Supreme Demon

Chapter 2630: That day!

Live broadcast in the universe! This is the most grand thing in the world, that is, the events that have rarely occurred in the ages of the ancients and the immortals.

Generally speaking.

Only the best battles in the world are worthy of using the ancient sky to broadcast live, otherwise the characters are too ordinary, the battle is too ordinary, not only no one to watch, but also an insult to the ancient Tianjing, only because of low-level combat can not match Wan Gutianjing.

Even if it is a duel between the world's peerless arrogance, it is not worthy of the whole universe.


The major forces are depressed, to find the scene in the Shenwang Canyon, but also to use the whole universe live to save the situation, as long as they win, those who do not know the truth will immediately vote for the top forces in the world, they will get more people More geniuses.


The value of the whole universe live broadcast is reflected, and because of the advent of the prosperous world, the world's top genius confrontation has long attracted attention, and now people are more concerned about the final result.

People such as Shenhuang, Zhenlong, and Suzaku naturally have no opinions. They are confident and invincible. The world does not suppress their opponents. It does not mind being more famous in the universe.

People are concerned about the reaction of Yuqing and Yaoshen. Are they willing to broadcast live in the whole universe?

There are only two places to be deserted. To face the top five arrogances, I am afraid to be jealous.

of course.

Yuqing and Yaoshen are very willing to fight, but they don’t have the full grasp of the creatures such as Shenhuang, Zhenlong and Suzaku, and for them, no failure is allowed.

They want to win! They want to let the whole universe know and let that person know.

At the moment, they need a miracle! thus.

They did not respond, but only the person who responded.

"It’s still coming out, there’s nothing fun in the world, I want to go back to the mountain village."

Yao Shen said with a smile.

"The change, the state came out, this fierce battle has no meaning."

Yu Qing sighed and said that although they may not be able to defeat the creatures such as Shenhuang and Suzaku, it is not easy for any Tianjiao to defeat them.


That change has come out.

He wants to come out, and other characters can go home.

"He is a letter to us, I am not satisfied, will you serve?"

Fang shouted, his face was not good.


Others pouted, looking at the idiots.

This pattern of heaven and earth gods is not said, but it is born out of life. It is not one or two games. It’s too different between Yuqing and Yaoshen. It’s too difficult for people to win. God and Yuqing have never won a game in the hands of those people.


It’s not a fight, it’s a madness! They are not satisfied?

Yes, they have never been convinced, and they have been beaten even worse. Later, no one is willing to fight with that abnormality. Tianjiao like them naturally expect to be arrogant, not arrogant.

There was nothing in one or two games, but the number of games was much higher, and their hearts were to be defeated.

It can be said.

Now, no one knows to what extent the metamorphosis is terrible, even if it is Yaoshen and Yuqing are not willing to challenge.

How are they not convinced?

"I know that is the case."

Said in pain.


When a person does not know when he appears next to him, he does not turn his eyes and looks straight ahead at the sky, looking very meticulous and very serious.

The "cough cough" was almost killed by his own saliva. At this time, he knew why the rain and the gods were so firm.

Feelings, this metamorphosis has already appeared.

What is even more frightening is that Fang did not even sense it.

"We are talking about Ye Ge's thorns and thorns."

Fang said in his heart and lightning, there is no such thing as disobedience, and the performance is quite charming.

At this time, the character turned to look at the square, but the gods were very weird.

"Would you want to open the whole universe live?"


Yu Qing immediately responded.

"He should be able to see it?"

The character asked with a smile.

"As long as he thinks."

"That's enough!"

The character walked forward and said: "I allow anyone to break this event. I am worried that there will be a change, so I need some powerful people to sit down."

"I will arrange it!"

Yu Qing’s forehead, the tragedy of that person could not have happened to this metamorphosis.

They know how enchanting this metamorphosis is. Such a genius is only afraid of attracting jealousy. If the forces such as Xianting can't stand the stimulation, what should they do to kill him?

Take precautions.

They have to arrange their hands in advance, and any person who dares to take this abnormal shot must be done.

"After three days, I will go to the Shenwang Canyon to fight!"

He threw a word and disappeared into the void.

Some things don't require him to do it personally. Naturally, some people will arrange it properly, such as Yu Qing, Yao Shen, Fang Yu and so on.

God King Canyon.

The mountain is steep, like a sharp knife, and it is cold and standing. It is quite imposing. Because of the many wars that broke out before, the mountain collapsed many times, but it also formed the unique scenery of the Shenwang Canyon.

The empty roads and other forces did not wait until the third day, and the next day they set about laying out the battlefield, mainly to bring Wangu Tianjing into the Shenwang Canyon, and use Wei Li to arrange the Qimen, so that the ancient sky Tianjing issued a heavenly mans, radiating to the universe billions of stars, let People in the universe can watch this battle of God.

