road and live a peaceful life."

Wen Xizhu lived.

She did not think that the old Taoist, "the elderly" would say the truth about the bleeding on the eve of her birthday, she chose.

This is the starting point of her life, and it may be the end.

How should she choose?

Is it a bathing blood marching forward?

Still asking for God?

Or give up the road, from now on?

"Think about it, your life will change because of this day, but you make a decision, don't regret it later." Ling Feng looked at the cherished bamboo, then went to the bamboo forest, bathed in the bamboo wind, 徜徉among them.

“Are we too cruel?”

Not long after, the old Taoist came over and sat next to Ling Feng.

"Cruel!" Ling Feng forehead.

The old Taoist frowned.

"But I don't want her to regret it after entering the road." Ling Feng said seriously.

The two sat on the wind for a long time without words.

The leaves of the bamboo forest squeaked, but they were ignored by the two. Not far away, the cherished bamboo stood in front of the bamboo house, and she was faced with the most important choice in life.

Until the sun tears the dark gap.

"I hope she won't regret it!"

The old Taoist priest looked at the faintly confessed face.

"Then you regret it?" Ling Feng looked straight at the eyes of the old Taoist.


The old Taoist glimpse, for a moment, did not know how to respond.. "I regret..."

Ling Feng looked like an idiot looking at the old Taoist, and said with a voice: "You have no regrets!"


"Enrollment is your dream, it is her dream, she is dead, but her dream is still alive, you are alive, is your dream extinguished?" Ling Feng is like a sharp knife stabbing the old Taoist Inner heart: "Would you like to carry her dreams, or do you want to sink?"

"Old Taoist, do you really regret it?"


Ling Feng bowed to the bamboo house and stayed up all night. His physical strength was actually overdraft.


The old Taoist priest and Wen Xizhu are demented. They look at the front and are excited inside. They have not spoken for a long time.

At noon.

Ling Feng just pushed the bamboo door out and greeted him with the double eyes of Wen Xizhu.

"I figured it out?" Ling Feng asked.

"Figured out!"

"That's good!"

Ling Feng’s forehead, still looking forward to the day, sitting in front of the bamboo house, if the old Taoist cooks, he will take a bite, and if he does not cook, he will eat two in the air.

Today, I am afraid that there is no such thing.

"You don't want to know my choice?" Wen Qizhu asked.

"As long as you have identified the direction in your heart, you can go all the way. Do you know what is important?" Ling Feng said with a smile.


Wen Xi Zhu said: "Because you and Grandpa are both important to me!"

"I want you to know!"

"I am very touched by what you said."

"So, do you want to know now?" Wen Xizhu smiled reluctantly.

"Don't want!"

"Old man, you are really annoying!"

"Because I already know."

"Oh? What is my choice?"


“Why?” Wen Xizhu asked with a strange look.

"Because you love it, this is your dream, not just because of us, but also because of yourself!"


Wen Xizhu opened his mouth and didn't even know how to open it. This old man is really very angry. Is it really good to grab a line?

The old Taoist priest came out of the bamboo forest and looked at Ling Feng. He did not say anything about his forehead, but many things did not need to be said.

He figured it out.

He knows.

It's that simple!

"Grandpa, I want to enter the road, I want to ask God!" Wen Xizhu looked at the old Taoist, seriously and solemnly said: "I know that this road is full of blood, but I believe that I can do it, I will hold you, I will find the whereabouts of my parents."

"Well, Grandpa will fully support you!"

The old Taoist priest did not say much, and was full of relief. Under such cruel truth, Wen Xizhu was able to stick to his choice. It was really deep love.


Wen Xizhu did not say anything to thank, that is too meaningless to the old Taoist and Ling Feng.

"Try to ask God, don't worry about it, Grandpa can take care of himself."

The old Taoist said with a smile: "If someone dares to bully you, the grandfather will also kill the starry sky and beat the character."


Wen Xi Zhu Renjun can not help but although I know the old Taoist is a good intention, but still can not help.

As for the old Taoist and Ling Feng, I am afraid that it is quite difficult to get out of the Holy Land.

The old Taoist does not care.

Ling Feng does not care.

Of course, there are some things that they do not want to know.

However, Wen Xizhu did not want to understand at this moment, why the two mortals have become different, and they know so much about the affairs of the universe.

This is a metamorphosis.

This is the case for Wen Xizhu, the same for the old Taoist.


The next moment, the face of Wen Xizhu changed, only because the old Taoist went to Lingfeng, seriously and seriously asked. "At the beginning, you said that you can’t come, for a maximum of two or three years, but this is three years. How are you still alive?"

This is the question of the old Taoist.

When the Lingfeng injury was too heavy, the surface did not see the truth. The Lingfeng internal injury was the most serious. It almost collapsed itself. After three years, the Lingfeng injury was cured. The surface could not see the wound. The body was empty. Can not be hurt.

What is this special situation?

But this sentence falls in the cherished bamboo ear, how do you feel as if you are cursing Lingfeng early to die?

"Grandpa, don't talk nonsense, the old man is a long-lived one." Wen Xi Zhu Jiao smiled.

Ling Feng smiled.

"My physique is different. It should be no problem for three or five years." Ling Feng smiled and smiled. "It seems that there is no injury, but the essence is exhausted. I am afraid that it will really not last." ""

The old Taoist frowned and personally took the pulse for Ling Feng. It really felt that Ling Feng was an empty shell at the moment. There was no fine element in the body, and vitality was being consumed.

"I promised to cherish the bamboo. I have to wait until she asks God, how can she let her down?" (www.

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