Supreme Demon

Chapter 2655: Dao Dan

This is a polar battle.

The stars of the sky are born out of heaven, among which the ancestors, the demon statues, the golden grasshoppers, etc. are the most dazzling, but they are the top demon statues, the gods, and the hand-held taboo weapon.

The Tiangong, like the ancestors, came from the Xiangu Xinghai, and also got the Xiangu resources of the fake fairy temple. In the last battle, it got a faint scent of Lingfeng, which made its strength more unpredictable.

In the past few decades, the demon of the Mozu has improved its horror, and it has the strength to compete with the devil. It is only fear that it will be suppressed only when it is born.

The golden grasshopper is born with a golden mushroom cloud, holding a wheat ear, has extraordinary strength, is not weaker than any character, and can be the opponent of the Eastern Rain, and its strength can be seen.

not to mention.

People suspect that the ancestors of the floods have appeared and are attacking Tianfu.

What are the characters at the top level of Tianzun?

In this way, the anti-God is extremely difficult, and the fight is defeated. It is almost impossible to hold on, and the Eastern Rain is dying and it is difficult to participate in this extreme battle.


The oriental rhyme was flying backwards, his face was blood, and one arm had been pulled down, but he still insisted, because he only had to retreat, and the tide of the influx of people would overturn the entire Tianfu.


He wants to insist that this is not only his obsession, but also the obsession of the Eastern clan.

They don't want to be killed by the ancestors because of the retreat. Even if they are killed in the battlefield, even if they are dying, they only want the ancestors to survive and let the eastern clan go to glory.

Against the gods, they will not retreat. Tianfu is theirs. When they build Tianfu against the gods, they don’t know how much resources and efforts they have spent. Can they be destroyed in the hands of these people?

They are not afraid of life and death!

They have to stick to the end!


Where is the hope?

"You are all going to die!"

Some people in the far air sneered at the scorn of the rebellious against the gods. "When the arm is a car, it is not self-reliant!"

"Even if you die, don't think about it!"

The golden-winged Dapeng Wang coldly said. "When you burn the gods, you will all be fish!"

"Then let him wake up, I personally marry him!" The ancestors faded, and did not put Burning Heaven in their eyes.

The starry sky is quite jealous of the burning of the sky, it is the strength of it, the 18th Heavenly Respect, and he can do the same.

"The rest of the year, today should be able to clean up!"

Some people sneered, can't see the face under the black cloak, but I can be sure that this character had participated in the fierce battle at the beginning, otherwise it would not say such a thing.

"I have been looking for you to liquidate!"

The golden-winged Dapeng Wang is cold and open, and he is completely afraid of his opponent. Even if he is killed at the moment, he must not succumb to the prestige of the gods.

"Come on!"


This is a **** battle of life and death. The golden-winged Dapeng is doing its best. The golden mans are like lightning. From time to time, they rush out and hit the starry sky. They hold a sword and smash out, and the world has a touch of snow.

The ancient will suddenly awakened, and there was a creature on the sword, which was the same as the golden-winged Dapeng. The difference was that this golden-winged Dapeng was even more prominent and belonged to the king of the ancient times.

Peng Wang hit the air!


Starry Sky is not merciless, and the strength has been played out. The shoulders are armed with sharp weapons, which suppress the terrible Tianwei **** on the Shenwu continent. Because of the advent of the prosperous world, the **** Tianwei is not as strong as before, and he can exert his strength far. Not comparable at first.

A loud noise.

The golden-winged Dapeng king flew down, spewing out a blood, his face was gray, although he did his best, but in front of Tianzun, it was still too weak.

At this time.

The **** of grass, the demon tree, etc. flew out, and together with the golden-winged Dapeng King, dealt with the Tianzun.

"District creatures, but also against the sky? You are damned!"

The Tianzun was blindfolded, sneered out, and handed a knife, hollowed out, tearing open a space, playing the prosperous Tianwei, let the **** of the grass and the demon tree retreat.

Because the Tianfu triple defense was opened, the power of blessing on them was weakened, and now they are about to be returned to their original form.


The magical ancestors came forward, and the Tiangong was launched directly. The Eastern rhyme was defeated, and every step was stepping on the void and squeaking, with a fragmented sound.


The oriental rhythm vomits blood, the hands holding the artifact tremble, blood holes appear in the chest and behind, and the blood is rushing out, and his blood is becoming dry.

The whole situation is too unfavorable to the anti-God and the Eastern clan. If they are still unable to turn the tide, then the fourth defense will fall apart. At that time, no one can stop the starry sky.

It can be said.

This polar battle is even more terrifying than the Xiangu Xinghai. The demon ancestors were not opponents, but friends, and the anti-god and the eastern clan became the original role of the ancestors.

