Supreme Demon

Chapter 2656: Tutian's knife


The Oriental Rain Pan sits on the ground, eyes closed slightly, and carefully understands the power of the drug.

That is indeed a Dao Dan.

At the moment when the medicine spreads out, it quickly merges into the body of the oriental rain, so that its flesh and blood are moisturized, and there is a feeling of resurrection, but the influence of Dao Dan's medicine on his characters is limited.

Although the potency is surging, the rain in the east is already sighing.

The female emperor is a female emperor. The above is not enough. Is it really a Tao Dan who can let him recover?

Why aren't they used by him in the world?

That's because he himself knows how serious the injury in the body is. The usual medicine has no solution. It is not feasible to ask the heavenly level of the herb, and it is to ask the heavenly level of the herb and think about letting him recover in a short time. It takes more time. Moisturizes the damaged flesh and bones and gives birth to strength.


There was no sadness in his heart for a long time, only because the previously warm and radiant Dao Dan suddenly became violent, and a shocking Tianwei surged out in his body. The mighty power was like a tide, and lightning was integrated into him. In the flesh and blood, it is ruined.

It seems to be to break his flesh and blood.


The rain in the east feels painful. The drug of Dan Dao is like a handle with a sharp knife into his body. The potency is like a mountain, but under this strong stimulation, his damaged flesh and blood bones are actually shot and active. It is dead.


This is just Dao Dan.

The rain in the east is very clear. Even if his flesh and blood is moisturized and recovered a lot, but Dan Tian is empty, he is just an empty shell.

Just a moment of effort.

His flesh and blood will recover, and the damaged bones will recover a few points. Although it can't be compared with the original, this level still surprises the oriental rain.

However, this is not enough.

After a short period of violent violent violent temperance, Dao Dan’s medicinal powers have calmed down. Those medicinal forces seem to have disappeared. There is no movement, and the oriental rain falls off with some disappointment.

"How?" Oncoming is the beautiful woman who is looking forward to the rain.

"The flesh and blood have recovered some, but it is useless."

The oriental rain sighed, I really didn't want to hit the female emperor, but this is true.


The beautiful female emperor blinked and said, "I have checked this medicinal drug before, and I have not been touched."

"Not this problem."

The oriental rain is somewhat speechless. The female emperor is extremely beautiful, but this IQ is not good. He wants to talk about the essence of the drug.

Dao Dan is Dao Dan!

Not a respectable Dan, not even asking Tiandan.

"It's just Dao Dan!" explained the Eastern Rain.

"That's not right!"

The female emperor said brightly and said earnestly: "Every hundred million miles come, if there is no such ability, how can he spend so much effort?"

The rain in the East is silent. This is not a question he has to consider now. I don’t know what confidence this beautiful woman has in her confidence. She even believes that a Dao Dan can save him.

"Trust him, just as you believe in rebellion!"

The female emperor calmed down and said, "He said that this Dao Dan can turn the tide, then it can turn the tide!"


The oriental rain fell on his face and smiled. I really didn't want to talk to the crazy female emperor in front of him, but he opened his mouth. Dan Tian suddenly stabbed. A strong force was distorting his Dantian and hitting his body.

His face changed greatly, he didn't have time to think and talk, he sat down on the spot and tried his best to cope with the dramatic changes in Dantian.


A force spurted out of his dantian, like the Bohai Sea, like a million mountains. At the moment of its turbulence, the whole world seemed to sink, and only that power was in turmoil.

"What power is this?"

The rain in the East is incomprehensible, and the people who ask the heavenly level can't understand this power, but he really feels the power of the surging giant.


When the power was completely filled, the mighty powers flocked to all directions, and the entire Tianfu was almost taken out. The beautiful female emperor felt the horror of this power.

"Is this his strength now?"

The beautiful woman was full of joy, and in this power she felt his strength.

How unpredictable can it affect the power of the characters in the heavenly level?

"Adding a strange door!"

The Eastern Rain fell out of a few words, and his empty Dan Tian was spurred by this power, or the extraordinary power of the power, Dan Tian is rapidly swallowing the breath of the surrounding.

The breath in the heavens alone is not enough.

It is necessary to alarm the Tianzun in the starry sky. At that time, the anti-God and the Eastern clan will change because of this dramatic change. They do not know how many characters will die. Therefore, it is necessary to light up the Qimen and use the resources of the anti-God and the Eastern clan to recover.

"rest assured!"

The beautiful female emperor clap his hands, and he has already prepared to reverse the gods, and immediately moved to a strange door, with all kinds of top resources blessing, and the center is the eastern rain.