The forces such as Xianting and Guanghan Palace are also contributing. After all, the ancient sky is very different, but it is not so easy to control.

of course.

The main reason is that Xianting and other forces are not imaginary, and they are worried that the empty road will be tricky in Wangu Tianjing.

Hey! A skylight blows up hundreds of millions of stars and appears in the sky above the Shenwang Canyon. Even if you can see the sky beam every few miles, the five colors change from time to time, making it magnificent and extraordinary. This kind of battlefield is worthy of the match. It is.


The news of the first **** war spread throughout the universe in a short period of time, and all the stars, powers, families, etc. received news, and when they took out the Lingshi and other projections, they could clearly see the battlefield of the Shenwang Canyon. Picture.

The subtle turmoil of the vegetation, the flying of the dust, such a clear live broadcast is rare in the world.

Don't say that the figures of Valkyrie and True God are particularly concerned, that is, weak martial arts, powerful gods, heavens, etc. are all eye-catching. After all, such events are too rare, and they can make top-level powers pay more attention to them, then they should pay more attention to them.

Needless to say.

This will be a grand event for the entire universe.

"It's crazy, this is the first big event after the arrival of the world."

"The top five arrogances come out, the first **** is born!"

"The gods of heaven and earth are on the top of the top three arrogance."

"Xian Ting and other forces are really confident, really not afraid of failure?"

The whole universe is discussing the development of the situation, and the spiritual stone in the hands of people has already been linked to the ancient sky, and can watch the battlefield of the Shenwang Canyon, which is more intuitive.

"The small bench is ready!"

"The first top matchup in the prosperous world is really rare."

Many forces are still quite looking forward to it. They are not too concerned about the general trend of the universe. They are too far away from them, but it is definitely a good thing to be able to look at the top-level battles of the current forces and the descendants of the family.

"I am happy to see the mountain village Tianjiao suppress the top forces!"

The geniuses of the mountain village are cheering. For them, what kind of gods and phoenixes will be bowed in front of the gods of heaven and earth.

"The live broadcast will be carried out in two days, and you can stop it!"

"Let the top geniuses of the family come back, this battle will be finished."

"Do you guys often say that you have to practice to the extent that you can go to the stars?"

A middle-aged man said with a smile. "Two days later, let's take a look at the strength of Skystar's top Tianjiao."

Tianquan Ancient Courtyard.

The geniuses of the world are back, and they are gathering together, only because the lord let them come back to watch a grand event, which belongs to the fierce battle between Yu’s top Tianjiao.

"The true elite of the younger generation can only find a few in the world."

The owner of the Tianquan Ancient Academy is an old man. He looks down and his voice is like a golden drum. "The battle of my holy country is about to start. It is good to let you see this battle first."

"Work hard, one day you have hope to go to the universe."


Wen Xizhu and other foreheads, although their tasks are very heavy, it is extremely difficult to get out of the Tianquan Ancient Court, but the first **** war is still worth looking forward to and learning.

At the same time, the first **** war can also motivate them.

"Old man, grandfather, let's watch the battle together."

In the evening, Wen Xizhu came to invite, only because the Tianquan ancient courtyard owner used the ancient Lingshi to carry out a large-scale projection. The 50-mile radius can be watched. As long as the old Taoist and Lingfeng are willing to walk out of the bamboo house, enter the fourth The big branch can be.


Ling Feng said with a smile. "What is worth paying attention to?"

"The battle of the top Tianjiao in Yu!"

Wen Xizhu said with all his expectations. "I always wanted to know what kind of strength those geniuses have."

"I am looking forward to seeing it," it is worth seeing."

The old Taoist said.

"What are the top spectators of the forces in Yu?"

Ling Feng asked plainly. "My grandfather and I are both outsiders. Today, I am sorry for giving us a science."

"Oh, you really don't understand. I said that you are only afraid of knowing too much."

Wen Xizhu immediately became proud and felt that his little tail had to be tilted up today.

"You don't say how we know?"


Wen Xiu Shen Shen a moment, said: "In fact, I am not too clear, but the audience said that it seems that Xian Ting, Mozu and other forces Tianjiao to confront the gods of the world."

"The **** of heaven and earth?"

What is that power? ”

The old Taoist was a little surprised.

He once walked out of the starry sky. After the first commandment, he was the first star of the Tao, but he had never heard of the power of heaven and earth.

"Oh, I am not too sure."

Wen Xizhu spit out a small tongue, quite a shameful saying. "You will know when you arrive."

Ling Feng looked at the sky and the tide, the day is finally coming?

Are they expecting to appear?

Yes, they don't know that they are waiting for them to come out! (

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