Supreme Demon

Chapter 2632: I am afraid that they are not good enough to bully!

The major forces have become vigilant.

The origins of Yaoshen and Yuqing are too mysterious. Until now, people have not found them. They can only say that they are only honed, but I am afraid that not many people believe.

Now, Yao Shen, Yu Qing and other characters appear differently, it is simply buying people's hearts.

What about their intentions?

The general trend of the universe! People's faces have become embarrassing, and the gods and the rains are easy to come. What about them?

Use the gas field to suppress other geniuses?

After the birth, it will suppress other constellation geniuses?

In front of these figures, they almost become the public enemy of the universe.

If the first **** wars they are defeated, then the situation will be irreparable. The general trend of the whole universe will tend to glory and rain. If the forces behind it rise at this time, I am afraid that the endless genius will break the head. That force.

By then.

What should they do?

I have to say that this is a rather fierce knife.

"We want to win!"

"How about the different ways of playing?

How easy is it?

The universe is still about strength. ”

The major forces of the Tianjiao frowned.

Shenhuang, Suzaku, and Zhenlong are the top three beasts in the town. The Buddha and the little Mozi are not weak. It is the gods who want to suppress the situation.

They take advantage! They should win! Under the guardianship of the people, Yuqing and Yaoshen appeared step by step on the battlefield, and with the expectation of the mountain village genius, they became more amiable. Although the exchange was short-lived, everyone used Yuqing and Yaoshen as brothers.

"Yao Ge, defeat that phoenix!"

"Yao Ge, we support you!"

"The goddess of rain and clear, you are invincible!"

People shouted, the sound of the waves, so that those arrogant faces are more embarrassing, is this aspirational?

But what if Yaoyue and Yuqing lost?

Rain and sunny, Yaoshen did not open, but signaled that people were quiet, and then they stepped toward the battlefield, but when they approached the battlefield, they stopped and did not really enter the battlefield, even though they longed for a battle.


Here, only one character can enter the battlefield.


When people look at it, what is the trouble?

It is also that Shenhuang, Suzaku, etc. also frown, do not understand Yaoshen, Yuqing is a few meanings.

When everyone is eye-catching and incomprehensible.

Yu Qing and Yao Shen stepped back, only one step, but they highlighted the handsome young man in the middle.

His eyes are clear, his body is fortitude, his face is cold and cold, and his eyebrows are like two stalks.

He is like a pine, standing there, looking straight at the breeze.

He is very quiet.

It is easy to ignore him.


When Yu Qing and Yao Shen took a step back, he was so dazzling, just like heaven and earth.

At the moment, there is only one person! then.

He took a step forward and looked straight ahead, so he didn't stop, step by step to the battlefield, black, and hair, and he was the strongest age.

For a moment, he looked up to the ancient sky, the eyes were wet, but the tears of excitement.

He knows that the whole universe is live, and that person will definitely see it.

This is enough! "I am here, we are here!"

He said in his heart, even if it is the top arrogance, as long as he thinks of the character, he is very upset.

The current situation is only the character who can turn the tide.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting! When are you coming back?

"what's the situation?"

People have a glimpse, especially the geniuses who have previously guarded Yaoshen, Yuqing, etc. They always thought that these two characters were going to fight, and the radiance of the gods and the rains were so dazzling that they ignored the one who was walking in the middle. Young people who are slightly behind.

"do not know."

People shook their heads and said they didn't understand.

"It won't be." Suddenly, a girl stunned her mouth and was shocked.

"Sea fish, what do you want to say?"

The familiar person asked.

"The **** of heaven and earth!"

The sea fish vibrato said: "The goddess of rain and clearness, the **** of glory is nothing but a wasteland!"

The entire battlefield lost its voice.

Before the war, although people had great expectations for Yaoshen and Yuqing, it is more likely that the two characters were not as good as the gods, the suzaku and other creatures, and even the one who was devastating, but they did not think about the "land of heaven and earth". The four words are heavy.

This is the eternal talent that the forces have tried their best to create. Every character is a legend, and he has received personal guidance, exercises, and cultivation experience.

Pointing can be understood.

But what about the practice and cultivation experience?

Not everyone in this world can learn from that character, let alone follow the path he has traveled.

Yao Shen and Yu Qing came out.


People don't know how much the power has paid, how many people are tragic because of their natural skills and cultivation experience, and how many people are sad because they can't cultivate, but some people succeed, and the most eye-catching one is the heaven.

At the moment, he is coming! "That day?"

