Supreme Demon

Chapter 2629: Live broadcast in the universe!



Yu Tian’s top power Tianjiao bowed his head, and the pattern that could turn the tide was collapsed at this time.

Who can imagine?


Zhou Ye reversed the inside of Yu, letting the top powers shut up, but Enke, Yunao, etc. are just the handles released by the major forces, and the real blade is not available.

At that time.

The major forces are still quite confident. They are confident that they can suppress the situation and make Zhou Ye a local chicken. Until the four gods appear, people realize that Zhou Ye is not alone, and there is a greater force behind him.

One day, two gods and eight gods!

At this time, people know that the original words "the **** of heaven and earth" represent the top arrogance in the world.

In the eight wilderness, only the world’s Zhou Ye was asked, and the forces that the major forces tried to create were disintegrated. The four gods were even more extraordinary. The major forces only ignited the ignition seedlings, and they were extinguished by the students, and the two wildernesses were even more terrible. They directly killed the "source" of the major forces and arrogance. The first day of arrogance and blood, means that the major forces want to create a situation, they can not rely on these days of arrogance.

Are you sad and sad?

The major forces of the major powers must be bombarded, but they can't solve the problem with anger. Don't say that the two gods are ridiculous, that is, the four gods make them feel powerless, not the genius in their power is not extraordinary, but two places. The wasteland and the four gods are extraordinary.

That is not a level of fierce battle.

Yune shut up!

Now, no one has threatened to rebel against God. They should meditate on why they will be so desolate. Before they solve this problem, they have no energy to disobey God.

not to mention.

The gods of heaven and earth are too embarrassed, and all major forces are not at ease. It is quite fatal to make a moth in the prosperous world.


They want to find out the origins of these characters as soon as possible. As for the anti-God, they really don't care about it. Lingfeng sings the ancient star of the sea, and the anti-God characters can't make any waves.

Just because.

They are still quite depressed in their hearts, and the anti-God is too weak in this world, they are crazy to further suppress against God.

"It's so cool!"

The mountain village geniuses don't want to let go of this opportunity. They are full of laughter and sneer. "Is this another fight?"

"The arrogance of the top forces in Yu is on this level?"

The major powers almost blew up, they are so depressed, but these geniuses are more like a sharp knife, straight to their fragile heart, and let them live?

"The jade rabbit has not yet played, and the Guanghan Palace is still low-key."

People frown, this world's wide cold palace is different, Tianjiao is quite mysterious, that the rabbit has made Zhou Ye blunt, and the world has no more than the two wild people, which makes people feel embarrassed.

“The land is rainy and sunny, and the gods are shining!”

The jade rabbit opened in the void and said bluntly: "I am not their opponent!"

Only after the real battle, did you know what level of the fierce battle was in the end, and the two wild people really had to go against the air, and the evil-spirited mothers, such as the empty road and the Xianting, did not know.

That is not a fierce battle.

That is arrogant!

The top celestial arrogance of the world is only the true and the third and fourth level gods. It is not weaker than the original Lingfeng, but can it be two places?

They are all in the fifth level of true God!

What's more important is that every land can be warned across levels. It is the same as the two gods at the top of the six levels. Even if it is the first day of Xianting, there is no rain and clear, and no real power is used. What is this? Strength?

I really want to do my best, what kind of strength will Yuqing and Yaoshen explode?

The jade rabbit is not weak, and has already asked the true God, but she has not been in the wild to find the trouble of rain and glory, it is not self-reliant.

"Transverse the inside!"

The geniuses of the mountain village said with a smile, and the entire starry sky resounded the name of Yuqing and Yaoshen.

of course.

People also want to know which forces these characters are from, and these talents, these forces, let the top forces want to die.

"Oh, but the two five-level gods."

In Yu, an indifferent voice sounded, showing that it was quite strong against the rain and the glory of the gods.

"What character? Come out and play one!"

The mountain village geniuses immediately fry the pot. In the case of a reversal of the situation, there are still people who dare to come forward and find death?

"Let me Miss Yu Qing will make you a pig!"

"I am invincible!"

People are quite scornful. If they had to worry about a few points before, the gods of heaven and earth are really too strong and completely unsolvable.

"I am a **** phoenix!"

That voice tells the origins. It is the phoenix that Xianting got. After smelting the flames of Shenyang, the strength is progressing like flying. At present, it has to enter the level of five-level true god, and its true strength is extraordinary. Fighting across levels is not a problem.

The problem is that it has to cross several levels.

People suddenly saw a glimpse of it, but they didn't know how to open it. It was a phoenix. It was born with wind and rain, and a constellation was gray. The essence of Shenyang flowed into its body, allowing it to step directly into the martial arts.

These days have passed.

The flames of the phoenix in the body of the phoenix melted, allowing it to step into an extremely terrible level.