In an instant, endless power poured into the rain and body of the East, allowing its flesh and blood to fully recover, and the power showed a blowout picture, which returned to the Wu Shenjing in a short time.


The violent force pushed it to the gods, and for a moment, he stepped into the heavens.


His dantian drums, making a loud drum sound, directly stepping into Tianzun, directly to the top of Tianzun, the terrible Tianwei began to slowly dissipate, and at this level, there is endless power blessing, the Eastern rain falls completely do not need this worry .

He can ask the day!

"You all **** all the powerful forces!"

The oriental rain fell brightly and was shocked by the power of Dan Tian. It must be said that the alchemy Taoist teacher is extraordinary. Dao Dan only nourishes his flesh and blood, and the hidden power in Dao Dan is the real core.

He has to recover completely!

Finally, he shouted, the gates of the Qimen collapsed, the endless resources were smouldering, and the essence of them flew to the eastern rain. When it was integrated into his body, the eastern rain fell into the sky.

"Today, I want you to pay for the blood of the blood!" The Eastern Rain fell wildly and laughed, feeling the power of the body, sweeping the previous haze.


His body trembled, and a blood spurted out, and the original strong temper was actually damaged, and a **** mouth was opened.

"what happened?"

The face of the oriental rain suddenly changed, and he vomited blood at his most powerful moment?

"It should be a side effect of Dao Dan!"

The beautiful female emperor breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that he would not be aimless, this Dao Dan can really do it, just as the Eastern Rain said, it is just Dao Dan.

"What do you mean?" The oriental rain fell frown.

"Dao Dan can only let you recover in a short time, completely recovering is just a virtual image."


The Oriental Rain fell a little bit, and immediately read the meaning of the beautiful female emperor. How can a person who asks the heaven level recover so easily?

Although this Dao Dan is extraordinary, it can only keep it in a short-term peak state, and then he will be returned to the original shape, and his injury may be more serious than now.

After all, he has to withstand the resurgence brought about by power overdraft.


This is already the best ending.

"The next step is for you!"

"no problem!"


Before Tianfu.

The martial art is deteriorating, and the ancestors, the demon lords, and the golden grasshoppers are so extraordinary that they are being suppressed step by step and appear in front of the fourth defense.

When the endless light rain falls, the fourth defense is in jeopardy.


The Golden-winged Dapeng King and the King of the Gods are doing their best, while the Oriental Rhyme is struggling, but it still cannot change this situation.

The opponents are as strong as they are, and they are so weak.

How to save the situation.

"Tear open the defense, we attacked Tianfu!"

"Booming, I want to personally smash the rain in the East!"

"Break the defense, I want to burn the old thief!"

The stars in the sky are quite radical, and the situation is too good for them. This is a chance to defame the gods. As long as the fire is swaying, the other characters of the gods are fish.


Open the axe.


Tiangong blasted!


Shoot the sky ruler!

The entire sky was illuminated, and I didn’t know how many artifacts hit the fourth defense, and Dongfang Yun was so bombarded on the spot that it couldn’t stop it.


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In a loud bang, the fourth defense finally did not prevent it. First, a hole was opened by the axe, and then the temple and the heavenly ruler and other artifacts fell down. When the fourth defense was damaged, the burning of the gods The virtual body can not suppress the situation and is suppressed below.

"In the end, still can't you?" Dongfang Yun eyes tears, they have done their best.


The golden-winged Dapeng Wang is full of pain. This is the last bottom line against God. Has it collapsed like this?

"Is he supposed to be back?"

Some characters shine with their eyes, they know that the person is still alive, and if he can't solve the situation against the gods, then he really wants to come back.

A hundred years have passed.

How is he now?


They still did not wait until the man came back, only because of the attack of countless artifacts, the fourth defense collapsed, and the endless fragments flew out and rushed into the sky.

Buried Tianyu!

"It's still broken!" People are wet, and at this moment, they only have a deadly battle.

No way out!

The Oriental clan clenched the artifacts in their hands and looked at them. They would use their lives to defend the glory of the Eastern clan.


"Today's best!"

Against the eyes of the gods, they are completely crazy. Tianfu is a symbol of anti-God. It is inviolable. Anyone who dares to break the Tianfu must bear their anger.

Even if the opponent is too strong!

At this moment, they only want to turn the whole world out of the world and fight the world, even if it is gone!


When the smoke is exhausted, it is not the elite power of the anti-God, but an old man.

His body is very straight, and his eyes are like a knife.

He appeared with tears of temperament, he had only one knife in his hand!

Tu Tian's knife!

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