People have some troubles. They have never thought about this since the rain and the dawn of the gods.

Both places are strong enough, and are there more talented people?

"is it possible?"

Someone is asking.


Someone grinned and said coldly. "If it weren't for that day, who could let Yaoshen, Yuqing personally guard and send it to the battlefield?"

In the exclamation of people, he came to the battlefield.

"The day in the world of heaven and earth?"

Shen Huang asked.

"it's me."

The young man smiled lightly, and there was no cold air, which seemed gentle.

"How do you call it?"

Suzaku asked coldly.


Yaoshen, Yuqing and other gods are hot, and they have thought about it before, but there are only a few talents in this world who are qualified to be called.

Heaven! Only the character in front of you! This is more valuable than his original name, because only those characters whose names are based on these two words are not allowed to fail, and they must become the first day of the world.

The universe is boiling.

People did not think that the character really appeared.

"One day, two days, four gods and eight treasures!"

People muttered to themselves, what kind of power does this belong to?


The anti-God is watching the battle through the Tianjing projection. I don't know why they always feel that the Tianjiao is a little familiar, not a look, but a temperament.

as if.

They saw the man! Of course, only those who are truly familiar with the Lord and belong to the anti-God elite can see the problem.

No need to ask! Don't think about it.

They know that the top arrogance of the gods has come out. At this moment, their eyes are wet. When the geniuses are forced to be bullied, they can't do anything. There are several characters who are arrogant in the sky. At that time they are just loose. With a sigh of relief, I am still grateful.

Can be at this moment.

They are only moved and proud! It is not that there is no arrogance, but that one of the celestial states appears in the universe in another state.

Who said that it is against the weak?

Their arrogance is pushing the universe, who is the enemy?

"I will come back?"

In Tianfu, the lonely rainy month asked, they are watching the live broadcast.


The beautiful female emperor said in a very firm tone: "But not now, it takes time to rebel, and he needs some time."

"When will he come back?"

The arrogant bird asked with a heartache.

"When you can't hold on to the gods!"

The beautiful female emperor said with a blush: "He will definitely come back!"


"Because the anti-God needs courage to face the wind and rain, and needs the wings to face the inside of Yu, he appears, the wind and rain will appear too early, we are still too young!"

"How do I know he will appear?"

Asked as cold as the moon.

"After this war, he should not let us wait for too long!"

"The sky is wild, the pattern is really not small."

God Huang Yin measured the laughter.. "But you appear better, the two wilderness is really not worthy of my hands."

"Actually, you may not be their opponent."

The young man said softly.

"Then why do you appear, don't trust them?"

Shenhuang sneered, if the two places are not weaker than them, the day will not appear.

He appeared.

Prove that the two land shortages are not their opponents.

"In order to bully people!"

The young man said with a smile. "I am afraid that they are not good enough to bully."

In one sentence, the whole universe is frying.

People want to hold back, but finally laughed.

This person is really cute and straight.

Because he was afraid that the land was not good enough, he came in person.

With a sly gesture in Wen Run, he did not put a few characters in the audience at all.

"you wanna die!"

Shenhuang is the first to blow up. Although its strength has improved rapidly, its mind is still not fully mature, especially in this aspect.

"This phoenix comes from Xiangu and will be the first to suppress you!"

Shenhuang flew in the air and directly hit the young man. His claws broke open and he made a mark and a residual image. In an instant, he appeared in front of the young man.

Hey! The space behind it collapsed and formed a ruined black hole.

The young man smiled gently and stepped out, as if he was walking, but this step was actually dodging, letting Shenhuang’s blow fall.

"Be serious."

He is still laughing. "You don't know how to bully you like this!"

"I want to kill you!"

"Change a little fresher."

The young man grinned. "This old-fashioned line is very bad, so I don't know how to respond, for example, you can say that you are in close contact with the **** of death."

"" Shenhuang wants to vomit blood, always feel that this person's mouth is too vicious.

next moment.

It simply shuts up and directly hits the young man, his wings open, and the sky is full of wind and rain, pressing against the youth with a horrible momentum, and there is a claw in the wind and rain, penetrating thousands of miles, accompanied by Endless flames.

Phoenix flames.

boom! The youth did not dodge, punched out, and the nine-headed phoenix flew in it, and then greeted the shower and hit the claw.

There is an endless roar between the heavens and the earth, detonating the audience, if there is a strange door suppression, I am afraid that the power will fly some of the characters directly on the scene.

Just one hit.

Shenhuang showed the power of the nine-level true god, and the young man was still in the air.


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