Unfortunately, they do not have the strength of the ancestors.

"Who will suppress the situation!"

The Oriental Rain wants to play, and the characters like Oriental Poetry, Oriental Yingyu and Dongfang Yun are dying. He feels that as long as they are killed, the stars will withdraw from the battlefield.

Does anyone want to die?


He did not know the intentions of the stars, the Eastern Rain was only one of the intentions, and the other two were deadly.

"Predecessors, this time is not the time to use things."

A beautiful figure appeared in front of him and said with a serious expression. "This is a battle between life and death, or we suppress the situation, or we are dying."

"Do not!"

The eastern rain fell in tears and angered. "You shouldn't save me at the beginning, I don't want to see the oriental clan dying because of me!"

"We will not die!"

"The oriental clan will not be smouldering!"

The beautiful female emperor said coldly. "We still have hope!"

“Where is it?” The Eastern Rain fell and could not help but ask.

"on the way!"


Billion star river!

Even if the floods are extraordinary, the average person can withstand so much suppression and strength, but he is afraid to disintegrate.


No leaves!

He is back!

Despite the exhaustion, despite the big mouth spurting blood, but he was wearing armor, his strength was extraordinary, and he had caught the terrible Qimen force, which appeared in Hengtianxing, and people have already been here at this moment.

"This is the last hope!"

The leaves spit out a blood, and when they couldn't wipe it off, they took out the jade box from his arms and carefully placed it in the opposite butterfly hand.

"Life and death are moving forward, and any obstacles are not hindered!"


The butterfly is born, not the butterfly on the Shenwu continent, but the Hengtianxing butterfly.

When they unfolded the beautiful and vast wings, the entire Hengtianxing seemed to be awakened. Someone was driving ahead and there was a mile in the back. They didn't need to think more and didn't need to ask.

Just because.

At this moment, it is to use the body to lay a **** way.

This is a beautiful butterfly!

This is the rose that blooms in the blood!

They are coming!

Several characters personally guarded, and there was no problem with the jade box, and the female emperor was greeted.


When the headed butterfly saw the female emperor, she couldn't speak with excitement. They always thought that she had already bowed to her death, but it was only until now that she knew that it was just a game.

She is still alive!

Then another female emperor will live!

"Do not need to say more!"

The beautiful female emperor said indifferently. "One day you will understand!"


The butterfly that is headed is respectful, she knows that these characters do not need to be killed, and all this is just to reverse the gods, for a more powerful anti-god.

They pay a lot, but the few people pay more!

For this reason, the fire of glory against God will never go out!



The oriental rain fell on the jade box in the hands of the beautiful female emperor. After a moment of contemplation, he said after a moment. "Is this what you said?"

He really has some heart.

I thought that it was the burning of the celestial world to turn the tide, but I did not expect to wait for the jade box.


"What is in the jade box?"

"do not know!"


If it is not at the moment of life and death, the Eastern Rain wants to smash the table. She is not clear about herself. Is this what she hopes?

Can't you hit your face?

"But here is our future!

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"That will open!"

"it is good!"

The beautiful female emperor unveiled the seal on the jade box. This seal is very different. Even in the anti-God, only a few talents can be uncovered. This is to prevent the jade box from changing in the middle.

The jade box slowly unveiled. What appeared in front of them was a crystal clear medicinal herb. There was no medicinal fragrance, no spirituality, just a faint space.

"An remedy?" The oriental rain was disappointing and the heart was cool.

Can this remedy turn the tide?


to be frank.

When the medicinal herbs appeared, the female emperor was first stunned and then felt normal.

"Just like this!"

She said with a smile: "Before the battle of life and death, the gods used the endless blood to spread the road and presented it to us. Do you think we are joking?"

"What do you mean?" The Eastern Rain still doesn't understand.

"The heavens and the roads are all in one, and it is not us, but you!"


The Eastern Rain fell a little lost, I really didn't think it would be such a situation, and this person is him.

"Dao Dan came out in a storm, I don't know if this Dao Dan can restore your strength, but it should not make your injury so heavy."


The rain in the east has been indulged for a moment. Some doubts, this medicinal medicine is too ordinary, and who can refine the Tao in this world? It is that in the age of nowhere, there were few people who could refine Dao Dan.

What's more, he asked the people of the heavenly level, can Dao Dan solve the problem?


He doesn't want to wait any longer, or Dao Dan has no effect, but at least there is some hope. He wants to live, and let the people of the Eastern clan live!

next moment.

He took out the healing medicinal medicine directly and threw it into his mouth. The entrance to the medicinal medicine was instant, and he felt no difference, as if it was a drop of warm water and disappeared into him.

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