Supreme Demon

Chapter 2631: Way of appearance!


The hurricane is cold.

The Shenwang Canyon is a gorge with a depletion. It is only due to the emergence of the prosperous world. It is full of top-notch charms. It fills the entire canyon with the same cloud, and the mountain is steep. It is completely different from the past, showing the grand occasions. .

It can be said.

The Shenwang Canyon is worth visiting.

This day.

The Shenwang Canyon is full of people and people. The 50-mile radius is filled with people. The black pressure is like a million grasshoppers crossing the border. In the center battlefield, there are large areas, and there are strange gates. It belongs to the gods level, even if the gods are fighting. It is quite difficult to break this strange door.


This strange door was set up for the first **** war to prevent the air from flowing out and hurt the surrounding people. The more important airflow and sputum will affect the battle, which is not conducive to the projection of the ancient sky crystal, and the effect can be greatly reduced.

In the sky, people are moving, and there are more people coming. Encore, Yunao, etc. are all here. They look down from the heights. Naturally, there is no scenery, and they can see the situation more intuitively.

Wu Shen is here.

The **** is coming.

God is coming.

It’s just that there are several figures in the Taoist characters, such as Xianting and Beast God. They are worried that some people will secretly be unfavorable to the Phoenix and Suzaku, and there is also a character in the sacred God. .

They are very vigilant. If there are Tianzun level figures here, I am afraid that the real dragon will fly away immediately, and I will not dare to fight here to prevent being killed.


The major forces have an agreement with each other. The Tianzun class can't directly watch the battle. It can be projected through the stone, so that the heavenly characters can suppress the situation.

The sky is bright.

Some of the people waiting for the show were covered with dewdrops. They wanted to grab a good position and waited for a whole day, or even two or three days.


At this moment, people's enthusiasm was ignited, and the emptiness of the sky was revealed. A shrine appeared from the sky and carried the wind and rain.

In the wind and rain, a phoenix flies, colorful feathers shine in the sky, sharp claws like a sword, eyes sharp and deep like a star, the whole body is not huge, but full of mighty temperament.

There is a faint flame burning around its body, which makes people extremely vigilant, only because it is a phoenix flame, it is very arrogant.

The phoenix of Xianting flies.

The ones who are guarding by their side are the two heavenly figures of Xianting. The gas field is quite powerful.

"The Suzaku of the Beast God appears!"

At the same time, another sound started.

A suzuki flew from afar, the emperor's jade-like wings, erected slightly, the proud head toward the sky, not seen other characters.

Just like other characters are lower races.

In its eyes, there is only a distant phoenix in the distance.

"The real dragon of the **** of the gods appears."

People are crazy, can not help but look to the sky, there is a five-clawed golden dragon flying out, the beast is no longer a painting, but the real appearance in front of them.

This five-clawed golden dragon is extraordinary, and it is made by the **** of the gods. It is full of vitality and arrogance.

Its eyes are like two lanterns. The claws are strong and sharp. The body is covered with a layer of gold armor. The beauty is not square. The more important thing is the gas field. It is definitely the momentum of the seven-level true god. It is not the major forces. On the first day, arrogance is comparable.

A **** figure of the **** of the gods sits around the town to prevent someone from playing the idea of ​​a real dragon.


The demon eyes appeared, and the two emperors defended them, making them imposing. The white eyes of the forest were slightly red, showing their bloodthirsty side, and the cold face added a little charm.

He is not tall enough, but he is full of beauty.

This is not caused by the body, but the gas field.

Just one of the devils is there to make people feel extremely powerful pressure.

This is the god! "I am compassionate!"

A young monk appeared, his hands were together, his mouth was cursed, and he slowly flew. Although there was no Buddha statue, he released a lot of light rain behind him, making it look like a future Buddha.

Buddha! "You can understand and love non-attack?"

Another young man flew, Xiaguang suddenly came, bathed on him, and made the ordinary body become great. He said with a look of sorrow: "All beings in the world, when treated equally, can not be blessed with swords, it is sin."

"Today, I would like to advise you, let go of the butcher's knife, and be good with others, so that you can enlighten!"

Needless to say.

This is the character of the Mohist family, known as the little Mozi, the strength is not the same.

People pouting, quite unhappy with Xiao Mozi, the most hypocritical of the Mohist and Buddhism in the world.

of course.

The emergence of the top three Tianjiao not only attracted a lot of cheers, but also caused a frenzy in all parts of the universe.

"Look, it’s a phoenix!"

"Oh, I think the real dragon is more extraordinary."

People look at the projection of the stone, one by one quite crazy, just because these creatures are too rare, before the prosperous future, this creature can not see.

"The Mohist character is really handsome!"