Xianting put it on the first day of arrogance, fearing that it is because this phoenix is ​​more extraordinary, and the strength can suppress the first day of arrogance.

"It makes sense, only five gods in the district, but also want to go against the sky?"

Another sound came from the beast god, a suzuki came out, carrying the wind and rain, very proud.

Suzaku’s talent is not weaker than that of the gods and phoenixes, and belongs to the beast gods who have made every effort to build them. They can be placed in front of the first day of arrogance, until the first day of arrogance, the strength will be seen. .


Suzaku is very proud, has no interest in the genius of the world, and its strength is too detached. Therefore, the pattern in the heart is even bigger. It has already looked to the gods level figure, but because of the first day of arrogance, the beast **** face is damaged, morale In the downturn, it has to be born.


It still does not put the rain and the glory in the eyes, and the self-esteem is very high. After all, the strength is there.

It wants to be low-key, but its strength is not allowed.

"Yu Qing, Yao Shen, I look forward to fighting you!"

The third voice appeared, and it came from Shenwuxing. The real dragon that was obtained from the beginning of the splitting of God was born at this moment. The strength has already been different. It can be alive, not weaker than Shenhuang and Suzaku, and the inheritance of the body is completely open.


“Is the real worldly arrogance come out?”

A voice sounded, and it floated, just like him, floating, there was no wind and rain, no need for any arch.

The characters of the Mozu appear at this time, and they have the transcendent temperament of the demon Lord.

He is the proud of the ancient devil!

For a time.

The entire starry sky is ignited, unlike the first arrogance of the major forces. At this time, when the world comes out, the world will be able to complete the record of Yuqing and Yaoshen, and it will be proud of the world.


Things are still evolving, and there is a singularity in Buddhism. It is said that the Buddha is reincarnation and is known as the Buddha.

The Mohist also came out of a different person, claiming to be "and love and attack."

He is not not attacking, but the world can not find the worldly arrogance worthy of his attack.

The whole five are arrogant.

"Yu Qing, Yao Shen, come out!"

The Buddha said with a smile. "You are such a genius, I want to improve you."

"Come back?"

People are quite speechless. Every Buddha appears to talk about a few words of "Buddha". It seems that it is not a true Buddha.

At the beginning.

The Buddha of Buddhism wants to focus on Zhou Ye, and the result is refined by Zhou Ye.

"Love and non-attack, I am willing to use my language and mentality to persuade you to put down the butcher knife." The Mohist characters smile and can't see any war, but no character can ignore such a character.


These five characters are the butchers in the hands of the five major forces.

Because of the appearance of Yuqing and Yaoshen, they forced them out. This is not active, but passive. Therefore, the five figures are still quite uncomfortable.

They are unhappy, and someone will pay the price.

"What is fear?"

Yaoshen spoke for the first time, showing a strong sense of warfare, not paying attention to a few games.

"God phoenix, it is not impossible to suppress!"

Yuqing has no warm posture at all, quite a female **** of war.

"time and location!"

Desperately said that it is more direct. For him, Yu Tian Tianjiao is an opponent, and he must beheaded in front of him.

"The King of the Canyon!"

Shenhuang is indifferent, this is the place where Xianting Tianjiao had defeated. For many people, the Shenwang Canyon is like a nightmare.

just now.

Shenhuang still chooses the Shenwang Canyon, where it is necessary to dispel the fairy dreams of Xianting, and it can show the confidence of Shenhuang.

"Time is three days later."

Shen Huang continued.

"I have no problem!"

A godly cold smile: "In the Valley of the Kings, I will suppress you one by one!"

"No problem, I can be a god, but I can devil!"

The real dragon at the end of the cracked **** said.

"Buddha, I will improve you!"

"It’s better to watch the killings than to see the flowers in the fog."

The Mohist character said with a smile: "I only want less Wufu who knows only brute force in the world."

"My empty road will use the ancient sky, for the whole universe live!"

At this time, a different voice sounded and blasted directly in Yu, and people did not think that the empty road actually made such a bold decision.

Live broadcast in the universe!

Wangu Tianjing people know, spirituality is extraordinary, the birth of divinity, non-universal projection, but all aspects of the launch, can divergence hundreds of millions of space, as long as there are Lingshi can be projected, you can see this A stimulating matchup.


After being repeatedly suppressed by the "Heaven and Earth Gods", the major forces actually took advantage of the gas, waiting for Shenhuang and others to give them this bad smell.


They have lost many games, but it is only within a certain range. But at this moment, the whole universe is broadcast live, that is, the characters of the whole universe will witness this victory, and the discordant voice will disappear.

"I agree!"

A voice sounds, but it is not rain and clear, not a singer, but a lazy character.

[>o-Mobile phone "Reading Xiaoxiao" (

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