"The Buddha of Buddhism is a real person."

Some people are praising and have a crush on Mohist and Buddhism.

"The devil is coming!"

Some people have lost their voices, only because the devil is very strong. As far as the gas field is concerned, the creatures present are not comparable to the gods.

in fact.

This is caused by people's sensitivity to magic. Really powerful people don't feel this way.


The gods of heaven and earth have not yet appeared? ”

Suddenly, people were shocked, only because Yao Shen, Yu Qing, etc. did not appear, like if they were to participate in this battle.

"Where is the **** of heaven and earth?"

People are asking questions, especially the mountain village geniuses, they are here to shine and rain.

If these two characters do not appear, then the matchup loses its meaning.

In fact.

Not only do they want to ask, but other characters also want to ask, Shenhuang, Suzaku, etc. are all coming to Yaoshen and Yuqing. If these two characters don’t come, what are they going to fight?

"Yu Qing, don't you dare to come over?"

"Yao Shen, come out for a fight!"

Suzaku and Shenhuang opened their mouths and completely despised Yaoshen and Yuqing, waiting for them to come to World War I.


Yaoshen and Yuqing did not appear. This caused many people to frown. The gods of heaven and earth will not show weakness at this time.

If you know that there are such thoughts in the hearts of the mountain village geniuses, Yao Shen and Yu Qing will definitely kill them.

Not that they did not appear.

They actually came.


People are really much better.

"Give way!"

A voice sounded, opening to a young man, and cheerful, no impatience on his face.

"Who are you, brother kept this position but kept it for three days, you said let it let you?"

The young man said with dissatisfaction, his heart was quite uncomfortable. He had been here for three days, and the result was that Yuqing and Yaoshen did not appear.

Don't mention how depressed you are in your heart.


It is even more impatient for the person who dares to let him let him go.

"We don't want to occupy your position, but to enter the battlefield."

The voice said softly.

"You think who you are, that is the battlefield of my Yao brother."


He turned his eyes and glared, to give this deceitful guy a lesson, but he would stand on the spot the next moment, just because the young man standing behind him was looking for resoluteness.

"Yao Ge, are you here?"

The young man immediately changed color, turned from glare to sunny, full of smiles and respectfully said. "You want to enter the battlefield?"

"Yeah, are the idiots on the battlefield not yelling?"

If we don't appear as soon as possible, I am afraid that we still don't know what a ugly voice is coming out. ”

Yao Shen said with a smile, while satirizing the quality of Shen Huang and so on.

"Yes, I will let it go!"

The young man immediately flashed away and shouted to the people around him. "My Yao Ge, Yu Qing Goddess appears, to enter the battlefield, you wait until you let go."


The whole scene was chaotic, and people did not think that Yaoshen and Yuqing would appear in this way.

There is no gas field.

There is no momentum.

They are approachable.

This is more like a character from a mountain village.

"Yao Ge!"

"The **** of rain and clear!"

People cheer, there is no strange feeling, and every character who can talk to Yao Shen and Yu Qing feels that there is light on the face, and they are almost becoming the brain powder of these two characters.

The young man first shouted and let go.

When Yao Shen and Yu Qing step by step, people automatically give up a road. Everyone wants to sing a few words with each other, and each attitude is extremely friendly.

Just because.

They felt close feelings in Yao Shen and Yu Qing.

The two landowners did not regard them as outsiders and really valued them.

"Yao Ge, why not let people guard up?"

"The goddess of rain and clear, are you too easy?"

People laughed and asked, but the scenes of the characters were quite windy. They did not want Yaoshen and Yuqing to be weakened.

"Are we not being guarded?"

Yu Qingjiao laughed. "They have Guardians of Heaven, but we have thousands of talents to guard, I prefer the latter."

In an instant.

The wind stopped moving.

People's laughing mouths are twisted, but they are sad in their hearts. This is the feeling that people are valued, but they think that this is the character from the mountain village. They don't have the heavenly characters to guard.

They are more heavy in their hearts, and there is a feeling of devotion to protect the two places.

of course.

They did not notice that there were still several characters beside Yao Yao and Yu Qing, and they were weakened, and the character was ignored.

The major powers are quite speechless. They have never thought that the two wilderness will appear in this way. It is easy to come. Only a few words will get the hearts of the people. There is no genius, but do they need such a gas field?

They are coming to fight, not to force them.

The whole universe has calmed down. People look at the characters, and there is a feeling of blood in their hearts.

They can be shocked by the gas fields of the five top figures, but they will never be moved by the gas field, but they feel it in the two wild places.

Some characters use the power to deceive others, but some people are powerful but approachable.

Although the world is not cool enough, they are the most authentic.

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